Remote Sensing Technologies and Techniques for Parks and Historic Asset Management in Albany, Oregon

dc.contributor.authorMajor, James
dc.contributor.authorKohler, Nick
dc.contributor.authorBehrens, Syler
dc.description.abstractThe City of Albany, Oregon has iden ed three main objec ves to assist city sta to manage, analyze, and visualize historic aerial images for the purposes of parks and recrea on, as well as manage historic assets. The University of Oregon Remote Sensing class, Geography 486/586, supported these e orts by genera ng the frameworks for these projects, mostly as descrip ons of proof of concept projects. Sample outputs from these projects, along with detailed descrip ons of how to recreate and expand upon them can help the city and its ci zens going forward as the technologies and techniques described within become more available and accessible, in both extent and cost. An example of this is LIDAR technology. LIDAR will become more common in the near future, allowing for ongoing change detec on and analysis. One of the class’s main objec ves was to look at the future possibili es and uses for remotely sensed data for park management and planning, for which LIDAR may prove to be cri cally important. Another important goal for the class was to examine the possibili es of remote sensing technology in historic asset management. Students worked on data storage and management techniques, including the crea on of databases and websites that can store and disseminate informa on as needed or desired. Another project explored the manipula on of historic aerial imagery using current technologies such as Structure from Mo on to create digital orthophotos and three-dimensional so ware to show what the City of Albany looked like from the air over eighty years ago.The class iden ed three objec ves to help Albany manage, analyze, and visualize historic aerial images for the purposes of parks and recrea on, as well as manage historic assets. These objec ves are: 1. Create a database of geospa ally registered images and maps. 2. Provide analysis and visualiza ons for park and historic asset management and planning. 3. Discuss future needs and possibili es for the use of remote sensing technologies for park and historic asset management and planning. In order to sa sfy these goals, students completed individual nal projects that explored speci c ways to assist the City of Albany with their objec ves. Student projects can be classi ed into three general categories: Uses of current remote sensing technologies, manipula on of historical imagery with current technologies, and data storage and management.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Oregonen_US
dc.rightsCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USen_US
dc.titleRemote Sensing Technologies and Techniques for Parks and Historic Asset Management in Albany, Oregonen_US


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