Manifestations of Development at New Play Festivals

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Wibrew, Tara Anne

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This project is a qualitative exploration of how development is made manifest through current activities and practices at new play festivals. Through the use of a collective case study, this project aims to investigate aspects of development through three arenas within new play festivals: submission and selection policies, formalized feedback systems, and informal feedback systems encountered through new play festival participation. Sites for exploration include three leaders among new play development in the United States—the Colorado New Play Summit (Denver, CO), the Pacific Playwrights Festival (Costa Mesa, CA), and JAW (Portland, OR). The research concludes that successful new play development is evidenced in several manifestations, including: reinforcement and legitimization of playwriting as a profession; playwright-driven artistic growth; fiscal capital for new plays; growth of professional networks for new plays and playwrights; learning communities created around new play development; and stronger continuity for new plays moving from development to production.


86 p. Examining committee chair: Dr. Lori Hager


Play development, Theatre, New plays, Play festival, Playwright
