Effects of the UO Diversity-Building Scholarship on student retention, graduation, and graduation debt

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Baiza, Tomas Hulick

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University of Oregon


This dissertation examines the effects of the UO Diversity-Building Scholarship (DBS) on the student outcomes of retention, graduation, and debt load upon graduation. Student outcomes were interpreted in the context of three research questions focusing on: (a) how DBS recipients compared with other funding groups; (b) how student outcomes differed by ethnoracial group; and (c) how outcomes differed by students' level of financial need. DBS recipients were compared with Staton and Dean's scholarship recipients and unfunded students. Study predictors were funding status, ethnoracial background, and financial need. Variables controlled for in study models were gender, parents' educational background, and standardized test scores. The effects of the DBS were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential (logistic and linear regression) analyses. Regression analyses yielded mixed results with regards to differential outcomes by funding group, ethnoracial background, and financial need. After discussing results in detail, I offer several policy and research recommendations in reaction to negative or unfavorable outcomes among DBS recipients. These recommendations focus on increased data gathering for UO scholarship recipients and formal evaluations of the impact of student support efforts directed at Diversity-Building scholars in particular and scholarship recipients in general.


xi, 74 p. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number.


Scholarship, Debt, Graduation, Effects of funding, Retention, Student outcomes, Diversity-building scholarship, School administration, Higher education
