Pitcher Lane gravel pit expansion decision record
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
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Announces decision to implement project providing the Lake County Road Department with a reliable source of mineral materials for use in routine road maintenance and construction work by expanding the existing pit to the north and east by approximately 65 acres. Includes expanding pit in stages as needed over time, establishing a 50-foot set-back buffer from Lake County Road 5-13, and improving the existing road to the south and east of the material site.
2 pp.
The project is located on the west toe slope of the Connley Hills formation in
T26S, R14E, Sections 33 and 34 SW approximately 5 miles south of the town of Fort Rock, Oregon along
County Road 5-13 (see Maps 1and 2).
Captured January 25, 2008.
Public lands -- Oregon -- Lakeview Region -- Management, Quarries and quarrying -- Environmental aspects -- Oregon -- Lakeview Region, Forest roads -- Oregon -- Lake County -- Maintenance and repair