COVID-19, Climate Change, and Collage
ISSN der Zeitschrift
University of Oregon
Being quarantined during the COVID-19 pandemic has left people in a state of desperation to fill their time with entertainment and fulfilling activities. The purposes of our project are to teach about the connections between COVID-19 and climate change and provide a video tutorial on how to make a meaningful collage. Collaging is an accessible, environmentally friendly type of upcycling that can fill that time. The research looks at scientific and social connections between climate change and COVID-19. The collage created has a collection of themes regarding nature, the use of nature, loneliness, eco-grief, and the impacts of pollution, with the overall goal of visually symbolizing the impacts of climate change and COVID-19. It is essential for the general public to understand the social and scientific connections between the impacts of climate change and COVID-19 because climate change requires social and scientific awareness in order to be resolved. We teach how to collage and challenge our audience to collage in our Tiktok. Our project aims to create a friendly activity that can be shared with friends while also generating interest in environmental issues and the current pandemic.
Project files include 20 page pdf and presentation recording in mp4 format.
research report and DIY crafts, covid-19 and climate change, covid-19, climate change, presentation