Creating closed-loop economies through reuse, recycling and bioproduct-based economic development: site assessment report for the Illinois Valley/Lower Rogue Region, Oregon
ISSN der Zeitschrift
Center for Watershed and Community Health, Mark O. Hatfield School of Government, Portland State University
This report assesses opportunities for stimulating closed-loop environmentally sound economic development in the Illinois River/Lower Rogue region based on the reuse and recycling of 1) solid and industrial waste materials; and 2) agricultural and forestry biomass waste streams. Prepared by The Center for Watershed and Community Health (CWCH) and Self Reliance, Inc. (SRI), this assessment focuses on the Josephine and Jackson Counties in the Illinois Valley and is referred to as the Illinois/Lower Rogue River region. This report follows two previous assessments conducted by CWCH and SRI of the potential for closed-loop economic development in Hood River, Wasco and Sherman Counties and the Southern Willamette Valley region. Initially, this report is being issued to the Illinois Valley Community Response Team which has voiced an interest in the findings. More than thirty participants from the Illinois/ Lower Rogue River area (including local government officials, community leaders, and business representatives) shared their time, experience and expertise with the research staff in the preparation of this report (see Appendix B).
59 p.