Elkhorn Creek density management thinning, wildlife habitat enhancement, and fish habitat enhancement projects environmental assessment


EA proposes to conduct three different projects in the Adaptive Management Area and Riparian Reserve land use allocations. The first project is a density management thinning of approximately 1853 acres. The second project is a wildlife habitat enhancement treatment on approximately 150 acres. The third project is a fish habitat enhancement treatment on 1/2 mile of Cruiser Creek, and 1.5 miles of Elkhorn Creek.


57 pp. Tables. T1S R6W sec 25 and 34; T1S R5W sec 31; T2S R5W sec 7; T2S R6W sec 4, 5, 8, 10, 16 and 19. Captured July 19, 2007.


Fish habitat improvement -- Oregon -- Salem Region, Wildlife habitat improvement -- Oregon -- Salem Region, Logging -- Oregon -- Salem Region, Forest thinning -- Oregon -- Salem Region, Public lands -- Oregon -- Salem Region
