Inner Peace for Sale: The Commercialization of Yoga in the Western Wellness Industry




Wellington, Neive

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University of Oregon


Yoga is an ancient spiritual and philosophical system originating in what is now India that aims to create union within the individual self and with a higher consciousness. Now, yoga is practiced all over the world, especially among Western countries. However, the commodification of yoga in the West has distorted its true purpose, leading to a largely incomplete perception of what it is and an exclusionary perception of who it is for. The first part of this project addresses this gap by examining the messaging of yoga-related advertisements in Western media with a critical eye, and providing best practices for brands and organizations to use in order to prevent misrepresenting it. These findings are distilled and presented in a visually appealing slide deck for professionals in the advertising/wellness industry as well as the public at large to easily understand this complex subject. The second part of this project is a public service campaign that created with the goal of countering western narratives about what yoga is and who it is for. Ultimately, this project aims to raise awareness about the lesser-known components of yoga and encourage more people to participate in it by changing the way it is advertised in the media.



Yoga, Advertisng, Media, Commercialization, Wellness
