Edge Condition
Nachtigall, Stephen
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Lush green vegetation, cascading waterfalls and waving golden wheat 5ields; UV
printed on vinyl adhesive, stuck to an electrical utility box, vending machine or
underground subway advertisement. These cultural moments of decoration and distraction
through images of plants and nature mimic a place you feel you might have seen or been to
before, but they also advocate a removed conception of nature and our place within it. The
context of my work 5inds root in the potential of such images to frame a condition of
experience that can address how we approach ecological predicaments in the present and
future. My terminal project, Edge Condition, utilizes mesh textile screens woven with
strands of grass, 5lat-screens displaying 3D generated plant forms that seem to sway and
move of their own accord, and a structure of steel framing studs that composes all of these
elements into a physically immersive installation. Edge Condition manifests a physical space
which presents the possibility to re5lect on how we think about "natureā and technology
together, and perhaps how a future horizon might envision such a convergence.
16 pages