Forest Service procurement and timber sale contracting and the Stewardship End Results Demonstration Project: some basic definitions
Moseley, Cassandra
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Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon
This document provides some basic definitions of timber sale and procurement authorities. It includes both existing authorities and authorities permitted for Stewardship End Results Demonstration Project [commonly known as the Stewardship Contracting Pilot Program]. These definitions are drawn from interviews and written interpretation and not from laws, court cases, or the Code of Federal Regulations, etc. unless cited. The details of many of these terms are interpreted differently and continue to evolve. Readers concerned with the legal specifics of each
form should consult federal code, public laws, the Office of General Council, case law, and the Forest Service Manual. This document is divided into two major parts—the first focuses on existing authorities and the
second on how the National Stewardship Pilot Projects modifies those authorities for pilot projects. Although these authorities are defined separately, many contracting innovations have involved combining various contracting mechanisms and structures.
8 p.