The 2008 Financial Crisis and the Breakdown of Democracy in Venezuela

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Laus, Jonathan
Simmer, Garret

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University of Oregon


This project highlights the economic policies adopted by the Venezuelan government during and after the 2008 financial crisis. To gain an understanding of the experience felt in Venezuela, we utilize publications from Venezuela. From newspapers published there to academic reports from an international perspective, our study will illuminate how Venezuelan democracy eroded through the breakdown of institutions following economic collapse. This project’s aims are to identify some of the root causes for the Venezuelan economic crisis and the sustained disparity experienced by the Venezuelan people. We are going to show the connection between economic and political issues and their impact on political efficacy in a democracy. Our results show: as Venezuela's economy experienced greater economic strife, the government was able to take more drastic action threatening its democracy. When considering relevant concepts such as globalization, media’s influence, and regional issues, it becomes clear that Venezuela’s backslide into authoritarianism was inextricably linked to not only the national economy but the global economy’s slide into a recession.


Project files are comprised of 1 page pdf and presentation recording in mp4 format.


Democracy, Economy, Dictatorship
