Optical Control of Electron Spins in Diamond

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Golter, David

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University of Oregon


By choosing the right system and using the right techniques, it is possible to achieve reliable control of an individual quantum system in a solid. Certain atom-like solid-state systems are especially suited for this goal. The electron spin of the diamond nitrogen-vacancy (NV) impurity center is a leader among such systems and has featured in a great deal of recent experimental work in the context of various quantum technologies. By extending optical control for the NV center we increase the utility of this system, opening it up to fresh applications in quantum optics. Doing quantum control with a solid-state spin comes with its own challenges. In particular it can be difficult to simultaneously isolate single systems, both for control and from environment-induced decoherence, while also coupling multiple systems together in a controlled way. A goal of the work presented in this dissertation is to develop techniques for answering this problem in the NV center. Optical control, as opposed to the microwave control usually used for state manipulation in the NV center, would make it easier to address only one spin system at a time. We demonstrate such control using two methods, two-photon optically driven Rabi oscillations and stimulated Raman adiabatic passage. These both have the added advantage that by using Raman-resonant, dipole-detuned optical fields, they protect the spin state from the decoherence normally associated with the optical transitions. Furthermore, we see that this electron spin control is nuclear spin dependent, providing a mechanism for coupling these two spin systems. We also investigate a decoherence reduction technique that involves coupling continuous microwave fields to the spin states. The resulting "dressed states" are shielded from spin-bath-induced magnetic field fluctuations. We confirm this using optical coherent population trapping measurements which we have also developed in the NV center. We show that these measurements are sensitive to nuclear spin states as well as to dressed states. These results supply the missing piece, optical spin manipulation, to control schemes that are all-optical, and they demonstrate ways to significantly push back the decoherence limit. This dissertation includes previously published and unpublished co-authored material.


