Dissociation : Vol. 8, No. 4, p. 205-208 : Dissociative symptoms in a population sample of Hungary

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Vanderlinden, Johan
Varga, Katalin
Peuskens, Jos
Pieters, Guido

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Ridgeview Institute and the International Society for the Study of Dissociation


The purpose of this study was to explore the presence of dissociative experiences in a population sample of Hungary (a former communist country). The Dissociation Questionnaire (DIS-Q) was administered to a sample of the population (N = 3 .1 .1), representative for sex, age, and educational level. In general, the findings corroborate the data of all previous population studies on the prevalence of dissociative experiences: these experiences are more frequently present in adolescents and young adults, and they decline with age. The results further show that an alarming high number of subjects of the Hungarian sample, namely 10.6%, reports scores above the cutoff score of 2.5 on the DIS-Q, while 2.6% of this group even reports scores as high as the scores of European and American DID patients. More research is needed to gain more insight in those transcuaural or other factors contributing to the differences in dissociative experiences between different population samples.


p. 205-208

