McMinnville water and light right-of-way environmental assessment, finding of no significant impact, and decision record
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Salem District
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The proposed federal action is to issue a right-of-way grant to McMinnville Water and Light Department to construct, maintain, and collect data from a stream gauging station on Walker Creek. The right-of-way grant would be for a period of 30 years. The station would be located on BLM land between the BLM-controlled AB Road and Walker Creek. This site is approximately 100 feet downstream from the BLM Walker Flat Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC). Walker Creek is also listed as an Oregon Scenic Waterway under the jurisdiction of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.
11 pp. Tables. Township 3 South, Range 6 West, Section 15. Captured July 19, 2007.
Forest roads -- Oregon -- Salem Region, Right of way -- Oregon -- Salem Region, Public lands -- Oregon -- Salem Region