Rights and responsibilities: American Indian collections in cultural museums
White, Elizabeth
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The presence of American Indian materials in collections is an asset and a liability for museums, a dichotomy that is reflected in the collections management practices and interpretation within exhibitions. This project is a study on the development of institutional practices as a response to legal and ethical influences. The research primarily consists of a review of current relevant literature, personal interviews, and case studies on two institutions in the state of Oregon: The Museum of Natural and Cultural History in Eugene, and the Tamastslikt Cultural Institute and Museum in Pendleton. This paper offers a current perspective on these organizations and their unique collections and exhibitions, response to cultural resource laws, and interpretative methodologies in the larger context of the cultural museum field.
108p. Examining committee chair: Dr. Phaedra Livingstone
Museums and Indians, University of Oregon. Museum of Natural and Cultural History, Tamastslikt Cultural Institute and Museum