An Examination of Native Language, Culture and Culturally Responsive Teaching in Schools

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LaChance, Kelly

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University of Oregon


Title: An Examination of Native Language, Culture and Culturally Responsive Teaching in Schools The teaching of Native language and culture is described in the literature as a culturally responsive teaching approach. This study uses a sequential explanatory mixed-methods research design to examine the inclusion and teaching of Native language and culture in schools. Quantitative data from a grant funded teacher survey project was used to analyze teachers’ culturally responsive teaching, teachers’ years of experience, and AI/AN student density in schools. Qualitative data from the same teacher survey was analyzed to examine teacher responses to adjusting academic content and teaching approaches to impact Native students’ learning. The Indigenous culturally responsive teaching framework, which centers on the teaching of Native language and culture as a culturally responsive teaching model of practice, was used to guide the research. Findings indicate Indigenous culturally responsive teaching is perceived differently by AI/AN teachers, teachers of color, and white teachers. Implications for practice are to support the development of a praxis for AI/AN culturally responsive teaching which includes Native language teaching, culture, and culturally responsive teaching. Keywords: Culturally Responsive Teaching, American Indian/Alaska Native Education



American Indian/Alaska Native Education, Culturally Responsive Teaching
