D-Bug hazard reduction timber sale project draft environmental impact statement
Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.)
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Proposes project modifying pine beetle habitat conditions in stands containing
lodgepole to reduce potential infestation by mountain pine beetles. Includes variable density commercial thinning of 3,165 acres in lodgepole pine stands
(leaving 20-70 TPA), thinning 1,145 acres of lodgepole-mixed conifer (leaving 50-200
TPA), and thinning of 2,247 acres in mixed conifer stands (leaving 50-90 TPA) and non-commercial removal of fuels on about 2,026 acres by pre-commercial thinning,
mastication, whip felling, chipping, and piling and burning of slash.
384 pp. Tables, references, glossary, summary, maps, figures, illus. The D-Bug planning area is located near the crest of Cascades Mountains in Southern
Oregon, on the Diamond Lake Ranger District of the Umpqua National Forest. The
planning area is within a high-use recreation destination, centrally located roughly 90
miles from the cities of Bend, Klamath Falls, Roseburg, and Medford Oregon. Captured March 18, 2009.
Western pine beetle -- Control -- Oregon -- Umpqua National Forest, Forest roads -- Oregon -- Umpqua National Forest, Fuel reduction (Wildfire prevention) -- Oregon -- Umpqua National Forest, Logging -- Oregon -- Umpqua National Forest, Forest thinning -- Oregon -- Umpqua National Forest, Forest management -- Oregon -- Umpqua National Forest