North Fork Mill Creek restoration opportunities environmental assessment
Mt. Hood National Forest (Agency : U.S.)
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Proposed Action proposes to treat approximately 2,800 acres. The purpose of the
treatments is to improve forest health conditions (removing root rot pockets, removing diseased
trees) and reduce hazardous fuels (removal of surface fuels, removal of ladder fuels, and opening
of the canopy). The mechanical fuels reduction treatment methods would consist of tree thinning
from below, machine piling, hand thinning, pruning by hand, machine mastication, and manual
brush removal. Underburning (prescribed fire) would be used in combination with mechanical
treatments (954 acres) or without any additional treatments (610 acres) to restore stand health
and to restore fire to its historical role.
281 pp. Tables, maps, references, glossary, appendices, illus. T1S, R10E (Hood River County); T1S, R11E (Wasco
County). Captured March 6, 2009.
Prescribed burning -- Oregon -- Mount Hood National Forest, Forest thinning -- Oregon -- Mount Hood National Forest, Fuel reduction (Wildfire prevention) -- Oregon -- Mount Hood National Forest, Forest management -- Oregon -- Mount Hood National Forest