Psychic Numbing Through Photographs: Do We Respond More to One or Many Photos of Children in Need?
Breuner, Jupiter Joseph
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University of Oregon
This thesis took an in-depth analysis of the change in overall emotional affect after viewing images of refugee children. Using the previous research on Psychic Numbing and the effect of photographs on human emotions, we wanted to analyze to see if people experience more or less of an emotional shift when viewing 1, 4 or 10 photos of refugee children. The term Psychic Numbing refers to the overall emotional numbness one feels toward large groups of people suffering as opposed to an individual. Individuals receive much more compassion as well as donations as proven time and time again in social psychology studies. This study hopes to determine if viewing 1 photo of a single refugee child receives more extreme emotional responses than 10 photos of individual refugee children.
32 pages
Psychology, Psychic Numbing, Compassion Fade, Images, Phychology, Genocide