Stressed Skin Insulating Core Panel Demonstration House Phase III - Design Development and Construction

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Berg, Rudy
Briscoe, John
Brown, G. Z.
Elliot, Mike
Gay, Patrick
Mitchell, Bret
Pearse, Richard
Pierce, Sam
Skilton, David
Wilson, Richa

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Center for Housing Innovation, University of Oregon


The Stressed Skin Insulating Core Panel Demonstration House project seeks to show that a house built of Stressed Skin Insulated Core (SSIC) panel construction can provide equal energy performance, yet cost $2000 less than an "architecturally equivalent" conventionally framed Reference House which meets stringent Long Term Super Good Cents energy standards ( a glossary of terms and phrases is given in Section 7.0; details of the Bonneville Power Administration Super Good Cents Program are given in Appendix 8.1). This report describes the completion of the design phase, and the entirety of the construction phase, of the Stressed Skin Insulating Core Panel Demonstration House project. Design work prior to May 1993 is described in another ESBL report, SSIC Panel Demonstration House, Phase I - First Design; Phase II - Second Design. Energy and structural tests of the completed house are described in subsequent reports.


184 pages

