Crawford project: Timber harvest, fuel treatments, road closure activities final environmental impact statement and record of decision

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Blue Mountain Ranger District (Or.)

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FEIS proposes four alternatives to promote a change in species composition and structure, decommission and close roads, adjust old growth boundaries, capture the economic value of trees, develop wildlife habitats, reduce fire fuels, and implement the Highway 26 and 7 Viewshed Corridor Plans. Includes commercial timber harvest, prescribed burning, adjustments to dedicated old growth areas, and road closure and decommissioning activities within the project area. ROD announces implementation of Alternative 2, with modification of the project FEIS, delineating specific treatments.


602 pp. Abstract, tables, references, index, maps, appendices. T.10S., R.35E., Sections 34 – 36; T.10S., R.35 1/2 E., Sections 33 – 36; T.11S., R.35E., Sections 1 – 4, 9 – 16, 21 – 28, & 35; and T.11S., R.35 1/2 E., Sections 1 – 4, 9 – 11, 14 – 16, 21, & 28. Record of Decision date is June 5, 2008. Captured June 11, 2008.


Forest management -- Oregon -- Malheur National Forest, Forest thinning -- Oregon -- Malheur National Forest, Prescribed burning -- Oregon -- Malheur National Forest, Forest fire protection -- Oregon -- Malheur National Forest, Forest roads -- Oregon -- Malheur National Forest
