Features of Effective Interventions for Non-responders: A Synthesis of the Research
Lo, Yu-Ling, 1979-
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University of Oregon
The present synthesis is an extension of Wanzek and Vaughn on early reading
interventions for students who did not respond to initial intervention and are at risk for
reading difficulties and disabilities. Five studies published between 2005 and 2007 are
examined on features of the intervention. Some findings aligned with those of Wanzek
and Vaughn, such as duration of interventions did not impact outcomes and earlier
intervention starting from kindergarten had larger impact across measures. Other findings
differed from the previous findings, such as group size was not a determining factor.
Furthermore, there are other features discussed in the present research that were not
identified in the previous synthesis, such as role of implementers. Further research
suggestions and limitations are also discussed in the present synthesis.
ix, 45 p. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number.