Navigating the Climate Crisis - The Interconnection of Extreme Weather Events and Life Decisions

dc.contributor.authorRosa-O'Hayer, Lyric
dc.description49 pagesen_US
dc.description.abstractThe climate crisis is no secret, and extreme weather events - a clear, visual manifestation of the climate crisis - are known to bring destruction in their wake. However, it is unclear how extensive of an impact they have on people. This research aims to answer the questions; how has the presence or experience of extreme weather events influenced college student's mental health and life decisions? Does this experience have a bigger impact than their knowledge of climate change? To answer this, a series of surveys (45 responses) and in-depth interviews (11) with environmental studies college students in Oregon was conducted, asking about their knowledge of climate change, experience with extreme weather events, feelings of climate anxiety, and how these impact their life decisions. Life decisions include but are not limited to whether to have kids, where to live, what to study, and career choice. Overall respondents expressed their belief in climate change and its impact on the severity of extreme weather events, and this knowledge impacted their politics, where to live, and what to study. This also led to the finding that experiencing exti·eme weather events can impact life decisions and mental health, but there are vaiying degrees of impact depending on the severity of the event, dictated by class status and knowledge of climate change. With this knowledge, there is the opportunity to advocate for better policies and initiatives ai·ound resources for post-exti·eme weather event care, as well as increased attention to preventative methods.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Oregonen_US
dc.rightsCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USen_US
dc.rightsUO theses and dissertations are provided for research and educational purposes and may be under copyright by the author or the author’s heirs. Please contact us <> with any questions or comments. In your email, please be sure to include the URL and title of the specific items of your inquiry.
dc.subjectextreme weather eventsen_US
dc.subjectclimate crisisen_US
dc.subjectclimate anxietyen_US
dc.subjectlife decisionsen_US
dc.subjectclass statusen_US
dc.subjectarea of studyen_US
dc.subjectnorms of attentionen_US
dc.subjectnorms of conversationen_US
dc.subjectnorms of emotionen_US
dc.subjectuncertain futuresen_US
dc.titleNavigating the Climate Crisis - The Interconnection of Extreme Weather Events and Life Decisionsen_US
dc.typeThesis / Dissertationen_US


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