Tualatin Notice of Adopted Amendment (2006-07-14)

dc.contributor.authorTualatin (Or.)en_US
dc.description91 pp. Adopted 2006-07-14. Department of Land Conservation and Development Notice of Adopted Amendmenten_US
dc.description.abstractChapter 30 Tualatin Urban Renewal Plan. Section 30.010 is proposed to be amended to identify expansion of the Tualatin Public Library as a project to be partially funded bv tax increment revenue collected in the Tualatin Central Urban Renewal District. The specific sections of the Tualatin Urban Renewal Plan to be amended are A. Introduction, 2.Historv of Adoption and Amendment: B. Goals and Objectives. 1. Goals and Objectives of the Urban Renewal Plan. Land Use, Goal 4 and Objectives a and f: B. Goals and Objectives. 2. Relationship to Local Objectives, d. Recreational an d Community facilities: C Description of Project. In addition the supporting report to the Plan is proposed to be updated in Section D. Relationship Between Projects and Conditions in the Urban Renewal Area: Section E. Estimated Project Costs and Revenue Sources Table 12: Section F. Anticipated Project Start and Completion Dates Table 12 and Section G. Estimated Tax Increment Revenue Requirements and anticipated Year of Debt Retirement Table 13. The proposal essentially lists the need for and partial funding for expansion of the Tualatin Public Library. The proposal additionally significantly reduces funding for a portion of the Boones Ferry Road improvements. Loop Road. Commons Landmark and Green Lot Expansion projects in the Central Urban Renewal District, reiving on other funding sources to make up the majority of the project costs. Future funding for the Facade Improvement Program and Sculpture Garden improvements are deleted. Tualatin Development Code (TDC) 11.730 (Transportation ) is also amended modifying the Boones Ferry Road project to the Unfunded or Reouiring New Funding Sources category. The Loop Road project is also moved to the Unfunded or Requiring New Funding Sources category in Chapter 11.en_US
dc.identifierTualatin 005-06 ADOPTIONen_US
dc.rightsPublic Domainen_US
dc.sourceOregon Department of Land Conservation and Developmenten_US
dc.subjectLand Useen_US
dc.titleTualatin Notice of Adopted Amendment (2006-07-14)en_US
dc.typeAdopted Planen_US


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