Granite Creek Tributary Mines initiation of CERCLA investigation memorandum
United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region
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Documents, pursuant to the guidelines of the National Oil and Hazardous Substance Contingency Plan (NCP), the decision to initiate a CERCLA investigation in nine locations at the Granite Creek Tributary Mines site. A Site Inspection has determined that a hazardous release has occurred and a human health and ecological risk assessment has been performed and acceptable exposure exceeded. Identifies possible threats to nearby human populations, animals, food chain, soils, and drinking water.
4 pp.
Upper Central, Central, Golden Fraction, Granite Creek Mine #5, and Tillicum--T 8 S, R 35.5 E, S 23; Granite Creek Mine #7 and Cap Martin--T 8 S, R 35.5 E, S 24; Monumental T 8 S, R 36 E, S 18 and 19.
Captured June 5, 2008.
Forest management -- Oregon -- Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Hazardous waste site remediation -- Oregon -- Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Abandoned mines -- Environmental aspects -- Oregon -- Wallowa-Whitman National Forest