New York Mine abbreviated preliminary assessment
Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.)
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Assesses mine site consisting of numerous trenches on the mountain slope, at least five of which are collapsed to partially collapsed adits, 9000-12,000cy of wasterock and 4000cy of tailings. A Niton XLt unit found all metals detected at the site exceeded screening criteria for birds, invertebrates, and plants, but only arsenic (133.5 to 1459 mg/kg) exceeded EPA Region goals. Based on the high levels of arsenic throughout the site, the proximity of wasterock and tailings material to Granite Creek, the ease of access to the site, mine drainage, and numerous physical hazards, a High Priority has been assigned for further site assessment.
29 pp. Tables, references, appendices, map, illus.
T 8 S, R 35.5 E, NE 1/4, S 27.
Captured June 5, 2008.
Forest management -- Oregon -- Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Hazardous waste sites -- Oregon -- Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Abandoned mines -- Environmental aspects -- Oregon -- Wallowa-Whitman National Forest