Downtown Eugene Business Development Patterns

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Gamble, Alyssa

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Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management, University of Oregon


Downtown Eugene has experienced significant development changes over the past decade and there is a concern that businesses are selecting locations outside of the downtown space due to challenges or community challenges. This study seeks to address three questions: 1. Where are businesses developing relative to the downtown core? 2. What factors contribute to business owners choosing periphery locations for their business? 3. How can the City of Eugene attract new businesses to the downtown? This study uses GIS, interviews, and case studies to better understand the development patterns of downtown, the experiences of local business owners operating in this space, and strategies from other communities to support continued downtown growth and development. Outcomes from this research answer the overarching question of whether development is occurring in the periphery instead of the core. The research also presents recommendations to the city of Eugene to support downtown business development into the future using models from other communities and context from the business owner’s experience.


120 pages


Downtown, Business development, Density
