UNIVERSITY OF OREGON REGULAR SESSION EUGENE, OREGON CKIVERSITY NFMBER 140 OF OREGON Bl.ILLETli\ :MARCH 1967 Second-class postage pain :tl Eltg~ne. Oregon. [s5ued eight time~ a year. Publi:shed lJy the ()"~Oll Stale Board of Higher Education, at the "Cllivcrsir)· of O,egoll, Eugone, Oro/,:oll 97403. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON REGULAR SESSION 1967-68 CATALOG EUGENE, OREGON , j Table of Contents GENERAL INFORMATION . History of the University Income __ .__ . Campuses __ . . Lihraries . Museum and Collectinos Official Publications STUDENT LIFE AND WELFARE ., .... Office of Student Affairs .. New Student ''{eek Student Living. Student Health Service... Financial Aid__ Prizes and Awards._ Erb Memorial Student l.'nion .. . ACADEMIC REGULATIONS . . Admission . Entrance Examinations . Degrees Group Requirement Honors Academic Procedure __ Fees and Deposits .. Page 5 5 6 7 8 10 10 II 65 65 66 66 67 70 72 74 74 76 77 79 81 82 85 89 89 90 91 95 96 109 114 115 115 116 119 124 125 126 Fello\vshilJs.. OREGON STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION . State System of Higher Education . State Board of Higher Education . Officers of Administration ACADEMIC CAIiENDAR, 1967-68 . UNIVERSITY STAFF . Officers _of Administration University Faculty ..... __ GRADUATE SCHOOL . Advanced Degrees .. General Hegulatiolls.. Degree Requirements... Assistantships, Scholarships, Graduate Work in Portland .. Research Institutes.... HONORS COLLEGE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Interdepartmental Course's..-. Anthropology.. _Asian Studies.... Biology . O1emistry... . , _ . Comparative Literature Dentistry, Preparatory Economics....._..... English. General Arts and Letters .. General Science . General Social Science . Geography Geology . Hi-story _._ , _._ .. Home Economics. _. _.. _._ _._ _ . Industrial and Labor Relations _._ _._ . Latin American Studies _ _ _.. ._ _ . Linguistics. Mathematics . Medical Technology ._ _ . l\'Iedicine, Preparatory.. ..._ _ . Modern and Classical Languages. Nursing, Preljaratory _ . 132 136 137 139 . 144 145 151 .... 157 157 158 162 . 170 171 171 171 175 179 . 184 186 186 187 187 194 194 195 210 [ 3 ] COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS (continued) Pharmacy, Preparatory . Philosophy _ Physics._ Political Science .. . .... .__ . .... ... Psychology __ Religious Studies... Sociology". Speech Bureau of 1\'1l1nicipal Research and Service Page 211 211 214 ________________________________________________ 218 _ 223 230 231 239 247 SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND ALLIED ARTS Architecture Landscape Architecture__ ._. .... __ Urban Planning_ .. Fin:e aiHl Ap11lied Arts __ Art Hist.ory __ Art Education __ Institttte :£or Community -Art Studies. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIOK __ Accounting and Business Statistics FinatiCC and -Busilless Environment.. Marketing, Insurance, and Transportation __ Personnel and Industrial .iVfanagem.ent Business Education and Secretarial Science.... DENTAL SCHOOL __ SCHOOL OF EDUCATION _ TeaclJer Ed ucatioll _ School Psychological Services .__ Educational Administt-ation, CllrrlCllltull. and Sll\1Cn,islon __ . SCHOOL OF HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATIOK, Ai'(1J RECREATIOi'( _ Physical Education_. Dance Health Edtication .. Recreation Management and Park Management __ .. SCHOOL OF ]OUHNALISM __ SCHOOL OF LAW _ SCHOOL OF LIBRARIANSHIP MEDICAL SCHOOL __ SCHOOL OF MUSIC_ l\Iusic _. __ _._ __ _. l\Iusic Education _._._. __ _._._ _._ _.. _.. _.._.. _. __ 249 251 257 259 260 265 267 269 270 274 278 282 288 291 305 306 308 315 321 326 329 336 ___________________ 338 ________ 341 345 352· 359 363 364 368 374 SCHOOL OF NURSING _ _ 376 DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY SCIENCE AND AEROSPACE STUDIES 377 Military Science_ 378 Aerospace Studies.. ._ _._._ _._.. 379 ENROLLMENT AND DEGREES, 1965-66 _ 381 INDEX 383 [4] Oregon State System of Higher Education The Oregon State System of Higher Education was organized in 1932 by the State Board of Higher Education following a survey ·of higher education in Oregon by the U. S. Office of Education. Member in- stitutions are elements of an articulated system, parts of an integrated whole. The educational program is so organized as to distribute as widely as possible throughout the state the opportunities for general education and to center on a particular campus specialized, technical, and professional curricula closely related to one another. The institutions of the State System of Higher Education are the University of Oregon at Eugene, Oregon State University at Corvallis, Portlar!d State College at Portland, Oregon College of Education at Monmouth, Southern Oregon College at Ashland, Eastern Oregon Col- lege at La Grande, and Oregon Technical Institute at Klamath Falls. The Ur!iversity of Oregon Medical School and the University of Ore- gon Dental School are located in Portland. The Division of Continuing Education, representing all the institutions, has offices in Ashland, Cor- vallis, Eugene, La Grande, Monmouth, Portland, and Salem. At Oregon College of Education, Southern 'Oregon College, and Eastern Oregon College, students may complete major work in teacher education or general studies or enroll in a preprofessional program. Southern Oregon College offers a major program in business. Portland State College offers major work in general studies and se- lected liberal arts and professional fields as well as certain preprofes- sional programs. At the University of Oregon and Oregon State University, major curricula, both liberal and professional, are grouped on either campus in accordance with the distinctive functions of the respective institu- tions in the unified State System of Higher Education. Oregon Technical Institute offers technological curricula leading to associate degrees in technical and semiprofessional areas. An interinstitutional booklet, Your Education, which outlines the curricula of the several instituitons and contains other information, is available. For a copy, write to Division of Publications, P.O. Box 5175, Eugene, Oregon 97403. [5] State Board of Higher Education Term Expires CHARLES R. HOLLOWAY, JR., Portland 1967 ELIZABETH H. JOHNSON, Redmond 1968 ]. W. FORRESTER, JR., Pendleton .1969 JOHN W. SNIDER, Medford , 1969 PHILIP A. JOSS, Portland 1970 GEORGE LAYMAN, Newberg 1970 RALPH E. PURVINE, Salem 1971 RAY T. YASUI, Hood River ...............................•................1971 ANCIL H. PAYNE, Portland , .1972 Officers CHARLES R. HOLLOWAY, J R President J. W. FORRESTER, JR : Vice-President RALPH E. PURVINE Member, Executive Committee Roy E. LIEUALLEN, Chancellor RICHARD L. C{)LLINS, Secretary of Board Office of State Board of Higher Education Post Office Box 5175 Eugene, Oregon 97403 Board members are appointed to six-year terms by the Governor of Oregon with confirmation by the State Senate. [6] Oregon State System of Higher Education Officers Roy E. LIEUALLEN, Ed.D., L.H.D., Chancellor ARTHUR S. FLEMMING, LL.D. JAMES H. JENSEN, Ph.D. President, University of Oregon President, Oregon State University DAVID W. E. BAIRD, M.D., LL.D. ELMO N. STEVENSON, Ed.D. Dean, Medical School President, Southern Oregon College HAROLD]. NOYES, D.D.S., M.D. AVERNO M. REMPL, Ph.D. Dean, Dental School President, Eastern Oregon College BRANFORD P. MILLAR, Ph.D. LEONARD W. RICE, Ph.D. President, Portland State College President, Oregon College of Education WINSTON D. PURVINE, A.B., LL.D. DirectorJ Oregon Technical Institute RICHARD L. COLLINS, M.A., C.P.A.. . Secretary of the Board; Budget Director HERBERT A. BORK, M.S., C.P.A.. Vice-Chancellor for Business Affairs MILES C. ROMNEY, Ph.D.. Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs JAMES W. SHERBURNE, Ph.D. Vice-Chancellor for Continuing Education DONALD R. LARSON, B.A. Assistant Chancellor; Director of Public Services CARL W. HINTZ, Ph.D Director of Libraries JACK V. EDLING Director of Teaching Research Former Chancellors Oregon State System of Higher Education WILLIAM J. KERR, D.Sc., LL.D.. 1932-1935 FREDERICK M. HUNTER, Ed.D., LL.D.. 1935-1946 PAUL C. PACKER, Ph.D., LL.D .. 1946-1950 CHARLES D. BYRNE, Ed.D.. 1950-1955 JOHN R. RICHARDS, Ph.D. .. . 1955-1961 [7 ] University of Oregon September 1967 S MTWT F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 October 1967 SMTWTFS 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 November 1!}67 S MT WT F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 December 1967 S M T WT F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January 1968 SMTWTFS 1 234 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 February 1968 S MTWT F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l.3 14. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 Fall Term, 1967-68 August 31, Thursda.y Last day to apply for fall-term admission without penalty September 17-23, Sunda.y to Saturday New Student and Registration Week September 25, M onda.y C1asses begin September 29, Fr·iday Last day for payment of fees without penalty October 6, FridaJI Last day for registration or for addition of courses October 13, Friday Last day for withdrawal from courses November 23-26, Thursday to Sunday....Thanks- giving vacation December 8, Friday Fall-tenn graduation convocation December 11-15, Monday to Friday Fall- term examinations- Winter Term. 1967-68 January 2, Tuesda.y " Registration January 3, vVednesda.y Classes begin January 5, FridaJ' Last day for payment of fees without penalty January 12, Friday , Last day for registration or for addition of courses January 19, Friday Last day for withdrawal from courses March 8, Frida.\' Winter-term graduation convocation March 11-15, Monday to Friday Winter- term examinations [8] Academic Calendar May 30, Thursday Memorial DaY,holiday June 3.7, Monda\' to Friday Spring. term examinations March 26, Tuesday Classes begin March 29, Frida.v " La~t day for payment of fees without penalty April 5, Friday Last day for reg-istration or for addition of courses April 12, Friday Last day for withdrawal from courses .........................Alumni Day .........Commencement 'Day March 1968 S M TWT F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2728·29 30 31 Apri11968 S MTWT F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 May 1968 S MTWT F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Spring Term, 1967-68 March 25, Monday .. June 8, Sntl/rda.l' . June 9, Sundaj' . Summer Sessions, 1968 June 17, Monda.v. . Registration . Registration August 10, Saturday ]>nne 1968 S M TWT F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 July 1968 SMTWTFS 1 234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 June 18, Tuesday. . Classes begin June 21, Friday Last day for payment of summer·term fees without penalty June 28, Friday Last day for summer·term reg-istratiol1 or addition of courses July 4, Thursday.. ...Independence Day, holiday Aug-ust 9, Friday.. .....Eight·week session ends ..............Summer-term g-raduation convocation Aug-ust 30, Frida.v.....". ..Eleven-week session ends Fall Term, 1968-69 Aug-ust 30, Frida.1'......... ......Last day to apply for fall-term admission without penalty September 22·28, SUJlda11 to Saturday New Student and Reg-istration Week August 1968 SMTWTFS 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 September 30, 111unday . [9 ] ". Classes begin University· of Oregon Officers of Administration ARTHUR S. FLEMMING, LL.D _ President WILLIAM C. JONES, Ph.D Dearr of Administration HARRY ALPERT, Ph.D , _.. Dean of Faculties CHARLES T. DUNCAN, M.A _._ Associate Dean of Faculties J AROLD A. KIEFFER, Ph.D _ Assistant to the President DAVID W. E. BAIRD, M.D., LL.D _ Dean, Medical School JEAN E. BOYLE, M.S., R.N Director, School of Nursing HERMAN COHEN, Ph.D._ _ _ _ Director, Honors College WALTER L. CREESE, Ph.D _ Dean;. School of Architecture and Allied Arts ARTHUR A. ESSLINGER; Ph.D _ Dean, School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation ORLANDO J. HOLLIS, B.S., J.D ---- ---.---.----.-----.--,-.-- Dean, School of Law JOHN L. HULTENG, M.S _ _ _ Dean, School of Journalism PATJL B._JACOBSON, Ph.D. Dean, School of Education; Director, Summer Sessions CHARLES E. JOHNSON, Ph.D. .. _.. __ .. . .Dean, College of Liberal Arts RICHARD VV'. LINDHOLM, Ph.D..._ _ __ Dean, School of Business Administration *HAROLD J. NOYES, D.D.S., M.D._ __ _..__ .__ ._ .. . .. .__ . Dean, Dental School tLoUIs G. TERKLA, D.M.D.. __ .__ _ __ __ .._ _._ .._ _.._ _._.Dean, Dental School LEONA E. TYLER, Ph.D. .. _. . _.._._ _ __ ._._ _ _ _..Dean, Graduate School ROBERT M. TROTTER, Ph.D.... » ._•••••••••• __ ••• _ •••••• Dean, School of Music VERNON L. BARKHURST, M.A. __ .._ .. _._ ....Director of Admissions H. PHILIP BARNHART, B.S _._ __ _.. Director of Dormitories GEORGE N. BELKNAP, M.A _.._ University Editor ROBERT L. BOWLIN, D.Ed _ _. .Associate Dean-of Students (Dean of Men) J.SPENCER CARLSON, M.A._ __.._._ Director of Counseling Center CLIFFORD L. CONSTANCE, M.A. . Registrar JOHN A. CJwss, M.S............ . . Acting Director of Erb Memorial Union EUGENE W. DILS, Ed.D. .... ... _. __ ._.Director of Placement Service DONALD M. DUSHANE, M.A. . Dean of Students ALFRED L. ELLINGSON, B.s... ._ Director of Development LEO A. HARlUS, .M.A _..__ . . . _._.... . Athletic Director CARL W. HINTZ, Ph.D. _.._ Librarian J. OHVILLE LINDSTROM, B.S._.. . Director of Fiscal Affairs WALTER N. McLAUGHLIN, B.S., C.P.A... . _ Business Manager HERBERT L. PENNY, B.S._._............. ...Director of Informational Services JULIAN S. REINSCHMIDT, M.D _ _ Director of Health Service JAMES M. S II EA, M.S.... . Director of University Relations GOLDA P. WICKHAM, B.S.. ..Associate Dean of Students (Dean of Women) CARRYL WINES.. . Superintendent of University Press IRWIN 1. \\'RIGHT, B.S. . Director of Physical Plant • Retirement effective June 30, 1967. t Appointment effective July 1,1967. [ 10 J University Faculty* MAX G. ABBOTT, Ph.D., Professor of Education; Deputy Director, Center for Advanc"!d Study of Educational Administration. B.S. (1949), M.S. (1951), Utah State; Ph.D. (1960), Chicago. At Oregon since 1966. HAROLD ABEL, Ph.D., Professor of Education: Director of Division of School Psychological Services. B.A. (1949), M.A. (1951), Ph.D. (1958), Syracuse. At Oregon since 1965. DAVID F. ABERLE, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology. B.A. (1940), Harvard; Ph.D. (1950), Columbia. At Oregon since 1963. ELEANOR K. G. ABERLE, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anthropology. B.A. (1946), Ph.D. (1950), Cambridge. At Oregon since 1966. JOAN R. ACKER, M.A., Instructor in Sociology. B.A. (1946), Hunter; M.A. (1948), Chicago. At Oregon since 1964. MARTIN H. ACKER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education. B.A. (1943), Brooklyn; M.A. (1953), Ph.D. (1963), New York University. At Oregon since 1961. JOSEPH J. ADAMS, B.B.A., Assistant Dean, Medical School (Professor). B.B.A. (1949), Gonzaga. At Oregon since 1951. JOEL W. ADKINS, M.A., Assistant Professor of Psychology. A.B. (1959), M.A. (1960), San Jose State. At Oregop since 1966. JACK D. ADLER, M.S., Instructor in Physical Education. B.A. (1951), M.S. (1960), Washington. At Oregon since 1966. ROBERT E. AGGER, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science. B.A. (1948), Williams; LL.B. (1951), Yale; Ph.D. (1954), Oregon. At Oregon since 1958. FLORENCE D. ALDEN, M.A., Professor Emeritus of Physical Education. A.B. (1904), Smith; M.A. (1928), Columbia. At Oregon since 1921. GUSTAVE ALEF, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History. B.A. (1949), M.A. (1950), Rutgers; M.A. (1952), Ph.D. (1956), Princeton. At Oregon since 1956. DOROTHY L. ALEXANDER, M.Libr., Science Librarian, with the Rank of Instructor. B.S. (1962), Tougaloo; M.Libr. (1965), Washington. At Oregon since 1965. HENRY A. ALEXANDER, JR., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Philosophy; Head of Department. B.A. (1947), Princeton; M.l\. (1951), Ph.D. (1955), California. At Oregon since 1964. tROBERT L. ALLEN, Ph.D., Professor of Economics. B.A. (1947), Redlands; M.A. (1950), Ph.D. (1953), Harvard. At Oregon since 1959. JOSEPH M. ALLMAN, B.A., Acting Assistant Professor of Political Science. B.A. (1960), Antioch. At Oregon siuce 1966. HARRY ALPERT, Ph.D., Dean of Faculties; Professor of Sociology. A.B. (1932), College of City of New York; Cert. de soc. (1933), Bordeaux; A.M. (1935), Ph.D. (1938), Columbia. At Oregon since 1958. BOWER ALY, Ph.D., Professor of Speech. B.S. (1925), Southeast Missouri State; M.l\. ·(1926), Missouri; Ph.D. (1941), Columbia. At Oregon since 1957. * The principal administrative officials and the heads of departments and divisions of the University of Oregon Medical School, the University of Oregon Dental School, and the Univer- sity of Oregon School of Nursing in Portland are included in this list; for complete lists of the faculties of these schools, see the school catalogs. tOn sabbatical leave 1966-67. [ 11 ] 12 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON LUCILE F. ALY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English. B.S. (1935), Ph.D. (1959), Missouri; M.A. (1942), Columbia. At Oregon sincc 1960. ARTHUR K. AMOS, B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1964), St. Martin's. At Oregon since 1966. BARRY F. ANDERSON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology. B.A. (1957), Stanford; Ph.D. (1963), Johns Hopkins. At Oregon since 1963. FRANK W. ANDERSON, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics. B.A. (1951), M.S. (1952), Ph.D. (1954), Iowa. At Oregon since 1957. *LESLIE P. ANDERSON, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Finance. B.S. (1951), M.S. (1954), Ph.D. (1960), Wisconsin. At Oregon sincc 1964. THEODORE R. ANDERSON, Ph.D:, Visiting Professor of Sociology. B.A. (1957), Stanford. At Oregon since 1966. FRED C. ANDREWS, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics; Director, Statistical Labo- ratory and Computing Center. B.S. (1946), M.S. (1948), Washington; Ph.D. (1953), California. At Oregon since 1957. GEORGE F. ANDREWS, B.S., N.C.A.R.B., Professor of Architecture. B.S. (1941), Michigan; N.C.A.R.B. (1954). At Oregon since 1948. ROMAN R. ANDRUS, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marketing. B.S. (1958), Brigham Young; M.S. (1959), Ph.D. (1965), Columbia. At Oregon since 1966. J. MICHAEL ARMER, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology. B.A. (1959), Whittier; M.S., Ph.D. (1964), Wisconsin. At Oregon sincc 1965. FRANK H. ARNOLD, M.S., Instructor in Physical Education. B.S. (~956), Idaho State; M.S. (1960), Brigham Young. At Oregon since 1966. ROBERT M. ATKINSON, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1960), Linfield; M.A. (1964), Orcgon. At Oregon since 1965. FRED ATTNEAVE III, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology. B.A. (1942), Mississippi; Ph.D. (1950), Stanford. At Oregon since 1958. GEORGE M. AUSTIN, M.D., Professor of Neurosurgery, Medical School; Head of Division. A.B. (1938), Lafayettc; M.D. (1942), Pennsylvania. At Oregon since 1957. CURTIS E. AVERY, M.A., Professor of Education. B.A. (1925), Pomona; M.A. (1928), Yale. At Oregon since 1946. DANIEL M. BACHMAN, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Medical School; Head of Division of Rheumatology. B.A. (1949), Reed; M.S. (1953), M.D. (1952), Oregon. At Oregon since 1956. DAVID A. BAERNCOPF, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Business Statistics. A.B. (1942), Indiana; M.A. (1956), Ph.D. (1961), Stanford. At Oregon since 1958. ARTHUR S. BAILEY, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Chemistry. Ph.D. (1958), Oxford. At Oregon since 1966. EXINE A. BAILEY, M.A., Professor of Music (Voice). B.S. (1944), Minnesota; M.A. (1945), Diploma (1951), Columbia. At Oregon since 1951. J. EDWIN BAILEY, B.A., Assistant University Editor Emeritus (Instructor). B.A. (1923), Montana. At Oregon since 1938. DAVID W. E. BAIRD, M.D., LL.D., Dean of the Medical School; Professor of Medicine. M.D. (1926), Oregon; LL.D. (1946), Portland. At Oregon since 1927. ANDREW S. BA]ER, D.Sc., Associate Professor of Biology. M.A. (1949), D.Sc. (1950), Cracow. At Oregon since 1964. * On leave of absence 1966·67. FACULTY 13 LOIS 1. BAKER, M.A., Law Librarian (Associate Professor). B.A. (1927), M.A. (1932), Oregon; Cert. (1935), California. At Oregon since 1935. ELLEN N. BALDINGER, M.A., Visiting Lecturer in Art History. A.B. (1932), Oberlin; M.A. (1933), Bryn Mawr. At Oregon since 1962. WALLACE S. BALDINGER, Ph.D., Professor of Art; Director, Museum of Art. B.A. (1928), M.A. (1932), Oberlin; Ph.D. (1938), Chicago. At Oregon since 1944. EWART M. BALDWIN, Ph.D., Professor of Geology. B.s. (1938), M.S. (1939), Washington State; Ph.D. (1943), Cornell. At Oregon since 1947. MARGARET M. BALDWIN, M.S., Instructor in Home Economics. B.S. (1938), Oregon State; M.S. (1942), Cornell. At Oregon since 1966. ROLAND C. BALL, JR., Ph.D., Associate Professor of English. B.A. (1939), Swarthmore; M.A. (1941), Cornell; Ph.D. (1953), California. At Oregon since 1952. THOMAS O. BALLINGER, M.A., Professor of Art; Head, Department of Art Education. B.A. (1949), M.A. (1951), New Mexico. At Oregon since 1952. BURT BROWN BARKER, LL.D., Vice-President Emeritus. A.B. (1897), Chicago; LL.B. (1901), Harvard; LL.D.. (1935), Linfield. At Oregon since 1928. VERNON-I.. BARKHURST, M.A., Director of Admissions, Assistant Dean of Stu- dents, Director of Alumni Activities, with the Rank of Professor. B.A. (1949), M.A. (1950), Oregon. At Oregon since 1959. BRUCE A. BARNES, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. B.A. (1960), Dartmouth; Ph.D. (1964), Cornell. At Oregon since 1966. EUGENE B. BARNES, Ph.D., Head Acquisitions Librarian (Professor). B.A. (1941), M.A. (1943), Minnesota; Ph.D. (1947), Chicago. At Oregon since 1947. HOMER G. BARNETT, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology. A.B. (1927), Stanford; Ph.D. (1938), California. At Oregon since 1939. RALPH J. BARNHARD, M.S., Senior Instructor in Chemistry. B.S. (1959), Otterbein; M.S. (1965), Oregon. At Oregon since !966. H. PHILIP BARNHART, B.S., Director of University Housing, with the Rank of Professor. B.S. (1947), Pennsylvania State. At Oregon since 1949. ELINORE M. BARRETT, M.A., Instructor in Geography. B.A. (1952), M.A. (1961), California. At Oregon since 1966. ROLAND BARTEL, Ph.D., Professor of English. B.A. (1947), Bethel; Ph.D. (1951), Indiana. At Oregon since 1951. WENDELL M. BASYE, A.B., LL.B., Professor of Law. A.B. (1941), Nebraska; LL.B. (1947), Virginia. At Oregon since 1957. BARBARA D. BATEMAN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education. B.S. (1954), Washington; M.A. (1958), San Francisco State; Ph.D. (1962), Illinois. At Oregon since 1966. EUGENIO BATISTA, M.F.A., Lecturer in Architecture. Dip. (1924), Havana; M.F.A. (1930), Princeton. At Oregon since 1962. GEORGE E. BATTERSON, M.A., Educational Adviser and ·Professor of General Edu- cation, Dental School; Head of Department. B.A. (1936), M.A. (1936), Oregon. At Oregon since 1946. EUGENE W. BAUER, B.S., Business Manager, Dental School; Assistant to the Dean (Associate Professor). B.S. (1956), Lewis and Clark. At Oregon since 1947. WINFIELD S. BAUMAN, D.B.A., Associate Professor of Finance. B.B.A. (1953), M.B.A. (1954), Michigan; D.B.A. (1961), Indiana. At Oregon sinee 1966. 14 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON KARL L. BEACH, B.S., Assistant Professor of Military Science. B.S. (1963), United States Military Academy. At Oregon since 1966. EDWIN F. BEAL, Ph.D., Professor of Management. B.A. (1931), Ohio Wesleyan; M.S. (1951), Ph.D. (1953), Cornell. At Oregon since 1959. PHILIP E. BEAL, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of Students, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. A.B. (1957), Cornell College; M.A. (1961), Northwestern; Ph.D. (1965), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963._ CHANDLER B. BEALL, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages; Director of Com- parative Literature Program. Dip. (1921), Sorbonne; A.B. (1922), Ph.D. (1930), Johns Hopkins. At Oregon since 1929. HERBERT K. BEALS, B.A., Associate Planner, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.A. (1958), Portland State. At Oregon since 1965. JACOB BECK, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology. B.A. (1950), Yeshiva; M.A. (1951), Ph.D. (1958), Cornell. At Oregon since 1966. LAWRENCE J. BECK, M.F.A., Visiting Instructor in Art. B.A. (1964), M.F.A. (1965), University of Washington. At Oregon since 1966. PRISCILLA E. BECK, M.A., Instructor in Spanish. B.A. (1961), Mount Holyoke. At Oregon since 1966. CAROL B. BEDWELL, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Germanic Languages. B.A. (1952), Wellesley; M.A. (1954), Ph.D. (1962), Indiana. At Oregon since 1962. GLENN T. BEELMAN, M.A., Senior Instructor in Mathematics. B.S. (1938), South Dakota State; A.M. (1962), George Washington. At Oregon since 1966. RUDOLPH S. BEHAR, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1960), Connecticut; M.A. (1961), Hunter. At Oregon since 1961. PAUL R. BEISTEL, M.A., Visiting Lecturer in Recreation Management. B.A. (1938), M.A. (1962), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. GEORGE N. BELKNAP, M.A., University Editor, with the Rank of Associate Pro- fessor. B.A. (1926), M.A. (1934), Oregon. At Oregon since 1934. STEPHEN BELKO, M.S., Associate Professor of Physical Education; Head Basket- ball Coach. B.S. (1939), M.S. (1947), Idaho. At Oregon since 1956. JAMES R. BELL, M.R.P., Associate Director, Urban Planning Program, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Professor. B.S. (1956), M.R.P. (1957), Cornell. At Oregon 1957·60 and since 1963. LOUIS A. BELLISIMO, Senior Instructor in Physical Education. At Oregon since 1965. ERWIN T. BENDER, D.D.S., Professor of Dentistry, Dental School; Superintendent of Dental Clinics. D.D.S. (1924), Towa. At Oregon since 1943. PHILIP]. BENDT, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Physics. B.S. (1942), Massachusetts Tnstitllte Gf TechnolGgy; M.A. (1946), Ph.D. (1951), Colum- bia. At Oregon since 1966. GILBERT T. BENSON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Geology. B.S. (1952), M.S. (1953), StanfGrd; Ph.D. (1963), Yale. At Oregon since 1962. JOHN A. BENSON, JR., M.D., Professor of Medicine, Medical School; Head of Di- vision of Gastroenterology. B.A. (1943), 'Wesleyan; M.D. (1946), Harvard. At OregGn since 1959. FACULTY 15 RALPH C. BENSON, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical School; Chairman of Department. B.A. (1932), Lehigh; M.D. (1936), Johns Hopkins. At Oregon since 1956. E. PETER BERGQUIST, JR., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Music (Bassoon, History, Theory). B.S. (1958), Mannes College of Music; M.A. (1960), Ph.D. (1964), Columbia. At Oregon since 1964. ISAAC B. BERKSON, Ph.D., Visiting- Professor of Education. B.A. (1912), College of City of New York; M.A:. (1914), Ph.D. (1919), Columbia. At Oregon since 1966. SIDNEY A. BERNHARD, Ph])., Associate Professor of Chemistry; Research Asso- ciate, Institute of Molecular Biolog-y. B.S. (1948), Brooklyn; M.S. (1949), Pennsylvania; Ph.D. (1951), Columbia. At Oregon since 1961. JOEL V. BERREMAN, Ph.D., Professor of Sociolog-y. B.A. (1927), Willamette; M.A. (1933), Orgeon; Ph.D. (1940), Stanford. At Oregon since 1946. NANCY T. BERRY, B.A.,.Head Resident, Dormitories, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1962), Kalamazoo. At Oregon since 1964·. MELVIN B. BERRYHILL, M.D., Assistant Professor of Education. B.A., M.D. (1943), Iowa. At Oregon 1960-62, 1963-64, and since 1965. ROBER'I: J. BERTHOLF, M.A., Instructor in Eng-lish. B.A. (1962), Bowdoin; M.A. (1963), Orcgon. At Oregon since 1964. GERALD O. BIERWAG, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economics. B.A. (1958), Idaho; Ph.D. (1962) ,. Northwestern. At Oregon since1962. EDWIN R. BINGHAM, Ph:D., Professor of History. B.A. (1941), M.A. (1942), Occidental; Ph.D. (l951h California at Los Angeles. At Ore· gon since 1949. RAND! M. BIRN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Romance Lang-uages.- Ca~ld. Philo!' (1960); Oslo; Ph.D. (1965), Illinois. At Oregon since 1965. RAYMOND F. BIRN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History. A.B. (1956), New York University; M.A. (1957), Ph.D. (1961), Illinois. At Oregon since. 1961. HERBERT BISNO, M.S.W., R.S.W., Professor of Sociolog-y and Social Welfare. B.A. (1946), Wisconsin; M.S.W. (1951), California; R.S.W. (1950, State of California. At Oregon since 1952. ,FRANCIS W. BITTNER, M.A., Associate Professor of Music (Piano, Music Theory). B.Mns. (1936), Cincinnati Conservatory of Music; M.A. (1943), New York University. At Oregon since 1946. FRANK G. BLACK, Professor of English. A.B. (1921), Dickinson; A.M. (1923), Ph.D. (1936), Harvard. At Or-egon since 1936. *CHARLENE M. BLACKBURN, B.A., Assistant Dean of Women (Instructor) B.A. (l956),Washlmrn. At Oregon since 1960. MARGARET D. BLAGO, B.A., Associate Reg-istrar, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.A. (1951), Linfield. At Oregon since 1960. JOY A. BLANKSIJ,Y, Head Resident, Dormitories, with the Rank of Instructor. At Oregon since 1966. RUSSELL M. BLEMKER, M.D., Associate University Physician, with the Rank of Professor. B.A. (1926), De Pauw; M.D. (1930), Washington University. At Oregon since 1954. ALFRED BLOOM, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Relig-ious Studies. A.B. (1951), Eastern Baptist Seminary; B.D. (1953), S.T.M. (1953), Andover Newton; Ph.D. (1963), Harvard. At Oregon since 1961. *On sabbatical leave, fall term, 1966·67. 16 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON JOHN BLOOMFIELD, M.S., Instructor in Physical Education. Dip., P.E. (1953), Sydney Teachers' College (Australia); B.S. (1962), M.S. (1964), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. NOELANE E. BLOOMFIELD. M.A., Instructor in Romance Languages. B.A. (1962), M.A. (1964), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. *VIRGIL C. BOEKELHEIDE, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry. A.B. (1939), Ph.D. (1943), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1960. GERALD K. BOGEN, D.Ed., Assodate Director of Admissions, with the Rank of Associate Professor; Assistant Professor of Education. B.A. (1959), Western Washington; M.S. (1961), D.Ed. (1963), Oregon. At Oregon since 1961. SAM BOGGS, JR., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Geology. B.S. (1956), Kentucky; Ph.D. (1964), Colorado. At Oregon since 1965. HOWARD T. BONNETT, JR., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology. B.A. (1'958), Amherst; Ph.D. (1964), Harvard. At Oregon since 1965. JAMES R. BOOTH, M.S., Senior Instructor in Education ; VISTA Program Co- ordinator. B.S. (1952), Boston University; M.S. (1956), William and Mary. At Oregon since 1962. JOHN W. BOIICHARDT,. M.A., Assistant Professor of Physical Education. B.S. (1940), LaCrosse Teachers; ]',f.A. (1951), Iowa. At Oregon since 1948. CONSTANCE B. BORDWELL, M.A., Assistant Professor of English and Legal Writing. B.A. (1931), Oregon; M.A. (1932), Washington State. At Oregon 1947-49 and since 1958. GEORGE G. BOUGHTON, Mus.M., Associate Professor of Music (Violin). B.F.A. (1940), Mus.M; (1943), South Dakota. At Oregon since 1945. ELAINE C. BOWE, M.A.,Instructor in English. B.A. (1962), Mills; M.A. (1963), Indiana. At Oregon sincc 1963. WILLIAM J. BOWERMAN, M.S., Professor of Physical Education; Head Track Coach. B.S. (1933), M.S. (1951), Oregon. At Oregon since 1948. ROBERT L. BOWLIN, Ed.D., Dean of Men, with the Rank of Associate Professor; Assistant Professor of Education. B.S. (1953), M.A. (1958), California State Polytechnic; D.Ed. (1964), Oregon. At Ore- gon since 1961. JEANE. BOYLE, M.S., R.N., Director, School of Nursing; Professor of Nursing. B.S. (1936), M.S. (1941), Washington; R.1'j. (1936), State of Washington. At Oregon since 1958. CHARLES B. BRADEN, M.A., Instructor in Mathematics. B.A. (1962), Washington State; M.A. (1964), Yale. At Oregon since 1966. QUIRINUS BREEN, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of History. A.B. (1920), Calvin; Ph.D. (1931),Chicago. At Oregon since 1938. GEORGE J. BRENNER, B.S., Planning Consultant, Bureau of M unieipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Associate Professor. B.S. (1951), Rutgers. At Oregon since 1962. DAVID BRINKS, Ed.D., Counselor, University Counseling Center, with the Rank of Assistant Professor; Supervisor of Testing. B.S. (1957), Portland State; M.Ed. (1960), Lady of the Lake; Ed.D. (1963), Utah State. At Oregon since 1962. JOHN L. BRISCOE, B.Arch. Engr., Reg. Archt., Professor of Architecture.. B.Arch.Engr. (1950), Oklahoma State; N.C.A.R.Il. (1955). At Oregon since 1953. FORREST L. BRISSEY, Ph.D., Prof.essor of Education. B.A. (1949), Montana State; M.A. (1952), Ph.D. (1955), Iowa. At Oregon since 1965. * On sabbatical leave, spring term, 1966·67. FACULTY 17 JACQUELINE S. BROCKWAY, M.S., Instructor in Education. B.S. (1940), Oregon State; M.S. (1966), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. JAN BROEKHOFF, M.S., Instructor in Physical Education; Research Assistant in Biology. B.S. (1958), Amsterdam Academy of Physical Education; M.S. (1962), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. MARNA L. BROEKHOFF, B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1964), Stanford. At Oregon since 1966. JOHN M. BROOKHART, Ph.D., Professor of Physiology, Medical School: Chairman of Department. B.S. (1935), M.S. (1936), Ph.D. (1939), Michigan. At Oregon since 1949. MARTIN T. BROOKS, M.A., Assistant Dean of Students, with the Rank of In- structor B.S. (1962), Oregon State; M.A. (1965), Washington State. At Oregon since 1966. WILFORD A. BROOKSBY, M.D., Associate University Physician, with the Rank of Professor. B.S. (1940), Brigham Voung; M.D. (1943), Northwestern; M.S. (1949), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1955. DARREL R. BROWN, M.B.A., Instructor in Business Administration. B.S. (1950), Kansas; M.B.A. (1964), New Mexieo. At Oregon since 1965. DOROTHY V. BROWN, Assistant Registrar, with the Rank of Instructor. At Oregon since 1966. CLIFFORD E. BRUBAKER, M.A., Instructor in Physical Education. B.S. (1961), M.A. (1964), Ball State. At Oregon since 1966. WAYNE B. BRUMBACH, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physical Education. B.S. (1943), M.S. (1947), Washington; Ph.D. (1959), Oregon. At Oregon since 1956. STANLEY W. BRYAN, M.Arch., Reg. Archt., University Architect and Planner, with the Rank of Professor; Associate Professor of Architecture. B.Arch. (1947), Washington; M.Arch. (1948), Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Reg. Archt. States of Washington, Oregon, and California. At Oregon 1949-50 and since 1955. PAUL E. BUCKNER, M.F.A., Assistant Professor of Sculpture. B.A. (1959), Washington; M.F.A. (1961), Claremont. At Oregon since 1962. HOWARD W. BUFORD, B.S.L.A., Visiting Professor of Planning. B.S.L.A. (1933), Oregon State. At Oregon since 1955. CHESTER S. BUMBARGER, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Education; Acting Direc- tor, Educational Service Bureau. B.S. (1948), Oregon College of Education; M.Ed. (1956), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. ROBERT B. BURCKEL, M.A., Instructor in Mathematics. B.S. (1961), Notre Dame; M.A. (1964), Vale. At Oregon since 1966. JOHN C. BURG, M.S., Senior Instructor in Physics; Research Associate, Athletic Activities. B.S. (1959), M.S. (1963), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. JACK W. BURGNER, M.A., Associate Professor of Art. B.S. in Ed. (1948), Eastern Illinois; M.A. (1949), Colorado State College. At Oregon since 1954. WILLIAM M. BURKE, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1960), M.A. (1962), Montana. At Oregon since 1965. CHARLES D. BYRNE, Ed.D., Professor Emeritus of Education. B.S. (1921), M.S. (1922), Wisconsin; Ed.D. (1938), Stanford. At Oregon 1955-57 and since 1958. WILLIAM E. CADllURY, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English. B.A. (1956), Harvard; M.S. (1957), Ph.D. (1961), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1961. 18 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EDWARD G. CALE, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Economics; Research Associate, Institute of-International Studies and Overseas Administration. B.A. (1928), Richmond; M.A. (1932), Ph.D. (1935), Virginia. At Oregon since 1966. DORIS H. CALKINs, B.MUS., Assistant Professor of Music (Harp). B.Mus. (1931), Oregon. At Oregon 1931-61 and since 1966. LEONARD CALVERT, B.A., Coordinator, Economic Opportunity Program, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.A. (1955); Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. MALCOLM B. CAMPBELL, M.Arch., Visiting Lecturer in Architecture. B.Arch (1956), Michigan; M.Arch. (1965), Califorliia at Berkeley. At Oregon since 1965. ROBERT CAMPBELL, Ph.D., Professor of Economics; Head of Department. A.B. (1947), Ph.D. (1952), California; B.S. (1950), U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. At Oregon since 1952. WILUAM R. CAMPBELL, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1961), San Jose State; M.A. (1963), Oregon. At Oregon since 1964. *DOROTHY N. CANDLAND, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Education. B.S. (1940), M.S. (1949), Brigham Young; Ed.D. (1956), Stanford. At Oregon since 1961. KENNETH A. CANTWELL, D.M.D., Professor of Dentistry, Dental School; Head of Department of Operative Dentistry. B.S. (1938), Utah State; D.M.D. (1943), North Pacific. At Oregon since 1936. EDWIN H. CAPLAN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Accounting; Assistant to the Dean for Curriculum Development. B.B.A. (1950), M.B.A. (1952), Michigan; C.P.A. (1952), State of Michigan; Ph.D; (1965), California at Berkeley. At Oregon since 1964. DONALD E. CARLSON, M.P.A., Research Assistant, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1963), Linfield; M.P.A. (1964), Syracuse. At Oregon since 1964. HARRY]. CARLSON, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Education. B.S. (1952), M.S. (1956), New Mexico Western; Ed.D. (1963), Arizona. At Oregon since 1962. ]. SPENCER CARLSON, M.A., Director, University Counseling Center, Associate Dean of Students, with the rank of Professor: Associate Professor of Psy- chology. B.S. (1935), Oregon; M.A. (1937), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1947. RICHARD O. CARLSON, Ed.D., Professor of Education; Research Associate, Insti- tute for Community Studies. B.S. (1951), M.S. (1955), Utah; Ed.D. (1957), California. At Oregon since 1963. CARL W. CARMICHAEL, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Speech. B.A. (1961), Westminster; M.A. (1962), Louisiana State; Ph.D. (1965), Iowa. At Oregon since 1965. ELLA S. CARRICK, B.A., Senior Catalog Librarian (Instructor). B.A. (1929), Oregon. At Oregon since 1929. GEORGE C. CARROLL, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology. B.A. (1962), Swarthmore; Ph.D. (1966), Texas. At Oregon since 1966. ROBERT ]. CARSON, M.D., Associate University Physician, with the Rank of Asso- ciate Professor. B.A. (1945), Reed; M.D. (1947), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. JOHN A. CARSTENS, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1963), Idaho State; M.A. (1965), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. GINO A. CASAGRANDE, B.S., Visiting Instructor in Romance Languages. B.S. (1955), California at Berkeley. At Oregon since 1965. * On leave of absence 1966-67. FACULTY 19 LEONARD J. CASANOVA, Ph.B., Professor of Physical Education; Head Football Coach. Ph.B. (1927), Santa Clara. At Oregon since 1951. RICHARD W. CASTENHOLZ, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology. B.S. (1952), Michigan; Ph.D. (1957), Washington State. At Oregon since 1957. KENNETH W. CHAMPION, B.S., Captain, U.S. Army; Assistant Professor of Mili- tary Science. B.S. (1954), Michigan State. At Oregon since 1963. NORMAN L. CHAPMAN, B.S., Il1structor in Physical Education; Freshman Foot- ball Coach. B.S. (1958), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. WERRETT W. CHARTERS, JR., Ph.D., Professor of Education. B.A. (1944), DePanw; Ph.D. (1952), Michigan. At Oregon since 1966. SHANG-YI CH'EN, Ph.D., Professor of Physics. B.S. (1932), M.S. (1934), Yenching ; Ph.D. (1940), California Institute of Technology. At Oregon since 1949. NICHOLAS CHICHERIN, Instructor in Slavic Languages. At Oregon 1959-62 and sillce 1964. HAROLD W. CHILDS, B.A., Director, Athletic News Bureau (Instructor). B.A. (1956), University of Portland. At Oregon since 1961. GABRIEL CHOnoS, M.A., Instructor in Music (Piano, Theory). B.A. (1959), M.A. (1963), California at Los Angeles. At Oregon since 1963. NED J. CHRISTENSEN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Speech. B.A. (1954), M.A. (1955), Brigham Young; Ph.D. (1959), Pennsylvania State. At Oregon since 1962. OSCAR C. CHRISTENSEN, JR., D.Ed., Assistant Professor of Education. B.S. (1950), D.Ed. (1963), Oregon; M.Ed. (1957), Oregon State. At Oregon since 1961. PAUL CIV1N, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics. B.A. (1939), Buffalo; M.A. (1941), Ph.D. (1942), Duke. At Oregon since 1946. CLARENCE W. CLANCY, Ph.D., Professor of Biology. B.S. (1930), M.S. (1932), Illinois; Ph.D. (1940), Stanford. At Oregon since 1940. CHAPIN D. CLARK, LL.B., LL.M., Associate Professor of Law. B.A. (1952), LL.B. (1954), Kansas; LL.M. (1959), Columhia. At Oregon since 1962. H. HARRISON CLARKE, Ed.D., Research Professor of Physical Education. B.S. (1925), Springfield; M.S. (1931), Ed.D. (1940), Syracuse. At Oregon since 1953. MARK CLARKE, M.F.A., Curator, Museum of Art (Instructor). B.S. (1959), M.F.A. (1965), Oregon. At Oregon since 1964. C. KEITH CLAYCOMB, Ph.D., Professor of Biochemistry, Dental School; Head of Department. B.S. (1947), M.S. (1948), Ph.D. (1951), Oregon. At Oregon since 1951. BARTON E. CLEMENTS, Ed.D., Supervisor of Education Interns, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.S. (1957), Linfield; M.Ed. (1962), Eastern Oregon; Ed.D. (1964), Arizona State. At Oregon since 1965. ROBERT M. CLIFTON, B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1962), California at Los Angeles. At Oregon since 1965. HERMAN COHEN, Ph.D., Professor of Speech; Director, Honors College.' B.A. (1948), M.A. (1949), Ph.D. (1954), Iowa. At Oregon since 1949. MELVIN J. COHEN, Ph.D., Professor of Biology. B.A. (1949), M.A. (1952), Ph.D. (1954), California at Los Angeles. At Oregon since 1957. 20 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON DAVID L. COLE, M.S., Curator of Anthropology; Assistant Professor of Anthro- pology. B.S. (1952), M.S. (1954), Oregon. At Oregon since 1959. MAX B. COLEY, M.A., Assistant Football Coach, with the Rank of Associate Pro- fessor; Assistant Professor of Physical Education. B.A. (1951), M.A. (1956), San Jose State. At Oregon since 1959. *FREDERICK M. COMBELLACK, Ph.D., Professor of Greek Literature. B.A. (1928), Stanford; Ph.D. (1936), California. At Oregon since 1937. BRUCE E. COMBS, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1963), M.A. (1966), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. NEWEL H. COMISH, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Business Administration. B.S. (1911), Utah State; M.S. (1915), Ph.D. (1928), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1932. EATON H. CONANT, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Management; Research Asso- ciate. B.S. (1956), M.S. (1958), Ph.D. (1960), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1966. CLIFFORD L. CONSTANCE, M.A., Registrar, with the Rank of Professor. B.A. (1925), M.A. (1929), Oregon. At Oregon since 1931. E. DENISON COOK, B.Arch., Instructor in Architecture. B.Arch. (1964), California at Berkelcy. At Orcgon since 1965. JOHN W. COOK, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Philosophy. B.A. (1953), Minnesota; Ph.D. (1960), Nebraska. At Oregon sincc 1963. STANTON A. COOK, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology. A.B. (1951), Harvard; Ph.D. (1960), California. At Oregon since 1960. HENRY F. COOPER, M.A., Senior Instructor in Romance Languages. B.A. (1950), Willamette; M.A. (1956), Middlebury. At Oregon since 1960. BERND CRASEMANN, Ph.D., Professor of Physics. A.B. (1948), California at Los Angeles; Ph.D. (1953), California. At Oregon since 1953. WALTER L. CREESE, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Architecture and Allied Arts; Professor of Architecture. B.A. (1941), Brown; M.A. (1950), Ph.D. (1950), Harvard. At Oregon since 1963. LUTHER S. CRESSMAN, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Anthropology; Research Associate. A.B. (1918), Pennsylvania State; S.T.B. (1923), General Theological Seminary; M.A. (1923), Ph.D. (1925), Columbia. At Oregon since 1929. HAROLD R. CROSLAND, Ph.D., Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychology. A.B. (1913), Sonth Carolina; M.A. (1914), Ph.D. (1916), Clark. At Oregon since 1920. HENRY CROES, B.A., Instructor in Germanic Lang-uag-es. B.A. (1963), Oregon. At Oregon 1963-64, and since 1965. JOHN C. CROFT, D.Ed., Assistant Professor of Education. B.S. (1957), M.Ed. (1961), D.Ed. (1964), Pennsylvania State. At Oregon since 1964. JOHN A. CROSS, M.S., Acting Director, Student Union, with the Rank of Asso- ciate Professor. B.P.E. (1959), British Columbia; M.S. (1960), Oregon. At Oregon since 1961. MERRIT CROSS, B.A., Assistant Professor of English. B.A. (1950), Stanford. At Oregon since 1965. RANDAL L. CRUIKSHANKS, B.A., Academic Adviser, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1963), California. At Oregon since 1966. CALVIN CRUMBAKER, Ph.D.. Professor Emeritus of Economies. B.S. (1911), Whitman; M.A. (1927), Washington; Ph.D. (1930), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1930. * On leave of absence 1966·67. FACULTY 21 WILLIAM E. CUNLIFFE, M.A., M.S., Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies; B.A. (1960), M.A. (1961), Stanford; M.S. (1966), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. ROBERT G. CUNNINGHAM, Mus.M., Assistant Professor of Music (Woodwind In- struments, Music Education). B.M. (1950), Eastman School of Music; Mus.M. (1952), Oregon. At Oregon since 1954. DAVID J. CURLAND, M.S., Senior Instructor in Romance Languages. B.A. (1950), Califol'11ia at Los Angeles; M.A. (1963), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. CHARLES W. CURTIS, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics. B.A. (1947), Bowdoin; M.A. (1948), Ph.D. (1951), Yale. At Oregon since 1963. FREDERICK A. CUTHBERT, M.L.D., Professor of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning; Head of Department. A.B. (1926), M.L.D. (192.8), Michigan. At Oregon since 1932. JEAN V. CUTLER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Speech. B.A. (1955), Lynchburg; M.A. (1959), Ph.D. (1962), Illinois. At Oregon since 1962. EDMUND CYKLER, Ph.D., Professor of Music. B.A. (1926), California; Ph.D. (192.8), Charles (Czechoslovakia). At Oregon since 1947. THOMAS L. DAHLE, Ph.D., Director of Continuing Education; Associate Director of Summer Sessions; Adjunct Professor of Speech. B.S. (1938), M.S. (1949), Wisconsin; Ph.D. (1954), Purdue. At Oregon since 1966. WILLIAM R. DALE, M.C.P., Associate Professor of Urban Planning; Head of Department. B.Arch. (1958), Florida; M.C.P. (1964), Pennsylvania. At Oregon since 1966. PIETRO D'ANGELO, Instructor in Romance Languages. At Oregon since 1966. JACQUELINE G. DARBY, B.S., Instructor in Biology. B.S. (1964), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. FRANCIS E. DART, Ph.D., Professor of General Science. A.B. (1937), Oberlin; M.S. (1939), Notre Dame; Ph.D. (1947), Cornell. At Oregon since 1949. JERO;,m J. DASSO, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Real Estate. B.S. (1951), Purdue; M.B.A. (1952), Michigan; M.S. (1960), Wisconsin. At O"egon since 1966. NORMAN A. DAVID, M.D., Professor of Pharmacology, Medical School; Chair- man of Department. A.B. (1925), M.D. (1931), California. At Oregon since 1937. JAMES C. DAVIES, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science; Head of Department. A.B. (1939), Oberlin; Ph.D. (1952), California. At Oregon since 1963. RICHARD M. DAVIS, Ph.D., Professor of Economics. A.B. (1939), Colgate; M.A. (1941), Ph.D. (1949), Cornell. At Oregon since 1954. CLYDEE. DEBERRY, M.A., Poverty Specialist, Office of Federal Government Rela- tions, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.S. (1957), Winston-Salem; M.A. (1963), Arizona State at Flagstaff. At Oregon since 1965. FABER B. DECHAINE, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Speech. B.S. (1952), Oregon; M.A. (1953), Michigan State; Ph.D. (1963), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1964. JOHN E. S. DE J UNG, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Education. B.A. (1951), Montana; M.A. (1954), Ed.D. (1957), Syracnse. At Oregon since 1964. ALBERTO M. DE LA FUENTE, B.S., Instructor in Spanish. At Oregon since 1966. KAY F. DENFELD, M.A., Social Science Librarian (Instructor). B.A. (1965), Portland State; M.A. (1966), Denver. At Oregon since 1966. 22 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CHANDRAKAUT M. DEO, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics. M.S. (19.61), Nagpur; Ph.D. (1965), California. At Oregon since 1966. RICHARD H. DESROCHES, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Romance Languages. A.B. (1947), Clark; Ph.D. (1962), Yale. At Oregon since 1957. LER?y E. DETLING, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology; Curator of Herbar- iUm. A.B. (1921), Oregon; A.M. (French) (1923), A.M. (Botany) (1933), Ph.D. (1936), Stanford. At Oregon 1927-30 and since 1936. STEVEN E. DEUTSCH, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sociology. B.A. (1958), Oberlin; M.A. (1959), Ph.D. (1964), Michigan State. At Oregon since 1966. DAVID D. DEWEESE,.M.D., Professor of Otolaryngology, Medical School; Chair- mall of Department of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology. A.B. (1934), M.D. (.1938), Michigan. At Oregon since 1944. ·GERRlT DE WILDE, Instructor in Chemistry. Cert. (1946), Leiden. At Oregon since 1962. DAVID D. DIAZ, B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1964), Louisiana State. At Oregon since 1966. SAMUEL N. DlCKEN, Ph.D., Professor of Geography. B.A. (1924), Marietta; Ph.D. (1930), California. At Oregon since 1947. MILTON DIETERICH, M.Mus., Assistant Professor Emeritus of Music. B;1\Ins. (1923), Gl'innel1; M.Mus. (1941), Eastman School of Music. At Oregon since 1946. ROBERT S. DILL, M.A., Instructor in History. B.A. (1956), Kent; M.A. (1958), Michigan. At Oregon since 1963. ELlWARD DILLER, D.M.L., Assistant Professor of Germanic Languages. B.A. (1953), California at Los Angeles; M.A. (1954), Los Angeles State; D.M.L. (1961), Middlebury. At Oregon since 1965. EUGENE W. DILS, Ed.D., Director of Placement, Associate Dean of Students, with the Rank of Professor. B.A. (1928), Washington State; M.A. (1945), Washington; Ed.D. (1952), Stanford. At Oregon since 1958. PASQUALE DI PASQUALE, ]H., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English. B.A. (1955), Notre Dame; M.A. (1961), Oxford; Ph.D. (1965), Pittsburgh. At Oregon since 1965. KARL W. DOEHRY, M.A., Instructor in English. M.A. (1965), Kansas. At Oregon since 1966. LLOYD]. DOLBY, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry. B.S. (1956), Illinois; Ph.D. (1959), California. At Oregon since 1960. PHILIP H. DOLE, M.S., Reg. Archt., Associate Professor of Archi·tecture. ·B.Arch. (1949), Harvard; M.S. (1954), Columhia; Reg. Atcht. (1958), State of New York. At Oregon since 1956. ROBERT M. DONNELL; M.A., Librarian, Dental School (Assistant Professor). B.S .. (1950), Arizona State; M.A. (1962), Denver. At Oregon since 1964. RUSSELL]. DONNELLY, Ph.D., Professor of Physics; Head of Department. B.S. (1951), McMaster; M.S. (1953), Ph.D. (1956), Yale. At Oregon since 1966. VEl' NON R. DOR]AHN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anthropo.1ogy; Head of Department. B.S. (1950), Ph.D. (1954), Northwestern; M.A. (1951), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1956. CELIA A. DORHIS, M.A., Instructor in Speech. B.S. (1964), M.A. (1965), Oklahoma. At Oregon since 1965. CHAHLES T. DOTTER, M.D., Professor of Radiology, Medical School; Chairman of Department. B.A. (1941), Duke; M.D. (1944), Comell.At Oregon since 1952. FACULTY 23 DAVID M. DOUGHERTY, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages; Executive Officer, Division of Modern and Classical Languages. A.B. (1925), Delaware; A.M. (1927), Ph.D. (1932), Harvard. At Oregon since 1947. M. FRANCES DOUGHERTY, Ph.D" Professor of Physical Education. B.A. (1935), M.A. (1940), Colorado State College; Ph.D. (1959), New York University. At Oregon since 1959. . ELISABETH R. DUBIN, Ph.D., Counselor, Counseling Center, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. A.B. (1937), M.A. (1939), Ph.D. (1946), Chicago. At Oregon since 1965. ROBERT DUBIN, Ph.D., Research Professor of Sociology. A.B. (1936), A.M. (1940), Ph.D. (1947), Chicago. At Oregon since 1954. PAUL S. DULL, Ph.D., Professor of History. B.A. (1935), Ph.D. (1940), \"'ashington. At Oregon since 1946. DON E. DUMOND, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anthropology. B.A. (1949), New Mexico; M.A. (1957), Mexico City College; Ph.D. (1962), Oregon. At Oregon since.1962. CHARLES T. DUNCAN, M.A., Associate Dean of Faculties, Professor of Journalism. A.B. (1936), M.A. (1946), Minnesota. At Oregon 1950·62 and since 1965. K. WRIGHT DUNKLEY, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Education. B.S. (1956), Ricks; M.S. (1961), Utah. At Oregon since 1964. MARTIN 1. DURST, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1961), Queens; M.A. (1963), Oregon. At Oregon since 1964. DONALD M. DUSHANE, M.A., Dean of Students (Professor); Lecturer in Political Science.. B.A. (1927), Wahash; M.A. (1937),Colnmhia. At Oregon since 1948. EDWIN G. EBBIGHAUSEN, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and Astronomy. B.S. (1936), Minnesota; Ph.D. (1940), Chicago. At Oregon since 1946. FRANK B. EBERSOLE, Ph.D., Associate Professor of. Philosophy. A.B. (1941), Heidelherg, Ohio; Ph.D. (1947), Chicago. At Oregon since 1961. THOMAS A. EBERT, Ph.D., Instructor in Biology. B.S. (1961), Wisconsin; M.S. (1963), Ph.D. (1966), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. CORWIN D. EDWARDS, Ph.D., Professor of Economics. A.B. (1920), B.I. (1921), Missouri; B.Litt. (1924), Oxford; Ph.D. (1928), Cornell. At Oregon since 1963. STANLEY D. ELBERSON, M.A., Instructor in Speech. B.A. (1951), H.E. (1953), Pacific Lutheran; M.A. (1962), Utah. At Oregon since 1965. FLOYD T. ELLEFSON, M.Ed., Adjunct Associate Professor of Music. B.A. (1925), Ellsworth; M.Ed. (1954), Oregon. At Oregon.since 1966. RAYMOND T. ELL'ICKSON, Ph.D., Professor of Physics. B.A. (1935), Reed; M.A. (1936), Oregon State; Ph.D. (1938), Chicago. At Oregon since 1948. ALFRED L. ELLiNGSON, B.S., Director of Development, with the Rank of Professor. B.S. (1948), Oregon. At Oregon since 1951. ROBERT A. ELLIS, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology. B.A. (1952), M.A. (1953), Ph.D. (1956), Yale. At Oregon since 1960. LEONARD H. ELWELL, Ph.D., Professor of Physiology, Dental School; Head of Department. A.B. (1935), Kalamazoo; M.S. (1937), Kansas State; M.S. (1941), Ph.D. (1951). Michi- gan. At Oregon since 1959. 24 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON KENNETH P. EMORY, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Anthropology. B.S. (1920), Dartmouth; M.A. (1923), Harvard; Ph.D. (1946), Yale. At Oregon since 1966. ALICE H. ERNST, M.A., Associate Professor Emeritus of English. B.A. (1912), M.A. (1913), Washington. At Oregon since 1924. VERNON K. ESPESETH, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education; Coordinator, Mental Retardation Program. B.S. (1955), North Dakota State Teachers; M.S. (1961), Ph.D. (1965), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1964. ARTHUR A. ESSLINGER, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation; Professor of Physical Education; Acting Head of Depart- ment of Men's Physical Education. B.S. (1931), M.S. (1932), Illinois; Ph.D. (1938), Iowa. At Oregon since 1953. *EUGENE EVONUK, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Education. B.S. (1952), M.S. (1953), Oregon; Ph.D. (1960), Iowa State. At Oregon since 1965. JACK D. EWAN, M.S., Assistant Professor of Journalism. B.S. (1948), M.S. (1964), Northwestern. At Oregon since 1964. BEVERLY 1. FAGOT, B.A., Academic Adviser, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1960), Occidental. At Oregon since 1965. ROBERT F. FAGOT, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology. B.S. (1946), Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ph.D. (1956), Stanford. At Oregon since 1956. GENNAROR. F ALCONERI, M.A., Lecturer in History. B.A. (1949), Nevada; M.A. (1958), Michigan. At Oregon since 1963. CHARLES W. FARMER, B.A., Instructor in Music (Piano, Music History). B.A. (1962), Long Beach State. At Oregon since 1965. MARCIA FARMEll, S.M.M., Instructor in Music (Organ). B.A. (1949), Occidental; S.M.M. (1953), Union Theological Seminary. At Oregon since 1966. FRANK FARNER, Ph.D., Professor of Education; Associate Dean of the Graduate School. B.A. (1949), Pomona; M.A. (1957), Ph.D. (1960), Claremont. At Oregon since 1963. VERN 1.. FARROW, D.Ed., Assistant Professor of Education. B.C.S. (1955), B.Ed. (1956), J\I.Ed. (1960), Seattle; D.Ed. (1963), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. \iVILLlAM 1.. F ASH, M.Arch., Associate Professor of Architecture. B.Arch. (1959), J\LArch. (1960), Oklahoma State. At Oregon since 1966. CAROLINE J. FELLER, 1\1.1..S., Assistant Professor of Librarianship. B.A. (1957), Sarah La"Tence; M.L.S. (1958), Columhia. At Oregon since 1966. ROBERT R. FlmENS, M.Arch., Professor of Architecture. Dip. Arch. (1941), B. Arch. (1942), Pratt Institute; J\LArch. (1948), Massachusetts Insti· tute of Technology. At Oregon since 1948. EowARO N. FERGUSON, B.S., Academic Adviser, with the Rank of Instructor. n.s. (1961), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. At Oregon since 1966. HOWARD W. FETZ, B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1963), Portland State. At Oregon since 1966. ELIZABETH FINDLY, A.M.1..S., Head Reference and Documents Librarian; Pro- fessor of Librarianship. A.B. (1929), Drake; B.S. in L.S. (1934), Illinois; A.M.L.S. (1945), Michigan. At Ore· gon since 1934. STANLEY P. FINK, B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1964), California. At Oregon since 1966. * On leave of absence, fall term, 1966-67. FACULTY· 25 DAVID J. FINLAY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political Science. B.A. (1956), Willamette; M.A. (1958), Ph.D. (1962), Stanford. At Oregon since 1965. *LAWRENCE D. FISH, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Education; Director, Bureau of Educational Research. B.A. (1942), Bethany Nazarene; lI-I.Ed. (1950), California at Los Angeles; Ed.D. (1964), Washington State. A t Oregon since 1964. JOSEPH R. FISZMAN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political Science. B.A. (1948), St. John's (Shanghai); M.A. (1956), Emory; Ph.D. (1959), Michigan State. At Oregon since 1959. H. CLINE FIXOTT, D.M.D., Professor of Dentistry, Dental School; Head of Department of Oral Roentgenology. D.M.D. (1938), Nortll Pacific. At Oregon since 1947. ARTHUR S. FLEMMING, A.M., LL.B., LL.D.., President; Professor of Political Science. A.B. (1927), Ohio Wesleyan; A.M. (1928), American University; LL.B. (1933), George Washington; honorary degrees conferred by a number of colleges and universities. At Oregon since 1961. PHYLLIS M. FORD, Re.D., Associate Professor of Recreation Management. B.S. (1949), Massachusetts; M.A. (1955), Arizona State; Re.D. (1962), Indiana. At Oregon since 196 I. JOHN M. FOSKETT, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology. A.B. (1932), lI-I.A. (1935), Ph.D. (1939), California. At Oregon since 1946. FREDERICK R. FOSMIRE, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology. B.A. (1948), lI-I.A. (1949), Ph.D. (1952), Texas. At Oregon sineel958. EMBERT A. FOSSUM, B.A., Colonel, U.S. Army; Professor of Military Science; Head of Department of Military Science and Aerospace Studies. B.A. (1933), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. DAVID G. FOSTER, M.F.A., Associate Professor of Art. B.A. (1951), Illinois Institute of Technology; M.F.A. (1957), Oregon. At Oregon since 1957. JOHN W. FOSTER, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1963), lI-I.A. (1965), Queen's University (Belfast). At Oregon since 1965. JOHN W. FRALEY, B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1958), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. PETER W. FRANK, Ph.D., Professor of Biology; Acting Director, Institute of Marine Biology. B.A. (1944), Earlham; Ph.D. (1951), Chicago. At Oregon since 1957. BROWNELL FRASIER, B.A., Associate Professor of Interior Design. B.A. (1921), Oregon. At Oregon since 1931. WILLIAM A. FRAZIER, JR., B.S., Assistant Planner, with the Rank of Instructor. B.S. (1963), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. WALTER FREAUFF, M.A., Associate Dean of Students, Armed Services, with the Rank of Associate Professor. B.A. (1950), M.A. (1952), Oregon. At Oregon since 1957. LAWRENCE·H. FREEMAN, M.A.T., Instructor in English. B.A. (1959), Wesleyan University; M.A.T. (1960), Johns Hopkins. At Oregon since 1965. BERNARD L. FREEMESSER, M.S., Associate Professor of Journalism. B.A. (1950), San Diego State; M.S. (1952), Oregon. At Oregon since 1955. GERALD L. FREI, M.S., Assistant Football Coach, with the Rank of Associate Pro- fessor; Assistant Professor of Physical Education. B.S. (1948), M.S. (1950), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1955. COLETTE M. FREITAG, Instructor in Romance Languages. At Oregon siuce 1965. * On leave of absence 1966-67. 26 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON ROBERT FRIEDMAN, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Speech. B.A. (1948), North Carolina; M.A. (1950), Ph.D. (1954), Missouri. At Oregon since 1965. ARTHUR W. FRISCH, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Bacteriology, Medical School; Chairman of Department. B.A. (1931), M.A. (1933), Ph.D. (1935), M.D. (1937), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1946. *PEGGY M. FR0NE, B.A., B.L.S., Browsing Room Librarian (Instructor). B.A. (1962), Pacific; B.L.S. (1964), British Columbia. At Oregon since 1964. ARTHUR E.FRY, D.D.S., Professor of Dentistry, Dental School; Head of Depart- ment of Oral Diagnosis. D.D.S. (1940), Iowa. At Oregon since 1953. ROBERT Y, FUCHlGAMI,.D,Ed., Ass0ciate Professor of Education, B.A. (1956), M.A. (1958), San Jose State; Ed.D. (1964), Illinois. At Oregon since 1966. EMIL D, FURRER, M.D" Associate Professor of Health Education. B.A. (1926), M.D. (1929), Oregon. At Oregon since 1947. LEONlDE M. GAINES, M.Ed., Instructor in Physical Education. B.S. (1956), M.Ed. (1959), Illinois. At Oregon since 1966. tJOHN F. GANGE, M.A., Professor of Political Science; Director, Institute of International Studies and Overseas Administration. B.A. (1932), M.A. (1934), Stanford. At Oregon since 1961. JANE GEHRING, M.S., Assistant Professor of Art. B.S. (1940), Michigan State 'Feachers (Ypsilanti); M.S. (1960), Oregon. At Oregon since 1958. ROBERT K. GERDING, M.S., Instructor in Biology. B.S. (1961), M.S. (1966), Oregon.,At Oregon since 1966. KENNETH S. GHENT, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics; Associate Dean of Stu- dents. B.A. (1932), McMaster; S.M. (1933), Ph.D. (1935), Chicago. At Oregon since 1935. JAMES H. GILBERT, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Economics. B.A. (1903), Oregon; Ph.D. (1907), Columbia. At Oregon since 1907. DORWIN K. GILLESPIE, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Health Education. B.A. (1940), Washington and Jefferson; M.S. (1953), Ph.D. (1959), Oregon. At Oregon since 1960. RICHARD M. GILLETTE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. B.S. (1957), Nevada; Ph.D. (1962), Utah. At Oregon since 1962. PHILIP C. GILMORE, M.F.A., Assistant Professor of Architecture. B.Arch. (1948), M.F.A. (1956), Oregon. At Oregon since 1960. SUSAN K. GILMORE, M.S., Assistant Professor of Education. B.A. (1956), Whitworth; M.S. (1962), Oregon. At Oregon since 1964. MARVIN D. GIRARDEAU, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics and Research Associate. B.S. (1952), Case Institute of Technology; M.S. (1954), Illinois; Ph.D. (1958), Syracuse. At Oregon since 1963. MARVIN E. GLOEGE, M.A., Planning Consultant, with the Rank of Associate Pro- fessor. B.A. (195'4), M.A. (1958), Washington. At Oregon since 1966. ELIZABETH G. GLOVER, M.S., Instructor in Physical Education. B.S. (1959), Tufts; M.S. (1963), Woman's College, North Carolina. At Oregon since 1964. WALLACE G. GOBER, B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (196l), Southern Oregon. At Oregon since 1965 'On leave of absence, fall term, 1966-67. tOn sabbatical leave, winter and spring terms, 1966·67. FACULTY 27 *LEWIS R. GOLDBERG, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology. A.B. (1953), Harvard; M.A. (1954), Ph.D. (1958), Michigan. At Oregon since 1960. KEITH GOLDHAMMER, Ph.D., Professor of Education; Associate Dean of the School of Education. B.A. (1938), Reed; M.A. (1943), Ph.D. (1954), Oregon. At Oregon since 1956. DANIEL GOLDlUCH, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Science. B.A. (1955), Antioch; M.A. (1957), Ph.D. (1959), North Carolina. At Oregon since 1963. tGORDON G. GaLES, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geology and Chemistry. B.A. (1956), Harvard; Ph.D. (1961), Chicago. At Oyegon since 1966. PETER B. GONTRUM, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Germanic Languages. A.B. (1954), Haverford; M.A. (1956), Princeton; Ph.D. (1958), Munich. At Oregon since 1961. NORMAN A. GOSCH, M.D., Associate University Physician, with the Rank of Asso- ciate Professor. B.S. (1958), M.D. (1962), Nehraska. At Oregon since 1965. MAR}ORIEA. Goss, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1950), Utah; M.A. (1961), Northwestern. At Oregon since 1965. GRACE GRAHAM, Ed.D., Professor of Education. B.A. (1933), M.A. (1936), South Carolina; Ed.D. (1952), Stanford. At Oregon since 1954. PHILIP GRANT, Ph.D., Professor of Biology. B.S. (1947), College of City of New York; M.A. (1949), Ph.D. (1952), Columhia. At Oregon since 1966. GEORGE A. GRAY, B.A., Instructor in Sociology. B.A. (1962), Willamette. At Oregon since 1966. JANE GRAY, Ph.D., Curator of Paleobotany, Museum of Natural History; Asso- ciate Professor of Biolog-y. B.A. (1951), Radcliffe; Ph.D. (1958), California. At Oregon since 1963. MARK R. GREENE, Ph.D., Professor of Insurance; Heact, Department of Market- ing-, Insurance, and Transportation. A.B. (1947), M.B.A. (1949), Stanford; Ph.D. (1955), Ohio State. At Oregon 1949·52 and since 1955. MARVIN GREENBAUM, Ph.D., Visiting- Associate Professor of Psychology. B.A. (1949), M.A. (1951), Ph.D. (1955), Syracuse. At Oregon since 1966. STANLEY B. GREENFIELD, Ph.D., Professor of Eng-lish. B.A. (1942), Cornell; M.A. (1947), Ph.D. (1950), California. At Oregon since 1959. THELMA GREENFIELD, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English. B.A. (1944), M.A. (1947), Oregon; Ph.D. (1952), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1961. MONTE A. GREEH, M.D., Professor of Medicine. Medical School; Head of Di- vision of Endocrinolog-y. A.B. (1944), M.D. (1947), Stanford. At Oregon since 1956. HOYT S. GREESON, A.B., Instructor in Eng-lish. A.B. (1960), St. Mary's. At Oregon since 1964. O. HAYES GIUFFlTH, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. A.B. {1960), California at Riverside; Ph.D. (1964), California Institute of Technology. At Oregon since 1965. HEHBEHT E. GRISWOLD, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Medical School; Head of Division of Cardiovascular Renal Diseases. B.A. (1939), Reed; M.S. (1943), M.D. (1943), Oregon. At Oregoll since 1949. LARRY C. GROVE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. B.A. (1960), M.A. (1961), Ph.D. (1964), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1966. • On. sabbatical leave 1966-67. t On leave of ahsence 1966-67. 28 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON MYRON A. GROVE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economics. B.S. (1957), M.S. (1959), Oregon; Ph.D. (1964), Northwestern. At Oregon since 1963. HAROLD E. GRUPE, D.D.S., Professor of Dentistry, Dental School; Head of De- partment of Periodontology. D.D.S. (1932), Baylor. AtOregon since 1960. JEROME E. GURST, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry. B.A. (1960), Dartmouth; Ph.D. (1965), Stanford. At Oregon since 1966. PAUL E. GUSHWA, B.S., Major, U.S. Air Force; Assistant Professor of Aero- space Studies. B.A. (1960), Florida State. At Oregon since 1<)64. JOHN M. GUSTAFSON, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Music (Music Education). A.B. (1947), Augustana; M.Mus. (1951), Michigan; Ph.D. (1956), Florida ·State. At Oregon since 1956. . FRANKLIN B. HAAR, Ph.D., Professor of Health Education; Head of Depart- ment. B.P.E. (1928), Spring-field; M.A. (1933), Ph.D. (1946), Pittsburgh. At Oregon since 1949. DEMETRIOS M. HADJIMARKOS, D.D.S., Professor of Dentistry, Dental School; Head of Department of Public Health Dentistry. D.D.S. (1931), Athens; M.S.D. (1943), Northwestern; M.P.H. (1946), Harvard. At Oregon since 1953. DONALD R. HAGUE, B.S., Instructor in Biology. B.S. (1953), Franklin & Marshall. At Oregon since 1966. WALTHER L. HAH!,/, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Germanic Languages. Dip. (1949), Teachers College, Berlin; M.A. (1954), Rice; Ph.D. (1956), Texas. At Ore- gon since 1961. ROBERT C. HALL, Associate Professor Emeritus of Journalism. At Oregon since 1917. ROY K. HALVERSON, M.S., Assistant Professor of Journalism. B.S. (1957), M.S. (1963), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1966. LEO A. HAMERLYNCK, D.Ed., Assistant Professor of Education. B.S. (1953), M.Ed. (1956), Oregon State; D.Ed. (1962), Oregon. At Oregon since 1964. *JOHN HAMILTON, M.Mus., Associate Professor of Music (Organ, Harpsichord, Music History). A.B. (1946), California; lvLMus. (1956), D.M.A. (1966), Southern California. At Ore- gon since 1959. PATRICIA S. HAMILTON, B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1961), Nevada. At Oregon since 1966. LEE C. HANDY, M.S.; Counselor, University Counseling Center, with the Rank of InstructoL B.S. (1961), M.S. (1963), Iowa State. At Oregon since 1966. SUSANN G. HANDY, B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1961), Texas. At Oregon since 1965. WILLIAM J. HANDY, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English. B.A. (1947), M.A. (1949), Ph.D. (1954), Oklahoma. At Oregon since 1965. ARTHUR M. HANHARDT, JR., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political Science; Assistant Head of Department. B.A. (1953), Rochester; M.A. (1958), Colgate; Ph.D. (1963), Northwestern. At Oregon since 1963. WILLIAM S. HANNA, JR., Ph.D., Associate Professor of History; Head of Depart- ment. A.B. (1949), M.A. (1954), Ph.D. (1959), California at Berkeley. At Oregon since 1965. * On sabbatical leave 1966-67. FACULTY 29 FREDERICK T. HANNAFORD, B.A., Reg. Archt., Professor of Architecture. B.A. (1924), Washington State; Reg. Archt. (1931), State of Florida. At Oregon since 1946. EVELYN R. HANNON, B.S., R.N., R.D.H., Associate Professor of Dental Hygiene, Dental School; Head of Department. R.D.H. (1939), Kansas City; B.S. (1951), Columbia; R.N., State of Kansas (1930), State of California (1937); R.D.H., State of Kansas (1930), State of New York (1948). At Oregon since 1951. JOHN H. HANSEN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education. B.S. (1959), M.S. (1961), Ph.D. (1964), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1963. EDWARD C. HARMS, JR., B.S., LL.B., Special Lecturer in Law. B.S. (1947), LL.B. (1949), Oregon. At Oregon since 1958. MARGARET C. HARPER, M.L.S., 'Assistant Professor, Senior Catalog Librarian. B.A. (1960), Oberlin; M.L.S. (1961), Rutgers. At Oregon since 1966. LEO A. HARRIS, M.A., Professor of Physical Education; Athletic Director. A.B. (1927), M.A. (1929), Stanford. At Oregon since 1947. *DAVID K. HARRISON, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics. B.A. (1953), Williams; Ph.D. (1956), Princeton. At Oregon since 1963. *THOMAS R. HART, JR., Ph.D" Professor of Romance Languages. B.A. (1948), Ph.D. (1952), Yale. At Oregon since 1964. DALE S. HARWOOD, JR., D.B.A., Associate Professor of Accountiflg; Head, De- partment of Accounting and Business Statistics. B.S. (1948), Oregon State; D.B.A. (1957), Washington. At Oregon since 1958. ROBERT P. HASTINGS, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1960), Drew; M.A. (1961), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1961. *EMMANUEL S. HATZANTONIS, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Romance Lan- guages. B.A. (1952), College of City of New York; M.A. (1953), Columbia; Ph.D. (1958), Cali- fornia. At Oregon 1959·61 and since 1962. FREDERICK P. HAUGEN, M.D., Professor of Anesthesiology, Medical School; Head of Division. B.A. (1933), M.D. (1935), Oregon. At Oregon since 1948. RAY HAWK, D.Ed., Professor of Education; Assistant to the President; Director of Federal Government Relations. B.S. (1947), M.S. (1948), D.Ed. (1949), Oregon. At Oregon since 1950. WALLACE S. HAYDEN, B.Arch., Reg. Archt., Professor of Architecture. B.Arch. (1928), Oregon; Reg. Archt. (1935), State of Oregon. At Oregon since 1930. RICHARD B. HAYWARD, M.C.P., Planning Consultant, Bureau of Municipal Re- search and Service, with the Rank of Associate Professor. B.S. (1941), B.L.A. (1946), Massachusetts; M.C.P. (1959), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. At Oregon since 1961. ARTHUR C. HEARN, Ed.D., Professor of Education. A.B.( 1934), M.A. (1937), Ed.D. (1949), Stanford. At Oregon since 1950. LINDA S. HEARN, M.A., Instructor in Physical Education. B.S. (1962), M.A. (1965), Texas Woman's University. At Oregon since 1965. ALFRED HEILPERN, M.L., Acquisition Librarian (Senior Instructor). B.A. (1956), M.L. (1957), Washington. At Oregon since 1957. RONALD W. HENDERSON, D.Ed., Assistant Professor of Education. A.A. (1957), B.A. (1960), Sacramento; M.Ed. (1962), Ed.D. (1966), Arizona. At Oregon since 1966. JOHN H. HENDRICKSON, M.Mus., Audio-Visual Librarian (Senior Instructor). B.Mus. (1952), M.Mus. (1957), Oregon. At Oregon since 1957. * On leave of absence 1966·67. 30 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON L. RALPH HENNINGS, M.A., Instructor in Speech. B.A. (1960), M.A. (1964), San Diego State. At Oregon since 1964. LEE C. HENRY, M.S., Instructor in Accounting. B.S. (1964), M.S. (1966), Pennsylvania State. At Oregon since 1966. EDWARD HERBERT, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry. B.S. (1948), Connecticut; Ph.D. (1953), Pennsylvania. At Oregon since 1963. ROBERT T. HERBERT, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy. B.A. (1952), M.A. (1954), Ph.D. (1962), Nehraska. At Oregon since 1966. JOHN D. HERSHBERGER, M.A., Instructor in Speech; Production Manager, Division of Broadcast Services. B.S. (1964), Bntler; M.A. (1965), jvIiami of Ohio. At Oregon since 1965. CAROLE JEAN HICKMAN, B.A., Instructor in Geology. B.A. (1964), Oherlin. At Oregon since 1966. RICHARD J. HIGGINS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physics. B.S. (1960), Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ph.D. (1965), Northwestern. At Oregon since 1965. TERRELL L. HILL, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry. A.B. (1939), Ph.D. (1942), California. At Oregon since 1957. RICHARD J. HILLS, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education; Research Associate, Center for Advanced Study of Educational Administration. B.S. (1951), Black Hills Teachers; M.A. (1956), Wyoming; Ph.D. (1961), Chicago. At Oregon since 1964. CLARENCE HINES, D.Ed., Professor of Education; Associate Dean of the School of Education; Associate Director, Eugene Summer Sessions. B.A. (1925), Drury; M.A. (1929), Missouri; D.Ed. (1950), Oregon. At Oregon since 1958. CARL W. HINTZ, Ph.D., University Librarian; Professor of Librarianship. A.B. (1932), De Pauw; A.B.L.S. (1933), A.M.L.S. (1935), Michigan; Ph.D. (1952), Chicago. At Oregon since 1948. ERNEST H. HIXON, D.D.S., Professor of Dentistry, Dental School; Head of De- partment of Orthodontics. D.D.S. (1945), Iowa State; M.S. (1949), Iowa; At Oregon since 1961. J. ROBERT HLADKY, A.Mus.D., Associate Professor of Music (Violoncello, Music History) . B.Mus. (1950), Oklahoma State; M.Mus. (1952), A.Mus.D. (1959), Eastman School of Music. At Oregon since 1961. GEORGE M. HODGE, JR., M.S., Professor of Architecture; Assistant to the Dean of the School of Architecture and Allied Arts. B.S. (1949), M.S. (1950), Illinois. At Oregon since 1964. .CLARENCE V. HODGES, M.D., Professor of Urology, Medical School; Head of Division. B.S. (1937), Iowa State; M.D. (1940), Chicago. At Oregon since 1948. HUBERT H. HOELTJE, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of English. B.A. (1919), M.A. (1926), Ph.D. (1932), Iowa. At Oregon since 1947. PAUL S. HOLBO, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History. B.A. (1951), Yale; M.A. (1955), Ph.D. (1961), Chicago. At Oregon since 1959. HAZEL E. HOLBOKE, M.Ed., Senior Instructor in Education. B.S. (1951), Oregon College of Education; M.Ed. (1957), Oregon. At Oregon since 1962. ORLANDO J. HOLUS, B.S., J.D., Dean of the School of Law; Professor of Law. B.S. (1926), J.D. (1928), Oregon. At Oregon since 1928. EDWARD G. HOLLMAN, M.A., M.S., Social Science Librarian (Instructor). B.S. (1947), B.A. (1949), M.A. (1951), Missouri; M.S. (1955), Illinois. At Oregon 1960-61 and since 1963. FACULTY 31 GARY L. HOLLOWAY, M.U.P., Assistant Planner, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1963), San Fernando Valley State; M.U.P. (1966), Washington. At Oregon since 1966. CHARLES N, HOLMAN, M.D., Associate Dean of the Medical School; Medical Director and Administrator of Ho~pitals and Clinics; Professor of Medicine. B.A. (1931), M.D. (1936), Oregon. At Oregon since 1937. GEORGE HOPKINS, B.A., Professor of Piano. Teachers Cert. (1918), Peabody Conservatory; B.A. (1921), Oregon. At Oregon 1919-23 and since 1925. ROBERT D. HORN, Ph.D., Professor of English. B.A. (1922), M.A. (1924), Ph.D. (1930), Michigan. At Oregon since 1925. JAMES M. HOTCHKISS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education. B.A. (1953), Wichita; Ph.D. (1966), Southern California. At Oregon since 1966. THOMAS HOVET, JR., Ph.D., Professor of Political Science. A.B. (1948), Washington; M.A. (1949), New York University; Ph.D. (1954), New Zealand. At Oregon since 1965. CHARLES G. HOWARD, A.B., J.D., Professor Emeritus of Law. A.B. (1920), J.D. (1922), Illinois. At Oregon since 1928. JOHN R. HOWARD, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sociology. B.A. (1955), Brandeis; M.A. (1961), New York University; Ph.D. (1965), Stanford. At Oregon since 1964. ROSALIE D. HOWARD, M.Ed., Counselor, University Counseling Center, with the Rank of Instructor. B.S. (1962), Idaho; M.Ed. (1965), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. GRAHAM HOYLE, D.Sc., Professor of Biology. B.Sc. (Chemistry, Physics) (1944), B.Sc. (Zoology, Botany) (1950), London; D.Sc. (1955), Glasgow. At Oregon since 1962. JANE YEN-CHENG Hsu, B.A., Catalog Librarian (Senior Instructor). B.A. (1946), Gingling Girls' College (Nanking). At Oregon since 1956. HARLOW E. HUDSON, Assistant Professor of Architecture. At Oregon 1938-47 and since 1960. RALPH R. HUESTIS, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Biology. B.S.A. (1914), McGill; M.S. (1920), Ph.D. (1924), California. At Oregon since 1924. CARLL. HUFFAKER, .Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Education. B.S. (1915), Chicago; M.A. (1922), Ph.D. (1923), Iowa. At Oregon since 1927. MARGARET E. HUGHES, B.S., Librarian of the Medical School, with the Rank of· Professor. B.S. (1937), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1946. JOHN L. HULTENG, M.S., Dean of the School of. Journalism; Professor of J our- nalism. Ph.B. (1943), North Dakota; M.S. (1947), Columbia. At Oregon since 1955. DWIGHT HUMPHREY, M.A., Catalog Librarian (Instructor). A.B. (1934), B.S. in L.S. (1939), M.A. (1951). Southern California. At Oregon since 1963. JAMES E. HUMPHREYS, M.A., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. B.A. (1961), Oberlin; M.A. (1964), Yale. At Oregon since 1966. DONALD L. HUNTER, B.S., Head, Audio-Visual Department, Library (Associate Professor) . ·B.S. (1945), Nebraska. At Oregon since 1946. JAMIE G. HUNTER, LL.B., Assistant Professor of Law. B.S. (1961), Yale; LL.B. (1964), Stanford. At Oregon since 1966. 32 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON LINDA B. HUNTER, M.A., Instructor in History. B.A. (1962), Wellesley; M.A. (1963), Stanford. At Oregon since 1966. STEPHEN C. HUNTER, M.S., Instructor in History. B.A. (1961), Claremont; M.S. (1963), London School of Economics. At Oregon since 1966. ERNEST A. HURLEY, D.M.D., Registrar, Dental School; Associate Professor of Dentistry. D.M.D. (1951), Oregon. At Oregon since 1951. ROBERT 1. HURWITZ, M.M., Instructor in Music (Theory). A.B. (i961) , Brooklyn; M.M. (1965), Indiana. At Oregon since 1965. TYRA T. HUTCHENS, M.D., Professor of Clinical Pathology and Radiology (Radioisotopes), Medical School; Chairman of Department of Clinical Pathology. B.S. (1943), M.D. (1945), Oregon. At Oregon since 1953. SHARON L. HUTTON, Head Resident, Dormitories, with the Rank of Instructor. B.S. (1965), Eastern Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. ADRIANA C. HWANG, B.A., Instructor in Romance Languages. B.A. (1964), Portland State. At Oregon since 1966. JOHN E. HWANG, M.A., Instructor in Romance Languages. B.A. (1962), M.A. (1963), Stanford. At Oregon since 1966. RAY HYMAN, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology; Assistant Head of Department. A.B. (1950), Boston; M.A; (1952), Ph.D. (1953), Johns Hopkins. At Oregon since 1961. JOSEPH A. HYNES, JR., Ph.D., Associate Professor of English. A.B. (1951), Detroit; A.M. (1952), Ph.D. (1961), Michigan. At Oregon sinee 1957. JAY M. JACKSON,.Ph.D., Professor of Sociology. B.A. (1948), M.A. (1950), McGill; Ph.D. (1953), Michigan. At Oregon since 1963. RUTH F. JACKSON, M.A., Senior Instructor in English. B.A. (1929), M.A. (1933), Oregon. At Oregon since 1955. HUGH D. JACOBS, M.A., Instructor in Education; Intern Supervisor. B.A. (1959), M.A. (1963), Central Washington State. At Oregon since 1966. LESTER W. JACOBS, M.B.A., Instructor in Business Administration. B.S. (1964), California; M.B.A. (1966), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. LEONARD D. JACOBSON, M.D., Assistant Professor of Health Education. B.A. (1937), M.D. (1941), Oregon. At Oregon since 1962. PAUL B. JACOBSON, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Education; Director of Sum- mer Sessions; Professor of Education. B.A. (1922), Luther (Iowa); M.A. (1928), Ph.D. (1931), Iowa. At Oregon since 1947. ROBERT C. JAMES, M.F.A., Associate Professor of Art. A.B. (1952), California at Los Angeles; M.F.A. (1955), Cranbrook Academy. At Oregon since 1955. VICTOR K. JENSEN, M.S.W., Director of Field Placement Program, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.A. (1953), New Mexico; M.S.W. (1959), Washington. At Oregon since 1965. LUTHER G. JERSTAD, M.A., Academic Adviser, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1958), Pacific Lutheran; M.A. (1962), Washington State. At Oregon 1962 and since 1966. BERTRAM E. JESSUP, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy. B.A. (1927), M.A. (1935), Oregon; Ph.D. (1938), California. At Oregon since 1936. GEORGE S. JETTE, B.L.A., Professor of Landscape Architecture. B.L.A. (1940), Oregon. At Oregon since 1941. CARL L. JOHANNESSEN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geography. B.A. (1950), M.A. (1953), Ph.D. (1959), California. At Oregon since 1959. FACULTY 33 THEODORE B. JOHANNIS, JR., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology. B.A. (1948), M.A. (1948), Washington State; Ph.D. (1955), Florida State. At Oregon since 195.3. CARL L. JOHNSON, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages. -B.A. (1924), M.A. (1925), Iowa; Ph.D. (1933), Harvard. At Oregon since 1935. CHARLES E. JOHNSON, Ph.D., C.P.A., Dean of College of Liberal Arts; Professor of Accounting. B.A. (1942), M.B.A. (1948), Ph.D. (1952), Minnesota; C.P.A. (1949), District of Co- lumbia. At Oregon since 1952. DIXON C. JOHNSON, M.A., Assistant Dean of Students, with Rank of Instructor. B.S. (f964), Oklahoma State. At Oregon since 1965. DONALD N. JOHNSON, B.A., Associate Director of Planning Assistance Program, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Professor. B.A. (1946), Reed. At Oregon since 1959. G. BENTON JOHNSON, JR., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology; Assistant . Head of Department. B.A. (1947), North Carolina; M.A. (1953), Ph.D. (1954), Harvard. At Oregon since 1957. GLORIA E. JOHNSON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English. B.A. (1944), Barnard; M.A. (1946), Ph.D. (1954), Columbia. At Oregon since 1959. LEROY JOHNSON, JR., M.A., Assistant Curator of Anthropology; Assistant Pro- fessor of Anthropology. B.A. (1958), M.A. (1961), Texas. At Oregon since 1965. LYMAN T. JOHNSON, M.A., Associate Professor of Architecture. B.A. (1957), M.A. (1959), California at Los Angeles. At Oregon since 1966. FAITH E. JOHNSTON, M.S., Assistant Professor of Home Economics. B.S. (1929), Kansas State Teachers (Pittsburgh); M.S. (1933), Kansas State. At Oregon since 1947. . CATHERINE M. JONES, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Business. Education. B.A. (1937), Iowa State Teachers; M.S. (1945), Oregon; M.Bus.Ed. (1952), Ed.D. (1964), Colorado. At Oregon since 1946. DONALD L. JONES, M.S., Assistant Director, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Associate Professor. B.S. (1954), M.S. (1962), Color.ado. At Oregon since 1963. HOLWAY R. JONES, M.A., Head Social Science Librarian (Associate Professor). B.A. (1948), B.L.S. (1951), M.A. (1957), California. At Oregon since 1963. MARY V. JONES, M.A.T., M.A., Instructor in Romance Languages. B.A. (1951), North Carolina; M.A.T. (1958), Johns Hopkins; DiplOme (1961), Sorbonne; M.A. (1963), Middlehury. At Oregon since 1965. WILLIAM C. JONES, Ph.D., Dean of Administration; Professor of Higher Edu- cation; Director, Institute of College Teaching. A.B. (1926), Whittier; M.B.A. (1929), Southern California; Ph.D. (1940), Minnesota. At Oregon 1941-44, 1951·53, and since 1954. JOSEPH G. JORGENSEN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Anthropology. B.S. (1956), A.M. (1960), Utah; Ph.D. (1964), Indiana. At Oregon since 1965. ELLIS B. JUMP, D.M.D., Ph.D.,Professor of Anatomy, Dental School; Head of Department. A.B. (1932), Dartmouth; D.M.D. (1936), Harvard; Ph.D. (1944), Chicago. At Oregon since 1947. ANTHONY L. KADLEC, M.F.A., Assistant Professor of Speech. B.A. (1952), Montana; M.F.A. (1957), Utah. At Oregon since 1964. SlOMA KAGAN, Ph.D., Professor of International Business. Diplom.-Ingenieur (1931), Technische Hochschule (Berlin); liLA. (1949), American Uni· vcrsity; Pb.D. (1954), Columhia. At Oregon since 1960. 34 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON PAUL E. KAMBLY, Ph.D., Professor of Education. B.Ed. (1930), Illinois State Normal; M.S. (1934), Ph.D. (1939), Iowa. At Oregon since 1946. *SYLVAN N. KARCHMER, M.F.A., Professor of English. B.F.A. (1949), M.F.A. (1950), Texas. At Oregon since 1950. M. ALLAN KAYS, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geology. B.A. (1956), Southern Illinois; M.A. (1958), Ph.D. (1960), Washington University. At Oregon since 1961. JOHN F. W. KEANA, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. B.A.-(1961), Kalamazoo; Ph.D. (1965), Stanford. At Oregon since 1965. HERMAN KEHRLI, M.A., Director, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service,. with the Rank of Professor; Associate Professor of Political Science. B.A. (1923), Reed; M.A. (1933), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1933. J AROLD A. KEITH, M.Ed., Instructor in Education and Wrestling Coach. B.S. (1956), M.Ed. (1961), Oregon State. At Oregon since 1966. ROBERT E. KEITH, M.Arch., Associate Director of Urban Planning Program, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Professor. B.S. (1944), Kansas State; M.Arch. (1951), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. HOMER T. KELLER, M.M., Professor of Music (Theory and Composition). B.M. (1937), M.M. (1938), Eastman School of Music. At Oregon since 1958. CARDINAL L. KELLY, M.A., C.P.A., Professor Emeritus· of Business Administra- tion. Ph.B. (1911), Chicago; M.A. (1923), Ohio State; C.P.A., State of Nebraska (1922), State of Oregon (1945). At Oregon since 1922. ROBERT L. KELLY, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1959), St. Benedict's; M.A. (1962), Kansas. At Oregon since 1963. WILLIAM J. KELLY, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1957), Brown; M.A. (1966), New York University. At Oregon since 1966. EDWARD C. KEMP, JR., M.L.S., Acquisition Librarian (Assistant Professor). A.B. (1951), Harvard; M.L.S. (1955), California. At Oregon since 1955. JAMES C. KEMP, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics. A.B. (1955), Ph.D. (1960), California. At Oregon since 1961. ROBERT E. KEMPER, M.A., Assistant Professor of Librarianship. B.A. (1958), Western State; M.A. (1963), Denver. At Oregon since 1966. GORDON L. KENSLER, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Art Education; Research Associate, Institute for Community Studies. B.F.A. (1949), M.F.A. (1951), Art Institute of Chicago; Ed.D. (1964), Stanford. At Oregon since 1966. JAMES KEZER, Ph.D., Professor of Biology. B.A. (1930), Iowa; M.S. (1937), Ph.D. (1948), C01'1lell. At Oregon since 1954. CHULSOON KHANG, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economics. B.A. (1959), Michigan State; M.A. (1962), Ph.D. (1965), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1966. JAROLD A. KIEFFER, Ph.D., Assistant to the President, with the Rank of Professor; Associate Professor of Political Science. B.A. (1947), Ph.D. (1950), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1963. CHONG LIM KIM, M.A., Instructor in Political Science. B.A. (1959), Seoul National University; M.A. (1964), Oregon. At Oregon sincc 1965. DANIEL P. KIMBLE, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology. B.A. (1956), Knox; Ph.D. (1961), Michigan. At Oregon since 1963. * On leave of absence, winter and spring terms, 1966-67. FACULTY 35 ROBERT E. KIME, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Health Education. B.S. (1954), M.S. (1958), Wisconsin State (La Crosse); Ph.D. (1963), Ohio State. At Oregon since 1963. *GERALD A. KING, JR., B.A., Acting Assistant Professor of Sociology. B.A. (1961), Texas Christian. At Oregon since 1966. DONALD H. KIRSCH, B.S., Professor of Physical Educaation; Head Baseball Coach; Freshman Basketball Coach. B.S. (1943), Oregon. At Oregon since 1947. JOANNE M. KITCHELL, B.A., Editor, Center for Advanced Study of Educational Administration, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1950), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. LAURENCE R. KITTLEMAN, JR., Ph.D., Curator of Geology, Museum of Natural History, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.S. (1953), Colorado College; M.S. (1956), Colorado; Ph.D. (1962), Oregon. At Ore· gon 1959·60 and since 1962. EDWARD D. KITTOE, M;A., Assistant Professor of English. B.A. (1931), M.A. (1936), Oregon. At Oregon since 1936. GLENNIE M. K1TTOE, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1924), Wichita; M.A. (1939), Oregon. At Oregon 1946·49 and since 1957. ALBERT R. KITZHABER, Ph.D., Professor of English. B.A. (1939), Cae; M.A. (1941), Washington State; Ph.D. (1953), Washington. At Ore· " gon since 1962. ANNABEL R. KlTZHABER, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1938), Idaho; M.A. (1940), 'Vashington State. At Oregon since 1963. THEODORE W. KLEINSASSER, M.F.A., Assistant Professor of Architecture. A.B. (1951), M.F.A. (1956), Princeton. At Oregon since 1965. PAUL KLEIN SORGE, Ph.D., Professor of Economics; Director, Institute of Indus- trial and Labor Relations. A.B. (1927), Ph.D. (1939), Stanford; M.B.A. (1929). Harvard. At Oregon since 1948. LEROY H. KLEMM, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry. B.S. (1941), Illinois; M.S. (1943), Ph.D. (1945), Michigan. At Oregon since 1952. JAMES R. KLONOSKJ, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Science. B.S. (1947), M.A. (1948), Minnesota; Ph.D. (1958), Michigan. At Oregon since 1961. tCHARLES E. KLOPFENSTEIN, B.A., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. B.A. (1962), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. JOSEPH E. KN1GHT, B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1964), San Francisco. At Oregon since 1966. PHYLLIS L. KNIGHT, B.S., Assistant Dean of Women, with the Rank of Instructor. B.S. (1965), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. ERNESTO R. KNOLLlN, M.A., Professor Emeritus of Physical Education. B.A. (1914), M.A. (1929), Stanfol·d. At Oregon since 1929. RICHARD M. KOCH, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. B.A. (1961), Harvard; Ph.D. (1964), Princeton. At Oregon since 1966. THOMAS KOENIG, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. B.S. (1959), Sonthern Methodist; Ph.D. (1963), TIlinois. At Oreg"on since 1963. ROBERT D. KOLER, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Medical School; Head of Divi- sion of Hematology and Experimental Medicine. B.A. (1945), M.D. (1947), Oregon. At Oregon since 1953. TONY N. KOM, M.L.A., M.S., Planning Consultant, Bureau of Municipal Re- search and Service, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.S. (1953), Washington State; M.S. (1954), Rutgers; M.L.A. (1960), California. At Oregon since 1964. * On leave of absence, fall and winter terms, 1966-67. t On leave of absence 1966·67. .-._._"...- '-,.-~-~-"'......,,~....,....,..,= ......)>'"'!'...~:_~.__ .~,~_k ...........,.,,!!1~~,........."'li""""·_:~1 ~ 36 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON THOMAS KOPLIN, Ph.D., Professor of Economics. B.A. (1947), Oberlin; Ph.D. (1952}, Cornell. At Oregon since 1950. JERZY KOSTROWICKI, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Geography. M.S. (1947), Ph.D. (1951), Warsaw. At Oregon since 1966. LAVERNE KRAUSE, B.S., Visiting Assistant Professor of Art. B.S. (1946), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. JOHN W. KREITZ, M.S., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force; Professor of Aero­ space Studies. B.B.A. (1954), Minnesota; M.S. (1956), Colorado. At Oregon since 1964. EDMUND P. KREMER, J.U.D., Professor Emeritus of Germanic Languages. J.U.D. (1924), Frankfort on Main. At Oregon since 1928. *ELWOOD A. KRETSINGER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Speech. B.A. (1939), Southeastern State (Oklahoma); M.A. (1941), Oklahoma; Ph.D. (1951), Southern California. At Oregon since 1952. . CLARICE KRIEG, A.M., Head Catalog Librarian (Professor). B.A. (1932), Iowa; B.S. in L.S. (1933), A.M. (1935), Illinois. At Oregon since 1941. WILLIAM W. KRIPPAEHNE, M.D., Kenneth A. J. Mackenzie Professor of Surgery, Medical School; Chairman of Department. I B.S. (1943), Washington; M.D. (1946), Oregon. At Oregon since 1953. HAROLD J. KUGELMASS, B.S., Instructor in English. B.A. (1964), College of City of New York. At Oregon since 1966. DANIEL H. LABBY, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Medical School; Head of Divi­ sion of Diabetes and Metabolism. B.A. .(935), Reed; M.D. (1939), Oregon. At Oregon since 1947. FRANK R. LACY, J.D., LL.M., Professor of Law. A.B. (1946), Harvard; J.D. (1948), Iowa; LL.M. (1958),.New York. At Oregon 1949-55 and since 1957. ROBERT L. LACY, M.F.A., Visiting Professor of English. B.J. (1962), Texas; M.F.A. (1966), Iowa. At Oregon since 1966. JOHN E. LALLAS, Ed.D., Director, Office of Planning and Institutional Research, with the Rank of Professor; Associate Professor of Education. B.A. (1947), Washington; B.A. (1952), Western Washington; Ed.D. (1956), Stanford. At Oregon since 1957. JOANNE K. LAMBETH, M.Ed., Instructor in Education. B.S. (1952), Eastern Oregon; M.Ed. (1965), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. EDNA LANDROS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Emeritus of Classical Languages. A.B. (1913), Kansas; A.M. (1921), Arizona; Ph.D. (1935), Oregon. At Oregon since 1928. ROBERT G. LANG, D. Phil., Assistant Professor of History. A.B. (1955), Columbia; D.Phil. (1963), Oxford. At Oregon since 1964. ROBERT L. LANG, D.D.S., Professor of Dentistry, Dental School; Head of De­ partment of Crown and Bridge. B.S. (1939), Portland; M.A. (1941), D.M.D. (1944), Oregon. At Oregon since 1952; VINCENT LANIER, Ed.D., Professor of Art Education. B.A. (1947), M.A. (1948), Ed.D. (1954), New York University. At Oregon since 1966. LARRY D. LARGE, B.S., Admissions Counselor, with the Rank of Instructor. B.S. (1964), Portland State. At Oregon sinee 1965. tALLAN R. LARRABBEE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. B.S. (1957), Bucknell; Ph.D. (1962), Massachusetts Institnte of Technology. At Oregon since 1966. DAN R. LARSON, B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1963), Moorhead State. At Oregon since 1965. * On leave of absence, spring term, 1966-67. t On leave of absence 1966-67. 37 FACULTY RAYMOND L. LARSON, M.B.A., Instructor in Accounting. B.A. (1957), M.B.A. (1963), Washington State. At Oregon since 1965. CATHERINE M. LAURIS, B.A., Managing Editor, University of Oregon Books, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1940), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. DOUGLAS W. LAWDER, JR., B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1957), Kenyon. At Oregon since 1966. PATRICIA A. LAWRENCE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History of Art. B.A. (1956), M.A. (1957), Ph.D. (1962), California. At Oregon since 1962. *JOHN V. LEAHY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. B.A. (1960), Ph.D. (1965), Pennsylvania. At Oregon since 1966. ROBERT W. LEARY, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology. A.B. (1944), A.M. (1948), Stanford; Ph.D. (1956), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1956. IRA n LEE, M.M.E., Associate Professor of Music (Music Education). B.M.E. (1946), M.M.E. (1947), Colorado. At Oregon since 1950. ROBERT W. LEEPER, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology. B.A. (1925), Allegheny; M.A. (1928), Ph.D. (1930), Clark. At Oregon sincc 1937. HARLAN W. LEFEVRE, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics. B.A. (1951), Reed; M.S. (1957), Idaho; Ph.D. (1961),.Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1961. MAURICE R. LEGRiS, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A., B.Ph. (1954), Ottawa; M.A. (1957), North Carolina. At Oregon since 1965. *CHARLEY A. LEISTNER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Speech; Head of Depart­ ment. B.A. (1949), Georgetown College; M.A. (1950), Baylor; Ph.D: (1958), Missonri. At Oregon since 1962. .' HERBERT C. LEMQN, M.D., Associate University Physician, with the Rank of Pro­ fessor. B.A. (1952), M.D. (1960), Nebraska. At Oregon since 1964. ALBERT LEONG, B.A., Acting Assistant Professor of Slavic Languages. B.A. (1961), Chicago. At Oregol1 since 1966. ESTHER J. LEONG, B.A., Visiting Lecturer in Art History. B.A. (1962), M.A. (1964), Chicago.' At Oregon since 1966. *WOLFGANG A. LEPPMANN, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languages; Head of Department of German and Russian. B.A. (1948), M.A. (1949), McGill; Ph.D. (1952), Princeton. At Oregon since 1954. ESTHER H. LESER, B.A., Instructor in French and German. Dip!. (1944), Sacre-Coeur; B.A. (1960), Marylhnrst. At Oregon since 1965. DON S. LEVI, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Philosophy. B.A. (1956), Wisconsin; M.A. (1961), Ph.D. (1964), Harvard. At Oregon since 1964. GERSON L. LEVIN, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics. B.A. (1961), Pennsylvania; M.A. (1962), Ph.D. (1965), Chicago. At Oregon since 1966. PETER M. LEWiNSOHN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology. B.S. (1951), Allegheny; M.A. (1953), Ph.D. (1955), Johns Hopkins. At Oregon since 1965. GENE R. LEWIS, M.M., M.A., Instructor in Music (Brass Instruments). B.M. (1954), Texas Western; M.M. (1958), Manhattan SchOOl of Music; Prof. Dip., M.A. (1960) , Columbia. At Oregon sinee 1965. . HOWARD P. LEWIS, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Medical School; Chairman of Department. B.S. (1924), Oregon State; M.D. (1930), Oregon. At Oregon since 1932. * On leave of absence 1966-67. 38 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON PAUL M. LEWIS, M.A., Lecturer in Romance Languages; Assistant University Editor, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.J.(l948), Missouri; M.A. (1961), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. EDWARD LlCHTENSTEIN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology. B.A. (1956), Duke; M.A. (1957), Ph.D. (1961), Michigan. At Oregon since 1966. MARVIN E. LICKEY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology. B.A. (1959), Oberlin; M.A. (1962), Ph.D. (1964), Michigan. At Oregon since 1966. HANS A. LINDE, LL.B., Professor of Law. B.A. (1947), Reed; LL.B.(l950), California. At Oregon 1954 and since 1959. RICHARD W. LINDHOLM, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Business Administration; Professor of Finance. A.B. (1935), Gustavus Adolphus; M.A. (1938), Minnesota; Ph.D. (1942), Texas. At Oregon since 1958. HOWARD A. LINDSTROM, M.A., Assistant Head, Audiovisual Media Center (Assist- ant Professor). B.S. (1957), Southern Oregon; M.A. (1966), San Jose State. At Oregon since 1966. ]. ORVILLE LINDSTROM, B.S., Director of Fiscal Affairs, with the Rank of Pro- fessor. B.S. (1932), Oregon. At Oregon since 1932. ARTHUR P. LITCHMAN, Director of Public Relations and Promotion, Athletic De- partment, with the Rank of Associate Professor. At Oregon since 1956. RICHARD A. LITTMAN, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology; Head of Department. A.B. (1943), George Washington; Ph.D. (1948), Ohio State. At Oregon since 1948. WALTER e LOBITZ, ] R., M.D., Professor of Dermatology, Medical School; Head of Division. B.S. (1939), B.M. (1940), M.D. (1941), Cincinnati. At Oregon siuce 1959. ROBERT R. LOCKARD, M.A., Social Science Librarian (Senior Instructor). B.A. (1952), Colorado State College of Education; M.A. (1956), Denver. At Oregon since 1961. ROBIN B. LODEWICK, M.L.S., Catalog Librarian (Instructor). B.A. (1959), Brooklyn; M.L.S. (1961), Rutgers. At Oregon since 1961. HENRY L. LOEB, Ph.D., Visiting Associate Professor of Mathematics. B.S. (1949), Wisconsin; M.A. (1958), Columbia; Ph.D. (1965), California at Los An· geles. At Oregon since 1966. FRANK H. LOGGAN, B.A., Lecturer in ] ournalisrtl. B.A. (1926), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. ALFRED L. LOMAX, M.A., Professor Emeritus of Business Administration. B.B.A. (1923), Oregon; M.A. (1927), Pennsylvania. At Oregon since 1919. AVARD e LONG, M.D., eM., Associate University Physician, with the Rank of Associate Professor. B.Sc. (1938), New Hampshire; M.Sc. (1940), Cornell; M.D., C.M. (1944), McGill. At Oregon since 1965. RICHARD ]. LONG, M.S., Reference Librarian (Instructor). B.S. (1949), Pennsylvania State; M.S. (1966), Oregou. At Oregon since 1966. VAL R. LORWIN, Ph.D., Professor of History. B.A. (1927), Ph,D. (1953), Cornell; M.A. (1929), Ohio State. At Oregon since 1957. GEORGE ]. LOSCALZO, M.A., Instructor in Mathematics. B.S. (1955), St. Joseph's; M.A. (1966), Oregon. At Oregon siuce 1966. ] OHN LOUGHARY, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education. B.S. (1952), Oregon; M.A. (1956), Ph.D. (1958), Iowa State. At Oregon 1962-64, and since 1965. FACULTY 39 GLEN A. LOV.E, Pb.D., Assistant Professor of Engi,ish; Director of English Com- position. B.A. (1954), M.A. (1959), Ph.D. (1964), Washington. At Oregon since 1965. LLOYD L. LOVELL, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education. B.A. (1947), Lawrence; M.S. (1951), Minnesota; Ph.D. (1955), Cornell. At Oregon since 1959. HOWARD C. LOVERING, B.A., Planning Technician, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1962), Washington. At Oregon since 1966. RONALD J. LOVINGER, M.L.A., Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture. B.F.A. (1961), Illinois; l\1.L.A. (1963), Pennsylvania. At Oregon since 1965. RAYMOND N. LOWE, Ed.D., Professor of Education. B.S.Ed. (1940), Massachusetts State (Fitchburg); M.A. (1948), Ecl.D. (1951), North- western. At Oregon since 1955. FRANKLIN LOWENTHAL, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. B.S. (1959), City College of New York; M.S. (1962), Ph.D. (1965), Stanford. At Oregon since 1965. Kuo HWA Lu, Ph.D., Professor. of Biostatistics, Dental School; Head of De- partment. B.S. (1945), National Central University, Chungking; M.S. (1948), Ph.D. (1951), Minne- sota. At Oregon since 1960. ERNEST H. LUND, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geology. B.S. (1944), Oregon; Ph.D. (1950), Minnesota. At Oregou siuce 1957. GERALD H. LUNDY, M.S., Instructor in English. B.A. (1950), M.S. (1958), Oregon. At Oregon since 1964. CHRIS J. LUNESKI, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Accounting and Business Statis- tics. A.B. (1956), Johns Hopkins; M.A. (1959), Ph.D. (1965), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1961. DONLYN LYNDON, M.F.A., Associate Professor of Architecture; Head of Depart- ment. A.B. (1957), M.F.A. (1959), Princeton. At Oregon since 1964. ARTHUR E. MACE, Ph.D., Professor of Business Statistics. B.A. (1938), Amherst; Ph.D. (1947), Chicago. At Oregon since 1964. JOHN MACGREGOR, B.A., Assistant Professor of Sociology. B.A. (1961), Maine. At Oregon since 1965. JACK P. MADDEX, JR., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History. B.A. (1963), Princeton; Ph.D. (1966), North Carolina. At Oregon since 1966. BRUNO V. MADRID, M.Mus., Instructor in Physical Education. B.Mus. (1955), Santo Tomas; M.Mus. (1963), Oreg@n.At Oregon since 1966. DAVID B. MAHLER, Ph.D., Professor ofDental Materials, Dental School; Head of Department. B.S. (1944), M.S. (1948), Ph.D. (1956), Michigan. At Oregon since 1956. EUGENE A. MAlEH, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics. B.A. (1950), M.A. (1951), Ph.D. (1954), Oregon. At Oregon since 1961. STODDARD MALARKEY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English. A.B. (1955), Reed; l\1.Ed. (1960), Oregon State; Ph.D. (1964), Oregon. At Oregon 1961- 64, and since 1965. GREGORY P. MALTBY, M.S., Assistant Professor of Education. B.S. (1955), M.S. (1956), Illinois State. At Oregon since 1966. THERESA M_ MALUMPHY, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Education. B.S. (1954), State Teachers College (Bridgewater, Mass.); M.S. (1957), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1959. 40 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON DOROTHY M. MANNING, M.L., Catalog Librarian (Instructor). B.S. in Ed. (1948), New York College of Education (Buffalo); M.L. (1963), Washington. At Oregon since 1963. HAROLD D. MANNING, M.A., Instructor in Romance Languages. B.A. (1961), M.A. (1964), Brigham Young. At Oregon since 1964. THOMAS W.MAPP, B.A., LL.B., Associate Professor of Law. B.A. (1950), Rochester; LL.B. (1956), Illinois. At Oregon since 1964. RAYMOND MARIELS, M.A., Instructor in English. B.S. (1960), Portland State; M.A. (1963), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. MARGARET MARKLEY, A.B., B.S. in L.S., Senior Catalog Librarian (Assistant Professor) . A.B. (1933), Southwest Missouri State; B.S. in L.S. (1941), Illinois. At Oregon since 1945. ELISABETH A. MARLOW, M.A., Instructor in Romance Languages. Dipl6me (1953), Ecole de Hautes Etudes Commerciales (Paris); M.A. (1958), Oregon. At Oregon since 1958. MALCOLM M. MARQUIS, M.D., Associate University Physician, with the Rank of Professor. B.S. (1953), Oregon State; M.D. (1961), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. *THOMAS E. MARSHALL, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Romance Languages. B.A. (1945), M.A. (1946), Ph.D. (1959), California. At Oregon since 1953. *GENE E. MARTIN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geography. B.A. (1949), M.A. (1952), Washington; Ph.D. (1955), Syracuse. At Oregon since 1956. GEORGE B. MARTIN, D.Ed., Visiting Professor of Education. B.S. (1930), M.A. (1938), Ed.D. (1944), California. At Oregon since 1966. WALTER T. MARTIN, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology; Head of Department. B.A. (1943), M.A. (1947), Ph.D. (1949), Washington. At Oregon since 1947. MELTON C. MARTINSON, M.S., Assistant Professor of Education. B.S. (1953), River Ralls (Wisconsin); M.S. (1960), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1965. MARIE R. MASON, M.A., Senior Instructor in Mathematics. B.A. (1921), Oregon; M.A. (1929), Columbia. At Oregon since 1943. JOSEPH D. MATARAZZO, Ph.D., Professor of Medical Psychology, Medical School; Chairman of Department. B.A. (1946), Brown; M.S ..(1950), Ph.D. (1952), Northwestern. At Oregon since 1957. THEODORE K. MATTHES, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. B.S. (1955), California Institute of Technology; Ph.D. (1960), Columbia. At Oregon since 1962. ESTHER E. MATTHEWS, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Education. B.S. (1940), Massachusetts State; NLEd. (1943), Ed.D. (1960), Harvard. At Oregon since 1966. FRED A. MATTHIAS, B.B.A., Business Manager, Medical School, (Associate Pro- fessor) . RB.A: (1949), Oregon. At Oregon since 1956. BRIAN W. MATTSON, B.S., Associate Planner, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.S. (1957), Michigan State. At Oregon since 1964. ROBERT H. MATTSON, D.Ed., Associate Professor of Education. B.A. (1949), Montana; M.A. (1950), Iowa; D.Ed. (1959), Oregon. At Oregon since 1957. STANLEY R. MAVEETY, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English; Assistant Head of Department. B.S. (1943), Northwestern; M.A. (1950), Columbia; Ph.D. (1956), Stanford. At Oregon since 1955. * On leave of absence 1966-67. FACULTY 41 LAWRENCE C. MAVES, JR., M.Mus., Assistant Professor of Music (Violin, Theory). B.Mus. (1954), M.Mus. (1959), Oregon; Diploma (1958), Juilliard School of Music. At Oregon since 1958. EDWARD L. MAYO, M.A., Visiting Associate Professor of English. B.A. (1932), M.A. (1936), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1966. ROBERT M. MAZO, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry; Research Associate, Institute of Theoretical Science. B.A. (1952), Harvard; M.S. (1953), Ph.D. (1955), Yale. At Oregon since 1962. HAROLD V. McABEE, D.Ed., Educational Program Director, with the Rank of Instructor, Tongue Point Job Corps Center. A.B. (1943), Willamette; M.Ed. (1950), Washington; B.S. (1952), Southern Oregon; D.Ed. (1957), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. ALEXANDER R. McBIRNEY, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geology. B.S. (1946), U.S. Military Academy (West Point); Ph.D. (1961), California at Berkeley. At Oregon since 1965. IAN E. MCCARTHY, Ph.D., Professor of Physics. B.S. (1950, Ph.D. (1955), University of Adelaide (Australia). At Oregon since 1965. JOEL W. MCCLURE, JR., Ph.D., Professor of Physics. B.S. (1949), M.S. (1951), Northwestern, Ph.D. (1954), Chicago. At Oregon 1954·56 and since 1961. ROBERT R. MCCOLLOUGH, M.A., M.S., Head Humanities Librarian; Associate Professor of Librarianship. B.A. (1940), M.A. (1942), Wyoming; M.S. (1950), Columbia. At Oregon since 1950. BAYARD H. MCCONNAUGHEY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology. B.A. (1938), Pomona; M.A. (1940, Hawaii; Ph.D. (1948), California. At Oregon since 1948. DAVID J. MCCOSH, Professor of Art. Grad. (1927), Art Institnte of Chicago. At Oregon since 1934. REYBURN R. MCCREADY, M.A., Reference Librarian (Senior Instructor). B.A. (1950), John Brown; M.A. (1961), Denver. At Oregon since 1961. DAVID K. McDANIELS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physics. B.S. (1951), Washington State; M.S. (1958), Ph.D. (1960), Washington. At Oregon since 1963. PATRICIA N. R. McDANIELS, B.A., Humanities Librarian (Instructor). B.A. (1955), Whitman. At Oregon since 1966. JUNE K. McFEE, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Art Education; Director, Institute for Community Art Studies. B.A. (1939), Washington; M.Ed. (1954), Central Washington; Ed.D. (1957), Stanford. At Oregon since 1965. MALCOLM McFEE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Anthropology. B.A. (1956), San Jose State; M.A. (1958), Ph.D. (1962), Stanford. At Oregon since 1965. MICHAEL E. MCGOLDRICK, M.A., Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics. B.A. (1959), M.A. (1962), Stanford. At Oregon since 1965. PHILIP 1. MCHUGH, B.S., Assistant Football and Basketball Coach, with the Rank of Assistant Professor; Instructor in Physical Education. B.S. (1957), Oregon. At Oregon since 1958. ALLAN D. MACKENZIE, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History of Art. B.A. (1952), San Jose State; M.A. (1955), California; Ph.D. (1965), New York Univer· sity. At Oregon since 1966. MICHAEL P. MCKINNEY, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1965), Hanston; M.A. (1966), Indiana. At Oregon since 1966. WALTEH N. MCLAUGHLIN, B.S., C.P.A., Business Manager, with the Rank of Pro- fessor. B.S. (1949), Oregon; C.P.A. (1954), State of Oregon. At Oregon since 1954. 42 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON ADELL McMILLAN, M.S., Assistant Director for Programs, Student Union, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.A. (1955), Whitman; M.S. (1963), Oregon. At Oregon since 1955. PATRICIA A. H. McNEILL, M.S., Senior Instructor in Biology. B.S. (1961), M.S. (1964), Manchester. At Oregon since 1966. CORINNE C. McNEIR, M.S. in L.S., Documents Librarian, with the Rank of Assist- ant Professor. B.A. (1930), Rice; M.S. in L.S. (1957), Louisiana State. At Oregon since 1961. W AWO F. McNEIR, Ph.D., Professor of English. B.A. (1929), Rice; M.A. (1932), Ph.D. (1940), North Carolina. At Oregon since 1961. JAMES R. MCWILLIAMS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Germanic Languages. B.A. (1951), M.A. (1957), Ph.D. (1963), California. At Oregon since 1960. MELVIN F. MEAD, M.Ed., Instructor in Education. B.S. (1950), M.Ed. (1960), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. THOMAS C. MEADOR, M.A., Instructor, Division of Broadcast Services. B.A. (1964), M.A. (1965), Michigan State. At Oregon since 1965. PAUL B. MEANS, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Religion. B.A. (1915), Yale; B.Litt. (1923), Oxford; Ph.D. (1935), Columbia. At Oregon since 1941. HOSHANG P. MEHTA, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Education. B.A. (1937), Karachi; Ph.D. (1943), Poona; M.A. (1947), Calcutta. At Oregon since 1966. PERIN H. MEHTA, Ph.D., Visiting Associate Professor, University Counseling Center. B.A. (1946), M.A. (1948), Bombay; liLA. (1950), Patna; M.A. (1953), Ph.D. (1954), Columbia. At Oregon since 1966. NORMAN D. MEINKE, M.A., Instructor in English. . B.A. (1959), San Francisco State; M.A. (1962), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. JOHN R. MENNINGER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology; Research Associate, Institute of Molecular Biology. B.A. (1957), Ph.D. (1964), Harvard. At Oregon since 1966. WAYNE V. MERCHEN, M.U.P., Assistant Planner, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.A. (1960), Fresno State; M.D.P. (1964), Washington. At Oregon since 1964. LEROY C. MERRITT, Ph.D., Dean, School of Librarianship; Professor o(Librarian- ship. B.A. (1935), Wisconsin; Ph.D. (1942), Chicago. At Oregon since 1966. ERNST MERZRATH, Instructor in Mathematics; Research Assistant, Statistical Laboratory and Computing Center. Staatsex (1965), Hamburg. At Oregon since 1965. *KENNETH T. METZLER, B.S., Editor, Old Oregon, with the Rank of Associate Professor. B.S. (1956), Oregon. At Oregon since 1960. MARY C. MEYER, M.A., Head Circulation Librarian (Assistant Professor). B.A. (1959), M.A. (1961), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1961. RAYMOND F. MIKESELL, Ph.D., IN. E. Miner Professor of Economics. B.A. (1935), M.A. (1935), Ph.D. (1939), Ohio State. At Oregon since 1957. FRED N. MILLER, M.D., Professor Emeritus of Health Education. B.A. (1914), M.A. (1916), Lafayette; M.D. (1924), Chicago. At Oregon since 1925. GRACE E. MILLER, M.A., Instructor in Home Economics. B.A. (1938), Drake; "LA. (1954), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. * On sabbatical leave 1966-67. FACULTY 43 JAMES A. MILLER, A.Mus.D., Assistant Professor of Music (Voice). B.A. (1952), Goshen; M.Mus. (1956), A.Mus.D. (1963), Michigan. At Oregon since 1965. MARIAN H. MILLER, M.D., Associate University Physician, with the Rank of Pro- fessor. B.A. (1925), M.D. (1930), Oregon. At Oregon since 1931. SUSAN J. MILLER, M.Ed., Senior Instructor in Education. B.S. (1955), ilLEd. (1962), Oregon. At Oregon since 1962. WALTER L. MILLER, M.S., Instructor in Education. B.S. (1948), M.S. (1951), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. EDWARD MILOWICKI, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1958), Wilkes; M.A. (1962), Duquesne. At Oregon since 1963. JOHN B. MINER, Ph.D., Professor of Management. A.B. (1950), Ph.D. (1955), Princeton; M.A. (1952), Clark. At Oregon since 1960. RALPH E. MINER, M.A., Research Associate, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Associate Professor. B.A. (1950), San Jose State; M.A. (1961), Oregon. At Oregon silJce 1964. ARTURO MIRO-CAYUELA, B.A., Visiting Lecturer in Romance Languages. B.A. (1950), Granada; Lic. (1955), Barcelona. At Oregon since 1966. JOYCE M. MITCHELL, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Politcial Science. B.A. (1952), Pomona; M.A. (1954), California at Los Angeles; Ph.D. (1964), Cali· fornia. A t Oregon since 1960. WILLIAM C. MITCHELL, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Science. B.A. (1950), Michigan State; M.A. (1951), Illinois; Ph.D. (1960), Harvard. At Oregon since 1960. ARTHUlI MITTMAN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education. B.A. (1947), M.S. (1950), Ph.D. (1958), Iowa. At Oregon since 1963. HIROSHI MIYAjI, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Japanese. B.A. (1952), Kyoto; M.A. (1961), Ph.D. (1965), Stanford. At Oregon since 1965. WALTER R. MOBERLY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology. B.A. (1962), California; M.A. (1%4), Ph.D. (1966), Michigan. At Oregon since 1966. FRED J. MOHR, B.A., Special Assistant to the Dean of the Graduate School, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.A. (1956), Oregon. At Oregon since 1962. ERNEST G. MOLL, A.M., Professor Emeritus of English. A.B. (1922), Lawrenee; A.M. (1923), Harvard. At Oregon sinee 1928. WILLIAM MONTAGNA, Ph.D., D.Sc., Professor of Experimental Biology, Medical School; Head of Division. B.A. (1936), Ph.D. (1944), Cornell; D.Sc. (1960), Bethany. At Oregon since 1963. KIRT E. MONTGOMERY, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Speech. A.B. (1930), Carroll; M.A. (1939), Ph.D. (1948), Northwestern. At Oregon 1941-43 and since 1945. PATRICIA MONTGOMERY, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Education. B.P.H.E. (1951), Toronto; M.S. (1957), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1958. JUDITH A. MOOMAW, M.A., Catalog Librarian, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1%1), Nebraska; M.A. (1965), Michigan. At Oregon since 1%5. CARLISLE MOORE, Ph.D., ProfessOl- of English. B.A. (1933), M.A. (1934), Ph.D. (1940), Princeton. At Oregon since 1946. J OSEPillNE S. MOORE, B.s., Manager of News Bureau, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.S. (1931), Oregon. At Oregon since 1946. JENNELLE V, MOORHEAD, M.S., Professor of Health Education. B.A. (1925), Willamette; M.S. (1948), Oregon. At Orego" since 1946. 44 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON ROBERT W. MORRIS, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology. A.B. (1942), Wichita; M.S. (1948), Oregon State; Ph.D. (1954), Stanford. At Oregon since 1955. VICTOR P. MORRIS, Ph.D.,H. T. Miner Professor Emeritus of Business Admin- istration. B.A. (1915), M.A. (1920), Oregon; Ph.D. (1930), Columbia. At Oregon 1919-20 aud since 1926. ANDREW F. MOURSUND, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics; Head of Department. B.A. (1923), M.A. (1927), Texas; Ph.D; (1932), Brown. At Oregon since 1931. EARL E. MOURSUND, M.Arch., Reg. Archt., Associate Professor of Architecture. B.S. (1949), Texas; J\1.Arch. (1951), Cranbrook Academy; Reg. Archt. (1951), State of Texas. At Oregon since 1955. Lu~u V. MOURSUND, M.A., Instructor in Mathematics. Ph.B. (1929), M.A. (1930), Brown. At Oregon 1956-57 and since 1961. THOMAS F. MUNDLE, M.A., Assistant Professor Emeritus of English. M.A. (1923), St. Andrews. At Oregon since 1940. CORLEE MUNSON, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Education. B.A. (1948), Colorado State College; M.S. (1956), Washington. At Oregon since 1959. FREDERICK W. MUNZ, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology. B.A. (1950), Pomona; M.A. (1952), Ph.D. (1958), California at Los Angeles. At Orcgon since 1959. GORDON J. MURPHY, M.S., Instructor in Biology. B.S. (1953), Oregon State; M.S. (1958), Soutlt Dakota. At Oregon 1962-64, and since 1965. JAMES D. MURRAY, B.S., Division of Broadcast Services (Instructor). B.S. (1961), Lewis & Clark. At Oregon since 1966. ERNEST MUSTER, Instructor in Architecture. At Oregon since 1961. WILLIAM E. NAFF, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Oriental Languages. B.A. (1953), M.A. (1959)-, Ph.D. (1965), Washington. At Oregon since 1962. LARRY L. NEAL, M.S., Instructor in Recreation Management. B.S. (1961), M.S. (1962), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. LUCILLE R. NEEDHAM, M.S., Instructor in Business Administration. B.S. (1945), M.S (1948), Oregon. At Oregon 1946-55,1960, and since 1963. JOHN R. NELSON, JR., M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1959), Hamilton; M.A. (1962), Maine. At Oregon since 1962. LOIS E. NELSON, M.S., Assistant Professor of Home Economics. B.S. (1948), North Dakota State; M.S. (1950), Cornell. At Oregon since 1959. R. PAUL NELSON, M.S., Associate Professor of Journalism. B.S. (1947), M.S. (1955), Oregon. At Oregon sil,"e 1955. KARL J. NESTVOLD, M.S., Assistant Professor of Journalism. B.S. (1954), Wyoming; M.S. (1960), Orgeon. At Orcgon since 1961. MARTHA M. NEWELL, M.P.S., Counselor, Office of Student Affairs, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1947), M.P.S. (1947), Colorado; B.D. (1959), Yale. At Oregon since 1963. FRANCES S. NEWSOM, M.A., Architecture and Allied Arts Librarian (Senior In- structor). B.A. (1928), Oregon; M.A. (1953), Denver. At Oregon since 1950. ROGER A. NICHOLLS, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Germanic Languages; Acting Department Head. B.A. (1949), Oxford; Ph.D. (1953), California. At Oregon since 1963. FACULTY 45 MERRILL S. NICHOLSON, B.A., Major, U.S. Air Force; Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies. B.A. (1950), Ohio University. At Oregon since 1965. FRANCIS B. NICKERSON, D.Ed., Associate Dean of Students, with the Rank of Pro· fessor; Associate Professor of Education. B.S. (1940), M.S. (1954), D.Ed. (1958), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. MARGARET A. NIELSEN, M.A., Editor, Bureau of Educational Research and Serv· ice, with the Rank of Instructor. A.B. (1928), Nehraska; M.A. (1931), Northwestern. At Oregon since 1965. ]ERRvL. NIELSON, B.A., Assistant Professor of Interior Architecture; Special Assistant to the Dean for Curriculum. B.A. (1958), \Vashington. At Oregon since 1962. CVRUS R. NIMS, B.Arch., Planning Consultant, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Associate Professor. B.Arch. (1947), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. CHARLES T. NISBETT, M.B.A., Instructor in Economics. B.S. (1958), Kalamazoo; M.B.A. (1959), Bloomington. At Oregon sinee 1966. IVAN M. NIVEN, Ph.D., Professor of Mathen;atics. B.A. (1934), M.A. (1936), British Colnmbia; Ph.D. (1938), Chicago. At Oregon since 1947. C. MAX NIXON, B.F.A., Associate Professor of Applied Design. B.F.A. (1939), Kansas. At Oregon 1956-57 and since 1958. PIETRO W. NOBILE, Assistant Professor in Romance Languages. Dottore in Materie Letterarie (1959), Salerno (Italy). At Oregon since 1964. W. SCOTT NOBLES, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Speech. B.A. (1947), Southeastern State (Oklahoma); M.A. (1948), Western Reserve; Ph.D. (1955), Louisiana State. At Oregon since 1955. WALLIS C. N OSU:R, B.B.S., Assistant Dean of Students, with the Rank of In- structor. B.D.S. (1960), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. AARON NOVICK, Ph.D., Professor of Biology; Director, Institute of Molecular Biology. B.S. (1940), Ph.D. (1943), Chicago. At Oregon since 1959. EDWARD NOVITSKI, Ph.D., Professor of Biology; Head of Department. B.S. (1938), Purdue; Ph.D. (1942), California Institute of Technology. At Oregon since 1958. *HAROLD]. NOVES, D.D.S., M.D., Dean of the Dental School; Professor of Dentis- try; Clinical Professor of Dental and Oral Medicine, Medical School; Head of Division. Ph.B. (1923), Chicago; B.S. (1928), D.D.S. (1928), Illinois; M.D. (1933), Rush. At Oregon since 1946. RICHARD M. NovEs, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry; Head of Department. A.B. (1939), Harvard; Ph.D. (1942), California Institute of Technology. At Oregon since 1958. ROBERT E. NVE, Ph.D., Professor of Music Education. B.E. (1932), State Teachers College (Milwaukee, Wis.); M.A. (1942), Ph.D. (1949), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1950. VERNICE T. NVE, M.A., Associate Professor of Education. . B.S. (1944), Florence State Teachers (Alabama); M.A. (1948), George Peabody. At Ore- gon since 1956. VERLIN H. ODELL, M.Ed., Placement Counselor, with the Rank of Assistant Pro- fessor. B.S. (1947), Upper Iowa University; M.Ed. (1954), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. * Retirement effcctive June 30, 1967. 46 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON ROBERT O. OFFICER, B.S., Athletic Trainer, with the Rank of Assistant Professor; Instructor in Physical Education. B.S. (1943), Oregon. At Oregon since 1950. ALAN B. O'LEARY, B.A., Assistant Dean of Students, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1965), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. LoUIS A. OLIVIER, M.A., Instructor in Romance Languages. B.A. (1962), Utah; M.A. (1963), Johns Hopkins. At Oregon since 1966. RICHARD W. OLMSTED, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics, Medical School; Chairman of Department. B.A. (1941), Dartmouth; M.D. (1944), Harvard. At Oregon since 1962. GUHU]. OLSON, M.S., R.N., Associate Professor of Nursing. B.S. (1936), Battle Creek; M.S. (1947), Western Reserve; R.N. (1936), State of Ohio. At Oregon since 1942. EVA M. O'NEIL, M.Ed., Instructor in Education. B.S. (1929), Idaho; M.Ed. (1954), Oregon. At Oregon since 1964. KARL W. ONTHANK, M.A., Professor Emeritus of Social Science; Counselor, University Mothers and Dads. B.A. (1913), M.A. (1915), Oregon. At Oregon since 1916. HENRY OSWOV, D.Ed., Assistant to the Dean of Faculties, with the Rank of A&so- ciate Professor. B.A. (1939), Western Washington; M.Ed. (1950), D.Ed. (1961), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. GEORGE J. OTTO, M.U.P., Associate Planner, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.A. (1954), M.U.P. (1960), Washington. At Oregon since 1960. HAROLD J. OWEN, M.Mus., Assistant Professor of Music (Composition, Theory). B.Mus. (1955), M.Mus. (1957), Southern California. At Oregon since 1966. B. DEAN OWENS, M.S., Counselor, Placement Service, with the Rank of Instructor. B.S. (1963), M.S. (1965), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. *ANGELA J. PALANDRl, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Oriental Languages. B.A. (1946), Catholic University, Peking; M.A. (1949), J\f.L.S. (1954), Ph.D. (1955), Washington. At Oregon 1954·56 and since 1962. tGUIDO A. PALANDRI, B.A., B.L.S., Catalog Librarian (Assistant Professor). B.A. (1949), Oregon; B.L.S. (1954), California. At Oregon 1954-56 and since 1960. CHARLES S. PALMERLEE, A.B., B.D., Counselor, Office of Student Affairs, with the Rank of Instructor. A.B. (1942), California; B.D. (1959), Pacific School of Religion. At Oregon since 1962. K WANGJAI PARK, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physics. B.A. (1958), Harvard; Ph.D. (1965), California. At Oregon since 1966. ROBERT S. PARKER, M.A., Assistant Coordinator, Urban Planning, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Associate Professor. B.A. (1948), Reed; M.A. (1950), Washington. At Oregon since 1966. WILLIAM H. PARKS, M.A., Instructor in Finance. B.A. (1957), M.A. (1960), Michigan State. At Oregon since 1965. MARILYN R. PARRISH, M.S., Instructor in Physical Education. B.S. (1949), Oregon State; M.S. (1965), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. CECIL B. PASCAL, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Classics; Head, Department of Classics, Chinese and Japanese. B.A. (1949), M.A. (1950), California at Los Angeles; M.A. (1953), Ph.D. (1956), Har- vard. At Oregon since 1960. * On leave of absence 1966-67. to" sabbatical leave 1966-67. FACULTY 47 GERALD R. PATTERSON, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology. B.S. (1949), M.S. (1951), Oregon; Ph.D. (1956), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1957. CLYDE P. PATTON, Ph.D., Professor of Geography. A.B. (1948), M.A. (1950), Ph.D. (1953), California. At Oregon since 1958. HUlBERT PAUL, M.L.S., Acquisition Librarian, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1963), Sophia (Tokyo); M.L.S. (1965), California at Berkeley. At Oregon since 1965. *ROllERT PAUL, M.A., Instructor in Philosophy. B.A. (1958), M.A. (1959), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. LUCILE V. PAYNE, B.A., Associate Editor of Old Oregon, with the Rank of Assist- ant Professor. B.A. (1939), Indiana State. At Oregon since 1966. MICHAEL D. PAYNE, B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1962), Southern Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. ARTHUR PEARL, Ph.D., Professor of Education. A.B. (1947), M.A. (1949), Ph.D. (1960), California at Berkeley. At Oregon since 1965. ANTHONY A. PEARSON, Ph.D., Professor of Anatomy, Medical School; Chairman of Department. B.S. (1928), Furman; M.A. (1930), Ph.D. (1933), Michigan. At Oregon since 1946. MICHAEL R. PEASE, B.Arch., Assistant Professor of Architecture. B.Arch. (1961), California. At Oregon since 1964. ARNO L. PEITERSON, M.B.A., C.P.A., Assistant Professor of Accounting. B.S. (1937), M.RA (1949), Orcgon; C.P.A. (1955), State of Oregon. At Oregon since 1946. ANIELA E. PELCH, M.S., Assistant Professor of Home Economics. B.S. (1952), M.S. (1954), Arizona. At Oregon since 1964. ROLAND ]. PELLEGRIN, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology; Director, Institute for Community Studies. B.S. (1947), M.A. (1949), Louisiana State; Ph.D. (1952), North Carolina. At Oregon since 1961. HERBERT L. PENNY, B.S., Director of Informational Services, with the Rank of Associate Professor. B.S. (1947), Oregon; Cert. (1948), Grenohle. At Oregon since 1961. VICTOR A. PERKES, Ed.D., Acting Assistant Professor of Education. B.A. (1954), M.A. (1960), San Jose State; Ed.D. (1966), Stanford. At Oregon since 1966. JOHN W. PERRIN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History. B.A. (1956), M.A. (1957), Michigan Statc; Ph.D. (1964), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1964. MIRIAM A. PERRY, B.A., Catalog Librarian (Senior Instructor). B.A. (1935), Oregon; Libr. Cert. (1936), California. At Oregon 1936·41 and since 1958. GEORGE P. PETERSEN, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Education; Head of Business Education Department, Sbuth Eugene High School. B.A. (1949), M.Ed. (1953), Oregon. At Oregon since 1955. *WARNER L. PETICOLAS, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry. B.S. (1950), Texas Technological; Ph.D. (1954), Northwestern. At Oregon since 1966. *DONALD L. PETING, M.Arch., Assistant Professor of.Architecture. B.Arch. (1962), Illinois; M.Arch. (1963), California. At Oregon since 1963. NILKANTH M. PHATAK, Ph.D., Professor of Pharmacology, Dental School; Head of Department. B.S. (1931), M.S. (1935), California; Ph.D. (1939), Cincinnati. At Oregon since 1940. * On leave of ahsence 1966-67. 48 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON lONE F. PIERRON, M.S., Associate Professor of Librarianship. B.A. (1936), Puget Sound; B.A. in Lib. (1937), Washington; M.S. (1960), Oregon. At Oregon since 1948. STANLEY A. PIERSON, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History. . B.A. (1950), Oregon; A.M. (1951), Ph.D. (1957), Harvard. At Oregon since 1957. BEllNARD PIROFSKY, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Medical School; Head of Di- vision of Immunology, Allergy, and Infectious Diseases. A.B. (1946), M.D. (1950), New York Ul1'iversity. At Oregon since 1956. DONALD M. PITCAIRN, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Medical School; Head of Division of Chest Diseases. B.A. (1944), Harvard; M.D. (1945), Oregon. At Oregon since 1949. HELMUT R. PLANT, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of German. B.A. (1957), Fairmont; M.A. (1961), Ph.D. (1964), Cincinnati. At Oregon since 1966. GEORGE M. PLATT, LL.B., Associate Professor of Law; Research Attorney, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service. B.S. (1948), LL.B. (1956), Illinois. At Oregon since 1966. KENNETH POLK, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology. B.A. (1956), San Diego State; M.A. (1957), Northwestern; Ph.D. (1961), California at Los Angeles. At Oregon since 1960. EAllL POMEROY, Ph.D., Beekman Professor of Northwest and Pacific History. B.A. (1936), San Jose State; M.A. (1937), Ph.D. (1940), California. At Oregon since 1949: CAROLINE H. POMMARANE, B.S., Registrar, Medical School, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.S. (1928), Nebraska. At Oregon since 1943. JANICE 1. POOLE, B.F.A., B.L.S., Reference Librarian, with the Rank of Instructor. B.F.A. (1963), Utah; B.L.S. (1956), British Columbia. At Oregon since 1965. ALBERT L. PORTER, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Business Management. B.S. (1942), Michigan Technological; M.B.A. (1948), Ph.D. (1961), Stanford. At Oregon since 1966. ANNETTE M. PORTER, Ph.D., Counselor, University Counseling Center, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.A. (1937), Washington; Ph.D. (1943), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1960. DONALD R. PORTEll, D.D.S., Professor of Dentistry, Dental School; Head of De- partment of Pedodontics. D.D.S. (1951), M.S. (1953), Michigan. At Oregon since 1953. KENNETH W. PORTER, Ph.D., Professor of History. B.A. (1926), Sterling; M.A. (1927), Minnesota; Ph.D. (1936), Harvard. At Oregon 1951·52 and since 1958. MICHAEL 1. POSNER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology. B.S. (1957), M.S. (1959), Washington; Ph.D. (1962), Michigan. At Oregon since 1965. OTTO P. POnCHA, B.S., Visiting Lecturer in Architecture. B.S. (1958), Cincinnati; Reg. Archt., Indiana, Oregon.. At Oregon since 1964. JOHN L. POWELL, Ph.D., Professor of Physics; Head of Department. B.A. (1943), Reed; Ph.D. (1948), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1955. PERRY J. POWERS, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Romance Languages; Head of Department. B.A. (1941), Oregon; Ph.D. (1947), Johns HOIlkins. At Oregon since 1946. HERBERT J. PREHM, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education. B.S. (1959), Concordia Teachers' College (T1linois); M.S. (1962), Ph.D. (1964), Wis· consin. At Oregon since 1965. ROBERT V. PRESTHUS, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science. B.A. (1940), M.A. (941), Minnesota; Ph.D. (948), Chicago. At Oregon since 1966. FACULTY 49 EDWARD T. PRICE, Ph.D., Professor of Geography; Head of Department. B.S. (1937), Califomia Institnte of Technology; Ph.D. (1950), California. At Oregon since 1963. *WARREN C. PIlICE, M.A., Professor of Journalism. B.A. (1929), M.A. (1938), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1942. HENRY O. PRUDEN, M.B.A., Instructor in Business Administration. B.S. (1961), Chico State; M.B.A. (1965), Califo1'11ia at Berkeley. At Oregon since 1965. tJESSIE L. PUCKETT, M.S., Associate Professor of Physical Education. B.S. (1931), M.S. (1937), Oregon. At Oregon since 1952. H. CHARLES PYRON, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Management. B.A. (1959), M.A. (1960), Redlands; Ph.D. (1963), Purdne. At Oregon since 1965. JOHN H. QIJINER, B.S., Special Lectl1l'er in Architecture. B.S. (1923), Oregon State. At Oregon sincc 1957. HOWARD L. RAMEY, M.F.A., Director of Financial Aids; Assistant Dean of Stu- dents; with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.A. (1948), Oregon; M.F.A. (1950), Yale. At Oregon since 1951. MARJORY RAMEY, B.A., Social Adviser, Dormitories, wtih the Rank of Assistant Professor. R.A (1947), Orgeon. At Oregon since 1962. KENNETHD. RAMSING, D.B.A., Assistant Professor of Management; A.ssistant Dean, Division of Undergl'aduate Studies, School of Business Administration. n.s. (1960), Oregon State;!\I.B.A. (1962), D.B.A. (J965), Oregon. At Oregon since 1962. ' RICHARD J. RANKIN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education. B.A (1953), M.A (1954), Ph.D. (1957), California. At Oregon since 1966. GALEN R. RAIlICIC, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Journalism; Director of Com- munications Research. B.A (1948), Denver; M.A. (1951), Ph.D. (1963), Stanford. At Oregon since 1962. DEAN F. REA, M.A., Assistant Professor of Journalism. B.A (1949), Sonthwest Missouri State; n.]. (1950), M.A. (1951), Missouri. At Oregon since 1966. EDWARD VV. REED, Ph.D" John B. Rogers Professor of Banking and Finance. B.Erl. (1936), Southern Illinois; M.A. (1937), Ph.D. (1947), Illinois. At Oregon since J 958. GllEGOJlY W. REED, B.S., Special Assistant to Student Conduct Program, with the Rank of Instructor. At Oregon since 1965. HENRY G. REENTS, J H., M.B.A., Instructor in Business Administration. B.S. (1965), Oregon; M.B.A. (1966), California. At Oregon since 1966. J AlI-IES E. REINMUTH, M.S., Instructor in Business Statistics. B.A. (1963), 'Washington; M.S. (1965), Oregon State. At Oregon since 1966. JULIAN S. RElNSCHlI-IIDT, M.D., Director, Student Health Service, with the Rank of Professor. B.A. (1950), M.D. (1953), Vanderhilt. At Oregon since 1963. FRANCIS]. REITHEL, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, B.A. (1936), Reed; M.A. (1938). Ph.D. (1942), Oregon. At Oregon since 1946. JAMES A. REITHEH, B.S., Instructor in English. B.s. (1961), St. Cloud. At Oregon since 1962. DANIEL P. REMINGTON, .M.A., Lecturer in Marketing. B.S. (1951), M.A. (1955), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1964. * On sabbatical leave 1966-67. t On sabbatical leave, winter and spring terms, ] 966-67. 50 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EDWARD R. REUTEH, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physical Education. B,S, (1948), Washington State; M,S, (1949), Ph.D. (1957), Illinois, At Oregon since 1958. EUDALDO R. REYES, M.A., Assistant Director for Activities, Student Union, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1952), Philippines; M.A. (1955), Cornell. At Oregon since 1966. WILLIAM P. RHODA, D.Ed., Professor of Physical Education. B.S. (1939), Pennsylvania State; lIl.S. (1947), D.E,!. (1951), Oregon. At Oregon since 1948. STUAI1.1\, (1932), Iowa. At Oregon since 1933. JOHN A. ROBINSON, B.S., Assistant Football Co'ach; Instructor in Physical Edu- cation. B.S. (1960), Oregon. At Oregon since 1960. *WILLIA~1 S. ROBINSON, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology. A.B. (1936), California at Los Angeles; ,\.M. il937), Ph.D. (1940), Colnmbia. At Ore- gon since 196:? JACK ROCHI':, B.S., Assistant Football Coach, with the Rank of :\ssociate Profes- sor ; .-\ssistant Professor of Physical Educatioll. B.S. (1940), Santa Clara. At Orgeon since 1951. GORDON \\1. ROCKETT, M.A., Acting Assistant Professor of English. B.A. (1961), "LA. (1963), Oklahoma. At Oregon since 1966. * On leave of ahsence 1966-67. FACULTY 51 Roy H. RODGERS, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology. B.A. (l951), Wheaton; M.A. (1957), North Carolina; Ph.D. (1962), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1963. LYNN S. RODNEY, Ph.D., Professor of Recreation Management; Head of Depart- ment of Recreation and Park Management. B.A. (1936), M.A. (1938), Washington State; Ph.D. (1955J, Michigan. At Oregon since 1955. ALAN W. ROECKER, Ph.M., Head Science Librarian; Professor of Lihrarianship. Ph.B. (1938), B.L.S. (1950), Ph.M. (1943), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1950. STEPHEN B. ROEDER, Ph.D., Instructor in Physics. B.A. (1961), Dartmouth; Ph.D. (1965), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1966. DONALD R. ROGERS, M.B.A., Academic Adviser, with the Rank of Instructor. B.S. (1957), Lewis ancl Clark; C.P.A. (1958), M.B.A. (1965), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. RONALD C. ROMIG, M.D., Associate University Physician, with the Rank of Pro- fessor. B.S. (1919), Idaho; M.D. (1926), Rush. At Oregon 192G·3D and since 1961. RICHAIW B. Rm,IM, B.A., Counselor Supervisor, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1958), California at Santa Barhara. At Oregon since 1965. MILES C. ROMNEY, Ph.D., Professor of Education. B.S. (1935), Utah State; Ph.D. (1947), Columhia. At Oregon sincc 1952. LEON AIm RORER, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology. B.A. (1954), Swarthmore; Ph.D. (1963), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1966. STANLEY L. ROSE, M.A., Acting AssistantProfessor of Romance Languages. B.A. (1958), Arizona; M.A. (1960), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1965. STANLEY L. ROSEN, B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1962), City College of New York. At Oregon since 1965. KENNETH A. Ross, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics. B.S. (1956), Utah; M.S. (1958), Ph.D. (1960), Washington. At Oregon since 1964. LAWRENCE W. Ross, ]R., ].D., Assistant Professor of Business Law. A.B. (1949), M.A. (1949), Snacnse; J.D. (1952), Chicago. At Oregon since 1963. MARION D. Ross, M.Arch., Reg. Archt.; P1'Ofessor of Architecture; Head of Department of Art History. B.S. (1935), Pennsylvania Statc; lILArch. (1937), Harvard. Reg. Archt. (1946) State of Louisiana. At Oregon since 1947. VICTORIA A. Ross, M.F.A., Associate Professor Emeritus of Art. B.A. (1927), Oregon; M.F.A. (1939), Southern California. At Oregon since 1920. ]. DAVID ROWE, B.A., Planning Consultant, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Associate Professor. B.A. (1955), Park. At Oregon since 1959. W ALl.ACE M. RUFF, M.S., Professor of Landscape Architecture. B.S. (1934), Florida; M.S. (1950), California. At Oregon since 1952. ]. FRANCIS RUJ,fl>,-JEL, Ph.D., Professor of Education; Associate Dean of Students. B.A. (1933), Iowa State Teachers; M.A. (1947), Ph.D. (1950), Iowa. At Oregon since 1950. PHILIP ]. RUNKEL, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology; Associate Director, Center for Advanced Study of Educational Administration. B.S. (1939), Wisconsin State (Stevens Point); M.A. (1954), Ph.D. (1956), Michigan. At Oregon since 1964. BRUCE P. RYAN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Speech. B.S. (1953), Southern Oregon; ~r.A. (1957), ''''''estern Michigan; Ph.D. (1964), Pitts- hurgh. At Oregon since 1965. C. BRY AN RYAN, M.F.A., Associate Professor of Art. B.S. (1939), M.F.A. (1940), Oregon. At Oregon since 1946. 52 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON GAYLORD A. RYBOLT, JR., M.A., Acting Assistant Professor of Education. B.A. (1958), M.A. (1960), Southern Illinois; Ph.D. (1966), Missouri. At Oregon since 1966. HUGH D. SACKER, M.A., Visiting Professor of German. B.A. (1950), Camhridge; M.A. (1953), Basel. At Oregon since 1966. MARTIN L. SAGE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry; Research Associate, Institute of Theoretical Science. A.B. (1955), Comell; A,M. (1958), Ph.D. (1960), Harvard. At Oregon since 1961. *RALPH J. SALISBURY, M.F.A., Associate Professor of English. B.A. (1949), M.F.A. (1951), Towa. At Oregon since 1960. KEITH B. SALMONSON, B.S., Senior Instructor in Biology. B.S. (1948), Michigan State. At Oregon since 1964. H. ROYCE SALTZMAN, D.M.A., Associate Professor of Music (Church Music). B.A. (1950), Goshen; M.Mus. (1954)" Northwestern; D.M.A. (1964), Southern Cali- fornia. At Oregon since 1964. Roy]. SAMPSON, Ph.D., Professor of Transportation; Acting Head, Department of Personnel and Industrial Management. B.S. (1946), Tennessee Polytechnic; M.B.A. (1948), Ph.D. (1951), California. At Oregon since 1959. ADOLPH A. SANDIN, Ph.D., Professor of Education. B.A. (1933), Central Washing·ton College of Education; M.A. (1938), \Vashiugton; Ph.D. (1943), Columhia. At Oregon since 1950. ' JULIO M. SAN JOSE, D.Arch., Assistant Professor of Architecture. Dip.Arch. (1957), Madrid; 1I.A,'ch. (1958), Oregon; D.Arch. (1959), Madrid; Dip.T.P. 1962), A.M.T.P.T. (1963), London. At Oregon since 1963. GEORGE SASLOW, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Medical School; Chair- man of Department. Sc.n. (1926), Ph.D. (1931), New York rniversity; M.D. (1940), Harvard. At Oregon since 1957, BHIM S. SAVARA, D.M.D., Professor of Dentistry, Dental School; Director of Child Study Clinic. F.Sc. (1942), Lahore, 'India; B.D.S.'.(l946), Punjah;L.D.S. (1947), Royal College of Surgeons; M.S. (1950), Illinois; D.J\r.S. (1957). Oregon. At Oregon since 1950. LUCYANNE SAWYEH, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (l96(l) , :Massachusetts; M.A. (1963). Kcvada. At O"egun since 1963. CHRISTOPHER J. SAYERS, 'M.S., Visiting Assistant Professor of Architecture. Dip. Arch. (1961), N01'thern Polytechnic, London; ]\{.S. (1966), Columhia. At Oregon since 1966. OSCAR F. SCHAAF, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education; Head of Mathe- matics Department, South Eugene High School. B.A. (1942), Wichita; A.M. (1946), Chicago; Ph.D. (1954), Ohio State. At Oregon since 1954. BENSON SCHAEFFER, Ph.D., Assistallt Professor of Psychology. B.A. (1962), M.A. (1964), Ph.D. (1966), California. At Oregon since 1966. WALTER E. SCHAFER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sociology. B.A. (1961), M.A. (1962), Ph.D. (1965), )'{ichigan. At O"egon since 1965. BRADLEY T. SCHEER, Ph.D., Professor of Biology. B.S. (1936), California Institute of Technology; Ph.D. (1940), Calif01nia At Oregon since 1950. JOHN A. Scm:LDIAN, Ph.D., ProfessOl' of Chemistry. A.B. (1948), Temple; M.A. (1949), }'h.D. (1951), Princeton. At Oregon since 1958. JACK S. SCHENDEL, D.Ed., Assistant Professor of Physical Education. B.A. (1954), M.A. (1960), Fresno State; D.Ed. (1963). Oregon. At Orgeon since 1962. * On sabbatical leave 1966·67. FACULTY 53 .CHARLES P. SCHLEICHER, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science. A.B. (1928), College of Pacific; M.A. (1931), Hawaii; Ph.D. (1936), Stanford. At Ore- gon since 1947. CLARENCE W. SCHMINKE, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education; Assistant Di- rector of Teacher Education. B.A. (1950), M.A. (1954), Iowa State Teachers; Ph.D. (1960), Iowa. At Oregon since 1960. MARTIN SCHMITT, B.S., B.S. in L.S., Curator of Special Collections, Library (Professor) . B.S. (1938), B.S. in L.S. (1939), Illinois. At Oregon since 1947. RUTH T. SCHROCK, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1936), San Diego State; M.A:(1965), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. JOSEPH P. SCHWfTTER, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Management. . B.A. (1936), Sarnen; Ph.D. (1949), Firbourg. At Oregon since 1966. KENNETH W. SCOOPMIRE, B.S., Pharmacist, Student Health Service, with the Rank of Instructor. B.S. (1952), Idabo State. At Oregon since 1965. FRANCES G. Sco'n, Ph.D., Visiting Associate Professor of Education. B.A. (1953), M.A. (1954), Texas; Ph.D. (1960), California. At Oregon since 1966. KAREN M. SElDEL, B.A., Assistant Planner, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1957), Knox. At Oregon since 1966. SANDRA D. SEKERES, M.Ed., Instructor in Physical Education. B.S. (1963),M.Ed. (1964), Ohio. At Oregon since 1966. JAMES R. SELIG, M.A., Instructor in English. B.S. (1957), Georgetown; M.A. (1959), North Carolina. At Oregon since 1963. LESTER G. SELIGMAN, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science. B.A. (1939), Pb.D. (1947), Chicago. At Oregon since 1953 . • VELLO SERMAT, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology. B.A. (1957), Toronto; M.S. (1959), Ph.D. (1961), Yale. At Oregon since 1963. ROSE M. SERVICE, M.A., Social Science Librarian, with the Rank of Assistant Pro- fessor. A.B. (1944), Miehigan State Normal (Ypsilanti); M.A. (1950), M.A. (1955), Minnesota. At Oregon sincc 1961. FREDERICK]. SEUBERT, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Accounting. B.A. (1942), Baldwin·Wallace; B.M.E. (1946), Florida; M.B.A. (1947), Pennsylvania; Ph.B. (1954), Cornell. At Orgeon since 1957. OTTILIE T. SEYBOLT, M.A., Associate Professor Emeritus of Speech. A.B. (1910), Mount Holyoke; M.A. (1915), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1928. JOSEPH SHABTAI, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry. M.S. (1951), Ph.D. (1957), Hebrew University, Jerusalem. At Oregon since 1964. LESLIE L. D. SHAFFER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Management. B.A. (1935), California at Berkeley; M.S. (1960), Ph.D. (1962), Illinois. At Oregon since 1965. JAMES M. SHEA, M.S., Director of University Relations, with the Rank of Pro- fessor. A.B. (1950), Missouri; M.S. (1956), Oregon. At Oregon since 1958. GUY SHELLENBARGER, M.A., .Supervisor of Student Teaching, with the Rank of Associate Professor. B.A. (1935), M.A. (1951), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. GEORGE SHEPERD, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Education. B.A. (1955), M.A. (1958), Colorado State (Greeley); Ed.D. (1965), Illinois. At Oregon since 1965. • On leave of absence 1966·67. 54 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON JOHN R. SHEPHERD, Ph.D., Professor of Speech; Director, Division of Broadcast Services and Televised Instruction. B.A. (1946), M.A. (1947), Stanford; Ph.D. (1952), Southern California. At Oregon since 1957. PETER R. SHERMAN, M.S., Senior Instructor in Mathematics. B.S. (1947), M.S. (1949), Orgeon; B.D. (1952), Pacific School of Religion. At Oregon since 1960. RONALD E. SHERIUFFS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Speech. B.A. (1955), M.A. (1957), San Jose State; Ph.D. (1'964), Southern California. At Oregon since 1965. IRMA Z. SHERWOOD, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English. A.B. (1940), Barnard; M.A. (1942), Ph.D. (1945), Yale. At Oregon 1946·48, 1954·55, 1962-64, and since 1965. JOHN C. SHERWOOD, Ph.D., Professor of English. B.A. (1941), Lafayette; M.A. (1942), Ph.D. (1945), Yale. At Oregon since 1946. J. ARNOLD SHOTWELL, Ph.D., Director, Museum of Natural History; Professor of Biology. B.S. (1947), M.S. (1950), Oregon; Ph.D. (1953), California. At Oregoll since 1947. DAVID L. SHRADER, M.A., Instructor in Music (Percussion Instruments). B.A. (1961), M.A. (1963), Iowa State. At Oregon since 1965. BARRY N. SIEGEL, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economics. B.A. (1951), Ph.D. (1957), California. At Oregon since 1961. PETER O. SIGERSETH, D.Ed., Ph.D., Professor of Physical Education. B.A. (1928), Minot State Teachers (North Dakota); M.A. (1936), North Dakota; D.Ed. (1944), Oregon; Ph.D. (1955), Iowa. At Oregon 1941·44 and since 1947. ANN G. SIMONDS, Ph.D., Assistant Profe~sor of Anthropology. B.A. (1959), Ph.D. (1964), California. At Oregon since 1966. PAUL E. SIMONDS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Anthropology. B.A. (1954), M.A. (1959), Ph.D. (1963), California. At Oregon since 1962. PAUL B. SIMPSON, Ph.D., Professor of Economics. B.A. (1936), Reed; Ph.D. (1949), Cornell. At Oregon 1949-53 and since 1955. WILLIAM T. SIMPSON, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry; Research Associate, Insti- tute of Theoretical Science, Institute of Molecular Biology. A.B. (1943), Ph.D. (1948), California. At Oregon sillce 1963. FRANK P. SII'E, M.S., Associate Professor Emeritus of Biology. B.S. CAgri.) (1916), B.S. (Educ.l (1918), Missouri; M.S. (1923), Iowa State. At Oregon since 1932. BECKY L. SISLEY, M.S.P.E., Instructor in Physical Education. -B.A. (1961), Washington; M.S.P.E. (1964), North Carolina. At Oregon since 1965. WILLIAM R. SISTROM, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology. A.B. (1950), Harva'rd; Ph.D. (1954), California. At Oregon sillce 1963. KEITH D. SKELTON, B.s., LL.B., Associate Professor of Business Law. B.S. (1939), Edinhoro State Teachers (Pennsylvania); LL.B. (1949), Washington. At Oregon 1958, 1961-62, and since 1963. EMERY SKINNER, M.A., Instructor in Education. B.A. (1951), Idaho State; M.A. (1954), Colorado State. At Oregun since 1964. KORNEL SKOVAJSA, B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1959), St. Thomas (St. Paul, Minn.). At Oregon since 1963. COLIN M. SLADE, Ph.D., Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology. B.A. (1949), M.A. (1951), Ph.D. (1955), Syracuse. At Oregon since 1964. RICHARD L. SLEETER, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics, Medical School; Director of Crippled Children's Division. - B.A. (1940), Oregon; M.D. (1943), Washington University. At Oregon since 1953. FACULTY 55 CLARENCE SLOAT, M.A., Assistant Professor of English. B.A. (1958), M.A. (1960), Idaho State. At Oregon since 1966. ALFRED G. SM[TH, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anthropology. A.B. (1943), Michigan; M.A. (1947), Ph.D. (1956), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1962. BRYAN C. SMITH, M.S., Instructor in Health Education. B.S. (1959), M.S. (1960), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. DONALD T. SMITH, M.A., M.S., Assistant University Librarian (Associate Pro- fessor) . B.A. (1949), M.A. (1950), Wesleyan; M.S. (1951), Colnmbia. At Oregon since 1963. EVERETT G. SMITH, JR., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geography. B.A. (1953), M.A. (1956), minois; Ph.D. (1962), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1965. FREDERICK C. SMITH, B.B.A., Alumni Field Secretary, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.B.A. (1937), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. RICHARD A. SMITH, M.S., Assistant Professor of Architecture. B.Arch. (1956), Michigan; M.S. (1962), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1962. RICHARD J. SMITH, M.Ed., Instructor in Physical Education; Gymnastics Coach. B.S. (1949). M.Ed. (1953), Springfield. At Oregon since 1962. RICHARD K. SMITH, M.B.A., Instructor in Business Law. B.A. (1939), J.D. (1941), Iowa; M.B.A. (1947), Harvard. At Oregon since 1966. • ROBERT E. SMITH, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economics. B.A. (1943), Southern California; Ph.D. (1963), California at Los Angeles. At Oregon since 1962. ROBERT W. SM[TH, Ph.D., Professor of History. B.A. (1937), Chicago; M.A. (1940), Ph.D. (1942), Califo1'l1ia at Los Angeles. At Oregon since 1947. WARREN E. SMITH, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Health Education. B.S. (1941), Oregon; M.A. (1947), Michigan; Ed.D. (1957), Stanford. At Oregon since [963. WILLIAM E. SNELL, M.D., Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Medical School; Head of Division. B.S. (1943), M.D. (1954), Oregon. At Oregon since 1951. MARSHALL L. SNYDER, Ph.D., Professor of Bacteriology, Dental School; Head of Department. Ph.B. (1930), Brown; M.S. (1932), Ph.D. (1935), Colorado. At Oregon since 1946. ARNOLD L. SODER WALL, Ph.D., Professor of Biology. B.A. (1936), Linfield; M.A. (1937), minois; Ph.D. (1941), Brown. At Oregon since 1941. JAY V. SOEDER, M.F.A., Assistant Professor of Art. B.S. (1948), Indiana State Teachers; B.F.A. (1950), M.F.A. (1950), Chicago Art In- stitute. At Oregon since 1957. HELEN L. SOEHREN, M.A., Assistant Professor of English. B.A. (1935), M.A. (1938), Oregon. At Oregon since 1942. JOHN W. SOHA, M.B.A., C.P.A., Associate Professor of Marketing. B.B.A. (1936), Pnget Sound; M.B.A. (1950), Michigan; C.P.A. (1942), State of Wash- ington. At Oregon since 1951. LLOYD R. SOHENSON, Ph.D., Professor of History. B.A. (1938), North Dakota; M.A. (1945), Ph.D. (1947), Illinois. At Oregon since 1947. RICHARD A. SORENSON, B.S., Assistant Dean of Men, with the Rank of Instructor. At Oregon since 1965 . . EDMUND F. SOULE, Ph.D., Music Librarian (Assistant Professor). B.Mus. (1939), M.A. (1946), Pennsylvania; B.NIns. (1948), Yale; Ph.D. (1956), East- man; M.A. in L.S. (1966), Denver. At Oregon since 1966. • On leave of absence 1966-67. 56 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON AMEDEF. M. SOURDRY, M.S., Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture. B.S. (1939), Arizona; M.S. (1949), California. At Oregon since 1966. VERNON S. SPnACUE, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Education; Special Assistant to the Dean. B.S. (]937) , Oregon; M.A. (1942), Ph.D. (1951), Michigan. At Oregon since 1946. ELBA G. STAFFORD, M.A., Instructor in Physical Education. B.A. (1953), liLA. (1965), Chico State. At Oregon since 1966. FRANKLIN '0/. STAHL, Ph.D., Professor of Biology; Research Associate, Institute of Molecular Biology. A.B. (1951), Harvard; Ph.D. (1956), Rochester. At Oregon since 1959. BETTY MAE STAMM, B.A., Acquisitions Librarian (Senior Instructor). B.A. (1927), Oregon. At O"egon since 1926. DAVID R. STANNARD, B.A., Assistant Professor of Art. B.A. (1948), Redlands. At Oregon since 1965. LLOYD '0/. STAPLES, Ph.D., Professor of Geology; Head of Department. A.B. (1929), Columhia; M.S. (1930), Michigan; Ph.D. (1935), Stanford. At Oregon since 1939. JAMES U. STARCK, Instructor in Art. At Oregon since 1961. D. GLENN STARLIN, Ph.D., Professor of Speech; Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. B.A. (1938), Idaho; M.A. (1939), Ph.D. (1951), Iowa. At Oregon since 1947. ALBF.RT STARR, M.D., Professor of Cardiopulmonary Surgery, Medical School; Head of Division. B.A. (1946), M.D. (1949), Columhia. At Oregon since 1957. DAVID E. STEINF.R, M.A., Instructor in Speech. B.A. (1957), Grinnell; M.A. (1963), Michigan. At Oregon since 1964. JOE K. STEPHENS, M.A., Visiting Instructor in Philosophy. B.A. (1958). Texas; M.A. (1962), \\'ashington. At Oregon since 1964. WENDELL H. STEPHENSON. Ph.D., Litt.D., LL.D., Professor of History; Special Assistant to the President. A.B. (1923), A.M. (1924), Indiana; Ph.D. (1928), Michigan; Litt.D. (1950), Duke; LL.D. (1953), N01'th Ca1'Olilla. At Oregon since 1953. THEODORE STERN, Ph.D., Professor of AnthrOFology; Assistant Curator of Eth- nology. B.A. (1939), Bowdoin; A.M. (1941), Ph.D. (1948), Pennsylvania. At Oregon since 1948. FRED L. STETSON, M.A., Professor Emeritus of Education. B.A. (1911), M.A. (1913), Washington. At Oregon since 1913. ARTHUR H. STILLMAN, M.B.A., Professor Emeritus of Business Administration. B.A. (1928), 01'egon; J\LB.A. (19.17), \\'ashington. At Oregon since 1922. HAROLD vV. STOKE, Ph.D., Professor of Education. B.A. (1924), Marion; M.A. (1925), Southern California; Ph.D. (1930), ]olms Hopkins. At Ol-egon since 1966. NONDA P. STONE, M.Ed., Instructor in Education. B.S. (1945). Oregon College of Education; lYLE,!. (1955), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. CHARLES J. STOUT, D.M.D., ProfesSOl' of Dentistry, Dental School; Head of Department of Prosthetics. B.S. (1943), Ouachita; B.A. (1947), D.M.D. (1947), Oregon. At Oregon since 1955. JAMES C. STOVALL, M.A., Professor of Geology. n.s. (1927), M.A. (1929), Oregon. At Oregon since 1934. WILLIAM C. STRANGE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English. B.A. (1952), Whitman; M.A. (1953), Montana; Ph.D. (1963), Washington. At Ore!fon since 1960. FACULTY 57 G. DOUGLAS STRATON, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Religious Studies; Head of Department. A.B. (1938), Harvard; B.D. (1941), Andover Newton; Ph.D. (1950), Columhia. At Ore- gon since 1959. GEORGE STREISINGER, Ph.D., Professor of Biology; Research Associate, Institute of Molecular Biology. B.S. (1950), Cornell; Ph.D. (1954), Illinois. At Oregon since 1960. HAROLD K. STROM, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Transportation; Director, Transport and Logistics Research Center. B.A. (1957), M.B.A. (1958), Washington; Ph.D. (1964), California at Los Angeles. At Oregon since 1965. KARL R. STROMBERG, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics. B.A. (1953), M.A. (1954), Oregon; Ph.D. (1958), Washington. At Oregon since 1960. GEORGE W. STRUBLE, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics; Associate Di- rector, Statistical Laboratory and Computing Center. A.B. (1954), Swarthmore; M.S. (1957), Ph.D. (l961),\Visconsin. At Oregon since 1961. ROBERT S. SUMMERS, B.S., LL.B., Associate Professor of Law. B.S. (1955), Oregon; LL.B. (1959), Harvard. At Oregon since 1960. CLARA SHU-VI SUN, M.A., Visiting Lecturer in Chinese. REd. (1947), Peking; M.A. (1952), Marquette. At Oregon since 1966. NORMAN D. SUNDBERG, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology. B.A. (1947), Nehraska; liLA. (19491, Ph.D. (1952), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1952. RALPH C. SUNDERLAND, B.S., Chief Budget Officer, with the Rank of Associate Professor. B.S. (1957), Oregon State. At Oregon since 1966. RAYMOND R. SUSKIND, M.D., Professor of Environmental Medicine and Derma- tology, Medical School; Head of Division of Environmental Medicine. A.B. (1934), Columbia; M.D. (1943), Long Island. At Oregon since 1962. JOHN E. SUTTLE, Eel.D., Associate Professor of Education. B.S. (1948), Ed.D. (1960), Texas; ~r.Ed. (1952), Colorado. At Oregou since 1959. KESTER SVENDSEN, Ph.D., Professor of English; Head of Department. B.A. (1934), Olarleston; M.A. (1935), Pb.D. (1940), North Carolina. At Oregon since 1959. PAUL SWADENER, M.B.A., Instructor in Insurance. B.S. (1960), M.B.A. (1962), Indiana. At Oregou since 1965. KENNETH C. SWAN, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, Medical School; Chair- man of Department. B.A. (1933), M.D. (1936), Oregon. At Oregon since 1944. ROY L. SWANK, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Medicine, Medical School; Head of Division of Neurology. B.S. (1930), Washington; Ph.D. (1935), M.D. (1936), Northwestern. At Oregon since 1953. KENNETH W. SWEENEY, B.S., Associate Pianner, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.S. (1959), Iowa. At Oregon since 1966. DONALD F. SWINEHART, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry. B.S. (1939), Capital; M.S. (1941), Ph.D. (1943), Ohio State. At Oregon since 1946. DAN]. T ANNACITO, A.B., Instructor in English. A.B. (1964), Boston College. At Oregon since 1965. ROBERT F. T ATE,Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics. M.S. (1949), North Carolina; B.A. (1944), Ph.D. (1952), California at Berkeley. At Oregon since 1965. JAMES N. TATTERSALL, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economics. B.A. (1954), M.A. (1956), Ph.D. (1960), Washington. At Oregon since 1957. 58 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON NORA W. TEETER, M.A., Social Science Librarian (Instructor). B.A. (1945), M.A. (1965), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. DfRK P. TEN BRINKE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education; Head of Science Department, South Eugene High School. B.S. (1943), M.A. (1953), Ph.D. (1964), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1956. SANFORD S. TEP'n:R, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology. B.S. (1938), College of City of New York; M.S. (1939), Cornell; Ph.D. (1950), Cali· fornia. At Oregori since "1955. *LoUls G. TERKLA, D.M.D., Dean of the Dental School; Professor ofDentistry. D.M.D. (1952), Oregon. At Oregon since 1952. JANE THACHER, Professor Emeritus of Piano. At Oregon since 1916. W. F. GOODWIN THACHER, M.A., Professor Emeritus of English. A.B. (1900), M.A. (1907), Princeton. At Oregon since 1914. EDWAIW P. THATCHEII, M.A., Science Librarian (Assistant Professor). B.A. (1940), Swarthmore; M.A. (1940), B.S. in L.S. (1952), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1952. J. FRANK THIBEAU, B.A., Assistant Planner, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Instructor. B.A. (1959). Portland State. At Oregon since 1965. ARTHUR L. THOMAS, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Accounting. B.A. (1952), M.B.A. (1956), Cornell; Ph.D. (1963), Michigan. At Oregon since 1963. ANDREW THOMPSON, Ph.D., Counselor, University Counseling Center; Assistant Professor of Education. B.A. (1956), M.A. (1959), Ph.D. (1963), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1965. DONALD L. THOMPSON, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marketing; Assistant Dean, Division of Graduate Studies, School of Business Administration. B.S. (1951), Pennsylvania; M.S. (1958), San Francisco State; Ph.D. (1963), California. At Oregon sincc 1963. WALTER N. THOMPSON, M.A., Assistant Professor ofAl'chitecture. B.A. (1963), California; M.A. (1964), Pennsylvania. At Oreg~n since 1966. JOHN D. THORPE, B.S., Director of Married Student Housing, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.S. (1950), Oregon. At Oregon since 1962.' PETER L. THORPE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English. B.A. (1957), M.A. (1961), Ph.D. (1963), Washington. At Oregon sincc 1966. HERBERT W. TITUS, LL.B., Associate Professor of La\\'. B.A. (1959), Oregon; LL.B. (1962), Harvard. At Orcgon since 1966. HAROLD C. TODD, B.A., Captain, U.S. Army; Assistant Professor of Military Science. B.A. (1953), Illinois. At Oregon since 1962. WILBERT R. TODD, Ph.D., Professor of Biochemistry, Medical School; Acting Chairman of Department. B.S. (1928), Ph.D. (1933), Wisconsin. JOHN B. TOELKEN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English. B.S. (1958), Utah State; M.A. (1959), Washington State; Ph.D. (1964), Oregon. At Orcgon 1960-64 and sincc 1966. Kr';NNETH C. TOLLENAAR, M.A., Research Associate, Bureau of Municipal Re- search and Service, with the Rank of Professor. B.A. (1950), Reed; liLA. (1953), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1966. VLADlMIR TOLSON, Th.D., Assistant Professor of Slavic Languages. Th.D. (1939), Greek·Orthodox Academy, Paris. At Oregon since 1961. • Appointment effective Jnly I, 1967. FACULTY 59 THOMAS]. TOMANEK, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor of Romance Languages. Ph.D. (1955), Prague. At Oregon since 1966. SAUL TOOBERT, Ph.D., Supervisor of Group Counseling and Training, University Counseling Center, with the Rank of Associate Professor. B.A. (1947), California; Ph.D. (1965), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. DONALD E. TOPE, Ph.D., Professor of Education. B.A. (1928), Western State College (Colorado); M.A. (1929), Ph.D. (1934), Iowa. At Oregon since 1951. ] ACK E. TRIPLETT, ]R., M.A., Acting Assistant Professor of Economics; Assistant Director of Institute of Industrial and Labor Relations. A.B. (1958), M.A. (1961), California at Berkeley. At Oregon since 1965. RICHARD TROMBLEY, M.Mus. Instructor in Music (Flute, History). B.S. (1961), Juilliard; M.Mus. (1962), Manhattan School of Music. At Oregon since 1963. ROBEllT M. TROTTEU, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Music; Professor of Music (Theory and History). n.Mus. (1943), Northwestern; M.A. (1947), Chicago; Ph.D. (1957), Southern California. At Oregon since 1963. DONALD R. THUAX, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics. B.S. (1951), M.S. (1953), Washington; Ph.D. (1955), Stanford. At Oregon since 1959. MONTE E. TUBB, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Music (Education). B.A. (1956), Arkansas; M.Mus. (1960), Indiana. At Oregon siuce 1966. MIRIAM L. TUCK, Ed.D., P.H.N., Professor of Health Education. B.S. (1954), New York University; M.A. (1956), Ed.D. (1961), Columbia; R.N. (1945), State of New York; P.R.N. (1947), California at Berkeley. At Oregon since 1962. GEORGE S. TURNBULL, M.A., Professor Emeritus of Journalism. A.B. (1915), liLA. (1932), Washington. At Oregon since 1917. GENEV1EVEG.TuRNIPSEED, M.A., Director Emeritus of Dormitories. A.M. (1922), B.S. (1922), Iowa; M.A. (1930), Columhia. At Oregon since 1930. LEONA E. TYLER, Ph.D., Dean of the Graduate School; Professor of Psychology. B.S. (1925), M.S. (1939), Ph.D. (1941), Minnesota. At Oregon since 1940. RICHARD L. UNRUH, M.Arch., Associate University Architect and Planner, with the Rank of Associate Professor; Assistant Professor of Architecture. B.A. (1952), Willamette; B.Arch. (1956), Massachusetts Institute of Technology; l\LArch. (1963), Pennsylvania. At Oregon since 1963. DENoRVAL UNTHANK, ]H., B.Arch., Visiting Lecturer in Architecture. B.Arch. (1952), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. LVIN \\T. URQUHART, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geography. B.A. (1953), M.A. (1958), Ph.D. (1962), California at Berkeley. At Oregon since 1963. ORDA'r< UTSEY, D.Ed., Associate Professor of Education. B.A. (1952), College of Idaho; M.Ed. (1958), D.E,l. (1963), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. OBERT S. V AGNEH, M.A., M.Mus., Professor of Music; Director of Bands. B.A. (1935), M.A. (1938), Colorado State College; I1I.Mus. (1942), Michigan. At Oregon since 1950. DWARD A. VAN AELSTYN, B.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1956), Portland. At Oregon since 1962. AMES M. V AN BUSKIRK, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. B.S. (1954), Wisconsiu State (Snperior); M.S. (1955), Ph.D. (1962), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1962. TANLEY C. VANCE, Ph.D., H. T. Miner Professor of Business Administration; Head of Department of Personnel and Industrial Management. B.A. (1937), St. Charles; M.A. (1944), Ph.D. (1950), Pennsylvania. At Oregon since 1960. 60 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON WENDELL L. VAN LOAN, D.Ed., Professor of Education. B.S. (1928), M.S. (1933). Oregon; D.Ed. (1942), Stanford. At Oregon 1930·43, and since 1965. DONALD P. V AN ROSSEN, 1>LEd., Assistant Professor of Physical Education; Swimming Coach. B.S. (1953), M.Ed. (1954), Illinois. .I\t Oregon since 1958. FRANCES V AN VOORHIS, M.S., Assistant Professor of Home Economics. B.S. (1932), Minnesota; M.S. (1949), Iowa State. .l\t Oregon since 1944. WILBUR N. VAN ZILE, D.D.S., Professor of Dentistry, Dental School; Head of Department of Oral Surgery. D.D.S. (1928), California. At Oregon since 1959. DENNIS L. VETTRUS, B.A., Assistant Director of Dormitories, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B ..I\. (1961), Denver. At Ol"egon since 1963. ANDREW M. VINCENT, Professor of Art. Grad. (1929), Chicago Art Institute School. At Oregon sincc 1929. *PETER H. VON HIPPI;L, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry. B.S. (1952), M.S. (1953), Ph.D. (1955), Massachusetts Institnte of Technology. At Ore· gon since 1966. PAUL R. WALDO, M.A., Instructor in Speech. B.S. (1958), Portland State; M.A. (1960), Michigan. At Oregon since 1964. MAX WALES, M.A., Professor of Journalism. B.A. (1933), Washburn; M.A. (1956), Iowa. At Oregon since 1957. DANIEL P. \VALKER, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of History. B.A. (1935), M.A. (1940), Ph.D. (1940), Oxford. At Ol"egon since 1966. JANET E. WALKER, B.A., Head Resident, Dormitories, with the Rank of In- structor. B.A. (1964), Eastel'n Ol"egon. At Oregon since 1965. DWIGHT T. W ALLACl;, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Anthropology. A.B. (1950), Ph.D. (1957), California. At Oregon since 1961. GREGOHY H. WANNll-:H, Ph.D., Professor of Physics. Ph.D. (1935), Basel. At Oregon 1959 and since 1961. LEWIS E. WAIm, JR., Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics; Director of Academic Ad- vising; Assistant Dean, College of Liberal Arts. B.1\. (1949), Califomia; M.S. (1951), Ph.D. (1953), Tnlane. At Ol"egon since 1959. HUGH E. \VARREN, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Pl"Ofessor of Mathematics. B.S. (1963), Stanford; Ph.D. (1966), Michig-an. At Ol"eg-on since 1966. PAUL R. "liVASHKE, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Education. A.n. (1927), 'ATestern State Teachers (Michigan); A.M. (1929), Michigan; Ph.D. (1943) New York University. At Oreg"ol1 since 1930. ROBERT F. \VATKINS, D.M.D., Associate Profes~or of Dentistry, Dental School; Head, Department of Endodontia. D.M.D. (1949), Oregon. At Oregon since 1949. W. GRANT W ATKINSON, M.B.A., Instl"Uctor in Business Administration. B.S. (1964), Oregon State; 1\1.1\.A. (1966), Oregon. At Ol"egon since 1966. DONALD A. WATSON, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Finance; Acting Director, Bureau of Business and Economic Research. B.A. (1947), M.A. (1948), Ph.D. (1951)., Iowa. At Oregon since 195(,. EDWARD G. \VATSClN, M.A., Associate.Planner, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. B.A. (1943), Reed; M.A. (1948), \Vashington. At Oregon since 1962. * On leave of absence 1966-67. FACULTY 61 MARSHALL n. WATTLES, Ph.D., Professor of Economics. B.A. (1938), Southwest Missouri State; M.A. (1941), Missouri; Ph.D. (1950), Ohio State. At Oregon since 1950. MARIAN P. W ATIS,. B.A., B.S. in L.S., Reference Librarian Emeritus. B.A. (1921), Oregon; B.S. in L.S. (1934), Illinois. At Oregon since 1921. RUTH WAUGH, M.S., Senior Instructor in Education; Coordinator of DeBusk Center. B.S. (1957), Southern Oregon; M.S. (1963), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. GARY D. WEATHERFORD, LL.B., Assistant Professor of Law. B.A. (1958), Redlands; B.D. (1961), LL.B., Yale. At Oregon since 1966. A. KINGSLEY WEATHERHEAD. Ph.D., Associate Professor of English; Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. M.A. (1949), Cambridge; M.A. (1949), Edinburgh; Ph.D. (1958), Washington. At Ore- gon since 1960. CARL C. WEBB, M.A., Associate Professor of Joumalism.· B.S. (1932), M.A. (1950), Oregon. At Oregon since 1943. LORA M. WEBB, B.S., Special Assistant to Foreign Student Adviser, with the Rank of Instructor. B.S. (1931), Oregon. At Oregon since 1966. VINSON M. \VEBER, D.D.S., Professor of Dentistry, Dental School; Head of De- partment of Postgraduate Education. A.B. (1936), Oherlin; M.A. (1940), Michigan; D.D.S. (1946), Western Reserve. At Ore- gon since 1947. CHRISTOF A. WEGEI.1N, Ph.D., Professor of English. M.A. (1942), North Carolina; Ph.D. (1947), Johns Hopkins. At Oregon since 1952. GEORGE D. WEIGHT, M.S., Instructor in Business Finance. B.S. (1961), Utah; M.S. (1964), Oregon. At Oregon since 1965. DANIEL F. \VEILL, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geology. B.A. (1956), Corilell; M.S. (1958), TIlinois; Ph.D. (1962), California. At O"egon sinee 1966. ADOLPH WEINZfRL, M.D., P1'Ofessor of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Medical School; Chairman of Department. B.S. (1922), M.D. (1925), O"egon; C.P.H. (1932), M.P.H. (1939), Johns Hopkins. At Oregon since 1937. ROBERT L. WEISS, Ph.D., Visiting Associate Professor of Psychology. B.A. (1952), Ph.D (1958), State University of New York. At Orcgon since 1966. SEFTON R. \VELLINGS, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Pathology, Medical School; Chairman of D.epartment. B.S. (1951), M.D. (1953), Washington; Ph.D. (1961), California. At Oregon since 1961. DAVID K. WELLS, B.S., Captain, U.S. Army; Assistant Professor of Military Science. B.S. (1956), O,·egon. At Oregon since 1964. DONALD O. WELLS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physics. B.S. (1955), M.S. (1956), Ph.D. (1962), Stanford. At Oregon since 1961. ARNOLD M. \VESTLlNC, B.S., Planning and Public \Vorks Consultant, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, with the Rank of Professor. B.S. (1943), \Vashington. At Oregon since 1947. FRANKLIN S. \\1RICHER, M.S., Catalog Librarian (Instructor). B.A. (1955), M.S. (1961), TIlinois. At Oregon since 1966. VIRGINIA]. WHITFIELD, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Music (Education). B.Mus. (1934), l\1.Mus. (1946), Colorado; Ed.D. (1962), Cailfornia at Los Angeles. At Oregon since 1965. 62 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON GOLDA P. \VICKHAM, B.S., Dean of \Vomen and Associate Dean of Students, with the Rank of Professor. B.S. (1931), Oregon. At Oregon since 1944. MAliGAliET J. WIESE, M.A., Assistant Professor of Home Economics; Head of Department. B.S. (1941), Iowa State; M.A. (1945), Iowa. At Oregon since 1947. JACK WILKINSON, Professor of Art; Head of Department of Fine and Applied Arts. Grad. (1937), California School of Fine Arts. At Oregon' since 1941. OLIVER M. \VILLARD, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English. B.A. (1927), Stanford; A.M. (1931), Ph.D. (1936), Harvard. At Oregon since 1946. RUTH A. WILLARD, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Education. B.A. (1943), M.A. (1945), Iowa; Ed.D. (1952), California. At Oregon since 1952. ASTRID M. WILLIAMS, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Germanic Languages. B.A. (1921), M.A. (1932), Oregon; Ph.D. (1934), lvIarburg. At Oregon since 1935. DANIEL A. WILLIAMS, B.S., Assistant Director of Dormitories, with the Rank of Assistant Professor. n.s. (1962), Oregon. At Oregon since 1963. HOWEL WILLIAMS, D.Sc., D.Le., Visiting Professor of Geology. B.A. (1920), M.A. (1922), D.Sc. (1928), Liverpool; D.1.C. (1924), Royal School of Mines. At Oregon since 1966. MILDRED H. WILLIAMS, D.Ed., Adjunct Associate Professor of Education; Head of Social Studies Department, South Eugene High School. B.A. (1925), M.A. (1930), D.Ed. (1954), Oregon. At Oregon since 1930. WILLIAM B. WILLINGHAM, M.A., Program Director, PL-3. B.A. (1957), liLA. (1963), Indiana. At Oregon since 1965. NEIL E. Wll_SON, M.Mus., Associate Professor of Music (Voice). B.F.A. (1952), M.lII11s. (1955), New Mexico. At Oregon since 1961. ROBERT R. \VILSON, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1956), M.A. (1958), Chicago. At Oregon since 1963. DONALD E. WIMBER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology. B.A. (1952), San Diego State; M.A. (1954), Ph.D. (1956), Claremont. At Oregon since 1963. CARRYL H. WINES, Superintendent of University Press, with the Rank of Associate Professor. At Oregon since 1962. GARY WmEN, M.A., Instructor in Physical Education. B.A. (1958), Huron; M.A. (1960), Michigan. At Oregon since 1965. RALPH M. WlRFS, B.S., Instructor in English. B.S. (1960), Oregon College of Education. At Oregon since 1966. *JOHN R. WISH, M.B.A., Assistant Professor of Marketing. n.s. (1956), M.B.A. (1962), Ohio State. At Oregon since 1966. HERBERT P. WISNER, M.A., Instructor ill Biology. B.A. (1949), M.A. (1950), Syracuse. At Oregon since 1966. HARRY F. VV()LCOTT, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education. B.S. (1951), California; NT.A. (1959), San Francisco State; Ph.D. (1964), Stanford. At Oregon since 1964. RAYMOND G. WOLFE, JR., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry. A.B. (1942), M.A. (1948), Ph.D. (1955), California. At Oregon since 1956. HUGH B. WOOD, Ed.D., Professor of Education. B.S. (1931), Toledo; M.A. (1935), Colorado; Ed.D. (1937), Columbia. At Oregon since 1939. • On leave of absence 1966·67. FACULTY 63 KENNETH S. WOOD, Ph.D., Professor of Speech; Director, Speech and Hearing Clinic. B.S. (1935), Oregon State; M.A. (1938), Michigan; Ph.D. (1946), Southern California. At Oregon since 1942. MAIlEL A. WOOD, M.S., Professor Emeritus of Home Economics. B.S. (1925), Oregon State; M.S. (1930), Columbia. At Oregon sincc 1932. JOHN E. WOODHA){, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History. B.A. (1960), Birmingham-Southern; M.A. (1963), Ph,D. (1964), Duke. At OEcgon since 1964. JANET G. WOODRUFF, M.A., Professor of Physical Education. B.S. (1926), M.A. (1929), Columbia. At Oregon since 1929. WILLIAM C. WOODS, M.M., Associate Professor of Music (Piano, History). B.M. (1948), M.M. (1949), Southern California. At Oregon since 1950. RICHARD K. WOODWARD, M.D., Associate University Physician, with the Rank of Professor. B.S. (1955), M.D. (1960), Oregon. At Oregon since 1961. EDNA P. WOOTEN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physical Education. B.S. (1945), M.A. (1946), Ph.D. (1961), Ohio State. At Oregon since 1965. CHARLES R. B. WRIGHT, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics. B.A. (1956), M.A. (1957), Nebraska; Ph.D. (1959), Wisconsin. At Oregon since 1961. EMMA G. WRiGHT, AB., B.s., in L.S., Senior Acquisition Librarian (Assistant Professor) . A.B. (1925), Miami (.ohio); B.S. in L.S. (1939), Illinois. At Oregon since 1946. IRWIN 1. WRIGHT, B.S., Director of Physical Plant, with the Rank of Professor. B.S. (1926), Kansas State. At Oregon since 1947. LEAVITT O. WRIGHT, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Romance Languages. A.B. (1914), Harvard; B.D. (1917), Union Thcological Seminary; M.A. (1925), Ph.D. (1928), California. At Oregon since 1926. MORRIS YAROWSKY, M.F.A, Visiting-1I:ssistant~Professorof Art. A.B. (1955), Dartmouth; M.F.A. (1963), California College of Arts and Crafts. At Oregon since 1965. JOAN YEATMAN, M.A., Instructor in English. B.A. (1961), Southwestern Louisiana; M.A. (1962), Dukc. At Oregon since 1963. HILDA S. F. YEE, M.Ed., Counselor Supervisor, Dormitories, with the Rank of Instructor. B.Ed. (1958), M.Ed. (1960), Hawaii. At Oregon since 1962. BERTllAM YOOD, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics. B.S. (1938), Ph.D. (1947), Yale; lILS. (1939), California Institute of Technology. At Oregon since 1953. PHILIP D. YOUNG, B.A, Acting Assistant Professor of Anthropology.. B.A. (1961), Illinois. At Oregon since 1966. RICHAllD O. YOUNG, M.Ecl., M.A., Counselor, University Counseling Center with the Rank of Assistant Professor. . B.Ed. (1954), Toledo; M.Ed. (1958), M.A. (1964), Michigan. At Oregon sincc 1965. LOIS J. YOUNGEN, M.!\., Assistant Professor of Physical Education. B.S. (1955), Kent; liLA. (1957), Michigan State. At Oregon sincc 1960. JAN ZACH, Professor of Art. At Oregon since 1958. MAllTIN G. ZAN1NOV1CH, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political Science. B.A. (1953), M.A. (1959), Ph.D. (1964), Stanford. At Oregon since 1966. L. HAllMON ZEIGLER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Science; Research Associate, Center for Advanced Study of Educational Administration. B.A. (1957), Emory; M.A. (1958), Ph.D. (1960), Illinois. At Oregon since 1964. 64 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CHARLES F. ZIEBAI, M.Ed... . Supervisor of Reading·Study Laboratory KENNETH S. WOOI>, Ph.D. . Director of Speech and Hearing Clinic DAVID BRINKS, Ed.D... . Supervisor of Testing Services. Counseling Center ANDREW THOMPSON, Ph.D. ._ .....Counselor, Counseling Center SAUL TOOBERT, D.Ed. ..Supervisor of Group Counseling & Training, Counseling Center SUE K. GILMORE, Ph.D. . Counselor, Counseling Center ANNETTE j\[. PORTE.R, Ph.D... . Counselor, Counseling Center ELIZABETH DUBIN, Ph.D..... . __ . . Counselor, Counseling Center RICHARD O. YOUNG, Ed.S... . Vocational Counselor, Counseling Center LEE C. HANDY, lVI.S. . Counselor, Counseling Center PERIN H. MEHTA,' Ph.D.. ......Visiting Associate Professor, Counseling Center PHILIP E. BEAL, Ph.D. . Assistant Dean of Men *CHARLENE :rvI. DLACKBURN, B.A....... . Assistant Dean of Women J\.IARGARET BLAGG. B.A. ..Associate Registrar WILLIAM BYRON BLEVINS, M.Ed. . Assistant Dean of Students GERALD K. BOGEN, D.Ed... ...Associate Director of Admissions MARTIN THOMAS BROOKS, M.A. . Assistant Dean of Students; Assistant Director of Financial Aids DOROTHY V. BROWN _...... ,.Assistant Registrar ROBERT L. CARL, D.S :. ..Research Assistant DIXON JO~NSON, B.S Assistant Dean of Students. International Students PlIYLLIS L. KNIGHT, B. S. . Assistant Dean of \Vomen MARTHA MAE NEWELL, M.P.S., B.D.. . Counselor, Student Affairs VERLIN H. ODELL, 1'LEd. . Placement Counselor ALAN BRIAN O'LEARY, B.A. . Assistant Dean of Students BENJAMIN D. OWENS, .i\1.S... . Placement Counselor RICHARD A. SORENSON, B.S... Assistant Dean of Men CHARLES S. PALMERLEE, A.B., B.D... .. Counselor, Student Affairs GREGORY \"1. REED, B.S... ...... Special Assistant to Student Condtict Program LORA M. WEBB, B.S. . ..Assistant to International Student Adviser AT THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, an integrated program of student counseling and supervision of student life and group activities is administered • On sabbatical leave, fall term, 1966·67. [89 ] 90 STUDENT LIFE AND WELFARE through the Office of Student Affairs. The Dean of Students is assisted by asso- ciate deans with special responsibilities for: women's affairs, men's affairs, the University Counseling Center, and graduate placement. The Office of Admis- sions and the Registrar's Office also operate under the general direction of the Dean of Students. The dean and his associates maintain close personal contacts with individual students and with student organizations, and are available at all times for advice and help on all matters pertaining to their welfare. - University Counseling Center. The University Counseling Center provides facilities for testing and counseling University students, to help them in making wise choices in their studies and in solving academic and personal problems. A special fee of $5.00 is charged for the full educational and vocational testing serv- ice of the Counseling Center. Speech and Hearing Clinic. The Speech and Hearing Clinic, operating in conjunction with the Counseling Center, provides diagnosis, consultation, and treatment in connection with speech and hearing problems of University students. Students may be referred to the clinic either by the Counseling Center or by faculty advisers, or they may contact the clinic without a referral. Reading-Study Laboratory. Some students, although they may not clearly recognize their disability, fail to get the most from their University work because of difficulties in reading. Frequently these difficulties are correctable. The Reading- Study Laboratory, operating in conjunction with the Counseling Center, provides an opportunity for scientific diagnosis and correction of student reading difficulties. International Student Adviser. A member of the staff of the Office of Stu- dent Affairs serves as a special adviser to students from abroad who are attending the University, to assist them with personal problems and with adjustments to the customs and procedures of American educational systems. The international student adviser is prepared to give advice and help in connection with visas, gov- ernment regulations, scholarships, employment, and general orientation to Amer- ican life. He is also prepared to advise American students planning study abroad. University Placement Service. The University maintains a central Place- ment Service for the assistance of graduating students and alumni seeking new or better positions. The Placement Service serves students in all schools and departments in the University, including those trained in business and technical fields as well as in education and the liberal arts. Students who have taken, or are currently enrolled for, at least 12 term hours of University work, and who are completing degree requirements, are provided initial placement service without charge. Alumni, graduate students whose undergraduate work was at another institution, and former registrants who desire to use this service are charged a fee of $5.00 per year. Registration forms may be obtained upon request. New Student Week NEW STUDENT WEEK, a program of orientation for entering undergradu- ate students, is held annually the week before classes begin. During this period, new students are made familiar with the aims of higher education, the principles governing the wise use of time and effort, methods of study, and the ideals and traditions of the institution. Every effort is made to assist new students in getting the best possible start in their work. STUDENT LIVING 91 Partial directions concerning New Student Week and registration procedure are sent to each student who is accepted for admission. Full instructions regarding registration are published in the Time Schedule of Classes which is distributed on campus each term. This publication is not mailed to entering students. Another publication designed to orient students is the Student Handbook, distributed to registering students at the beginning of each term. Student Living COMFORTABLE, healthful, and congenial living conditions contribute much to the success of University life and work. Living conditions of the right kind aid students to do their best in their studies and contribute, through the experi- ences of group life, to the building of character and personality. Hence the University is vitally concerned with student housing. Halls of residence are main- tained on the campus by the institution, and the living conditions of students re- siding outside the dormitories are closely supervised. Many students live in fraternity and sorority houses accommodating groups of from twenty to sixty persons. Admission to these groups is by invitation only. Students also live in private homes and rooming houses near the campus. In sev- eral cooperative houses, groups of students enjoy the benefits of group living while keeping expenses at a minimum. University Dormitories The University maintains six dormitories, accommodating 3,143 students, mostly in double rooms. Living conditions are comfortable and conducive to suc- cessful academic accomplishment and to participation in the wholesome activities of campus life. Robert S. Bcon Hall houses 736 students in eight units, each assigned to men or to women: Caswell, DeBusk, Ganoe, Henderson, Moore, Parsons, Thornton, and \Villcox. Each unit has its own lounge and dining room. Carson Hall, a five-story building, houses 320 women students, principally in rooms accommodating two occupants. Most of the furniture is of built-in construc- tion. Virgil D. Earl Hall houses 327 students in five units, each assigned to men or to women: McClure, Morton, Sheldon, Stafford, and Young. Each unit has its own lounge, dining hall, and recreational area. lalllcs T-V. H ami/tall houses 832 students in ten units, each assigned to men or to women: Boynton, Burgess, Cloran, Collier, Dunn, McClain, Robbins, Spiller, Tingle, and Watson. Each unit has its own lourige, dining hall, and recreation area. lolm Straub Hall houses 278 students in six units, each assigned to men or to women: Alpha, Gamma, Hale Kane, Barrister Inn, Omega, and Sherry Ross. Each unit has its own club room. Multiple living units accommodate two students in a study room and four sharing a sleeping porch. A limited numbel' of single rooms are available on a priority basis. . loshua l. 111a/toll Hall houses 650 students in ten units, each assigned to men or to women: Adams, Clark, DeCou, Douglass, Dyment, Hawthorne, McAlister, Schafer, Smith, and Sweetser. Each unit has its own lounge, dining hall, and recre- ational area. Linen (blankets, sheets, pillows, pillow cases), water glasses. ashtrays, study lamps, desks, wastebaskets, wardrobe, and laundry facilities are provided in all 92 STUDENT LIFE AND WELFARE dormitories. Student occupants must furnish towels and irons. Ironing boards are provided in all living units, as is storage space for luggage and trunks. University Dining Halls. The University maintains dining halls for students in Straub Hall, Earl Hall, Walton Hall, Carson Hall, Hamilton Hall, and Bean Hall. Students living in dormitories take their meals in assigned dining halls. Men and women dine together in all dining rooms. Room·Reservations. Students who plan to live in the dormitories should make room reservations as early as possible before the opening of the'school year. Contracts for dormitory accommodations are for room and board for the entire school year. Application must be made on an official form, and must be accompa- nied by a room deposit of $50.00, which will be applied to the first term's room and board payment. *Dormitory Living Expenses. Board and room costs in University dormi- tories are approximately $307 for the fall term, $246 for the winter term, and $227 for the spring term-a total of approximately $780 for the academic year. The charges are based on the following rates: Board, per month. .. __ .. __ ._ . Room, multiple occupancy, per term: Fall term. . . Winter term Spring term _ _ __ _.. Room, single occupancy, per term: Fall term .. \\Tinter ternl __ _ Spring term . $ 61.50 134.00 90.00 75.00 201.00 135.00 112.50 Board and room charges are payable at the beginning of each term. If a student is unable to make the total payment at the beginning of the term, arrange- ment may be made for payment in two installments, the first at the beginning of the term and the second on a fixed date later in the term. Students who do not pay board and room charges within ten days after payment is due are assessed a late-penalty fee of $1.00 for the first day (after ten) and $1.00 for each additional day until a maximum charge of $5.00 is reached. If dormitory charges are not paid within ten days after they are due, the student's registra tion may be canceled. Dormitory Deposit Refund. The $50.00 room deposit will be refunded if ad- mission to the University is not granted, or if dormitory reservations are cancelled in writing by August 1 for fall term or 14 calendar days before the term begins for winter and spring. Refunds will be made within twenty days after cancellation is received. Fraternities and Sororities Fraternities and sororities provide comfortable living accommodations under University supervision. Members are chosen during stated rushing periods. Board and room costs are approximately the same as for students living in University dormitories. . .In the summer, after formal notice of admission has been received, new women students receive from the Office of the Dean of Women full information and instructions pertaining to sorority rush. New men students eligible to rush will receive from the Office of the Dean of Men complete instructions and informa- tion regarding fraternity rush. • The board and room costs listed here are based on the 1966-67 rates. When this Catalog was printed the 1967-68 rate schedule had not been determined. STUDENT LIVING 93 Fraternities on the Oregon campus are organized into the Interfraternity Council, which is a member of the National Interfraternity Conference. Sororities are organized into the Panhellenic Council, which is a member of the National Panhellenic Congress. Sororities at the University are: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Kappa, Zeta Tau Alpha. Fraternities at the University ';re: Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Chi Psi, Delta Chi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta Chi. Cooperative Houses The cooperative houses at the University of Oregon offer students with financial difficulties the advantages of intellectual and social comradeship to be found in group living. Under general Univel'sity housing regulations freshman students are required to live in the residence halls unless, for financial reasons, University permission is granted to live in cooperative houses. By sharing house- keeping responsibilities, members of cooperative houses are able to save about $20.00 a month on room and board costs. There are four cooperative houses for women: Highland, Laurel, Rebec, and University. Ann Judson House, owned and maintained by the Baptist Church, is open for membership to young women of all religions. There are also three houses for men: Campbell Club, Philadelphia House, and Aldersgate. Applications for membership and requests for further information should be addressed t~ the Dean of Women or the Dean ·of Men. Off-Campus Housing The University Housing Office, Carson Hall, maintains a list of approved private rentals for single and married students. Students requesting rental infor- mation should indicate the type of quarters they desire. The Housing Office does not make individual rental arrangements; students would be wise to arrive in Eugene before the beginning of the session to locate suitable housing (see Housing Regulations) . Housing for Married Students Housing for married students is provided in 716 furnished and unfurnished family-dwelling units owned and operated by the University. The units include a wide variety of accommodations. The rents range from $42.50 to $76.00 per month. Application should be made to the University Housing Office, Carson Hall. The married-student housing program is intended primarily to accommodate married graduate students working toward advanced degrees. To be eligible for married-student housing, students must be enrolled for course work, as follows: graduate assistants, 0.5 FTE, 5 term hoUl's ; graduate assistants, 0.3FTE, 9 hours; other graduate students, 9 hours; undergraduate students, 12 hours. Maximum tenant occupancy is restricted to the following: I-bedroom apart- ments-2 adults and 1 child under the age of one; 2-bedroom apartments-2 adults, 2 children over the age of one, and 1 child under the age of one. Occupancy is re- stricted to the members of one family. 94 STUDENT LIFE AND WELFARE Social Activities Rules governing the social activities of the various living organizations are established by the Student Activities Committee, composed of faculty and stu- dent numbers. The rules are published in the Student Handbook, copies of which arc available in the administrative office oLthe Student UiI1ion and in the offic.e of the Dean of Students. Housing Regulations (l) Freshman students are required to live in University residence halls (see, however, under COOPERATIVE HOUSES, above.) (2) Other undergraduate students under 21 years of age are required to live either in the residence halls or in houses maintained by organized University living groups (fraternities, sororities, cooperatives), unless their parents request in writing that they be permitted to live off campus, in quarters found on the approved list maintained by the Housing Office. (3) "Married students and students living with relatives in the Eugene com- munity are excepted from rules (l) and (2) ; other exceptions are rare, and are made only with permission frolU the Office of Student Affairs. (4) Students who rent off-campus quarters are expected to remain in these quarters for at least one term. If the student does not plan to stay for a £ull term, he should make certain that this is understood by his landlord before a rental agreement is made. Oregon law provides that a tenant or landlord wish- ing to terminate a rental agreement must give a 30-day written notice (unless otherwise agreed). (5) All students living in the residence -halls must take their meals in the dining rooms of the residence halls. (6) All housing in the residence halls is taken on a year basis; all other cam- pus housing (fraternity, sorority, and cooperative) is taken on a term basis. Stu- dents may not move during a term without special permission from the Dean of Men or the Dean of Women. (7) All students enrolled in the University (with the exceptions noted above) are subject to University housing regulations, including students enrolled for part- time study. Student Expenses The average expenses incurred by students at the University during an aca- demic year are shown in the table below. Some students \vith ample means spend more; but many students find it possible to attend the University at a lower cost. Board and room estimates are based on charges in the halls of residence. The incidental item will vary greatly with the individual. The expenses of the fall term are listed also, since there are expenses during this term not incurred during the winter and spring terms. Institutional fees (for Oregon residents) Books, supplies, etc. Board and room _ Incidentals Total Fall Term $110.00 80.00 307.00 100.00 $597.00 Academic Year $ 330.00 150.00 783.00 300.00 $1,563.00 STUDENT HEALTH SERVICE 95 It should be remembered that, in making an estimate of the cost of a year at the University, a student usually has in mind the amount he will spend from the time he leaves home until he returns at the close of the year. Such an estimate would include travel, clothing, and amusements-items which vary according to the thrift, discrimination, and habits of the individual. These items are not. included in the table. Student Health Service JULIAN S. REiNSCHMIDT, M.D.. . Director of Health Service RUSSELL M. BLEMKER, M.D. . __ .. __ . Associate University Physician ROBERT ]. CARSON, lII.D;.. . Associate University Physician NORMAN A. GOSCH, IVLD... . Associate University Physician MARIAN G. HAYES, I\I.D _.......... . _ Associate University Physician HERBERT C. LEMON, 1\I.D... .Associate University Physician AVARD C. LONG, M.D _.. .._Associate University Physician. 1fALCOLM 1,1. MARQUIS, J\f.D... . Associate University Physician RICHARD K. WOODWARD, M.D._. _ _._ .._ Associate University Physician THROUGH THE STUDENT HEALTH SERVICE the University strives to safeguard the health of its students. This is accomplished through health education, complete medical examinations for the detection of remedial defects, constant vigilance against incipient disease, medical treatment of acute diseases, and the maintenance of hygienic student living conditions. The student health services in the institutions in the Oregon State System of Higher Education are supported by student registration fees and such charges as are necessary. Every student registered fo"r credit is entitled to all the services of the Student Health Service. The Student Health Service facility is new, designed and equipped to meet the rapidly changing concepts in medical treatment and tIle rapid growth of the University; it consists of out-patient departments, a 44-bed hospital, including a modern isolation unit of four private beds, and the necessary laboratory, emer- gency, and administrative facilities. In general, medical services offered include: (I) general medical· attention and treatment, including minor surgery (major surgery and other procedures requiring general anesthesia and specialists' services are referred); (2) IS-day free hospitalization in the Student Health Service fa- cility during one academic year if recommended by a Health Service physician; ( 3) 24-hour daily emergency service; (4) routine laboratory procedures, including X-ray and clinical laboratory; (5) a pharmacy; (6) limited psychiatric and coun- seling services on an out-patient basis, supervised by a psychiatrist; (7) physical therapy.. Charges are ·made against the breakage deposit for prescriptions, X-ray, laboratory procedures, and services, such as immunizations and physical therapy, but every attempt is made to keep these as low as possible. All expenses of, or connected with, surgical operations or specialized services must be borne by the student, including the services of a special nurse, where deemed necessary. Under no circumstances will the Health Service payor be re- sponsible for bills from private physicians or private hospitals. The privileges of the Health Service are not available to members of the faculty. Physical Examination and Immunizations. For protection of the public health, the Board of Higher Education requires of all students, as a condition for admission to the University: (l) a physical examination by a licensed M.D. or D.O. chosen by the student, and presentation of a record of this examination on an 96 STUDENT LIFE AND WELFARE official form provided by the University; (2) an intradermal tuberculin test within three months of registration; and (3) proof, to the satisfaction of the University physician, of (a) immunization against smallpox within five years and (b) diph- theria~tetanus immunization within four years.· (In addition, poliomyelitis immu- nization is recommended.) If the student is enrolled in the University at the close of a five-year period following the first physical examination, a second examination is required; a sec- ond examination may be required after a shorter interval, at the discretion of the University physician. Students who decline immunizations because of religious conviction may be admitted, but only on the condition that they or (in the case of minor students) their parents or guardians agree in writing to assume all expenses incident to their care or quarantine, should they acquire smallpox, diphtheria, or tetanus while students at the University. This does not exempt them from the physical examina· tion or the intradermal tuberculin test. However, the student may choose to have a chest X-ray in lieu of the skin test but must submit an annual chest X-ray report to remain in school. Financial Aid FOR STUDENTS who need financial aid, the University provides assistance in finding part-time and summer employment, loans from special funds supported by private donors, and scholarships and fellowships supported both by state funds and by private endowment. Federal and state educational aid is available for vet- erans of the Korean conflict; under certain conditions, children of deceased veter- ans of the two world wars and the Korean conflict may qualify for Federal edu- cational grants. Student Employment Many students earn a large part of their University expenses by work in the summers and during the academic year; some students are entirely self-supporting. The University assists those seeking part-time and vacation jobs through the Stu- dent Employment Service. Students wishing part-time jobs on the campus or in the Eugene community are advised to write to the Employment Service a few weeks before the opening of the fall term; in most cases, however, definite com- mitments for employment are made only after personal interviews with prospective employers. The University participates in the work-study program established under the Federal Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. Loan Funds The University of Oregon administers student loan funds totaling more than $421,500. These funds are available for two types of loans: regular loans for a period of six months to two years, and emergency loans of small amounts for a period of ninety days or less. The loan funds held in trust by the University are governed by uniform prin- ciples and policies, administered by a Student Loan Committee. Applications for loans are made through the Office of Student Affairs. The following regulations govern student loans: (-I) Any student who has been enrolled in the University for at least one term and has a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 may obtain an emergency loan for a period of three months or less; to be eligible fo< a long-term loan a student must have a GPA of 2.25. FINANCIAL AID 97 (2) The serviee charge for cmergeney loans of $10.00 Or less is 50 cents for one month, 75 cents for two months, and $1.00 for three months. The service charge for emergency loans of more than $10.00 is $1.00 for one month, $1.25 for two months, and $1.50 for three months. The service charge for -all overdue emergency loans is 50 cents a month until paid in f!Jtll. (3) The interest rate for long-term loans is 4 per cent per year. (4) No more than $800 will be lent to any individual from University long-term loan funds. (5) It is the policy of the University to encourage repayment of loans as soon as the hot"fower is able to pay. The maximum loan period is two years, with the privilege of renewal if _-..t.he.~·,borrower has in every way proved himself worthy of this consideration. Payment of loans in monthly installments as SOon as possible after graduation is encouraged. The interest on renewed loans is 4 per cent a year if the borrower is still -a student at the University; the ratl' of interest on renewals made after the student leaves the University is 6 per cent. (6) The University does not accept various forms of collateral which most money lenders require for the security of loans. The only security accepted for long-term loans is the signature of two responsible property owners, in addition to that of the student borrower. The cosigners must submit evidcnce of their ability to pay the note-by filing a financial statement or by giving bank references. One cosigner must qualify by bank rcference. It is desirable that one of the cosigners be the parent or guardian of the borrower. If a student is married, his or her spouse must sign the loan application. (7) The signature of the borrower is the only security required for an emergency loan. Foreign students must also obtain the signature of the international student adviser. (8) In considering applications, the members of the Student Loan Committee give weight to the following considerations: (a) the student's scholastic record; (b) his reputation for. re- liability, honesty, and industry; (c) need for aid and probability of wise expenditure; (d) amount of present indebtedness; (e) ability to repay; (f) effort which the student has made to assist himself. (9) Except in the case of a few funds which are specifically restrieted to University stu- dents at Eugcne, studcnts at the Medical School, the Dental School, and the School of Nursing are eligible for loans from University student loan funds on the same basis as students on thE" campus at Eugene. The first University loan fund was founded in 1901 through the generosity ot William M. Ladd of Portland. Other early contributors were A. S. Roberts of The Dalles and the Class of 1904. Although for a number of years the total amount of the fund was only a little over $500, its benefits were large. Through it many students were enabled to complete their University work who otherwise could not have done so. In 1909 Senator R. A. Booth of Eugene became interested in the loan fund and through his efforts a number of others made substantial donations. Among these early donors were: Theodore B. Wilcox and J. C. Ainsworth of Portland, John Kelly of Eugene, W. B. AyeI' of Portland, the classes of 1911 and 1913, Mrs. Ellen Condon McCornack, Ben Selling of Portland, and the estate of the late D. P. Thompsor. of Portland. In recent years the University smdent loan funds have grown very i'apidly through gifts, bequests, and accumulated interest. Loans are also available to University of Oregon students and students in other institutions from funds administered through agencies outside the Univer- sity. Information concerning these funds may be obtained in the Office of Student Affairs. Special University loan funds administered under conditions differing from those stated above include the following: Guaranteed Student Loans. Banks and other lenders provide low-cost, long- term loans to students through a program of reserve funds held by state guarantee agencies or private nonprofit agencies such as United Student Aiel Funds, Inc. Guarantee funds are provided by the Federal government under the Higher Edu- cation Act of 1%5, by states, by industry, by educational institutions, and others. Undergraduate students may borrow up to $1,000 a year, graduate students up to $1,500 a year~to a total of $7,500. Repayments start nine months after gradua- tion and may extend for a period of up to ten years, depending on the total amount borrowed. Interest is at no more than six per cent per year. Borrowers who qualify may apply to have interest paid by the Federal government up to six per cent per year until repayments begin, and up to three per cent during the period of repay- 98 STUDENT LIFE AND WELFARE ment. Further information and application forms may be obtained from banks or from the Director of Financial Aids, Office of Student Affairs. Jackson Journalism Loan Fund. The interest from a $15,000 endowment fund, bequeathed to the University by the late Mrs. C. S. Jackson, widow of the founder of the Oregon Journal, provides no-interest loans to men students ma­ joring in journalism. National Defense Loan Fund. Under the National Defense Education Aet of 1958 funds have been provided for national defense loans for students at the University. For students who enter the teaching profession on the primary, sec­ ondary, or higher-education level, one-tenth of the total indebtedness will be for­ . given for each fl111 year of teaching up to a maximum of 50 per cent of the loap-. Further information may be obtained in the Office of Student Affairs. Mary Spiller Scholarship Loan Fund. The Mary Spiller Scholarship Loan Fund of $5,000 has been established by the State Association of University of Oregon Women in honor of Mrs. Mary P. Spiller, the first woman member of the faculty. The income from the fund is available for scholarship loans. Scholarships and Fellowships Scholarships and fellowships are available to University students of ability and promise. Most of these awards have been established through the generosity of private donors.. Most of the scholarships listed below have a value at least equal to the Oregon state fee scholarships, and are open to competition by all stu­ dents or by specified groups of students. A number of partial scholarships and special funds for the assistance of needy students are also available; informa­ tion concerning these funds may be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs. Scholarship and fellowship awards are administered through a faculty Com­ mittee on Scholarships and Financial Aid. A student applying for a particular scholarship is given consideration for all scholarships for which he may be eligible. Application for any scholarship administered by the University of Oregon may be made on a form furnished by the Oregon State System of Higher Educa­ tion ; copies of the form may be obtained from high-school principals. ·Further in­ formation may be obtained from the Director of Financial Aids, Office of Student Affairs.. Applications should be filed not later than March 1. Fellowships and scholarships offered to students at the University of Oregon Medical School, Dental School, and School of Nursing are listed in the separate catalogs of these schools. General State Fee Scholarships for Oregon Residents. The Oregon State Scholar­ ship Commission awards annually a limited number of scholarships to residents of Oregon for study in the institutions of the Oregon State System of Higher Education. These scholarships cover a portion of the regular fees charged by the institutions-at the University, $78 a term or $234 an academic year. To be eligible, an entering freshman must rank in the upper half of his high-school graduating class; a student who has been previously enrolled in. an institution of higher education must have a grade-point average of 2.50; all applicants, to be eligible, must be in need of financial assistance. Application should be made on forms available in the offices of high-school principals and of scholarship officers of the institutions of the State System, and should be submitted to the scholar­ ship committee of the institution in which the student wishes to enroll. The schol­ arships include: (1) scholarships open tostate-wide competition and (2) scholar­ ships awarded to students residing in each of the counties and legislative districts FIN ANCIAL AID 99 of thestate. The state-wide scholarships are apportioned to the several institu­ tions of the State System, and are equal in number to 2.5 per cent of the enroll­ ment of the institution; at least 50 per cent are awarded to freshmen; the schol­ arships are awarded for a period of one year, but may be canceled- at the end of any term in which the recipient fails to make a GPA of 2.50. The county and legislative district scholarships are four-year awards for study in any State Sys­ tem institution chosen by the student, but maybe canceled if the student fails to maintain a 2.50 GPA; they are transferable to any other institution of the State System after one year at the initially chosen institution. One new county scholar­ ship is awarded annually in each county of the state; the number of new legis­ lative district scholarships in each district is equal to the number of legislative seats in the district. State Fee Scholarships for Nonresident Students. A limited number of ,state scholarships are awarded annually to residents of the United States who are not residents of Oregon, for study in the institutions of the Oregon State System of Higher Education. These scholarships cover a portion of the regular fees charged by the institutions-at the University, $100, $150, or $190 a term. State Fee Scholarships for Foreign Students. A limited number of state scholarships are awarded annually to students from foreign countries attending the institutions of the Oregon State System of Higher Education. These scholar­ ships cover a portion of the regular fees charged by the institutions-at the University, a maximum of $268 a term for undergraduates, $78 a term for graduate students. State Cash Scholarships. A limited number of cash scholarships, with a maximum value of $500, are awarded annually by the Oregon State Scholarship Commission to especially able graduates of Oregon high schools who are in need of financial assistance; the scholarships may be used in any accredited institu­ tion of higher education in the state of Oregon. A student may hold both a state cash scholarship and a state fee scholarship. Application forms may be obtained only from Oregon high-school principals; applications are transmitted by high­ school principals to the State Scholarship Commission. University Assistantships. Teaching and research assistantships are awarded annually by the University to qualified graduate students. For stipends and application procedure, see GRADUATE SCHOOL. Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Scholarships.. A number of scholarships are awarded annually to outstanding cadets in the A.F.R.O.T.e. four-year program. These scholarships cover fees, a $25 term book allowance, and a subsistence pay of $50 a month. Funds are provided by the United States Air Force. Army Reserve Officer Training Corps Scholarships. Financial assistance is offered to outstanding young men in the Army R.O.T.e. program who plan Army careers. Each scholarship covers fees and cost of textbooks, plus $50 a month subsistence pay. During a six-week summer training period at the end of the junior year, this pay is increased to $120. Scholarships may be awarded for either two or four years. Robert A. Booth Fellowship in Public Service. This fellowship, supported by a bequest from the lateRobert A. Booth of Eugene, Oregon, is awarded an­ nually to an outstanding graduate of an accredited college or university. The award, between $250 and $500, is made on the basis of scholarship, character, personality, and interest in public service as a career. Coca Cola Scholarship. This scholarship, at present approximately $400, is awarded bienniatly to a graduating senior of the University of Oregon, as an aid 100 STUDENT LIFE AND WELFARE to postgraduate study at the University. In choosing a Coca Cola scholar, a faculty committee gives consideration to scholastic record, character, good citizenship, and promise as a graduate student. The scholarship is endowed through a gift from Jolm G. Foster of Eugene, Oregon. Coed Housing Alumnae Scholarships. One or more fee scholarships, sup- ported by Portland alumnae of the women's cooperative houses, are awarded annually to freshman women students who live in cooperative houses. Coop Housing-Janet Smith Scholarships. Three $75 scholarships are awarded annually to members of women's cooperative houses on the University campus. The scholarships are named in memory of the late Miss Janet Smith, adviser to the cooperative houses. Cowden Scholarship. A $200 scholarship, supported through an endowment provided by Norton Cowden, Class of '14, is awarded annually to a worthy stu- dent who is in need of financial assistance. Leon A. Culbertson Scholarships. Scholarships ranging from $330 to $1,000 are supported through interest on an endowment under the will of the late Leon A. Culbertson, Class of '23. Ten or more new scholarships are awarded each yea,r, and are renewable for a total period of four years. Awards are based on character, financial need, and promise of achievement. Colonel Harry L. Dale Scholarship. Under the terms of the will of the late Colonel Harry L. Dale, worthy students from Baker High School, Oregon, at- tending the University of Oregon may receive payment of University fees or of fees plus board, through the University of Oregon Development Fund. Candidates are nominated by a committee from Baker on the basis of personal integrity, poten- tial value as citizens, scholarship, leadership, character, and need. The scholarships are paid in three annual installments and are renewable. Bernard Daly Scholarships. Under terms of the will of the late Dr. Bernard Daly of Lakeview, Oregon, worthy young men and women of Lake County, Ore- gon may receive a portion of their college expenses from the Bernard Daly Edu- ce.tional Fund. The fund is administered by a board of trustees, including a representative of the University of Oregon; the board selects the scholars annually after a qualifying examination held in Lake County. Delta Delta Delta Scholarships. Two scholarships are awarded annually by the Delta Delta Delta sorority to University women students, one for $175 and one for $100. The awards are made on the basis of need, scholarship, and record of student activities. The scholarships are financed by the local Delta Delta Delta chapter and by alumnae groups. Development Fund Schola,rships. A number of $500 to $1,000 scholarships are awarded annually by the University of Oregon Development Fund. Approxi- mately 60 per cent of the scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit and 40 per cent on the basis of need. These scholarships are available to both in-state and out-of-state students. William Frager-Skull and Dagger Scholarship. A $110 scholarship is offered jointly by Samuel Frager of Albany, Oregon, and Skull and Dagger, sophomore service organization, to a University man for financial assistance dur- ing his junior year. The scholarship is a memorial to William Frager, Class of '39, who died in service in World War II. General Motors Scholarship. Each year the General Motors Corporation provides funds for one scholarship to be awarded to a University of Oregon fresh- man of outstanding merit, chosen by the University Scholarship Committee. FINANCIAL AID 101 Consideration is given to academic record, participation in extracurricular activi- ties, and evidence of responsibility and leadership. The scholarships vary in amount from $200 to $2,000, depending on the need of the recipient, and are renewable through the student's undergraduate years, provided he maintains an outstanding scholastic record. Jennie Beatie Harris Scholarship. Two $250 scholarships are awarded annually to full-time women students on the basis of scholastic record, character, good citizenship, and financial need. The scholarships are supported by income from the Jennie Beatie Harris Loan Fund established by the State Association of University of Oregon Women. Holmes Scholarship. A $300 scholarship, supported by Harry and David Holmes of Medford, is awarded annually to a graduate of a Jackson County, Oregon high school who is in financial need and shows high scholastic promise. Herbert Crombie Howe Scholarship. This scholarship is endowed through a gift from Mrs. Herbert Crombie Howe in memory of her husband, a member of the faculty of the Department of English from 1901 until his death in 1940, and for many years faculty representative to the Pacific Coast Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. It is awarded to students injured in athletic competition, to help them continue their education. Maurice Harold Hunter Scholarship. The Maurice Harold Hunter Leader- ship Scholarship, covering full tuition ($330), is awarded annually to the junior man in the University, a resident of the state of Oregon, who is judged to have made the most notable contribution, through his own achievements and good example,toward the development of qualities of leadership among his fellow students. The names of the recipients are engraved on a permanent plaque, which is displayed in the Browsing Room in the Student Union. The scholarship is supported through gifts to the University by Honorary Chancellor and Mrs. Frederick Maurice Hunter and Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Francis Hunter, in honor of their son and brother, Captain Maurice Harold Hunter, Class of '41. Captain Hunter was killed in action in Burma on January 31, 1945. Kwama and Phi Theta Scholarships. Kwama and Phi Theta award schol- arships ranging in value from $150 to $200 to women students. Funds for the sup- port of the scholarships are provided through the service projects of the two hon- orary societies. Lowe Scholarships. Two $150 scholarships, supported by Mr. and Mrs. George K. Lowe of Eugene, Oregon, are awarded annually to University men stu- dents on the basis of scholastic ability and performance, character, citizenship, interest and proficiencyin sports, and need of financial assistance. Karl W. Onthank Scholarships. Three $500 scholarships are awarded annu- ally to out-of-state students and five $300 scholarships to in-state students, in honor of Karl W. Onthank, Class of '16 and member of the University faculty since 1916. Order of the 0 Scholarship. A $1,000 scholarship is awarded annually to the outstanding high-school athlete from the state of Oregon who enters the University of Oregon. The award is supported through work projects under- taken by the Order of the 0, a campus varsity lettermen's organization. Oregon Dads Scholarships. The Oregon Dads organization awards annually the $500 Donald M. Erb Memorial Scholarship and fifteen or more scholarships ranging in value from $100 to $330 to freshman students graduating from Oregon high schools. Recipients of the scholarships are chosen on the basis of academic record, financial need, and promise of successful University work. High-school 102 STUDENT LIFE AND WELFARE I· students may apply for Oregon Dads scholarships during their senior year or dur- ing the two years following their graduation. Oregon Mothers Scholarships. The Oregon Mothers organization awards annually five $500 scholarships and ten or more fee scholarships to freshman students graduating from Oregon high schools. Recipients of the scholarships are chosen on the basis of academic record, financial need, and promise of successful University work. High-school students may apply for Oregon Mothers scholar- ships during their senior year or during the two years following their graduation. Orides Mothers-Janet Smith Scholarships. Two fee scholarships are awarded each year to senior Orides girls. Funds for the scholarships are given by the Orides Mothers Club and friends of the late Miss Janet Smith. Phi Gamma Delta Scholarship. The Phi Gamma Delta Scholarship, a me- morial to Robert C. Jones, is a $135 award given annually to a junior student who is outstanding in scholarship, leadership, and prospects for future service. Mr. Jones, Class of '43, was killed on December 26, 1944 in the Battle of the Bulge. The scholarship has been endowed by Mrs. Eleanor Jones Mumm and Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Jones. Quota International Scholarship. The Eugene, Oregon chapter of Quota International awards a fee scholarship to a junior woman. Marjorie Thompson Reynolds Scholarship. A scholarship covering tuition and fees is awarded annually to an upper-division member of a University sorority. The scholarship, supported by Eugene City Panhellenic, is a memorial to the late Mrs. Marjorie Reynolds. Rockwell Scholarships. Two $250 scholarships, endowed through a be- quest. from the late Mrs. Mary E. Rockwell, are awarded annually "to assist worthy, ambitious, and needy young men and women to acquire an education" at the University of Oregon, "so that they may be better fitted and qualified to ap- preciate and help to preserve the laws and institutions of this country." Loretta Showers Rossman Scholarships. One or two scholarships, varying from $250 to $500, are awarded annually to worthy students in memory of Loretta Showers Rossman, a graduate of the University of Oregon in the Class of '10. Rotary Club Scholarships. Three scholarships covering tuition and fees are awarded annually to freshmen from the Eugene, Oregon area, on the basis of scholarship, character, and need. The scholarships are supported by the Rotary Club of Eugene. Silva Scholarship. A $300 scholarship, endowed by Julio W. Silva of Eugene, is awarded annually to a graduate ofa Lane County, Oregon high school, prefer- ably a student from the Eugene-Springfield area. The award is made on the basis of scholarship, leadership, character, and need. Richard Shore Smith Memorial Scholarship. A $600 scholarship is awarded annually to a University man on the basis of scholastic performance, character, leadership, interest and proficiency in sports, and need. The scholarship is sup- ported by the income from an endowment given to the University by Dr. and Mrs. Donald B. Slocum of Eugene, Oregon as a memorial to Mrs. Slocum's father, the late Richard Shore Smith, Class of '01. Mary Spiller Scholarship. A scholarship of approximately $250 is awarded annuaily to a woman student who has been enrolled in the University for three full terms ; the award is on the basis of scholastic record, character, good citizenship, and financial need. The scholarship is supported by income from the Mary Spiller FINANCIAL AID 103 Endowment Fund and the Mary Spiller Loan Fund, memorials to the first woman teacher in the University. Joseph Kinsman Starr Scholarships. Approximately twenty scholarships, varying from $300 to $700 according to financial need, are awarded annually to University men students in memory of Joseph Kinsman Starr, a graduate of the University of Oregon School of Law in the Class of '07. For eligibility, students must have strong academic records, must be residents of communities of popula- tion of 5,000 or less, and must be descendants of early American pioneers. William W. Stout Scholarships. Several scholarships, ranging in amount from $750 to $1,250, are awarded annually to worthy students who need financial assistance to get the maximum benefit from their education. The scholarships are supported through a bequest from the late Vvilliam W. Stout of California. C. P. Tillman Scholarship. The C. P. Tillman Scholarship, about $100, is awarded annually to a University freshman residing in the Eugene-Springfield area, on the basis of ability and financial need. The scholarship is supported by an endowment bequeathed to the University by the late C. P. Tillman of Eugene, Oregon. Max Tucker Scholarships. Two or three $1,000 scholarships are awarded annually to University of Oregon students from a fund established by the will of the late Max Tucker of Lebanon, Oregon. In the selection of Tucker scholars, special consideration is given to graduates of Lebanon High School. Zimmerman Scholarships. The Joseph P. and Eva Zimmerman scholarships, of varying amounts, are awarded to seniors and graduate students. The scholar- ships are supported through a bequest of the late Miss Lois Zimmerman, Class of '28,and is named in memory of her father and mother. Liberal Arts Colonial Dames of America Scholarship. A $300 scholarship, supported by the Colonial Dames of America, is awarded annually to a student who in- tends to teach American history and who is in need of financial assistance. ThGmas Condon Fellowship in Paleontology. The Thomas Condon Fel- lowship is awarded by the Department of Geology as an aid to graduate study in the field of paleontology. The fellowship is endowed through a bequest from the late Mrs. Ellen Condon McCornack, and is named in memory of her father, Dr. Thomas Condon, pioneer Oregon geologist and a member of the University faculty from 1876 until his death in 1906. Judy Ellefson Speech Scholarship. A $100 scholarship is awarded annually to an upper-division student whose primary interest is in the field of speech and drama. The scholarship is named in memory of the late Miss Judy Ellefson, Class of '55, and is supported by her family and friends. F. G. G. Schmidt Fellowship in German. A $250 fellowship, supported by a gift from the late Dr. F. G. G. Schmidt, a member of the University faculty from 1897 until his death in 1945, is awarded annually to a worthy graduate student majoring in German. Stafford Scholarships in Chemistry. Two $500 scholarships are awarded an- nually to junior or senior majors in chemistry from funds provided by the Crown Zellerbach Foundation. The donor stipulates: (1) that candidates be selected on the basis of achievement and promise; (2) that financial need not be a considera- tion in the selection process; (3) that candidates be chosen without discrimination 104 STUDENT LIFE AND WELFARE as to race, creed, sex, or country of origin; (4) that no person who has previously held a Crown Zellerbach Foundation grant be considered. The awards are named in honor of Orin Fletcher Stafford, member of the faculty of the University De- partment of Chemistry from 1902 until his death in 1941. Architecture and Allied Arts Maude 1. Kerns Scholarship. A $100 scholarship is awarded annually to a junior, senior, or graduate student majoring in art education. The scholarship is supported by gifts to the University from friends and students of Miss Maude 1. Kerns, Class of '99 and member of the University faculty from 1921 to 1947. Ion Lewis Scholarship in Architecture. A $3,000 traveling scholarship is awarded, when funds are available, toOregon architects, draftsmen, or advanced architectural students who are under 30 years of age. Award is made on the basis of character, ability, promise, and need of travel. The scholarship is supported by a trust fund established by the late Ion Lewis of Portland, Oregon. Ina McClung Art Scholarships. Several scholarships of varying amounts up to $500 are awarded annually to students in the School of Architecture and Allied Arts from the income of an endowment established by Mrs. Katherine H. Mc- Clung. The scholarships are named in memory of the late Miss Ina McClung, Class of '95. Northwest Plaster Bureau Scholarship. A $250 scholarship is awarded annually by the Northwest Plaster Bureau, Inc. to an architecture student recom- mended by the architecture faculty and the dean of the school. Oil Heat Institute Scholarship. A $300 scholarship is awarded annually by the Oil Heat Institute to a senior student in architecture. Ellen M. Pennell Scholarships. Several scholarships; covering regular fees, are awarded for- a term or a year to students in the School of Architecture and Allied Arts. They are endowed through a bequest from Mrs. Ellen M. Pennell, for many years a member of the University Library staff. Women's Architectural League Scholarship. Scholarships in varying amounts, supported by the Women's Architectural League, are awarded annually to a student of architecture, preferably from the Portland, Oregon vicinity. Business Administration Autzen Foundation Scholarship. The Autzen Foundation provides an an- nual award of $500 to an upper-division student in business administration. The award is made on the basis of scholarship, qualities of leadership, and probable success in a business career. Cole, Clark and Cunningham Scholarship. The firm of Cole, Clark and Cunningham Insurance, Portland, Oregon, awards a $400 scholarship annually to a deserving senior male student majoring in Business Administration. The recipi- ent is selected by the Business Administration Day Committee of the School of Business Administration. Eppstein Scholarship for Insurance Education. An annual $200 scholarship is awarded to a business-administration major in the field of insurance. The schol- arshipis a memorial to the late Arthur M. Eppstein, and is supported through a gift from agents of the Oregon Automobile Insurance Company, of which Mr. Eppstein was president. The award is made on the basis of scholarship, need, character, and professional aptitude for work in property and casualty insurance. FINANCIAL AID 105 First National Bank of Oregon Scholarship. The First National Bank of Oregon awards annually two $500 scholarships to students of junior standing with an interest in finance and who are Oregon residents. The award is based on leader- ship ability and scholastic achievement. Haskins and Sells Scholarship. A $500 scholarship "to stimulate higher academic achievement on the part of students majoring in accounting, and to en- courage promising students to major in this field" is awarded annually to an accounting student from funds provided by the Haskins and Sells Foundation. Haskins and Sells Teaching Fellowship in Accounting. A $2,50(} fellow- ship is awarded each year by the Haskins and Sells foundation to a graduate stu- dent preparing for a career in college teaching of accounting. For eligibility, an applicant should have completed the requirements for a master's degree. H. T. Miner Research Fellowship. An award of $1,800 is made annually to a student planning graduate work in the School of Business Administration. The award is supported through the H. T. Miner Fund. Insurance Society Scholarship. A $200 scholarship is awarded annually to a student in the School of Business Administration majoring in risk and insurance. Funds are provided by the Insurance Society. Republic Carloading and Distributing Company Scholarship. The Repub- lic Carloading and Distributing Company awards annually a $300 scholarship to an entering freshman student planning to major in the field of traffic management and transportation in the School of Business Administration. The scholarship is re- newable each year until the student's graduation, provided he maintains a satis- factory academic record. Weyerhaeuser Fellowship. The Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation offers , a $2,250. fellowship to outstanding graduate students in business administration majoring in forest industries management. The award is made through the Forest Industries Management Center to encourage advanced professional training for this field. Journalism Arlyn E. Cole Memorial Scholarship. This award is presented annually by Cole and Weber, il11 advertising and public relations firm, in memory of the late Arlyn E. Cole, a founder of the firm. It provides a financial grant and summer internship experience to an outstanding junior in the field of advertising. Crown Zellerbach Scholarships. Two $500 scholarships are awarded annual- ly by the Crown Zellerbach Foundation to upper-division students majoring in journalism. Scholarship, character, and journalistic ability -81). (2) In addition, two sequences in liberal arts courses numbered from 100 to 120,200 to 220, or 300 to 310.t Of the total of six sequences elected for the satis- faction of requirements (1) and (2), two must be chosen from each of the three • From July 1, 1966 to Dec. 31, 1966. t Requirement (2) does not apply to students who are admitted to the University of Ore-' gon Medical School or Dental School from other accredited institutions and who are candidates for a baccalaureate degree from the University of Oregon_ [ 136] INTERDEPARTMENT AL COURSES 137 groups: arts and letters, social science, and science; the two sequences in social science and in science must be from different departments. (For a list of group courses see pages 80-81) . (3) A minimum of 62 term hours in upper-division courses. (4) A minimum of 36 term hours in the student's major field, at least 24 of which must be in upper-division courses. Some departments require more than the 36-hour minimum. For certain interdepartmental majors the major requirement is approximately 72 term hours of work distributed in several departments. Honors College. Through the Honors College, the University offers a four- year program of liberal education for selected superior students, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Honors College). The Honors College also super- vises the University's participation in' the Advanced Placement Program spon- sored by the College Entrance Examination Board. See page 135. Interdepartmental Courses Arts and Letters* LOWER-DIVISION COURSES AL 101, 102, 103. Literature (Honors College). 3 hours each term. Intensive study of selected works of Occidental literature. Combellack, G. Johnson, Moll, Nicholls, Powers, Wegelin. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES AL 301, 302, 303. Introduction to Japanese Literature. 3 hours each term. Fall: origins through Fuj iwara (twelfth century A.D.), with emphasis on the Tale of Genji; winter: mediaeval (Kamakura, Muromachi, Tokugawa) lit- erature including drama (no, kabuki, bunraku), haiku, and ukiyo writing; spring: literature since the Meiji Restoration (1868). All readings in English. Naff. AL 304,305,306. Literature of the Ancient World. 3 hours each term. Fall: Homer to Aeschylus; winter: Sophocles to Plutarch; spring: Latin lit- erature from Plautus to Apuleius. Lectures and readings in English. Special attention to influence of Greek and Latin writers on English literature. Com- bellack, Pascal. AL 307, 308, 309. Introduction to Chinese Literature. 3 hours each term. Ancient Chinese literature and Confucian classics, with emphasis on poetry: later prose, poetry, and literary criticism; the development of drama and fiction. Readings and lectures in English. Sun. AL 314, 315, 316. Introduction to Germanic Literature. 3 hours each term. In English. Lectures and assigned readings covering the whole range of German literature. AL 321,322,323. Classic Myths. 1 hour each term. The three major myths of the classical world: Troy, Thebes, and the Golden Fleece. Lectures and readings in English. Black, Pascal. AL 331, 332, 333. Survey of Russian Literature. 3 hours each term. Russian literature from 1825 to 1917, with extensive reading in the works of Gogol, Dostoevsky, and Tolstoy. Leong. AL 340,341,342. Russian Culture and Civilization. 3 hours each term. Main currents of Russian intellectual, literary, and artistic life. Leong. • For major program in general arts and letters, see pages 170·171. 138 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS I' AL 351, 352, 353. Scandinavian Literature in Translation. 3 hours each term. Outstanding works of Scandinavian literature, studied in translation. Fall Norwegian; winter: Swedish; spring: Danish. Prerequisite: upper-divisio standing. Williams. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT AL 405. Reading and Conference. (g) Hours to be arranged. AL407. Seminar. (g) Hours to be arranged. AL 421, 422, 423. Modern Russian Short Story, Poetry, Drama. (g) 3 hour each term. Fall: the short story-Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhm Gorky, Soviet authors; winter: poetry-evolution of Russian poetry from th beginnings into the Soviet period; spring: drama-modern Russian dram from the eighteenth century. Knowledge of Russian not required; but Russia majors must do selected readings in the original. Leong. AL 450,451. Descriptive Linguistics.. (g) 3 hours each term. Study of the general internal structure of languages. Prerequisite: senior a graduate standing, three years of college language study; or consent of in structor. Miyaj i. AL 477, 478, 479. Dante and His Times. (g) 3 hours each term. Historical and literary background of the Divine Comedy; study of the poer and of Dante's minor works; Petrarch and Boccaccio. Lectures and reading in English. Beall. GRADUATE COURSES AL 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged, AL 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. AL 514,515, 516. Introduction to Comparative Literature. 3 hours each term. Study of significant examples of literature illustrating influences, themes, an movements that cross linguistic frontiers; opportunity for individual researc on problems involving two or more literatures. AL 586, 587. Comparative Literary Criticism. 3 hours each term. Designed to familiarize the student with the more important approaches t the criticism of literature current in the twentieth century; practical experi mentation with methods and texts; readings, discussion, and analysis of liter ary works. Forms a year sequence with Eng 585. General Science* LOWER-DIVISION COURSES GS 104, 105, 106. Physical-Science Survey. 4 hours each term. General introduction to the physical sciences; principles of astronomy, physic! and chemistry, geologic processes, and man's relation to them. Special ern phasis on scientific method. 4 lectures. Ebbighausen, Ellickson. GS 204, 205, 206. Physical Science (Honors College). 4 hours each term. Introduction to certain basic concepts, terms, and methods of modern physic~ science, with emphasis on the interrelations of the physical sciences with eac other and with other fields of knowledge. Dart. UPPER·DIVISIONCOURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT GS 411, 412, 413. History of Science. (g) 2 hours each term. Lectures, readings, and discussions of selected topics in the history of sciencl considered as a part of the cultural history of Western civilization in th period 1500-1900. * For major program in general science, see page 171. ANTHROPOLOGY General Social Science* 139 LOWER-DIVISION COURSES ic 104,105, 106. Social Science and Social Policy. 3 hours each term. ic 201,202,203. Introduction to the Social Sciences (Honors College). 3 hours each term. A study of some fundamental concepts in the social sciences. Satisfies pre- requisite requirement for upper-division courses in anthropology, geogra- phy, political science, psychology, and sociology. Allman, Dumond, MacGreg- or, Urquhart. Anthropology 'ofessors: D. F. ABERLE, H. G. BARNETT, L. S. CRESSMAN (emeritus), K. P. EMORY, THEODORE STERN. ;s~ciate Professors: V. R. DORJAHN (department head), D. E. DUMOND, A. G. SMITH. ;sistant Professors: D. L. COLE, LERoy JOHNSON, J. G. JORGENSEN, MALCOLM McFEE, ANN G. SIMONDS, P. E. SIMONDS, D. T. WALLACE, P. D. YOUNG. ;sociate: KATHLEEN G. ABERLE. ~llows: J. H. BODLEY, G. D. BUELOW, L. S. CORDELL, L. H. DONALD, INGRID M. GRAM, D. K. GRAYSON, J. F. HOFMEISTER, H. F. HOLLYER, B. L. ISAAC, K. E. KNUDSON. C. D. LAUGHLIN, JR., F. D. McEvoy, J. C. MILES, MARGERY J. MOORE, M. J. MORATTO, F. E. POIRIER, L. A. ROBBINS, C. T. SHELDON, JR., R. M. WAGNER, K. R. WEBER, R. E. WIEST. ;sistants: G. A. BAILEY, JEANETTE E. CARTER, G. H. CLARK, C. N. COLE, A. G. I FANTEL, CARLOS FERNANDEZ, E. L. FROST, D. L. HARDESTY, R. C. KISTE, M. D. LIEBER, C. A. HEIDENRICH, L. T. HUBBARD, R. L. A. MACE, F. E. MILLER, W. E. OVERHOLT, A. B. PERLIN, J. C. RIDDELL, M. L. Roy, E. G. SCHWIMMER, R. n. SINGH, SHELDON SMITH, ALEXANDER SONEK, JR., J. C. STEEN, J.D. STEWART, ROBERT TONKINSON:, JEROME WEISS. ~E COURSES offered by the Department of Anthropology are planned to pro- le a broad and deep understanding of human nature and society for students l other fields, as well as integrated programs for majors in anthropology. A high-school student planning to major in anthropology is advised to take o years of high-school mathematics, preferably algebra. He should also come to ~ University with a sound background in English, so that he can read with un- standing and express himself with clarity. Majors in anthropology are required to take the following lower-division rses: General Anthropology (Anth 101, 102, 103) or Introduction to Cultural thropology (Anth 207, 208, 209); a year sequence in psychology. At the upper-division level the following courses are required for majors: oples of the World (Anth 314, 315, 316) ; Physical Anthropology (Anth 320, , 322) ; World Prehistory (Anth 411, 412, 413) ; and one area course at the (G) level. Students planning to do graduate work should take two years of rman and two years of a second foreign language, preferably French or Spanish. insure a broad liberal education, it is strongly recommended that the student it his undergraduate work in anthropology to a maximum of 51 term hours. The department offers graduate work leading to the Master of Arts and Doc- of Philosophy degrees. Graduate instruction includes work in the fields of haeology, ethnology, linguistics, and physical anthropology. To qualify for a ter's degree, students must demonstrate a basic competence in all these fields. * For major program in general social science, see pages 171·172. 140 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS The carefully selected anthropological collections of the Museum of Natun History provide excellent material for class instruction, particularly in the cultur of the American Indian. Secondary-School Teaching of Social Studies. For certification as a teache of social studies in Oregon high schools, the Oregon State Department of Educa tion requires (1) the satisfaction of certain minimum standards of subject prepara tion and (2) the recommendation of the institution at which the student complete his subject preparation. To meet the state standards in social studies and the requirements for recom mendation by the University of Oregon, a major in anthropology must complet the following program, selected from the fields of history, geography, politic. science, economics, and sociology or anthropology, with a 2.50 GPA or higher: (1 work in anthropology required for a major in the field; (2) 27 term hours in his tory; (3) 9 term hours in a third field; (4) at least one course in each of tw additional fields. The program must include a minimum of 36 term hours in upper division courses. For further information, the student should consult the member of the anthro pology faculty who serves as adviser for prospective teachers. Honors. See HONORS COLLEGE, pages 132 ff. LOWER-DIVISION COURSES Anth 101, 102, 103. General Anthropology. 3 hours each term. Fall: man as a living organism; biological evolution; fossil man; winter prehistoric cultures; spring: organization and functioning of culture. 2 lec tures, 1 discussion period. McFee, Simonds. Anth 207, 208, 209. Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. 3 hours each term. The meaning of culture; its significance for human beings; its diverse form and degrees of elaboration among different groups of men; its processes ( growth and expansion. 2 lectures; 1 discussion period. Smith. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES Anth 301, 302, 303. Society and Culture. 3 hours each term. An introductory course in cultural anthropology for upper division student not majoring in anthropology. Peoples from different parts of the worl are examined in detail, with emphasis on comparative social organizatiOl Not open to majors or to students who have taken Anth 207. 208, 209, Ant 314, 315, 316, or a comparable course in cultural anthropology. Prerequisite upper-division standing. Dumond. Anth 314,315,316. Peoples of the World. 3 hours each term. Historical treatment of world culture areas, exclusive of Europe. Region, variations in culture, their backgrounds, and their significance in conterr porary world affairs. Materials drawn from Africa, Asia, Oceania. and th Americans. Prerequisite: upper-division standing. Young. Anth 320, 321, 322. Physical Anthropology. 3 hours each term. Processes and theory of evolution as applied to man and his relatives. Fall comparative osteology of humans and other primates; fossil record of earl primates; winter: man's place among the primates; fossil man; principle in human evolution; spring: variability in fossil and modern man; morpho1c gical and genetic criteria of variability; factors in population change; bloo groups. Prerequisite: upper-division standing or consent of instructo: Simonds. Anth 323. Laboratory in Physical Anthropology. 2 hours. Optional laboratory work for students enrolled in Anth 320, 321, 322. Obsci vation and measurement of skeletons; anthropometry; comparative primat anatomy. Simonds. ANTHROPOLOGY 141 lOth 401. Research. Hours to be arranged. ,nth 403. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. ,nth 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT ,nth 407. Seminar. (g) Hours to be arranged. ,nth 408. Field Work in Anthropology. (G) Hours to be arranged. ,nth 411, 412; 413. World Prehistory. (g) 3 hours each term. Survey of the main developments in world prehistory. Fall: methods of archaeology; geological and biological background of paleolithic man; the Old World paleolithic; winter: Old World villag-e and urban development; spring: New World hunting and gathering; agricultural-village life, urban society. Prerequisite: upper-division standing. Wallace. ,nth 414. Race and Culture. (G) 2 hours. Racial classifications and comparisons; the biological base of culture; atti- tudes toward race in human relations. Prerequisite: 9 hours in anthropology or consent of instructor. Jorgensen, Simonds. ,nth 415. Socialization in Primitive Society. (G) 2 hours. Methods of child rearing, education, and social control among primitive peo- ples. Prerequisite: 9 hours in anthropology or consent of· instructor. J orgen- sen, Stern. ,nth 416. History of Anthropology. (G) 2 hours. A nontheoretical exposition of the beginnings and specialized developments within the fields of archaeology, physical anthmpology, ethnology, and lin- guistics. Prerequisite: 9 hours in anthropolog-y or consent of instructor. Aberle, Stern. nth 417, 418, 419. The America,n Indian. (G) 3 hours each term. Indian life in Central, South, and North America before white contact; con- temporary Indian life where groups still survive. Prerequisite: 9 hours in anthropology or consent of instructor. Jorg-ensen, Stern, Young. nth 423, 424, 425. Peoples of the Pacific. (G) 3 hours each term. Life and customs among the native groups of the South Pacific, including Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, Australia, and Indonesia. Prerequisite: 9 hours in anthropology or consent of instructor. Smith. nth 426, 427, 428. Peoples of Africa. (G) 3 hours each term. The cultures of Negro Africa; their history and development; the problems of contemporary Africa. Fall: South and East Africa; winter: Central and West Africa; spring: the problems of modern Africa. Prerequisite: 9 hours in anthropology or consent of instructor. Dorjahn. nth 434, 435, 436. Peoples of the Near East. (G) 3 hours each term. The ethnic groups of North Africa and Southwestern Asia; Islam and Islamic social structure as a unifying force; the relations of the Near East with Negro Africa and Asia. Prerequisite: 9 hours in anthropology or con- sent of instructor. nth 437. Peoples of Interior Asia. (G) 3 hours. Cultures of Interior Asia: paleo-Siberians, Mongols, Manchus, Kirkhiz, Kazaks, and other peoples of Asiatic Russia. Prerequisite: 9 hours in anthro- pology or consent of instructor. nth 438,439,440. Peoples of Southern and Eastern Asia. (G) 3 hours each term. Introduction to the cultures of India and Pakistan, China, and Southeast Asia; development of distinctive culture config-urations; interrelationships of culture; impact of westernization; ethnic and linl!:uistic factors. Fall: South Asia; winter: the Chinese culture sphere; spring: Southeast Asia. Prere- quisite: 9 hours in anthropology or consent of instructor. Stern. 142 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Anth 441, 442, 443. Linguistics. (G) 3 hours each term. Nature and forms of language; the relation of language and culture; lingui tic structure and change. Sound patterning (phonetics and phonemics) ar grammatical structuring (morphology and syntax). Techniques of linguist recording and analysis, working with a native speaker. Prerequisite: seni, standing; Anth 207, 208, 209 or two years of a foreign language; consent, instructor. Smith, Stern. Anth 444. Religion and Magic of Primitives. (G) 3 hours. The religions and systems of magic of primitive peoples as reflections of the thought processes; supernatural systems in the life of. primitive people. Pr requisite: 9 hours in anthropology or consent of instructor. McFee, Stern. Anth 445. Folklore and Mythology of Primitives. (G) 3 hours. Unwritten literature as an expression of the imaginative and creative thougl of primitive people. Prerequisite: 9 hours in anthropology or consent of il structor. McFee, Stern. Anth 446. Art Among Primitives. (G) 3 hours. The artist and aesthetic expression among primitive peoples. Prerequisit( 9 hours in anthropology or consent of instructor. McFee, Stern. Anth 450, 451,452. Cultural Dynamics. (G) 3 hours each term. Evaluation of approaches to the problem of cultural changes; analysis of ir vention and intergroup cultural borrowing; agents and conditions promotir change; mechanics of cultural growth; application of techniques for inducin change. Prerequisite: 9 hours in anthropology or consent of instructor. Ba: nett. Anth 453. Primitive Value Systems. (G) 3 hours. A comparative presentation and analysis of the differing world views of var ous primitive peoples. The basic premises and tenets revealed by an ethn group in its interpretations of its experiences. Prerequisite: 9 hours of anthn pology or senior standing in social science. Barnett. Anth 454. Applied Anthropology. (G) 3 hours. Study of case material in which anthropological assumptions, theories, ar techniques have been applied to effect desired changes in intergroup relation Problems of cross-cultural communication, conflict, and adjustment. Pre requisite: 9 hours in anthropology or senior standing in social scienc Barnett. Anth 455..Anthropo1ogy and Native Administration. (G) 3 hours. Survey of present policies and techniques of native administration; applie< tion of anthropological facts and theory to the solution of practical problem! the impact of external demands on native cultures; satisfaction of socia economic, and psychological needs. Principal areas studied are Oceania an Africa, with some attention to parts of North America and Asia. Prerequisitt 9 hours of anthropology or senior standing in social science. Barnett. Anth 456,457,458. Language, Culture, and Behavior. (G) 3 hours each term. How people interact through verbal and nonverbal signals, codes, message and networks; an integration of anthropology with information theory ar social psychology. Prerequisite: 9 hours in anthropology or consent of ir structor. Smith. GRADUATE COURSES *Anth 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. Anth 502. Research Methods in Anthropology. Hours to be arranged. Orientation of graduate students to basic research tools, particularly t~ explicit inductive methods of statistical and other types of formal analysl needed to formulate and conduct research. Three terms are required of majoj in the first year of graduate study. Jorgensen. *Anth 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged.·· * N(}ograde course. ANTHROPOLOGY 'Anth 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. \nth 506. Special Problems. Hours to be arranged. \nth 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Theory and Method in Archaeology. Dumond, Johnson, Wallace. Culture and Personality. Aberle. Anthropological Theory. Barnett. Field Methods in Ethnology. Barnett. Innovation. Barnett. The Negro in the New World. Dorjahn. Primate Behavior. Simonds. Fossil Man. Simonds. Evolution and Race. Simonds. Primitive Primates. Simonds. Modern Mexico. Dumond. Basic Physical Anthropology. Simonds. Basic Archaeology, Wallace. Archaeology of the Circumpolar Region. Dumond. Archaeology of Western North America. Cressman, Dumond, Wallace. , 143 \nth 511. Culture, Society, and the Individual. 3 hours. A review and evaluation of the concepts of culture and society, as the terms are employed by anthropologists. The relationships between culture and so- ciety, between culture and the individual, and between society and the indi- vidual. Prerequisite: graduate standing in the social sciences. Barnett. \nth 512. The Beginnings of Civilization. 3 hours. The change from a food-gathering to a food-producing economy; significance for cultural and social development. Prerequisite: graduate standing in the I social sciences. Wallace. I \nth 514. Primitive Social Organization. 3 hours. Primitive social organization, with particular reference to kinship and sodali- l ties. Prerequisite: graduate standing in social science. Aberle.nth 515. Primitive Political Systems. 3 hours. Government in primitive societies, considered from a cross-cultural perspec- tive. Special attention to political innovations under colonial rule,and to the new nationalistic administrations in Africa and Asia. Prerequisite: graduate standing in social science. Doriahn. nth 516. Primitive Economic Systems. 3 hours. Production, consumption, distribution, and exchange in primitive societies. Special attention to property, the economic surplus, change in economic sys- tems, and relationships between nonpecuniary economies and the world econ- omy. Prerequisite: graduate standing in social science. Aberle, Dorjahn. nth 520, 521, 522. Advanced Physical Anthropology. 4 hours each term. Observations and measurements of skeletons; morphological observations and anthropometry of the living. Genetic and morphological analysis of race. Dentition, biometric statistics, blood-group genetics and techniques. 2 three- hour laboratory periods. Prerequisite: Anth 320, 321, 322 or consent of in- structor. Cole, Simonds. nth 523, 524,525. Archaeology of the New World. 3 hours each term. Early man in the Americas. Fall: North America; winter: Meso-America; Spring: South America. Dumond. Wallace. nth 530, 531, 532. Cultural Ecology. 3 hours each term. Interrelationships of environment, technology, and social organization. In second and third terms, preparation and comparative analysis of case reports. Aberle. * No-grade course. 144 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Asian Studies THE CURRICULUM IN ASIAN STUDIES is a program of area traininl through selected courses dealing with Asian culture. The primary emphasis is UPOI the Chinese culture sphere, with special attention to Japan. The program is de signed to provide necessary basic knowledge for students interested in commercial governniental, journalistic, or educational work relating to the region, for student preparing for graduate work in Asian studies, or for those who wish to broadel their understanding of the interrelated world in which they live. The curriculun is administered by an advisory committee, of which G. Ralph Falconeri, assistan professor of history, is chairman. The-major in Asian studies leads to the Bachelor of Arts degree. Normally a candidate is required to take two years of either Chinese or Japanese; anothe: language may, however, be substituted if it is germane to the region or countr, in which the student has a special interest. The major requirements are as follows (1) All majors must take the following: Far East in Modern Times (Hst 0: PS 391, 392,393) ; Eastern and Southeastern Asia (Geog 451) ; Peoples of South ern and Eastern Asia (Anth438, 439, 440). (2) The candidate must take 39 term hours of work from groups (a) an( (b) below; for the satisfaction of this minimum requirement, not more than 2, term hours may be selected from group (b). (a) Lecture-seminar group: History of Oriental Art (ArH 207, 208, 209) Introduction to Japanese Literature (AL 301, 302, 303) ; Introduction to Chinesl Literature (AL 307, 308, 309) ; Southern Asia in Modern Times (PS 337, 33~ 339) ; Epochs in Oriental Art (ArH 446, 447, 448) ; Government and Politics 0 the Far East: China (PS 460, 461) ; History of China (Hst 494, 495, 496) ; His tory of Japan (Hst 497, 498, 499); Seminar: Religious Philosophy of Chin; (R 407); Seminar: Religions in Japan (R 407); Seminar: Japanese Histori ography (Hst 407); Seminar: China's Modern Revolution (Hst 407) ; othe approved seminars and colloquia. (b) Language-course group: Chinese and Japanese language instruction; fo: courses, see page 201. Honors. See HONORS COLLEGE, pages 132 ff. Graduate Study. The University also offers an interdisciplinary progral1 of graduate- study in Asian studies in conjunction with courses in a departmenta field of specialization. The program leads to two M.A. degrees, one in a depart mental field and the second in interdisciplinary Asian studies. The student com pletes 45 term hours of work in his departmental field together with 30 tern hours in Asian studies, including a seminar in the Asian field. His thesis applie: the methodology of a departmental discipline to an Asian subject. The candida!! must demonstrate mastery, equivalent to the attainment expected after two year: of college study, in an Asian language relevant to his program. Center for Japanese Studies. Graduate study and research in Japanes. culture and civilization is sponsored through the University Center for Japanes. Studies. The program of the center includes the direction of the work of grad uate students who choose Japan as an area of concentration for the M.A. degree in Asian studies. Through the center, advanced students are provided an oppor tunity to pursue part of their studies in Japan. BIOLOGY Biology 145 Professors: EDWARD NOVITSKI (department head), C. W. CLANCY, M. J. COHEN, : P. W. FRANK,* PHILIP GRANT, GRAHAM HOYLE, R. R. HVESTIS (emeritus), JAMES KEZER, AARON NOVICK, P. L. RISLEY, B. T. SCHEER, J. A. SHOTWELL, A. L. SODERWALL, F. W. STAHL, GEORGE STREISINGER.t Associate Professors: A. S. BAJER, R. W. CASTENHOLZ, S. A. COOK,* L. E. DET- LING, JANE GRAY, R. W. MORRIS, F. W. MUNZ, F. P. SIPE (emeritus), W. R. SISTROM, S. S. TEPFER, D. E. WIMBER. Assistant Professors: H. T. BONNETT, G. C. CARROLL, B. H. MCCONNAUGHEY, J R. MENNINGER, W. R. MOBERLY. Senior Instructors: P. A. McNEILL, K. B. SALMONSON. Instructors: J. G. DARBY, T. A. EBERT, R. K. GERDING, D. R. HAGUE, G. J. MURPHY, H. P. WISNER. Associates: C. C. ASHLEY, Z. M. BAJER, KATHLEEN CHURCH, A. D. KEITH, H. H. GOLDIN, C. G. JENSEN, LAWREN,CE JENSEN, MAKATO KOBAYASHI, M. E. MYSZEWSKI, V. R. MEENAKSHI, RALLAPALLI RAMAMURTHI, HIROSHI. WASHIO. Assistants: A. V. ALPERT, B. S. ANDERSON, K. M. BIGLER, D. E. BILDERBACK, J. E. BOERNER, C. H. BRINKMAN, M. L. CANFIELD, P. R. CARROLL, DIANA CHIL- DRESS, J. G. COLBURN, T. J. CONNORS, T. J. Cox, W. J. DAVIS, FRED DELCO- MYN, G. H. DERSHAM, ELIZABETH EHRLICH, B. J GIESEL, J. T. GIESEL, K. L. GRAHAM, R. H. GRAY, G. C. GRIGG, L. N. HALFEN, J. C. HICKMAN, J. W. JACKLET, M. H. KAPLAN, A. J KARPOFF, D. A. KIEFER, G. H. KRASILOVSKY, R. D. LONGLEY, S. K. MCCAUSLAND, A. E. MCCOUBREY, N. D. McKENZIE, G. S. MICKLE, B. J MOBERLY, M. W. MUMBACH, R. A. OLSEN, J. B. PALMER, L. M. PASZTOR, M. L. PATTON, A. N. PETERSON, C. M. PETERSON, D. J PHILLIPS, L. H. PIKE, Z. V. POSPISIL, J. S. RASEY, J. C. RAYMOND, E. B. RIDGEWAY, N. R. SAVAGE, J. A. SCHACHT, M. J. SCHNEIDER, A. 1. SELVERSTON, . ELIZABETH S. SHELDON, K. E. SILLIMAN, C. D. SMITH, P. T. SPIETH, J P. STRINGER, 1. H. THORNEYCROFT, M. R. TROY, BENJAMIN WALCOTT, C. D. WlIITE, R. L. WHITE, A. O. WILLOWS, P. T. WISE, R. W. WISE, T. L. \VIT- TENBERG, A. J. WOOD, L. H. YAMAOKA, J W. YOON. THE DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY offers an undergraduate program planned to provide an understanding of the living world as a part of a liberal education, to prepare students for professional careers in industry, government, and secondary education, and to provide preparation for graduate work leading to careers in higher education, research, and the medical sciences. Modern biology is a quantitative science; students planning to specialize in biology should include in their high-school preparation as much mathematics as possible, including at least algebra and geometry. Preparation in English is essen- tial, and work in French, German, chemistry, and physics is highly desirable. The course requirements for majors are as follows: General Biology (Bi 101, 102, 103 or Bi 104, 105, 106) ;+ General Chemistry (Ch 104, 105, 106 Dr Ch 204, 205,206) ; Analytical Laboratory (Ch 107, 108, 109 or Ch 207, 208, 209) ; mathe- matics through Mth 106; General Physics (Ph 201, 202, 203, Ph 204, 205, 206) ; Organic Chemistry (Ch 334, 335, 336) ; Introduction to Genetics (Bi 422) ; Cellu- lar Physiology (Bi 311) ; 4 terms of upper-division work selected from zoology, botany, and microbiology courses (Bi 355, Bi 356, Bi 361, Bi 362, 363, 364, Bi 332, Bi 333, Bi 334, Bi 320, Bi 381, 382, Bi 481, 482). Students who intend to do graduate work are urged to include calculus and two years of a foreign language (French, German, or Russian) in their programs. • On sabbatical leave 1966-67. t On leave of absence 1966-67. :I: This requirement may be waived for students with superior high-school backgrounds, as indicated by Advanced Placement Program record or by special departmental examinations. 146 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Students who plan to enter medical or dental school for their senior year may substitute courses in anatomy and physiology for 8 hours of upper-division biology electives. Premedical and predental students should make sure that their programs meet the requirements of the schools they plan to enter, as well as those of the department. Vertebrate Zoology (Bi 362, 363, 364), may be substituted for Com- parative Anatomy (Bi 355), and Vertebrate Embryology (Hi 356), to meet medical"school entrance requirements. Secondary-School Teaching of Biology. For certification as a teacher of biology in Oregon high schools, the Oregon State Department of Education re- quires (1) the satisfaction of certain minimum standards of subject preparation and (2) the recommendation of the institution at which the student completes his sub- ject preparation. To meet the state standards in biology and the requirements for recommenda- tion by the University of Oregon, the student should complete the major program outlined above. The mathematics and physics requirements will be liberalized for students who enter student teaching in the senior year; these students should com- plete Introductory College Mathematics (Mth 105) and General Ecology (Bi 372), and may substitute Essentials of Physics (Ph 101, 102, 103) for General Physics (Ph 20 I, 202, 203). Laboratory and Field Methods in Biology (Bi 496, 497) satisfies the certification requirements for Special Secondary Methods' (Ed 408) . For further information, the student should consult the member of the biology facul ty who serves as adviser for prospective teachers. Honors. See HONORS COLLEGE, pages 132 ff. Graduate Work. The department offers graduate work leading to the Master of Arts, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Candidates for higher degrees are expected to meet undergraduate major requirements, as de- termined by their undergraduate records and by examination, before advancement to candidacy for the degree. Students taking a master's degree prior to doctoral work are advised to gain proficiency in French, German, or Russian, and to take the M;A. degree. Facilities are available for graduate study in botany (plant morphology, cy- tology, anatomy, taxonomy, and physiology), ecology (plant and animal), genetics, marine biology, microbiology, physiology (comparative, general, and mammalian), and zoology' (cytology, embryology, invertebrate, and vertebrate). Institute of Marine Biology. The University operates for the Oregon State System of Higher Education an Institute of Marine Biology at Charleston on Coos Bay on the Oregon Coast. The institute is located in a setting providing access to an unusual variety of richly populated marine and terrestrial habitats. Under the guidance of an advisory committee, the institute serves all units of the State System. A program of undergraduate and g;raduate studies is offered during the summer session. Institute of Molecular Biology. A program of research and research instruc- tion in areas of biology where phenomena can be understood in terms of the struc- ture of molecules is conducted through the University of Oregon Institute of Molecular Biology. See INSTITUTE OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (page 126). LOWER-DIVISION COURSES Bi 101, 102, 103. General Biology. 4 hours each term. Principles of life science, illustrated by studies of selected organisms. 3 lec- tures; 1 three-hour laboratory period. Bi 104,105,106. Biological Science (Honors College). 5 hours each term. Selected studies of biological principles, with emphasis on methods of obser- BIOLOGY 147 vation, comparison, analysis, experiment, and synthesis III oiological science. 3 lectures; I discussion; I two-hour laboratory period. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES (Bi 101,102,103 or equivalent is prerequisite to all upper-division courses in biology. Other Prerequisites are indicated in the course descriptions.) Bi 311. Cellular Physiology. 3 hours. CeIlular phenomena common to all organisms, including chemical processes of metabolism and membrane processes. Prerequisite: Ch 334. Menninger. Bi 312, 313. Human Physiology. 3 hours each term, faIl and winter. Required for majors in physical education, elective for others qualified. 2 lec- tures; I three-hour laboratory period. Prerequisite: one year of chemistry. SoderwaIl. Bi 320. Cell Replication and Control Mechanisms. 3 hours. Structure and properties of macromolecules common to all living matter, and the control of their synthesis. Prerequisite: Bi 311. Stahl. Bi 332,333. Plant Morphology. 4 hours each term, faIl and winter. Comparative study of the structure and life histories of representatives of the important plant phyla. FaIl: ferns, fern allies, and seed plants; winter: algae, fungi, liverworts, and mosses. 3 lectures; 2 three-hour laboratory periods. Tepfer, Castenholz. Bi 334. Systematic Botany. 4 hours. Principles of plant classification; common plant families; coI1ection and iden- tification of Oregon plants. Cook. Bi 355. Comparative Anatomy. 4 hours. Systematic study, dissection, and identification of vertebrate structures and anatomical relations. 2 lectures; 2 three-hour laboratory periods. Not open to students who have credit for Bi 362, 363, 364. Morris. Bi 356. Vertebrate Embryology. 4 hours. Fertilization, morphogenesis, and differentiation of organ systems of verte- brates. 2 lectures; 2 three-hour laboratory periods. Not open to students who have credit for Bi 362, 363, 364. Risley. Bi 361. Essentials of Invertebrate Zoology. 4 hours. Morphology, anatomy, and general biology of the major phyla of invertebrate animals. 2 lectures; 2 three.hour laboratory periods. McConnaughey. Bi 362, 363, 364. Vertebrate Zoology, 4 hours each term. An integrated presentation of morphological, developmental, and functional features of the vertebrates. 2 lectures; 2 three-hour laboratory periods. Pre- requisite: Bi 101, 102, 103 and consent of instructor, or Bi 104, lOS, 106. Not open to students who have credit for Bi 355, Bi 356. Morris, Munz. Bi 372. General Ecology. 4 hours. . Examination of the interrelationships between organisms and environment; designed for nonmajors and for majors who do not plan further work in ecology: 3 lectures; I field trip a week. Hi 381, 382. Introduction to Bacteriology. 3 hours each term. Basic principles and techniques of bacteriology; role of bacteria and other micro-organisms in transformations of organic matter and in physical and chemical transformations in soil and water; their importance to man. 2 lec- tures; 2 two-hour laboratory periods. Prerequisite: general chemistry. Mc- Connaughey. Bi 391, 392. Human Anatomy, 3 hours each term. Gross anatomy; the skeletal and muscular structure; the circulatory, respira- tory, digestive, and neural systems and their functioning in physical activities. 2 lectures; I three-hour dissection period. Prerequisite: junior standing. Sigerseth. 148 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS ·Bi 401. Research. Hours to be arranged. ·Bi 403. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. ·Bi 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. ·Bi 407. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. UPPER·DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT ·Bi 408. Laboratory Projects. (G) Hours to be arranged. Special laboratory training in research methods. Bi 414, 415,416. Comparative Physiology. (G) 4 hours each term. Physiology of. excitation, conduction, and muscular contraction in animals ; nutrition, digestion, circulation, metabolism, excretion, and integration in the major animal phyla, in relation to ecology and the evolution of physiological function. 3 lectures; 1 discussion period. Prerequisite: organic chemistry, general physics, invertebrate zoology. Bi 418, 419, 420. Comparative Physiology Laboratory. (G) 2 hours. Laboratory work to accompany Bi 414, 415, 416. Emphasis on techniques of physiological investigation. Restricted to students intending to specialize in physiology or closely related fields. Bi 422. Introduction to Genetics. (G) 4 hours. An introduction to the fundamental principles of genetics. 3 lectures, 1 dis- cussion period. Prerequisite: general chemistry and college algebra (Mth 105). Clancy, Novitski. Bi 423. Genetics Laboratory. (G) 3 hours. Fundamental principles of genetics illustrated by experiments with Drosophila and other organisms. 1 lecture, 2 three-hour laboratory periods. Prerequisite: Bi 422. Clancy. Bi 424. Human Genetics. (G) 3 hours. The immunogenetics of the blood groups and transplantation incompatibili- ties; sex determination and the sex ratio; spontaneous and induced mutation; radiation effects; the genetics of populations; selection, eugenics, and the genetic aspects of the human races. 3 lectures. Prerequisite: Bi 422. Novitski. Bi 426. Ev{)lution. (G) 3 hours. Theories of biological variation, race, and species formation. 3 lectures. Pre- requisite: Bi 422 or equivalent; senior or graduate standing. Bi 428, 429. Cytology. (G) 4 hours each term, winter and spring. Microscopic and submicroscopic structure of cytoplasm, and its relation to cell function; structure and behavior of chromosomes and other nuclear com- ponents. Methods of study and experimental procedures. 2 lectures, 2 three- hour laboratory periods. Wimber. Bi 431. Microtechnique. (G) 2-4 hours. Paraffin, squash technique, and handling of live cells. Theory and practice of light microscopes, photomicrography, and microcinematography. Two lec- tures. Prerequisite: senior standing; Bi 434. Baj er. Bi 432. Fungi. (G) 4 hours. Structure, physiology, and classification of fungi. 2 lectures; 2 three-hour laboratory periods. Carroll. Bi 433. Algae. (G) 4 hours. Structure, life histories, and ecology of representative fresh-water and marine algae. 2 lectures; 2 three-hour laboratory periods. Castenholz. Bi 434. Plant Anatomy. (G) 4 hours. Comparative study of the structure and development of cells, tissues, and organs of seed plants. 2 lectures; 2 three-hour laboratory periods. * No.grade· course. BIOLOGY 149 Bi 435. Methods of Pollen Analysis. (G) 3 hours, spring term, alternate years. A lecture-laboratory course concerned with the morphology of pollen, tech- niques of collection and preparation of pollen for study, and methods of pollen analysis. 2 three-hour combined lecture and laboratory meetings each week. Gray. Bi 436. Cenozoic Paleobotany. (G) 3 hours, spring term, alternate years. Distribution and dispersal of angiosperms and gymnosperms from the Cre- taceous to the present as deduced from the fossil record. Major emphasis on the Tertiary, with world-wide coverage, but with principal examples, where possible, drawn from the Pacific Northwest. Emphasis on biogeographical and paleoecological aspects. Gray. Bi441. Plant Physiology. (G) 4 hours. Growth, respiration, water relations, and functions of plant organs. 3 lectures, 1 three-hour laboratory period. Prerequisites: Bi 311, Ch 336. Bi 455. Histology. (G) 4 hours. Systematic study, description, and identification of microscopic structures of vertebrate tissues. 2 lectures; 2 three-hour laboratory periods. Prerequisite: Bi 355, Bi 356, or Bi 362, 363, 364. Kezer. Bi 463. Parasitology. (G) 4 hours. Biological relationships of parasite and host, and the effect of such relation- ships on. each. 2 lectures; 2 three-hour laboratory periods. Offered alternate years. McConnaughey. Bi 471, 472, 473. Principles of Ecology. (G) 4 hours each term. Fall: introduction to the ecosystem; interrelations between organisms and the physical environment, with emphasis on examples from higher plants. Winter: study of population; growth, structure, and species interactions. Spring: ecosystem energetics and structure, with intensive study of a few selected examples. 3 lectures; field work. Prerequisite: general chemistry, college algebra, and consent of instructor. Cook, Frank. Bi 475. Aquatic Biology. (G) 3 hours. The ecology of fresh-water organisms. 2 lectures; 1 field trip and laboratory period. Prerequisite: Bi 372 or Bi 471. Offered alternate years. Castenholz, Frank. Bi 481,482. Microbiology. (G) 5 hours fall, 3 hours winter. Physiology and biochemistry of micro-organisms. The laboratory work is de- voted to the isolation of various types of bacteria from nature and to the study of their physiologies. The lecture material covers: the cytology of bacteria, growth of bacteria, aspects of bacterial metabolism and control mechanisms. 3 lectures and 2 laboratory periods during the fall term; 3 lectures only, win- ter term. Prerequisite: Bi 311, 320, Ch 461, 462, 463 or the equivalent prepara- tion and consent of instructor. Sistrom. Bi 491, 492, 493. Historical Biogeography. (G) 3 hours each term. Fall: classification of mammals and mammalian morphology, with emphasis on comparative osteology. Winter: history of mammals; principles involved in their chronological distribution. Spring: biogeography and paleoecology. 2 lectures; 1 three-hour laboratory period. Prerequisite: senior standing in biology, geology, or anthropology. Offered alternate years. Shotwell. Bi 495. History of Biological Ideas. (G) 3 hours. Lectures, readings, and discussion of the historical origin and present status of leading biological ideas, and the contribution of biological thought to con- temporary culture. Grant. Bi 496, 497. Laboratory and Field Methods in Biology. (G) 2 hours each term, fall and spring. Designed especially for biology teachers in the secondary schools. Field collec- tion, identification, and culturing of living material; utilization of this material in the biology teaching laboratory. Field trips for exploration of the various kinds of habitats found in the Pacific Northwest. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Must be taken in sequence. Murphy. 150 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS GRADUATE COURSES *Bi 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. *Bi 502. Supervised College Teaching. Hours to be arranged. *Bi 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. *Bi 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. *Bi 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Animal Physiology. Biophysics. Botany. Ecology. Genetics. Molecular Biology. Radiation Biology. Devefopmental Biology. Bi 510. Endocrinology Laboratory. 1-3 hours. Laboratory work to accompany Bi 511, Bi 512, or Bi 513, conducted on a project basis. Bi 511. Vertebrate Endocrinology. 3 hours. The morphology and physiology of glands of internal secretion; their role in normal body function of the vertebrates. Soderwall. Bi 512. Physiology of Reproduction. 3 hours. Biochemical, histochemical, physiological, and other experimental approaches to problems in the physiology of reproduction. Soderwall, Risley. Bi 513. Comparative Endocrinology. 3 hours. The morphology and physiology of neurosecretory and other endocrine struc- tures of the invertebrates and lower vertebrates. Scheer. Bi 516, 517. Neurophysiological Basis of Behavior. 3 hours each term. Physiology of the neuromuscular systems of animals, with emphasis on phylo- genetic development and the evolution of animal behavior. Cohen, Hoyle.,., Bi 519. Neurophysiology Laboratory. 3 hours. Laboratory work to accompany Bi 516, 517, with emphasis on the electrical techniques for study of nerve and muscle function. Cohen, Hoyle. Bi 520, 521, 522. Advanced Genetics. 2 hours each term. Selected topics from the following: gene action, mutation, chromosome me- chanics, population genetics, statistical methods, radiation genetics. 2 lectures. Novitski. Bi 523. Principles of Electron Microscopy. 2-4 hours. The theory and application of techniques, for fixation, embedding, microscope operation, negative and positive staining, and metal shadowing. McNeill. Bi 526. Developmental Genetics. 3 hours. Selected topics from the field of developmental and biochemical genetics. Lectures, discussion, and student reports on current literature. Prerequisite: general genetics, cellular physiology. Clancy. Bi 531. Experimental Plant Morphogenesis. 4 hours. Lectures and laboratory work demonstrating experimental modifications of plant growth; the significance of these modifications in relation to normal growth and development. Prerequisites: Hi 332, Bi 441, or consent of instruc- tor. Bonnett. Bi 537, 538, 539. Advanced Systematic Botany. 3 hours each term. Classification, distribution, and speciation of seed plants of the Pacific North- west. Prerequisite: Bi 332, 333, Bi 334. Offered alternate years. • No-grade course. CHEMISTRY 151 Bi 541. Advanced Plant Physiology. 3 hours. Lectures on special aspects of plant respiration, salt metabolism, the photo- chemical reactions of photosynthesis, and on the role, mechanism of action, and metabolism of plant growth-substances. Prerequisite: plant physiolpgy, cel1ular physiology. Bi 544. Plant Physiology Laboratory. 2 or 3 hours. Laboratory work in techniques used in plant-physiology research, with special emphasis on plant-tissue cultures. Prerequisite: plant physiology, biochem- istry. .Bi 545. Physiology and Ecology of Algae. 3 hours. Comparative physiology of freshwater and marine algae; ecological signifi- cance of physiological processes; annual cycles and limiting factors. Emphasis on experimental and theoretical approaches to the solution of ecological prob- lems. 3 lectures. Offered alternate years. Castenholz. Bi 551. Biology of Fishes. 4 hours. The anatomy, development, and biology of fishes. Morris. Bi 565. Experimental Embryology. 4 hours. Problems and techniques of experimental morphogenesis and development. Lectures and laboratory work. Prerequisite: Bi 356. Grant. Bi 597, 598, 599. Advanced Biology. 3 hours each term. Lectures, Teadings, and discussions of basic principles and recent advances in selected aspects of biological science, with special attention to the neec1s and problems of secondary-school teachers. Tepfer. COURSES OFFERED ONLY IN SUMMER SESSIONS Bi 417. Introduction to Mammalian Physiology. (g) 4 hours. Bi 439. Field Botany. (G) 4 hours. Bi 459. Field Ornithology. (G) 3 hours. *Bi 461, 462. Invertebrate Zoology. (G) 4 hours each term. *Bi 467. Marine Invertebrate Types. (g) 3 hours. *Bi 468. Invertebrate Embryology. (G) 4 hours. *Bi 476. Biology of Marine Organisms. (G) 8 hours. *Bi 477. Planktonology. (G) 4 hours. *Bi 478. Marine Ecology. (G) 4 hours. Bi 590. Recent Advances in Biology. 4 hours. Chemistry Professors: R. M. NOYES (department head), A. S. BAILEY, S. A. BERNHARD, V. BOEKELHEIDE, T. L. HILL, L. H. KLEMM, A. H. KUNz (emeritus), R. M. MAzo, W. L. PETICOLAs,t F. ]. REITHEL,]. A. SCHELLMAN, W. T. SIMPSON, D. F. SWINEHART, P. H. VON HIPPEL.t Associate Professors: L. ]. DOLBY, EDWARD HERBERT, O. P. MALHOTRA, R. G. WOLFE. Assistant Professors: O. H. GRIFFITH, ]. E. GURST,]. F. W. KEANA, C. E. KLOP- FENSTEIN,t T. W. KOENIG, A. R. LARRABEE, M. L. SAGE, ]. S. SHABTAI. Senior Instructor: R. ]. BARNHARD. Instructor: GERRIT DE WILDE. * Offered at the Institute of Marine Biology. t On leave of absence 1966-67. 152 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Associates; FRANCES ACHEE, P. M. BAYLEY, JACK CARMICHAEL, R. G. COFFEY, DAVID EDWARDS, CARL ELLIGER, WALTER GODCHAUX III, FRITZ GRAF, DON- ALD HAGUE, B. A. HESS, THOMAS HOOKER, ADIEL LITAN, DENNIS POSTLE- THWAITE, J. T. ROBBINS, GLORIA SAGE, P. S. SANTHANAM, F. CHARLOTTE SCHELLMAN, PAULHEINZ SCHWEITZER, ELMAR STURM, JAN WIECZOREK, REINHARD ZELL. Assistants; S. D. ADAMSON, E. H. ADLER, P. H. ANDERSON, T. E. BARKLOW, T. L. BARR, BARBARA A. BARTUSEK, DENNIS BEETHAM, G. V. BETTONEY, D. P BLATTLER, W. A. BLOCH, JR., R. L. CHRISTENSEN, C. C. CONTAXIS, W. L. CRANOR, R. T. CRUTHOFF, E. M. CUSTER, M. L. DEINZER, CAROLYN DENNY, R. j. DINERSTEIN, L. O. EDWARDS, J. G. EISKAMP, SHERVIN ESFANDIARI, BRUNO FANCONI, R. D. FEINMAN, SALLY R. FOUCH, V. A. FRIED, L. \V. GAY, RICHARD GORDON, PAOLO GRAMACCIONI, G. W. GRIBBLE, E. M. HERSHBERGER, H. ]. HOFRICHTER, JUDITH HOLT, T. A. HYLTON, j. L. lVEY, R. D. JACQUOT, S. \V. JOHN, \V. O. JOHNSON, D. M. KAPLAN, SEIKO KATAGIRI,]. E. KEIZER, M.]. KELLY, SHOW-JY Ho LAu,]. A. LAWSON II, P. D. LORD, L. F. LOWDEN, S. L. LoWE, R. A. MACQUARRIE, V. S. MADISON, M. H. MALLON, K.' S. MAR- SHALL, F. P. MASON, D. R. McCoy, T. M. MCGUIRE, R. J. MILLIGAN, C. Y. MOK, MARGARET]. MORRIS, R. W. MORRIS, ]. E. NOTTKE, R. M. NEWTON, D. D. O'RELL, E. W. PAUL, WENDELL PEPPERDINE, WILSON RADDING, C. E. RAMEY, J. \V. RAYMONDA, R. M. RODIA, T. L. ROSENBERRY, SUSAN ROTT- SCHAFER, YAN FENG SHEN, PAUL STEIN, D. R. TAYLOR, D. C. TOMPKINS, S. R. TWEDT, A. S. WAGGONER, ELLEN E. WEDUM, R. A. WIELESEK, G. M. WHITE,]. F. WITTE, R. A. WOLF, W. R. WOODWARD, C. C. WRIGHT. UNDERGRADUATE COURSES in chemistry are designed primarily to pro- vide a broad knowledge of the field as a part of the program of liberal education offered by the College of Liberal Arts. They are also designed to provide a sub- stantial foundation in chemistry for students interested in (1) advanced work in chemistry or other sciences, (2) teaching in colleges or secondary schools, (3) a career in industrial chemistry, and (4) premedical or predental studies. The high-school preparation of a prospective chemistry major should include as much mathematics as possible. One year each of algebra and geometry is a minimum. Students entering with insufficient preparation in mathematics must remedy their deficiencies in elementary courses offered by the University. Suh- stantial preparation in English, social science, literature, and foreign languages is expected. High-school work in chemistry and physics is desinble but not required. The department offers Honors General Chemistry with accompanying labora- tory (Ch 204, 205, 206 and Ch 207,208, 209). Registration is open to Honors Col- lege students and to a selected group of superior students. Selection is made chiefly on the basis of excellence of background in mathematics. The recommended curriculum for majors includes the following courses in chemistry and related fields (variations in order may be approved by the de- partment) : Freshman Year. General Chemistry (Ch 104, 105, 106 with Ch 107, 108, 109, followed in a subsequent year by Ch 320, or Ch 204,205,206 with Ch 207, 208, 209) ; a year sequence in mathematics (mathematics placement is determined by high .school records supplemented by College Board scores) ; German. Sophomore Year. Organic Chemistry (Ch 334, 335, 336) ; Organic Chemistry Laboratory (Ch 340, 341, 342) ; General Physics (Ph 201, 202, 203, Ph 204, 205, 206) ; Calculus with Analytical Geometry (Mth 200, 201, 202), if not taken in thl.' freshman year; German. ' Junior Year. Physical Chemistry (Ch 441, 442, 443); Physical-Chemical Measurements (Ch 446, 447, 448) ; Biochemistry (Ch 461, 462, 463) for students intending to do graduate work in this field. CHEMISTRY 153 Senior Year. Research (Ch 401) ; an additional sequence in chemistry at the senior level. The additional advanced sequence in the sel110r year may be elected from such courses as Physical-Inorganic Chemistry (Ch 411,412), Biochemistry (Ch 461, 462, 463, Ch 464), Chemical Thermodynamics (Ch 551, 552), Advanced Organic Chemistry (Ch 531, 532, 533). Students who are particularly interested in biochemistry may take Ch 461, 462, 463 in their junior year. The recommendations for the major outlined above meet the specifications of the Committee on Undergraduate Training of the American Chemical So- ciety. Upon notification by the Department of Chemistry, the society issues cer- tificates to students who successfully complete the recommended curriculum. Students who desire a less specialized major, without American Chemical So- ciety certification, may omit German and the extra chemistry sequence in the senior year. Students who do not earn a grade of C or better in first-year chemistry courses are not permitted to enroll in second-year courses; however, they have the option to repeat the first-year chemistry course in which they received a grade lower than C. To be recommended for the bachelor's degree with a major in chemistry, a student must have earned a minimum CPA of 2.00 in courses in chemistry, physics. and mathematics. To be eligible for enrollment in upper-division courses in chemistry, transfer students who plan a major in chemistry must have a college GPA of 2.75 or higher. Secondary-School Teaching in Chemistry. For certification as a teacher of chemistry in Oregon high schools, the Oregon State Department of Education requires (l) the satisfaction of certain minimum standards of subject preparation and (2) the recommendation of the institution at which the student completes his I subject preparation. To meet the state standards in chemistry and the requirements for recom- .mcndation by the University of Oregon, the student is advised to take the follow- ing courses: General Chemistry (Ch 104, 105, 106) ; General Chemistry Labora- tory (Ch 107) ; Inorganic Qualitative Analysis (Ch 108) ; Introductory Volu- metric Analysis (Ch 109); Organic Chemistry (Ch 334, 335, 336); Organic Chemistry Laboratory (Ch 337, 338) ; Quantitative Analysis (Ch 320). These courses provide acquaintance with several fields of chemistry. The program does not satisfy the requirements for a bachelor's degree with a major in chemistry. Normally, students intending to teach chemistry in secondary schools meet the requirements for a bachelor's degree with a major in general science. Additional courses for secondary-school teachers are offered in the summer sessions. ~For further information, the student should consult the member of the chemistry faculty who serves as adviser for prospective teachers. Bonors. See HONORS COLLEGE, pages 132 ff. Undergraduate Research Fellowships. Through a grant from the National Science Foundation, the department offers a number of undergraduate research participation fellowships to qualified junior and senior chemistry majors. The stipends are, on the average, $200 for the academic year and $600 for the summer months. Inquiries about the program should be addressed to the department head. Graduate Study. The Department of Chemistry offers graduate work leading to the Master of Arts, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. De- tailed information is published in the Graduate School Catalog. The department is prepared to accept Ph.D. candidatesfor work in the follow- ing fields of chemistry: physical chemistry,chemical physics, organic .chemistry, theoretical chemistry, biochemistry, and inorganic chemistry. 154 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS LOWER-DIVISION COURSES Ch 101, 102, 103. Elementary Chemistry. 4 hours each term. A brief presentation of some of the major areas of chemistry. Does not satisfy prerequisite for upper-division courses in chemistry. 3 lectures, 1 discussion period fall term; 2 lectures, 1 discussion period, 1 three-hour laboratory win- ter and spring. Oh 104,105, 106. General Chemistry. 3 hours each term. An introduction to the field of chemistry, providing an understanding of the structures of atoms, molecules, and ions and their interactions, and a founda- tion for the further study of chemistry. 3 lectures. Prerequisite: Mth 95 or equivalent. Ch 107. Introductory Chemistry Laboratory. 2 hours fall. Experiments related to fundamental chemical principles. 1 lecture-discussion and 1 three-hour laboratory period. Prerequisite: Mth 95 or equivalent. Ch 108. Inorganic Qualitative Analysis. 2 hours spring. . The separation and identification of cations and anions by semi-micro methods. Planned to accompany Ch 106. Prerequisite: Ch 107, grade of C or better in Ch 105. 1 three-hour laboratory period; 1 quiz period. Ch 109. Introductory Volumetric Analysis. 2 hours winter. Introduction to titrimetric techniques for the estimation of selected species. Planned to accompany Ch 105. Prerequisite: Ch 107, with grade of C or higher-. 1 three-hour laboratory period; 1 quiz period. Ch 204, 205, 206. General Chemistry. 3 hours each term. First-year college chemistry for selected students with excellent back- grounds in high-school chemistry, physics, and mathematics. Quantitative and theoretical aspects of the subject emphasized, with less descriptive ma- terial than in Ch 104, 105, 106. Open to Honors College students and other well-prepared students. Selection is based chiefly on mathematics preparation. 3 lectures. Ch 207. Inorganic Qualitative Analysis. 2 hours fall. The separation and identification of cations and anions by semi-micro methods. Planned to accompany Ch 104 or Ch 204. Intended primarily for Honors College students and prospective chemistry majors. Admission limited to selected students. 2 three-hour laboratory periods. Ch 208. Introductory Gravimetric Analysis. 2 hours spring. The separation and gravimetric determination of selected inorganic species. Planned to accompany Ch 106 or Ch 206. Intended primarily for Honors College students and prospective chemistry majors. Admission limited to selected students. 2 three-hour laboratory periods. Ch 209. Introductory Volumetric Analysis. 2 hours winter. The quantitative estimation of selected molecular species by titration pro- cedures. Planned to accompany Ch 105 or Ch 205. Intended primarily for Honors College students and prospective chemistry majors. Admission limited to selected students. 2 three-hour laboratory periods. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES Ch 320. Quantitative Analysis. 4 hours spring. Laboratory work devoted mainly to volumetric analysis. Satisfies the require- ments in quantitative analysis for admission to medical or dental schools. Not intended for chemistry majors. 2 lectures; 2 three-hour laboratory periods. Prerequisite: Ch 106 or Ch 206; Ch 109 or Ch 209. Ch 334, 335, 336. Organic Chemistry. 3 hours each term. Comprehensive study of the chemistry of the compounds of carbon. 3 lectures. Prerequisite: Ch 106 and Ch 108 or Ch 206 and Ch 208 with a grade of C or better. CHEMISTRY ISS Ch 337, 338. Introductory Organic Laboratory. 2 hours each term, fall· and winter. Introduction to the principles and techniques of laboratory practice in or- ganic chemistry. Prerequisite: Ch 109 or Ch 209 with a grade of C or better. 1 lecture; 1 three-hour laboratory period. Ch 340, 341, 342. Organic Chemistry Laboratory. 2-3 hours per term. A survey of the principles and techniques fundamental to laboratory practice in organic chemistry, including aspects of both qualitative and quantitative organic analysis. Prerequisite: Ch 108 or Ch 208 with a grade of C or better. Required for chemistry majors; open to Honors College students and, by selection, to others desiring a more intensive training in laboratory practice than is provided in Ch 337, 338. 1 lecture; 2 three-hour laboratory periods. Ch 401. Research. Hours to be arranged. For advanced undergraduates. An introduction to the methods of chemical investigation. Ch 403. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Open only to students eligible to work for the bachelor's degree with honors in chemistry. Ch 40S. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Ch 409. Special Laboratory Problems. (G) Hours to be arranged. I Provides laboratory instruction not classifiable as research; laboratory work covered in other courses is not duplicated. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. eh 411, 412. Physical-Inorganic Chemistry. (G) 3 hours each term, fall and , winter. A comprehensive study·of the structure, properties, and reactions of atomic and molecular species in the various states of aggregation. Prerequisite: three years of college chemistry. Ch 416. Kinetics in Solution. (G) 3 hours. Theories of rates of homogeneous reactions in solution; application to the elucidation of the mechanisms of chemical reactions. Prerequisite: physical chemistry. Offered alternate years. h 441, 442, 443. Physical Chemistry. (g) 4 hours each term. Comprehensive study of the theoretical aspects of physical-chemical phe· nomena. Atomic and molecular properties; macroscopic systems in equi- librium; nonequilibrium macroscopic systems. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: two years of college chemistry (except for physics majors), one year of calculus. 446,447,448. Physical-Chemical Measurements. (g) 2 hours each term. Analytical applications of electrical and optical instruments; techniques of physical chemistry, including basic electronic, potentiometric, electrical, optical spectroscopic, and high-vacuum methods; experiments include thermo- dynamic and kinetic measurements and a short research project. Prerequisite: Ch 108, Ch 109 or Ch 208, Ch 209; Ch 441, 442, 443 (may be taken con- currently). 2 three-hour laboratory periods. h 461,462,463. Biochemistry. (G) 3 hours each term. Chemical interpretation of biological phenomena; study of compounds having biological significance. 3 lectures. Prerequisite: Ch 108, Ch 109 or Ch 208, Ch 209; knowledge of organic and physical chemistry and biology. h464. Biochemistry Laboratory. (G) 3 hours fall. Designed to illustrate approaches currently being used in research in enzyme kinetics, enzyme rmrification, structure of nucleic acids and peptides, protein synthesis in cell-free systems, nucleic acid coding, and biochemical pathways in bacterial mutants. 2 three-hqur laboratory periods; lone-hour conference. Selected students may continue laboratory work in winter and spring terms under Ch 409. 156 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS GRADUATE COURSES *Ch 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. "'Ch 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Ch 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. *Ch 507. Seminar. 1 hour each term. Seminars offered in physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistn Ch 508. Special Topics in Theoretical Chemistry. 2 or 3 hours. Topics in thermodynamics (equilibrium and nonequilibrium), statistica thermodynamics, or quantum chemistry. Ch 531, 532, 533. Advanced Organic Chemistry. 3 hours each term. Advanced general. survey of organic chemistry; structural theory, synthesei scope and mechanism of reactions. Ch 534, 535, 536. Special Topics in Organic Chemistry. 2 or 3 hours each term. Discussion of advanced topics selected from: carbocyclic and heterocyclic com pounds, surface reactions and catalysis, stereochemistry, physical-organi concepts. . Ch 541, 542, 543. Chemical Kinetics. 3 hours each term. The work of each term is selected from such topics as: classical kinetic theor of gases, statistical mechanics, statistical thermodynamics, chemical kinetic in the gas phase and in solution, catalysis. Offered alternate years. Ch 544, 545, 546. Quantum Chemistry. 2 or 3 hours each term. Topics of chemical interest discussed in terms of the quantum theory. Intrc duction to wave mechanics, discussion of chemical bonding and the origin c the theory of resonance, andtopics from atomic and molecular spectra. Ch 551, 552. Chemical Thermodynamics. 3 hours each term, fall and winter. The laws of thermodynamics and their applications to gases, liquids, solid: phase equilibria, solutions, electrolytes, chemical equilibria, electrochemi:strJ surfaces, elasticity, external fields, etc. Ch 553, 554. Statistical Thermodynamics. 3 hours each term, fall and winter. Molecular interpretation of the properties of equilibrium systems; principle and applications to gases, crystals, liquids, phase transitions, solutions, e1ec trolytes, gas adsorption, polymers, chemical equilibria, etc. Offered alternat years. Students may take Ph 451, 452, 453 when Ch 553, 554 are not offeree Ch 561, 562, 563. Enzymes and Intermediary Metabolism. 2 or 3 hours eac term. Enzyme kinetics and detailed consideration of glycolysis, biological oxidatiol lipid metabolism, and selected biological synthesis. Ch 564, 565, 566. Physical Biochemistry. 2 or 3 hours each term. The physical properties of biological macromolecules; proteins, nucleic acid: and viruses. The relationship between the molecular conformation and th special chemical, physical, and biological properties of these various macrc molecules. Prerequisites: calculus and a knowledge of the elements of solt tion thermodynamics. COURSES OFFERED ONLY IN SUMMER SESSIONS Ch 419. Advanced General Chemistry. (g) 4 or 5 hours. Ch 429. Survey of Analytical Chemistry. (g) 4 or 5 hours. Ch 439. Survey of Organic Chemistry. (g) 4 or 5 hours. * No-gr~de .C;:OUfse. COMPARATIVE LITERATURE Comparative Literature 157 THE UNIVERSITY OFFERS a program of graduate study in comparative literature, leading to the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees. The program is administered by a faculty committee drawn from the Department of English and the Division of Modern and Classical Languages. Dr. Chandler B. Beall, professor of Romance languages, is chairman of the committee. While the student's program includes courses and seminars in comparative literature, the greater portion of his work is selected from advanced offerings in the classics and in English, German, Romance, and Slavic literatures. Command of at least two foreign languages, ancient or modern, is required for admission. Doctoral candidates must work in at least three literatures, one of which may be English, and must demonstrate competence in three foreign languages, one of which must be Latin or Greek. COMPARATVE LITERATURE, the official journal of the American Comparative Literature Association, is published quarterly by the University of Oregon. Dentistry, Preparatory THE COUNCIL ON DENTAL EDUCATION of the American Dental Asso- ciation has established the following minimum requirements for admission to approved dental schools: at least 90 term hours of collegiate courses, including one year of English, one year of general chemistry, one year of biology or zoology, one year of physics, and one-half year of organic chemistry; a grade-point average of at least 2.00. The University offers a three-year predental curriculum, which satisfies these requirements, to prepare students for admission to the University of Oregon Dental School and other accredited dental schools. The completion of this curriculum and two years of dental-school work satisfies all requirements for a bachelor's degree from the University with a major in general science. With the proper choice of electives in the predental curriculum, the student may qualify for a bachelor's degree with a major in biology. Students who expect to complete the requirements for a bachelor's degree at the Dental School should satisfy, in their predental program, all requirements for the degree (including general University requirements and requirements for a major in the College of Liberal Arts) that cannot be satisfied with work taken at the Dental School. For general University requirements for a bachelor's degree. see pages 76 ff. Although a bachelor's degree is not prerequisite to a professional degree in dentistry, the University of Oregon Dental School and most other dental schools recommend that their students qualify for this degree in addition to the pro- fessional degree. Predental students are advised to begin correspondence with the University of Oregon Dental School or the dental school they plan to attend during the spring term of their first year at the University. Aptitude tests given by the American Dental Association should be taken not later than the fall term one year before admission; applications to take this test must be made well in advance of the scheduled date of the test. Predental students should consult the Dental School Catalog for dates. The following courses satisfy both the science requirements for admission to the University of Oregon Dental School and, with additional science instruction atthe Dental School, the requirements for a major in general science : 158 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Term Hours Mathematics (ahove level of Mth 10) 12 General Chemistry (Ch 104, IDS, 1(6)............................... 9 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory (Ch l(7), Inorganic Qualitative Analysis (Ch 108), Introductory Volumetric Analysis (Ch l(9).................. 6 Organic Chemistry (Ch 334, 335, Ch 337)................................................................ 9 General Biology (Bi 101, 102, 103).......................... 12 Upper·division biology (Bi 355, Bi 356 recommended)............................................ 8 General Physics (Ph 201, 202,203, Ph 204, 205, 206)............................................ 15 One term of Sculpture (Art 293) or Jewelry (Art 257) is recommended as an elective. Economics Professors: ROBERT CAMPBELL (department head), R. L. ALLEN,* CALVIN CRUM- BAKER (emeritus), R. M. DAVIS, C. D. EDWARDS, J. H. GILBERT (emeritus), P. L. KLEINSORGE, H. T. KOPLIN, R. F. MIKESELL, V. P. MORRIS (emeritus), B. N. SIEGEL, P. B. SIMPSON, M. D. WATTLES. Associate Professors: G. O. BIERWAG, M. A. GROVE, R. E. SMITH,t J. N. TATTER- SALL. Assistant Professors: CHULSOON KHANG, M. E. MCGOLDRICK, J. E. TRIPLETT, JR. Instructor: J. E. ZINSER. Fellows: K. A. BLACKERBY, J. E. BURNS, J. M. COOPER, R. L. FERRAR, D. E. GALLO, G. J. LONG, E. F. MAERTENS, J. W. MITCHELL, J. M. NEWTON, J. M. OTT, D. M. REES, E. O. STEPHENS, D. B. STEWART, C. M. STROH. Assistants: D. S. ALLEN, F. J. ALESSIO, S. L. BARSBY, B. BEN-ZION, M. H. BEST, P. E. CHURCH, A. B. CULVER, J. M. FRIEDMAN, D. A. HALL, C. T. HAWORTH, L. E. JOHNSON, D. A. JOLLY, G. J. LANDRY, D. C. SCHEEL, D. R. SCHLOW, N. W. SCHROCK, G: M, SMITH, R. B. SWANSON, J. P. VENIERIS, C. H. WICK- HAM. UNDERGRADUATE COURSES IN ECONOMICS are designed primarily to provide a broad knowledge of the field as a part of the program of liberal education offered by the College of Liberal Arts. They are also designed to give a substantial foundation in economics to students interested in (1) professional graduate train- ing in economics, (2) professional careers in business, law, and government, and (3) secondary-school teaching. . Major Requirements. The following courses are required for an under- graduate maj or in economics: Lower Dhrision. Principles of Economics (Ec 201, 202, 203) ; 12 term hours of work in mathematics chosen from Mth 104, 105, 106,200,201,202,203,204,205, 206 (this requirement may not be satisfied with advanced placement credit for Mth 104, 105, 106) ; 6 term hours of work in statistics. The statistics requirement may be satisfied with Introduction to Business Statistics (BS 232), Elementary Infer- ence in Business Statistics (BS 333) or Elements of Statistical Methods (Mth 425,426). Upper Division. Economic Theory (Ec 375, 376, 377). In addition, majors must complete 27 term hours of work in upper-division courses in economics, at least 18 of which must be in year sequences. (Ec 318, Ec 319, Ec 320 is not con- sidered a year sequence.) Suggested programs of study for economics majors planning to attend gradu- ate school or to enter careers in business, law, government, or secondary-school teaching may be obtained from the Department of Economics: * On sabbatical leave 1966·67. t On leave of absence 1966·67. ECONOMICS 159 Secondary-School Teaching of Social Studies. For certification as a teacher of social studies in Oregon high schools, the Oregon State Department of Educa- tion requires (I) the satisfaction of certain minimum standards of subject prepara- tion and (2) the recommendation of the institution at which the student completes his subject preparation. To meet the state standards in social studies and the requirements for recom- mendation by the University of Oregon, a major in economics must complete the following program, selected from the fields of hisfory, geography, political sci- ence, economics, and sociology or anthropology, with a 2.50 GPA or higher: (1) work in economics required for a major in the field; (2) 27 term hours in history; (3) 9 term hours in a third field; (4) at least one course in each of two additional fields. The program must include a minimum of 36 term hours in upper-division courses. For further information, the student should consult the member of the eco- nomics faculty who serves as adviser for prospective teachers. Honors. See HONORS COLLEGE, pages 132 ff. Graduate Work in Economics. The Department of Economics offers gradu- ate work leading to the degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy. For the general requirements see GRADUATE SCHOOL, pages 115 ff. A candidate' for the Ph.D. degree in economics must select four fields for concentrated study, including economic theory, and must pass a written compre- hensive examination in each field and an oral examination covering the four fields. One field may be in another department or school of the University. A working knowledge of statistics is required for admission to candidacy for the degree. A candidate for the Ph.D. degree in another discipline may present a field of economics as a cognate subject, provided he has had proper preparation, including a background in economic theory, to support the field of special interest. LOWER-DIVISION COURSES Ec 201, 202, 203. Principles of Economics. 3 hours each term. Principles that underlie production, exchange, distribution, etc. Special sec- tion for Honors College students. Prerequisite: sophomore standing. Allen, Bierwag, Campbell. Kleinsorge, Koplin, Smith, ·Wattles. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES Ec 318. Money and Banking. 3 hours fall. Operations of commercial banks, the Federal Reserve System, and the Treas- ury that affect the United States monetary system. Prerequisite: Ec 201,202, 203 or consent of instructor. Ec 319. Taxation and Fiscal Policy. 3 hours winter. Principles and problems of government financing. Expenditures, revenues, debt, and financial administration. Prerequisite: Ec 201, 202, 203 or consent of instructor. Grove. Ec 320. International Finance. 3 hours spring. The nature of foreign-exchange markets; techniques of international pay- ments; exchange rates and their determination; problems of an international monetary standard; international banking facilities; economic aspects of major international organizations. Prerequisite: Ec 201, 202, 203 or consent of instructor. Ec 375, 376, 377. Economic Theory. 3 hours each term. Systematic study of the concepts and methods of current economic analysis, with special atttention to the neoclassical school. Includes work in the fields of value and distribution, fluctuations, employment, etc. Required of all majors. Prerequisite: Ec 201,202,203. Bierwag, Khang, Koplin, Triplett. 160 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Ec 401. Research. Hours to be arranged. Ec 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Ec 407. Seminar. (g) Hours to be arranged. Ec 411, 412, 413. Monetary and Banking Theory. (G) 3 hours each term. Analysis of the nature of money, effects of changes in the money supply, monetary controls used by the Federal Reserve System and the Treasury, international repercussions of domestic monetary policies, international bank- ing agencies; critique of various monetary policies. Prerequisite: Ec 201, 202, 203. Siegel, Simpson. Ec414, 415, 416. Regional Economics. (G) 3 hours each term. Economic analysis applied to regional proble~s, with emphasis on problems and techniques relevant to the Pacific Northwest economy. Fall: economics of land use and resource conservation; winter: theory of location of economic activities; regional social accounting, balance of payments, comparative cost studies; spring: application of analytical tools to study of regional specializa- tion in the United States economy and to problems of regional growth and stability; urban and metropolitan structure and problems. Prerequisite: Ec 201, 202, 203. Tattersall, Allen. Ee 417. Contemporary Economic Problems. (g) 3 hours fall. Contemporary economic conditions and problems; analysis of economic poli- cies and practices affecting such problems. Ec 418. Econ(}my of the Pacific Northwest. (g) 3 hours spring. Historical development and present industrial structure of the Pacific North- west economy. Analysis of recent income changes, locational factors influ- encing development of major industries, relations with other regions, impact of Federal and state government policy. Simpson, Tattersall. Ec 429, 430, 431. Public Finance. (G) 3 hours each term. Critical analysis of taxes as sources of public revenue, with emphasis on tax theories and incidence. Effects of expenditure, tax, and debt J.lolicies of government upon the total economy. Prerequisite: Ec 201,202,203. Grove. Ec 432, 433, 434. The Economics of Public Policy. (G) 3 hours each term. Application of economic principles and techniques to public policy issues; function of the economist in the formulation and implementation of public policy. Case studies involving systematic treatment of economic issues. in- cluding precise formulation and weighing of alternatives; compilation and analysis of relevant data. Mikesell. Smith. Ec 440, 441, 442. International Economics. (G) 3 hours each term. Theory of international trade; problems in balance-of-payments adj ustments during critical periods; commercial policies of the more-important nations: international economic organizations in theory and practice. Prerequisite: Ec 201,202,203. Allen, Wattles, Mikesell. Ec 444. Labor Economics. (G) 3 hoursfall. Economic analysis applied to the labor market, with particular emphasis on wage determination, the relation between wages and prices, and the relation between wages and employment. Prerequisite: Ec 201. 202, 203. Kleinsorge, Smith, Triplett. Ec445. Organized Labor. (G) 3 hours winter. Theories of the labor movement; history of the American labor movement; aims, methods, and policies of trade unions, conservative and radical; the im- pact of labor organizations on the American economy. Prerequisite: Ec 201. 202, 203. Kleinsorge, Smith. Triplett. Ec446. Labor Legislation. (G) 3 hours spring. Analysis of labor legislation in the United States and of court decisions in leading btbor cases ;problems;fadng employee;-elnpIO'yeti and'public-that call ECONOMICS 161 for regulation through public authority. Prerequisite: Ec 201, 202, 203. Kleinsorge, Smith, Triplett. Ec 447, 448, 449. Collective Bargaining. (G) 2 hours each term. Major techniques of negotiation; union and management policies; strikes and lockouts. Methods of settling labor disputes, including grievance procedures, conciliation, fact finding, and arbitration. Prerequisite: Ec 444 or consent of instructor. Kleinsorge, Triplett. Ec 450, 451, 452. Comparative Economic Systems. (g) 2 hours each term. An analytical comparison of capitalism and other economic systems. Pre- requisite: Ec 201,202,203. Smith, Wattles. Ec 454, 455, 456. Economic History of Modern Europe. (G) 3 hours each term. The economic development and economic institutions of modern Europe. Fall : from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the beginnings of the Indus- trial Revolution in Britain; winter: late eighteenth century to end of nine- teenth century; spring: twentieth century. Lorwin. Ec 460,461,462. Industrial Organization and Public Policy. (G) 3 hours each term. First term: Business policies, market organization, methods of competition, and distributive relationships, with particular attention to large diversified in- dustrial enterprises. Second term: The nature and application of the antitrust laws. Third term: Unsolved problems in the relations of government to busi- ness; comparison of American and foreign policies. Prerequisite: Ec 201, 202, 203. Either of first two terms may be taken separately-both are requisite for the third term. Edwards, Smith. . Ec 463. Economics of Regulated Industries. (G) 3 hours winter. Analysis of economic characteristics of industries in which the decision- making process is regulated by government administration rather than by competition: a description and evaluation of administrative procedures em- ployed. Industries covered include transportation and the production of elec- tricity, natural gas, and crude oil. Smith. Ec 464, 465, 466. Quantitative Economic Analysis. (G) 3 hours each term. The use of mathematical techniques in economic analysis. Consumption and production theory, programming, input-output; general equilibrium; mul- tiplier, accelerator, growth, and inventory models. Prerequisite: Ec 201, 202, 203; Mth 104, 105,106 or equivalent. Khang, Simpson. Ec 470,471,472. History of Economic Thought. (G) 3 hours each term. The evolution of man's ideas about economic matters; the classical school and the development of modern economic thought. Campbell, Davis. Ec 480,481,482. Mathematical Economics. (G) 3 hours each term. Construction and fitting of mathematical models of economic life. Prerequi- site: Mth 104, 105, 106; Ec 201, 202, 203. Simpson. Ec 483,484,485. National Income and Business Cycles. (G) 3 hours each term. Theory and practice of social accounting, index numbers, measure of business cycle stages, leading and lagging series, behavior of labor cost, productivity, and other economic measures of business fluctuations.' Prerequisite: Ec 201, 202,203. Simpson. Ec 487, 488, 489. American Economic History. (G) 3 hours each term. All phases of the economic development of the United States. Peterson, Tattersall. Ec 490,491, 492. Development of Industrial Economies. (G) 3 hours ~ach term. Comparative study of economic growth in. the advanced industrial nations: North America, Western Europe, Japan, U.S.S.R. Analysis of differential national and regional growth rates; sources of economic growth; structural characteristics of developing economies; problems in measurement of long- term growth trends. Prerequisite: Ec 201, 202, 203. Tattersall. 162 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS GRADUATE COURSES *Ec 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. *Ec 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Ec 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Ec 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Economic History. Tattersall, Allen. Industrial Organization and Control. Edwards, Smith. History of Economic Thought. Campbell, Koplin. Labor Economics. Kleinsorge, Triplett. International Economics. Mikesell, Wattles. Money and Credit. Siegel. Quantitative Economics. Simpson, Bierwag, Khang. Public Finance. Grove. Ec 514, 515, 516. Regional Economic Analysis. 3 hours each term. Analysis of the structure of economic regions, theories of regional and inter- regional relations,· location of economic adivity, central place theory and land and natural-resource use patterns, techniques of analysis, empirical studies, and regional policies. Allen, Tattersall. Ec 524, 525, 526. Economic Growth and Development. 3 hours each term. Economic, cultural, and political factors in economic development with spe- cial emphasis on low-income countries. Theory of economic development; case studies in economic gTowth; measures for accelerating development of poor countries; special problems of underdeveloped countries. Prerequisite: Ec 201, 202, 203; 12 term hours in upper-division social science. Mikesell. Ec 558,559,560. Advanced Economic Theory. 3 hours each term. Intensive examination of the basic principles of price and distribution theory and of income and employment analysis. Koplin, Siegel, Davis. Ec 561, 562, 563. Income and Employment Theory. 3 hours each term. Theory of output as a whole; theories of growth and fluctuations in the eco- nomic system, with emphasis on recent literature. Davis, Koplin. Ec 575, 576, 577. Price and Distribution Theory. 3 hours each term. Modern developments in the theory of price determination, income distribu- ·tion, and economic welfare. Davis, Koplin. English Professors: KESTER SVENDSEN (department head), ROLAND BARTEL, F. G. BLACK, S. B. GREENFIELD, H. H. HOELTJE (emeritus), R. D. HORN, S. N. KARCH- MER, A. R. KITZHABER, W. F. McNEIR, E. G. MOLL (emeritus), CARLISLE MOORE, J. C. SHERWOOD, vV. F. G. THACHER (emeritus), A. K. WEATHER- HEAD,C. A.-WEGELIN. Associate Professors: R. C. BALL,t W. E. CADBURY,· ALICE H. ERNST (emeritus), JOHN HAISLIP, W. J. HANDY, J. A. HYNES, S. R. MAVEETY (assistant depart- ment head), E. L. MAYo, R. J. SALISBURY,t O. M. WILLARD. Assistant Professors: LUCILE ALY, CONSTANCE BORDWELL, MERRIT CROSS, PAS- QUALE DI PASQUALE, THELMA GREENFIELD, GLORIA JOHNSON,E. D. KITTOE, R. L. LACY, G. A. LOVE (director of composition), STODDARD MALARKEY, T. F. MUNDLE (emeritus), G. W. ROCKETT, IRMA SHERWOOD, CLARENCE SLOAT, HELEN SOEHREN, W. C. STRANGE, P. L. THORPE, J. B. TOELKEN. Senior Instructor: RUTH JACKSON. Instructors: A. K. AMOS, R. M. ATKINSON, R. S. BEHAR, R. ]. BERTHOLF, MARNA BROEKHOFF, M. K. BROWNING, W. M. BURKE, W. R. CAMPBELL, ]. A. CAR- * No-grade course. tOn sabbatical leave 1966-67. ENGLISH 163 STENS, R. M. CLIFHJN, B. E. COMBS, D. D. DIAZ, K. W. DOERRY, M. 1. DURST, H. W. FETz, S. P. FINK, BELVA FINLAY, ]. W. FOSTER, ]. W. FRALEY, L. H. FREEMAN, ELAINE GEORGE, W. G. GOBER, MARGARET GONTRUM, MARJORIE GOSS,. H. S. GREESON, SUE HAMILTON, S. HANDY, R. P. HASTINGS, W. ]. KELLY, GLENNIE M. KITTOE, ANNABEL KITZHABER, GEORGE KLEIN, ]. E. KNIGHT, HAROLD KUGELMASS, D. R. LARSON, D. W. LAWDER, M. R. LEGRIS, G. H. LUNDY, M. P. MCKINNEY, R. P. MARIELS, N. D. MEINKE, E. ]. MILO- WICKI, ]. R. NELSON, M. D. PAYNE, ]OAN PIERSON, ]. A. REITHER, H. M. ROBINSON, HELEN ROCKETT, LELAND RYKEN, LUCY SAWYER, RUTH SCHROCK, CAROLYN STARK, DORIS STRINGHAM, D.]. TANNACITO, C. H. TAYLOR, E. A. VAN AELSTYN, R. R. WILSON, R. M. WIRFS, ROBERT WYATT, ]OAN YEATMAN. Fellows: E. R.ANDERSON, B. E. COMBS, NAN COPPOCK, DENNIS EBERLE, HOWARD FETZ, R. ]. GERVAIS, ]. W. GRIFFITH, MAX KIEFFER, H. F. KUHN, CAROL McNAIR, MARY NAUMER, LELAND RYKEN, R. ]. SPENDAL, POLLY STEWART, R. C. WESTOVER, ANN M. WOLFF. Assistants: D. W. ACKERSON, R. W. ADAMS, L. H. BACKSTEDT, ]. M. BLAKE, C. R. DEEMER, LONI DEMAREST, ROSALIE Fox, P. E. GILLESPIE, ]. L. KURTZ, T. S. LONG, REGINA LUNDERGAN, H. O. NICHOLS, MANORMA PANDIT, ANN PRENGAMAN, H. ]. ROBERTS, D. S. ROSE, ]. B. SANDERS, L .T. SPARKS, M. R. STAEHELI, KAY STEWART, LAURA SWAILS, INGRID WENDT, G. L. WILSON. THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH offers instruction in English and Amer- ican literature and in writing. Its lower-division courses are designed to supply the training essential for good writing, to serve as an introduction to humanistic studies, and to impart the fundamental knowledge requisite for a major in English. Its upper-division courses are designed to develop an intelligent and just apprecia- tion of literature, to give some insight into the continuity of literature and the interrelation of literary movements, and to provide the opportunity for a well- rounded knowledge of the history of English and American literature and of the English language. Major Requirements. The Department of English expects its majors to ac- quire, in addition to a knowledge of English literature, a general knowledge of 'philosophy and history and a reading knowledge of at least one foreign language. [ The general major requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the Depart- ment of English are as follows: (1) Satisfaction of the University language requirements for the B.A. degree. (2) English History (Hst 304, 305, 306), U. S. History (Hst 201, 202, 203), History of Western Civilization (Hst 101, 102, 103), or History (Honors Col- lege) (Hst 107, 108, 109). (3) Survey of English Literature (Eng 101, 102, 103), Introduction to Lit- erature (Eng 104, 105, 106), World Literature (Eng 107,108,109), or Literature (Honors College) (AI. 101,102,103); and Shakespeare (Eng 201,202,203) . . (4) A total of 36 hours in upper-division courses in the department, in- cluding 3 hours in the Middle Ages, 9 in other literature before 1800, and 9 in literature since 1800 (these hours need not be taken in per'iod courses). Within the framework of these requirements, the student should construct, subject to his adviser's approval, a balanced and coherent program consistent with his per- sonal interests and vocational needs. Programs centering on English literature, American literature, or creative writing are suggested, but other patterns are not excluded. Prospective high-school teachers must satisfy state certification requirements (see SCHOOL OF EDUCATION). Secondary-School Teaching of English. For certification as a teacher of English in Oregon high schools, the Oregon State Department of Education re- quires (l) the satisfaction of certain minimum standards of subject preparation 164 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS , / and (2) the recommendation of the institution at which the student completes his subject preparation. . Completion of the requirements for a major in English at the University satisfies the state standards for undergraduate preparation and the requirements for recommendation by the University of Oregon, provided that the student in- eludes in his program English Composition for Teachers (Wr 411), Literary Analysis for Teachers (Eng 488), Modern English Grammar (Eng 492), work in American literature, and at least one term of speech. The Department of English will approve enrollment in student teaching only' if the student's work in English courses is of high quality. Nonmajors who plan to teach English must complete a total of 42 term hours in English and speech, including the courses listed above and work in world literature. For permanent certification, after a fifth year of preparation, the student must take work in literary criticism, additional work in English language and grammar, and literature courses to remedy deficiencies in his undergraduate preparation. It is recommended that students complete the interdisciplinary master's program for teachers during the fifth year of preparation. For further information, the student should consult the member of the English faculty who serves as adviser for prospective teachers. Honors. See HONORS COLLEGE, pages 132 ff. Graduate Work. The Department of English offers graduate work in Eng- lish literature, American literature, and linguistics, leading to the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees, and a graduate program in creative writing leading to the M.A. or Master of Fine Arts degree. A Ph.D. program in comparative literature, administered by a committee representing the Department of English and the Department of Foreign Languages, offers opportunity for advanced study of several literatures in their originallanguaes (see page 157). Except for candidates in creative writing, a thesis is not required in the M.A. program. All M.A. candidates take a written examination on a selected list of literary works. The program leading to an M.F.A. in creative writing includes studies in English and American literature, in aesthetics, and in the history and criticism of art, music, and drama, and the production of a sustained piece of writing of high literary merit. For the Ph.D. degree, the department recommends an elementary knowledge of Latin or Greek in addition to the required reading knowledge of two mod- ern languages. Literature LOWER-DIVISION COURSES "'Eng 52. Corrective Reading. 1 hour any term. Designed for students who have difficulties in reading at the college level. Methods for increasing speed and comprehension. Jackson. tEng 101, 102, 103. Survey of English Literature. 3 hours each term. Study of the principal works of English literature based on reading selected to represent great writers, literary forms, and significant currents of thought. Provides both an introduction to literature and a background that will be use- ful in the study of other literatures and other fields of cultural history. Fall : Anglo-Saxon beginnings to the Renaissance; winter: Milton to W ords- worth; spring: Byron to the present. Bowe, Campbell, Greeson, Mundie, Schrock, 1. Sherwood, Willard, Wilson, Yeatman. • N<>-grade course. t A student may register for only one of the three sequences: Eng 101, 102, 103; Eng 104, 105, 106; Eng 107, 108, 109. ENGLISH 165 *Eng 104, 105, 106. Introduction to Literature. 3 hours each term. Study of literature and the nature of literary experience through the reading of great works of prose and poetry, drawn from English and other literatures. Works representing the principal literary types are read in their entirety when possible, with emphasis on such elements as structure, style, characterization, imagery, and symbolism. Behar, Bertholf, Burke, Campbell, Carstens, Diaz, Durst, Foster, Fraley, Goss, S. Greenfield, S. Handy, Hastings, Kugelmass, Larson, Malarkey, Nelson, Payne, Reither, Robinson, Sawyer, Van Aelstyn. *Eng 107, 108,109. World Literature. 3 hours each term. Study of the literary and cultural foundations of the Western world through the analysis of a selection of masterpieces of literature, ancient and modern, read in chronological order. The readings include continental, English, and American works. Browning, Clifton, S. Handy, Milowicki, H. Rockett. Eng 201,202,203. Shakespeare. 3 hours each term. Study of the important plays-comedies, histories, and tragedies. Required fDr majors. Black, T. Greenfield, Horn, Johnson, McNeir, Mariels, Maveety, Pierson, Reither, G. Rockett, ]. Sherwood, Strange, Svendsen, Van Aelstyn. Eng 253, 254, 255. Survey of American Literature. 3 hours each term. American literature from its beginnings to the present day. Black, Cross, Legris. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES Eng 301. Tragedy. 3 hours. A study of the nature of tragedy and of tragic expression in various literary forms. Strange, Van Aelstyn, Wegelin. Eng 303. Epic. 3 hours. The heroic spirit in Western European literature, with emphasis on English literature. J. C. Sherwood, Strange. Eng 304. Comedy. 3 hours. The comic view in both dramatic andnondramatic forms. Main emphasis on English masters, but with attention also to classical and continental writers. Principal theories of the comic and of comic literary forms and types. Horn, Strange. Eng 305. Satire. 3 hours. Satire, or criticism through ridicule, as a major type of literary expression. Examples from various literary forms-dramatic, narrative, and poetic-and from ancient and foreign literatures as well as English. Special emphasis on contemporary satire. J. Sherwood, Thorpe. Eng 306, 307. The Literature of the English Bible. 3 hours each term. Study of the literary qualities of the English Bible, with some reference to its influence on English and American literature. Maveety. Eng 320, 321, 322. English Novel. 3 hours each term. From Richardson and Fielding to the present. Black, Hynes. Eng 323. American Satire. 3 hours. Satire in American literature; its nature, development, and significant con- tributions to the interpretation of American life. Love. Eng 391, 392, 393. American Novel. 3 hours each term. Development of the American novel from its beginnings to the present. Cross, W. Handy. Eng 394, 395, 396. Twentieth-Century Literature. 3 hours each term. A critical survey of British, American, and some European literature from 1890 to the present; significant works of poetry, drama, and fiction studied in relation to intellectual and historical developments. Cadbury, W. Handy, Hynes, Moore, Thorpe, Weatherhead. • Seepage 164, note (t). 166 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Eng 403. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Eng 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Eng 407. Seminar. (G) Hours to be arranged. Eng 411, 412, 413. English Drama. (G) 3 hours each term. The development of English dramatic forms from the beginnings to Sheridan. Horn, Strange. Eng 414, 415, 416. History of Literary Criticism. (G) 3 hours each term. Studies in the theory and practice of literary criticism from Plato and Aris- totle to the present. J. C. Sherwood. Eng 420,421,422. Modern Drama. (G) 3 hours each term. Fall: growth of the modern theater in Europe from beginnings in romanticism through naturalism to symbolism and the poetic theater before 1914; winter: European and American drama between 1915-1940, the experimental theater and its effect on realism; spring: international developments in drama from 1941 to the present. Ball. Eng 425. Early English Literature. (g) 3 hours. The literature of the Middle Ages, in relation to the social and literary ideas of the period. Di Pasquale, S. Greenfield, Toelken. Eng 428. Chaucer. (g) 3 hours. As much of Chaucer's work read as time permits. Di Pasquale, S. Greenfield, Malarkey. Eng 430, 431, 432. Literature of the Renaissance. (G) 3 hO\1rs each term. Fall: Renaissance thought; winter: Renaissance epic and prose narrative; spring: English lyric from Wyatt to Herrick. Thelma Greenfield, McNeir, Maveety. Eng 434. Spenser. (G) 3 hours. McNeir. Eng 436. Advanced Shakespeare. (g) 3 hours each term. Intensive study of selected plays. Not open to majors or to students who have had any term of Eng 201, 202, 203. Eng 44D, 441, 442. Seventeenth-Century Literature. (G) 3 hours each term. Poetry and prose from Jonson through the Restoration studied in relation to the trends of thoug-ht and feeling- which characterize the century. G. Rockett, Svendsen. Eng 444. Milton's Minor Poems and Prose. (G) 3 hours. The Poems of 1645 and the major prose works on liberty, education, and politics. Svendsen. Eng 445. Milton's Major Poems. (G) 3 hours. Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes. Svendsen. Eng 450,451,452. Eighteenth-Century Literature. (G) 3 hours each term. The prose and poetry of the century studied in relation to the social, political, and aesthetic ideas which gave the period its peculiar character. Horn, Thorpe. Eng 455. Pope. (G) 3 hours. J. C. Sherwood. Eng 460, 461, 462. The Romantic Poets. (G) 3 hours each term. Fall: Wordsworth and Coleridge; winter: Scott, Byron, and others ; spring: Keats, Shelley, and others. Bartel, Strange. Eng 463, 464, 465. The Later Nineteenth-Century Poets. (G) 3 hours each term. Fall: Tennyson and Browning; winter: Arnold, the pre-Raphaelites, Swin- ENGLISH 167 burne, and others; spring: Morris, Thomson, Thompson, Hopkins, and others. Cadbury. Eng 470,471,472. Nineteenth-Century Prose. (G) 3 hours each term. Main currents of thought as reflected in Carlyle, Mill, Newman, Ruskin, Huxley, Arnold, Pater. Moore. Eng 477, 478, 479. Nineteenth-Century American Literature. (G) 3 hours each term. An intensive study of the American literary tradition. Fall: the beginnings of national literature; winter: transcendentalism and anti-transcendentalism; spring: realism and naturalism. Cross. Eng 481,482,483. Major American Writers. (G) 3 hours each term. Intensive study of two or three major authors each term, such as Hawthorne, Emerson, Whitman, Melville, James, Twain, Dickinson, Frost, Eliot, Heming- way, Faulkner. W. Handy. Eng 487. Yeats and Joyce. (G) 3 hours. The principal works of Yeats and Joyce, considered against the background of the Irish Renaissance. J. C. Sherwood. Eng 488. Literary Analysis for Teachers. (g) 3 hours. For students interested in teaching high-school English. Training in compre- hension and analysis of fiction, poetry, and drama from English and American literature. Bartel. Eng 491. History of the English Language. (g) 3 hours. A general view of modern English vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and spelling. Recommended for students preparing for the teaching of English in the secondary schools. Willard. Eng 492. Modern English Grammar. (g) 3 hours. Comprehensive study of the grammar of modern English, for prospective teachers of English; examination of traditional, structural, and transforma- tional theories. A. Kitzhaber, Sloat, Willard. GRADUATE COURSES *Eng SOL Research. Hours to be arranged. *Eng 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Eng 50S. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Eng 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Eng 511, 512, 513. Old English. 3 hours each term. Linguistic study; selected readings in prose and poetry, including entire Beo- wu,lf. S. Greenfield. Eng 514, 515, 516. Old Icelandic. 3 hours each term. Linguistics; selected readings in the sagas, skaldic poetry, and the Elder Edda. Eng 517. Middle English. 3 hours. The English language from the time of the Norman Conquest to the early modern period; dialectical differences. Di Pasquale. Eng 518. Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde. 3 hours. Detailed study of the poem, its sources, and its influence. Di Pasquale, S. Greenfield, Malarkey. Eng 519. The Pearl Poet. 3 hours. Detailed study of Pearl and Gawain; collateral readings in dream visions and romances. Di Pasquale, S. Greenfield, Malarkey. Eng 520, 521, 522. History and Structure of the English Language. 3 hours each term. Covers the same features of the language as Eng 491, but with a more detailed * No-grade course. 168 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS consideration of historical background and recent theories. Fall; meaning and vocabulary; winter: pronunciation and spelling; spring: grammar and usage. Willard. Eng 530, 531, 532. Shakespeare. 3 hours each term. Fall: representative comedies of Shakespeare's early, middle, and late periods; winter: historical plays; spring: tragedies. Thelma Greenfield, McNeir. Eng 540. Problems and Methods of Litera,ry Study. 3 hours fall. Bibliography and the methods of literary research as an introduction to grad- uate work. Required for graduate students in English. Cadbury. Eng 585. Modern English Literary Criticism. 3 hours. British and American critical theory and practice, 1900 to the present. Forms a year sequence with AL 586, 587. Weatherhead. Eng 588, 589. Modern Poetry. 3 hours each term. Fall: British poetry from Hopkins to the present; winter: American poetry from the imagists to the present. Weatherhead. Eng 590, 591, 592. Modern Fiction. 3 hours each term. Major tendencies in the fiction of the past hundred years. Fall: the rise ,and development of realism; winter: naturalism; spring: postnaturalism. Wegelin. COURSES OFFERED ONLY IN SUMMER SESSIONS Eng 423, 424. Types of Prose Fiction. (G) 3 hours each term. Eng 508. Workshop. Hours to be arranged. Writing The Department of English offers required and elective courses in writing for all University students, to help them develop an ability to express themselves clearly in good English. Undergraduate English majors may plan a program emphasizing creative writing; students planning to emphasize creative writing are advised to complete at least 6 term hours of \;Yr 221, 222, 223. The department also offers a graduate program in creative writing, leading to the M.A. or M.F.A. degree. English Composition (Wr 121, 122, 123) is a freshman sequence required of all students in the University; each term's work must be taken in its sequential order. A student who demonstrates, througlf examination, that his writing ability meets the standard aimed at in English Composition may be excused from all or part of this required sequence. Students who do superior work in the first two terms of English Composition may be permitted to substitute \;Yr 224, \;Yr 226, or Wr 227 for Wr 123. . Students whose placement examination indicates inadequate preparation may not register for English Composition until they either (1) pass Corrective English (Wr 10), offered through the Division of Continuing Education of the State System of Higher Education, or (2) improve their writing proficiency by private study and achieve a satisfactory score on a second English placement examination. Students failing to pass this second examination must then pass Corrective English (\;Yr 10) before they may register for English Composition. LOWER·DIVISIONCOURSES W r 97, 98. English as' a Second Language. 3 hours each tenn. Composition for students whose native language is not English. Admission to Wr 98 only on recommendation of instructor. Bordwell. , Wr 121, 122, 123. English Composition. 3 hours any term. The fundamentals of English composition; frequent written themes. Special attention to rhetorical effectiveness in papers. Love, staff. ENGLISH 169 Wr 221, 222, 223. Introduction to Imaginative Writing. 3 hours each term. An introductory sequence for students interested in the techniques of writing and in the development of a critical appreciation of the art of writing in its varied forms. Fall: general consideration of style; winter and spring-: criti· cism, essentials of the short story, fundamentals of playwriting and poetry writing. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Karchmer, Lacy, Lawder, Mari- els, Meinke, Salisbury. Wr 224. Business and Professional Correspondence. 3 hours. Study of modern practices in business correspondence, primarily for students of business administration. Analysis and writing of the principal types of correspondence. Prerequisite: Wr 121, 122, 123. Kittoe. Wr 226. Expository Writing. 3 hours. Practice in various forms of expository writing. Soehren, staff. Wr 227. Scientific and Technical Writing. 3 hours. Practice in scientific and technical expository writing. Emphasis on the or- ganization, form, and style of scientific, technical, and professional reports, articles, abstracts, summaries, memoranda, and correspondence. Kittoe. Wr 231, 232; Composition Tutorial. 1 hour each term. Tutorial instruction in English composition for students in the Honors College. Staff. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES Wr 316. Advanced Expository Writing. 3 hours. Soehren. Wr 321, 322, 323. Play Writing. 3 hours each term. Creative experiment in the writing of plays, with incidental study of models. Analysis and discussion of student work. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Haislip, Karchmer. • Wr 324, 325, 326. Short-Story Writing. 3 hours each term. For students interested in creative writing or in professional writing for maga- zines. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Karchmer, Lacy, Mayo, Salisbury. Wr 341, 342, 343. Poetry Writing. 3 hours each term. Verse writing; study of various verse forms as media of expression. Analysis of class work. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Mayo, Salisbury. Wr 404. Writing and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Wr 430, 431, 432. Senior Creative Writing. 3 hours each term. An advanced sequence in short story, poetry, and playwriting for seniors. Prerequisites: consent of instructor and nine hours of creative writing at 300 or 400 level. Karchmer, Salisbury. Wr 451, 452, 453. Projects in Writing. 3 hours each term. For students who desire advanced instruction and practice in writing short stories, novels, television dramas, nonfiction, etc. Prerequisite: consent of in- structor. Karchmer, Salisbury. UPPER·DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Wr 411. English Composition for Teachers. (g) 3 hours. For students planning to teach English in high school. Practice in wntmg and a review of the rules of composition. Recommended for satisfaction of the high-school teaching requirement in English. Aly, Kitzhaber. Wr 420, 421, 422. Novel Writing. (G) 3 hours each terms. Designed to provide apprentice training in writing of novels, and to develop a critical grasp of fiction problems. Sustained work on a writing project continued through the year. Indivitlual assigned readings. Prerequisite: con- sent of instructor. Lacy. 170 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Sp 464, 465, 466. History of the Theater. (G) 3 hours each term. For description, see p. 247. Cutler, DeChaine. Wr 494. Theory of Fiction Writing. (G) 3 hours. Introduction to literary theory and its application to imaginative writing. Designed for M.A. and M.F.A. candidates in writing, but open to others. Haislip, Karchmer, Salisbury. GRADUATE COURSES *WI' 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Wr 504. Writing and Conference. Hours to be arranged. WI' 530, 531, 532. Graduate Creative Writing. 3 hours each term. A graduate level sequence for M.A. and M.F.A. candidates interested in forms other than the novel: short story, poetry, playwriting. Prerequisites: admission to the M.A. or the M.F.A. program in creative writing and consent of the instructor. Haislip, Karchmer, Salisbury. Sp 511. Eighteenth-Century Rhetorical Theory. 3 hours. For description, see page 242. Cohen. Sp 551, 552, 553. Theory of Dramatic Production. 3 hours each term. For description, see page 247. Robinson. COURSE OFFERED ONLY IN EXTENSION WI' 10. Corrective English. No credit. General Arts and Letters THE CURRICULUM IN GENERAL ARTS AND LETTERS is designed for students who wish to build a program of general studies around a core of literature. The work of the first two years serves as an introduction to the main aspects of Western culture. In the last two years the more intensive study of the history of ideas, of literary movements, and of art forms serves to interpret modern trends in civilization. , The curriculum is administered by a committee. Dr. Frederick M. Combellack, professor of Greek literature, is chairman of the committee and adviser of majors in general arts and letters. The major in general arts and letters leads to the Bachelor of Arts degree. The following courses are required: Lower Division. (1) Literature (Honors College) (AL 101, 102, 103), or World Literature (Eng 107, 108, 109), or Survey of English Literature (Eng 101, 102, 103), or Introduction to Literature (Eng 104, 105, 106), or any sequence in foreign literature which has a prerequisite of two years (or equivalent) of for- eign language in college. (2) Shakespeare (Eng 201, 202, 203), or Survey of the Visual Arts (ArH 201, 202, 203), or History of Western Art (ArH 204, 205, 206), or Introduction to Music and Its Literature (Mus 201, 202, 203). (3) At least one year of work in a foreign language beyond the first-year college level. (4) One of the following sequences in history: History of Western Civilization (Hst 101, 202, 103); History (Honors College) (Hst 107, 108, 109); English History (Hst 304, 305, 306). Upper Division. (l) Literature of the Ancient World (AL 304, 305, 306). (2) Dante and His Times (AL 477, 478, 479). (3) One of the following sequences in philosophy: History of Philosophy (PhI 301, 302, 303) ; Philosophy in Litera- ture (PhI 431, 432). (4) History of Literary Criticism (Eng 414, 415, 416) or Aesthetics (PhI 441, 442, 443) . • No-grade course. GENERAL SCIENCE 171 In addition the student must complete four upper-division year sequences, each totaling at least 6 term hours, chosen from the departments of the College of Liberal Arts that offer majors; however, two of the sequences may be chosen from sequences in the history of art and music. If a required course is not offered in the student's senior year, he may, with the consent of the adviser, substitute an- other upper-division sequence in the same general field of study. The student's program of study should form an integrated whole. The elec- tives should support the objectives of this program. For interdepartmental courses in general arts and letters, see pages 137-138. Honors. See HONORS COLLEGE, pages 132 ff. General Science THE CURRICULUM IN GENERAL SCIENCE is intended for students who wish to build a program of cultural studies around a central interest in science as an aspect of civilization, for students preparing for professional careers in science (such as medical research) for whom a departmental science major may be too narrow and highly specialized, and for prospective science teachers. The standard three-year premedical or predental curriculum, followed by a year of work in a medical school or two years of work in a dental school, meets all of the require- ments for the bachelor's degree in general science. . The general science major leads to the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Sci- ence degree. The special requirements are: (1) Four one-year sequences, one in each of four sciences, selected from Bi 101, 102, 103 or Bi 104, 105, 106, Ch 104, lOS, 106 or Ch 204, 205, 206 with laboratory, Geol 101, 102, 103, mathematics courses numbered 100-120 or 200-210, and Ph 201,202, 203 with laboratory; (2) a mini- mum of 24 upper-division hours in the sciences in which lower-division sequences have been taken, including not less than 9 term hours in each of two sciences. For interdepartmental courses in general science, see page 138. Secondary-School Teaching of General Science. For certification as a teacher of general science in Oregon high schools, the Oregon State Department of Education requires (1) the satisfaction of certain minimum standards of sub~ ject preparation and (2) the recommendation of the institution at which the stu- dent completes his subject preparation. The University's major program in general science satisfies these require- ments only if lower-division sequences in biology, chemistry, and physics are elected. For further information, the student should consult the adviser of general science majors. General Social Science THE PROGRAM IN GENERAL SOPAL SCIENCE includes a series of courses of broad interdepartmental scope and a major curriculum in general social science leading to the bachelor's degree. The curriculum in general social science is designed for students who wish broad cultural training, and for prospective teachers for whom a departmental major may be too highly specialized. In addition to satisfying the general Univer- sity requirements, students following this program must take a minimum of 72 hours in social science courses. This work must include four lower-division year sequences, one in each of four of the following fields: anthropology, economics, geography, history, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, sociology.. Introduction to the Social Sciences (Honors College) (SSc 201,202,203) may be 172 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS substituted for anyone of the four required sequences. The upper-division work must include two one-year sequences (not less than 18 hours) in one social science department, and one one-year sequence (not less than 9 hours) in each of two other social science departments. For interdepartmental courses in general social science, see page 139. Secondary-School Teaching of Social Studies. For certification as a teacher of social studies in Oregon high schools, the Oregon State Department of Educa- tion requires (1) the satisfaction of certain minimum standards of subject prepara- tion and (2) the recommendation of the institution at which the student completes his subj ect preparation. To meet the state standards in social studies and the requirements for recom- mendation by the University of Oregon, a major in general social science must complete the following program, selected from the fields of history, geography, political science, economics, and sociology or anthropology, with a 2.50 GPA or higher: (1) 36 term hours of work in one field; (2) 18 term hours in history (in- cluding one upper-division sequence) ; (3) a 9-hour sequence in each of two addi- tional fields; (4) at least one course in a fifth field. If history is chosen for the 36- hour concentration, the student must complete 18 hours in one of the two additional fields (3, above), including 9 hours in upper-division courses. For further information, the student should consult the adviser of general social science majors. Honors. See HONORS COLLEGE, pages 132 ff. Geography Professors: C. P. P ATTOR (department head), S. N. DICKEN, J. S. KOSTROWICKI, E. T. PRICE. Associate Professors: C. L. JOHANNESSEN, G. E. MARTIN,* E. G. SMITH, A. W. URQUHART. Instructor: E. M. BARRETT. Fellows: S. E. DEMARS, M. W. DONLEY, C. R. MARTINSON, JANE PYLE, J. Q. RESSLER, G. D. SCHILL, L. STEWART, M. R. WILSON. Assistants: B. E. BECHTOL, W. CROWLEY, A. H. GREENBERG, E. A. HOERAUF, E. G. MciNTIRE, J. A. OLSON, R. T. RICHARDSON, SUSAN K. WILLIAMS, PAUL ZIERER. THE DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY serves: (1) professional major stu- dents; (2) nonprofessional major students who wish to build a broad cultural education around a central interest in geography; and (3) students majoring in other fields who wish some acquaintance with the contribution of geography to the understanding of the world and its problems. The department offers work for major students in four fields of specialization: (l) cultural geography, including economic, urban, arid population geography; (2) physical geography, including climatology and geomorphology; (3) regional geography; and (4) techniques and methodology, including cartography, the in- terpretation of aerial photographs, and field geography. Major Curriculum in Geography. A total of 45 term hours in geography courses, including 36 hours in upper-division courses, is required for a major in geography. It is recommended that the student limit his major work to approxi- mately 54 term hours and elect work in such related fields as anthropology, biology, economics, geology, history, planning, political science, and sociology. • On leave of absence 1!f66-67. GEOGRAPHY 173 The student's work in geography must include a minimum of 9 term hours in each of the following four groups: (1) physical geography-Geog 105, Geog 481, 482, 483; (2) cultural geography-Geog 107, Geog 433, Geog 434, Geog 435, Geog 491,492,493; (3) regional geography-Geog 106, Geog 201, 202, 203, Geog 301, Geog 302, 303, Geog 451, 452, 453, Geog 461, 462, 463, Geog 471, 472, 473; (4) geographic techniques-Geog 407, Geog 421, 422, 423, Geog 484, Geog 485, 486. For the B.S. degree, the student must complete 21 hours of additional work in science, including a 9-hour upper-division sequence requiring a prerequisite. Secondary-School Teaching of Social Studies. For certification as a teacher of social studies in Oregon high schools, the Oregon State Department of Educa- tion requires (l) the satisfaction of certain minimum standards of subj ect prepara- tion and (2) the recommendation of the institution at which the student completes his subject preparation. To meet the state standards in social studies and the reclUirements for recom- mendation by the University of Oregon, a major in geograp'hy must complete the following program, selected from the fields of history, geography, political science, economics, and sociology or anthropology, with a 2.50 GPA or higher: (1) work in geography required for a major in the field; (2) 27 term hours in history; (3) 9 term hours in a third field; (4) at least one course in each of two additional fields. The program must include a minimum of 36 term hours in upper-division courses. For further information, the student should consult the member of the geogra- phy faculty who serves as adviser for prospective teachers. Honors. See HONORS COLLEGE, pages 132 ff. Graduate Study. The department offers graduate work leading to the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees. To qualify for the master's degree the student must com- plete successfully 45 term hours of graduate work, of which 36 hours must be in the field of geography. All master's candidates must complete the following courses or their equivalent: Geog 421, 422, 423; Geog 481, 482, 483; Geog 484; Geog 485, 486; Geog 491, 492, 493. Nine term hours in seminars (Geog 507), in- cluding work in both physical and cultural geography, are required for candidates for the M.A. degree. For general requirements for graduate degrees see pp. 115 ff. LOWER-DIVISION COURSES Geog 105, 106, 107. Introductory Geography. 3 hours each term. A general introduction to the field of geography, in sequence as follows: Geog 105, physical geography; Geog 106, regional survey of the world; Geog 107, cultural geography. Geog 201,202,203. World Regional Geography. 3 hours each term. Physical, political, and regional economic geography. Fall: Europe; winter: Latin America ; spring : Asia. UPPER.DIVISION COURSES Geog 301. Geography of Oregon. 3 hours fall. Physical and cultural geography of Oregon. Dicken. Geog 302,303. Geography/ of North America. 3 hours each term, winter and spring. Physical and cultural geography of the North American continent north of Mexico. \\Tinter: western United States and western Canada; spring: eastern United States and eastern Canada. Dicken. Geog 401. Research. Hours to be arranged. Geog 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Geog 407. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. 174 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS UPPER.DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Geog 421, 422, 423. Geographic Field Methods. (G) 2 hours each term. Research techniques in geography applied to special areas and problems. First term: introduction to tools and techniques of geographic field investiga- tion; second term: research design, use of air photographs, maps, and other documents; third term: data gathering and analysis, report writing. Pree requisite: 9 hours of geography. Johannessen, Martin, Price. Geog 433. Political Geography. (G) 3 hours. Impact of political institutions upon the landscape; resources and political decisions; relation of formal and informal groups to political areas. Geog 434. Economic Geography. (G) 3 hours. Location factors in primary and secondary industries, and the distribution of these industries over the earth. Prerequisite: 6 hours in lower-division geography courses or consent of the instructor. Geog435. Urban Geography. (G) 3 hours. World distribution of great cities; urban patterns, forms, and functions; systems of urban land classification; forces affecting urban land use; geo- graphic aspects of city planning. Prerequisite: 6 hours in lower-division geography courses or consent of instructor. Geog 451. Eastern and Southeast Asia. (G) 3 hours. Geog 452. Southwestern Asia. (G) 3 hours. Geog 453. Mrica. (G) 3 hours. Physical and cultural processes that have shaped the landscapes of the Afro- Asian world. Geog 461. Andean America. (G) 3 hours. Geog 462. Brazil and Argentina. (G) 3 hours. Geog 463. Middle America. (G) 3 hours. Physical and cultural processes that have shaped the landscapes of Latin America. Geog 471. Atlantic and Mediterranean Europe. (G) 3 hours. Geog 472. Central and Eastern Europe. (G) 3 honrs. Geog 473. SGviet Union. (G) 3 hours. Physical and cultural processes that have shaped the landscapes of Europe and the Soviet Union. Geog 481,482,483. Physical Geography. (G) 5 hours each term, fall and winter; 3 hours spring. Systematic study of the elements. of the physical landscape. Fall: geomor- phology; winter: climatology; spring: biogeography. Prerequisite: 9 hours of geography. Urquhart, Patton, Johannessen. Geog 484. Interpretation of Aerial Photographs. (G) 3 hours. Introduction to the use and interpretation of map and air photographs. Dicken. Geog 485,486. Cartography. (G) 3 hours each term. Study of maps; introduction to map proiections; the map base; map content and design; map interpretation. Prerequisite: 9 hours of geography. J ohan- nessen, Patton. Geog 491, 492, 493. Cultural Geography. (G) 3 hours each term. Systematic study of the elements of the cultural landscape; origin and spread of ways of living; treatment of culture by geographers. Prerequisite: 9 hours of geography. GRADUATE COURSES *Geog 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. *Geog 502. Supervised College Teaching. Hours to be arranged. *Geog 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. " N ...grade course. GEOLOGY 1~ Geog 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Geog 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Geomorphology. Dicken, Urquhart. Climatology. Patton. Biogeography. Johannessen. Urban Geography. Rural Settlement. Martin, Price. Historical Geography. Dicken. Middle America. Johannessen. Andean America. Martin. Africa. Urquhart. Europe. Patton. Soviet Union. Geog 555. History of Geographic Thought. 3 hours. Development of concepts of the earth and of man's relation to it; ends and means of geographic study. Geology Professors: L. W. STAPLES (department head), E. M. BALDWIN, ]. C. STOVALL, HOWEL WILLIAMS. Associate Professors: M. A. KAYS, E. H. LUND, A. R. McBIRNEY, D. F.WEILL. Assistant Professors: G. T. BENSON, SAM BOGGS, JR. Instructor: CAROLE HICKMAN. Fellows: M. M. GODCHAUX, R. L. LENT, H. D. SMITH, D. B. STOESER. Assistants: T. L. BEZZERIDES, G. W. BODE, J. G. CHAMP, J. EHLEN, T. D. FOUCH, D. H. GARDNER, R. R. JOHNSON, C. K. KIM, M. L. KLOHN, C. R. MEYNINK, L. G. MOSSEL, D. R. O'BRIEN, B. L. PETERSON, E. G. SOPER, B. L. STEPP, R. L. STEWART. THE DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY serves three classes of students: (1) professional major students; (2) nonprofessional major students who wish to build a broad cultural education around a central interest in geology; and (3) students majoring in other fields who wish some acquaintance with the contribu- tions of geological studies to the understanding of the world and its problems. High-school students planning to major in geology at the University are advised to include in their high-school course: algebra, plane geometry, trig- onometry, geography, science (physics, chemistry, or general science). Major Curriculum in Geology. The following courses are required for an undergraduate major in geology: Lower Division. General Geology (GeoIIOI, 102, 103) ; Introductory College Mathematics (Mth 104, 105,106) ; General Chemistry (Ch 104, 105, 106, Ch 107, 108, 109) ; General Physics (Ph 201, 202, 203, Ph 204, 205, 206). Upper Division. Mineralogy (Geol 311, 312, 313); Introduction to Pale- ontology (Geol 331, 332) ; Principles of Stratigraphy (Geol 392) ; Field Methods (Geol 393); Field Geology (GeoI406); Seminar (GeoI407), three terms; Eco- nomic Geology (Geol 421, 422, 423) ; Lithology (Geol 411) or Petrology and Petrography (Geol 414, 415, 416) ; Structural Geology (Geol 491). Geophysics-Geochemistry Option. Undergraduate majors may elect an option in geophysics-geochemistry, in preparation for graduate work in this or other fields of quantitative geology. The requirements for this option differ from the requirements of the regular major program in geology in the following 176 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS respects: (l) Calculus with Analytical Geometry (Mth 200, 201, 202) or Analytic Geometry and Calculus (Mth 204, 205, 206) is required; (2) either Advanced General Physics (Ph 320, 321, 322) or Quantitative Analysis (Ch 320) is re- quired; (3) Principles of Economics (Ec 201, 202, 203), Vertebrate Paleon- tology (Geol 333), and Economic Geology (Geol 421, 422, 423) are not required. Paleontology Option. Undergraduate majors may elect an option in inverte- brate paleontology. The requirements for this option differ from the requirements of the major curriculum in geology in the following respects: (1) Principles of Economics, and Economic Geology are not required; (2) General Biology (Bi 101, 102, 103) is required, and Invertebrate Zoology (Bi 461, 462), offered at the Insti- tuteof Marine Biology, may be substituted for Field Geology; (3) an additional 12 term hours of work must be elected from: Comparative Anatomy (Bi 355), Principles of Ecology (Bi 471, 472, 473), Historical Biogeography (Bi 491, 492, 493), Micropaleontology (Geol 440). Honors. See HONORS COLLEGE, pages 132 ff. Graduate Study. The department offers graduate work leading to the Master of Arts, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. A satisfactory rating on a Graduate Record Examination and on a qualifying examination are required for admission to candidacy for a graduate degree. All candidates are required to write a thesis. Suggested minor fields are: chemistry, physics, biology, or mathematics. FacUities. The Condon Museum of Geology contains extensive collections of rocks, minerals, and fossils; its resources are supplemented by working collections for classroom and laboratory use. The varied geological terrain of the state of Oregon offers an exceptionally interesting field laboratory. Field trips are con- ducted during the regular academic year. Field camps in various parts of the state are operated during the summer months. Center for Volcanology. The Department of Geology includes a Center for Volcanology; Dr. A. R. MeBirney, associate professor of geology, is director. Re- search and graduate instruction are conducted in several fields dealing with the products and processes of volcanism. The state of Oregon possesses a variety of volcanic features, providing exceptional opportunities for study of volcanic rocks and structures, LOWER-DIVISION COURSES GeollOl, 102, 103. General Geology. 4 hours each term. Earth materials, processes, and forms; formation of economic mineral de- posits; the main events in earth history. Lectures, laboratory, and field trips. Geol29l. Rocks and Minerals. 3 hours', Common minerals and rocks; origin, lore, and properties of precious, semi- precious, and ornamental stones; economically important rocks and minerals. 2 lectures; 1 three-hour laboratory period, Geo1292. Elementary Areal Geology. 3 hours. A study of regional geology primarily for nonmajors; areal distribution of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks in Oregon. Field studies of se- lected areas, with emphasis on the relationships between rock type, structure, and topography. 1 lecture; 6 hours field work. Prerequisite: Geol 101, 102, 103. Stovall. ' UPPER-DIVISION COURSES Geol 301, 302, 303. Geologic History of Life. 3 hours each term. Fall:' origins and early history of life, as revealed by the fossil remains of GEOLOGY 177 animals and plants; winter: geologic history of vertebrates ; spring: geologic history of the mammals. Intended for nonmajor juniors and seniors. Stovall. Geol3ll, 312, 313. Mineralogy. 4 hours each term. Descriptive and determinative mineralogy; geometric and X-ray crystallog- raphy; optical mineralogy. Prerequisite: Ch 104, 105, 106; Ch 108, 109; Geol 101, 102. Staples. . Geol 331, 332, 333. Introduction to Paleontology. 3 hours each term. Structure and evolution of invertebrates and vertebrates, and their distri- bution in geologic time. Prerequisite: Geol 103. Hickman. Geol 352. Geology of Oregon. 3 hours. .Lectures, assigned reading, and field trips, to acquaint the student with some of the salienHeatures of the geology of the state. Baldwin. Geo1392. Principles of Stratigraphy. 3 hours. Genesis and subsequent history of stratified rocks; sedimentation, induration, weathering; the methods of correlating such formations. Prerequisite: Geol 101,102,103. Baldwin. Geol 393. Field Methods. 3 hours. Elementary topographic mapping; use of field instruments; field mapping of selected areas. Boggs. Geol401. Research. Hours to be arranged. Geol 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Geo1406. Field Geology. Hours to be arranged. Prerequisite: Geol 393, HEc 250, consent of instructor. Staples. Geo1407. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Current Geological Literature. Classical Geological Literature. Engineering Geology. Geological Report Writing. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Geol4ll. Lithology. (g) 3 hours. The origin, occurrence, and classification of the principal rock types. Labora- tory examination and classification of rocks in hand specimens. 2 lectures; . 1 laboratory period. Prerequisite: Geol 312. Lund. Geol4l4, 415, 416. Petrology and Petrography. (G) 4 hours each term. Origins, occurrences, and classifications of rocks. Laboratory work in both megascopic and microscopic examination of rocks. Prerequisite: Ph 201, 202, 203; Geol 311, 312, 313. Kays, Lund. Geo1421, 422, 423. Economic Geology. (G) 3 hours each term. The general principles of the formation of metallic and nonmetallic economic geologic deposits; principal economic deposits, domestic and foreign. 2 lec- tures; 1 laboratory period. Prerequisite: Ec 201, 202, 203; Geol 311, 312, 313. Kays. Geo1440. Micropaleontology. (G) 3 hours. Survey of microfOSsil groups; stratigraphic distribution; methods of separa- tion from matrices; classification. 1 lecture; 2 laboratory periods. Prerequi- site: Geol 331, 332. Youngquist. Geol451. Pacific Coast Geology, (G) 3 hours. The general geology of the west coast of the United ·States and Canada from Alaska to southern California; special problems of the region. Prerequisite: Geol 101, 102, 103; senior or graduate standing. Baldwin. Geo1473. Photogeology. (G) 3 hours. . Geologic interpretation of stereographic pairs of vertical aerial photographs. 2 lectures, 1 three-hour laboratory· period. Prerequisite: Geol 101, 102, ·103. 'Benson. 178 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Geo1491. Structural Geology. (G) 4 hours. Origin, interpretation, and mapping of major and minor geologic structures. 3 lectures, 1 laboratory period. Prerequisite: Geol 101, 102. Benson. Geo1493. Petroleum Geology. (G) 3 hours. Origin and accumulation of petroleum, methods of locating oil and gas, organization of exploratory programs, current economic and political factors affecting petroleum industry. 3 lectures. Prerequisite: Geol 392, Geol 491. Boggs. GRADUATE COURSES *Geo1501. Research. Hours to be arranged. *Geol 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Geol 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Geo1506. Advanced Field Geology. Hours to be arranged. Geo1507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Regional geologic studies. Geol 511, 512, 513. Advanced Microscopy and Instrumentation. 4 hours each term. Microtechniques in connection with the petrographic microscope, goniometer, X-ray diffractometer, and spectroscope; chemical microscopy; photomicro- graphy. Prerequisite: Geol 313. Staples, Kays. Geo15l4, 515, 516. Advanced Petrology and Petrography. 3 hours each term. Advanced petrographic methods and study of topics related to the origin and genetic relations of igneous and metamorphic rocks; microscopic examination of rock suites selected for study of petrologic principles and problems. Pre- requisite: Geol 414, 415, 416. McBirney. Geol 520. Advanced Economic Geology. 3 hours. Theories of the origin of mineral deposits; study of examples illustrating general principles. Student reports on selected types of deposits. Review of current literature. Prerequisite: Geol 421, 422, 423. Kays. Geol 523. Advanced Regional Stratigraphy. 3 hours. Stratigraphic framework of the United States and other countries. Pre- requisite: Geol 392. Baldwin. Geol 524. Advanced Sedimentation. 3 hours. Genesis, transportation, and deposition of sediments; geologic processes in- volved in formation of sedimentary rocks. Prerequisite: Geol 392, Geol 414. Boggs. Geo1525. Advanced Sedimentary Petrology. 3 hours. Application of mechanical, optical, and other techniques to the interpretation of depositional and diagenetic history of sedimentary rocks. Prerequisite: Geol 524. Boggs. Geol 531, 532, 533. Advanced Paleontology. 3 hours each term. Fall: scope and nature of paleontologic literature, procedures in taxonomy, current paleontologic research; winter: history and development of evolution theories, mechanics of organic change, population dynamics, paleoecological studies and applications; spring: detailed study.of selected fossil groups. Pre- requisite: Geol 331, 332. Geol551. Advanced Physical Geology. 3 hours. Comprehensive appraisal of earth materials and processes, based on the study of original sources in classical and current literature of geology. Geol 561, 562, 563. Geochemistry and Geophysics. 3 hours each term. Application of physico-chemical principles to geologic processes on and within the earth; special emphasis on thermodynamics and its application to * No·grade course. HISTORY 179 geologic problems; methods of geophysics for the determination of the na- ture of the interior of the earth. Prerequisite: calculus and physical chem- istry, or consent of instructor; physical chemistry may be taken concur- rently. Weill. Geol 591, 592, 593. Advanced Structural Geology. 3 hours each term. Theories of the origin of geologic structures observed in deformed rocks. Comparative study and classification of structures; theoretical and experi- mental studies. Prerequisite: Geol 491. Benson. COURSES OFFERED ONLY IN SUMMER SESSIONS- Geo1408. Workshop. (g) Hours to be arranged. Geo1455. Studies in Physical Geology. (g) 3 hours. Geo1456. Regional Geology of North America. (g) 3 hours. History iProfessors: E. R. BINGHAM, QUIRINUS BREEN (emeritus), P. S. DULL, V. R. . LoRWIN,* EARL POMEROY, K. W. PORTER, R. W. SMITH, L. R. SORENSON, W. H. STEPHENSON. Associate Profesosrs: W. S. HANNA (department head), GUSTAVE ALEF, R. F. BIRN, S. A. PIERSON. Assistant Professors: P. S. HOLEo, R. G. LANG, J. P. MADDEX, J. W. PERRIN, J. E. WOODHAM. Instructors: R. S. DILL, LINDA HUNTER, STEPHEN HUNTER. Lecturer: G. R. FALCONERI. Associate: MABEL E. MCCLAIN (emeritus). Fellows: S. B. AVERY, A. S. BAKER, M. A. BURKHOLDER, R. A. GATES, K. R. HAL- VORSEN, BURNS RAUSHENBUSH, J. F. SCHECK, D. W. THOMAS, D. A. VAN OTTEN. Assistants: ROBERTA G. BAILEY, H. W. BURMEISTER, R. E. BURTON, D. K. BUSE, D. S. CHANDLER, S. E. CONWAY, T. R. Cox, JULIE S. CUTHBERT, J. C. DOERR, E. R. DREGER, R. C. FREY, W. T. HALL, S. W. HAYCOX, RUTH L. HERMAN, T. R. HEWSON, S. W. INGE, ''''.T. A. JACOBS, C. R. JENSEN, D. A. JOHNSON, KATHERINE JORGANSEN, B. H. KIKUCHI, B. T. LEWIS, F. D. MAHAR, R. L. MARTINEK, M. L. REYNOLDS, MARY S. RIGHTMIRE, W. G. ROBBINS, C. E. ROBERTS, SUE A. SEXAUER, P. A. SHROYER, P. K. SIMPSON, L. E. STUART, J. C. TILLAPAUGH, C. E. THOMASON, D. K. TSCHOGL. . HE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY offers instruction in American, Euro- pean, arid East Asian history, and major programs designed for general education and in preparation for public school teaching and for graduate study and research. Requirements for the Bachelor's Degree. For a bachelor's degree with a ajor in history, a student must complete a balanced program approved by his epartmental adviser. Specific requirements are as follows: (1) Satisfaction of the University requirement for the B.A. degree. (2) Forty-two term hours in history courses, of which 24 must be upper- ivision, including at least 9 hours of 400-level courses (15 upper-division hours 11st be taken at the University of Oregon). (3) History of Western Civilization (Hst 101, 102, 103), or History (Honors ollege) (Hst 107, 108, 109), 0/', with consent of adviser, 15 hours of upper-divi- ion European history, including courses both before and after 1600. * On sabbatical leave 1966·67. 180 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS (4) A year sequence in United States history. (5) Not less than two terms (6 hours) of upper-division courses in each ( two fields selected from the following: (a) Europe before 1600, (b) Europe afte 1600, (c) United States, Far East, or Latin America. (6) At least one term of Seminar (Hst407) or Colloquium (Hst 408). (7) A 2.25 grade-point average in history courses. History majors should take work in allied fields that will contribute to well-balanced liberal education. The department recommends work in foreig .language and literature extending, if possible, beyond the second-year level an leading to a thorough reading knowledge of a language. Secondary-School Teaching of Social Studies. For certification as a teache of social studies in Oregon high schools, the Oregon State Department of Educa tion requires (1) the satisfaction of certain minimum standards of subj ect prepara tion and (2) the recommendation of the institution at which the student complete his subject preparation. To meet the state standards in social studies and the requirements for recom mendation by the University of Oregon, a major in history must complete th following program, selected from the fields of history, geography, political sciencl economics, and sociology or anthropology, with a 2.50 GPA or higher: (1) work i history required for a major; (2) 27 term hours in a second field; (3) 9 ten hours in a third field; (4) at least one course in each of two additional fields. Th program must include a minimum of 36 term hours in upper-division courses. For further information, the student should consult a member of the histor faculty who serves as adviser for prospective teachers. Honors. See HONORS COLLEGE, pages 132 ff. Graduate Work. The department offers graduate instruction leading to th degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy. For requirements fo graduate degrees, see GRAnuATE SCHOOL, pages 115 ff. A detailed statement ( departmental requirements may be obtained in the department office. LOWER-DIVISION COURSES Hst 101, 102, 103. History of Western Civilization. 3 hours each term. Origins and development of Western civilization from ancient times to tl1 present. Alef, Birn, Dill, S. Huriter, Perrin, Sorenson. Hst 107, 108, 109. History (Honors College). 3 hours each term. Significant events, ideas, and institutions in the development of Western civil: zation. Alef, Birn, Dill, S. Hunter, Lang, Perrin, Pierson. Hst 201,202,203. History of the United States. 3 hours each term. From colonial times to the present. Bingham, Holbo, L. Hunter, Madde} Porter, Stephenson. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES Hst 301, 302, 303. Europe since 1789. 3 hours each term. Political, social, economic, and cultural trends from the French Revolution t the present. Fall: 1789 to 1870; winter: 1870 to 1918; spring: 1918 to th present. Pierson. Hst 304, 305, 306. English History. 3 hours each term. A general survey, covering political, economic, social, intellectual, and r( Iigious developments. Lang, Smith. Hst 350,351,352. Hispanic America. 3 hours each term. A survey of Hispanic America with.emphasis on political and cultural history the Spanish colonial period; the wars for independence and the early reput HISTORY 181 lican years; internal development of the modern states and inter-American relations. Holbo, Woodham. Hst 391, 392, 393. Far East in Modern Times. 3 hours each term. Political, economic, and diplomatic history of China, Japan, and Korea, with some attention to Asiatic Russia and the Philippines, from the middle of the nineteenth century to the present. DuIl, Falconeri. Hst 403. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Hst 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Hst 407. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Junior Honors Seminar. Senior Seminar. Hst 408. Senior Colloquium in American History. 3 hours each term. Study of significant historical writings from colonial times to the present, with emphasis on methods and interpretations. Prerequisite: consent of in- structor. Stephenson. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Hst 411. History of Greece. (G) 3 hours fall. Political, social, and· cultural history of the Hellenic world from the My- cenaeans to Alexander the Great. Dill. Hst 412, 413. History of Rome. (G) 3 hours each term, winter and spring. Winter: history of Rome from its earliest beginnings to the end of the Re- public; spring: the period of the Empire. Dill. Hst 420. Historical Method. (G) 3 hours faIl. Introduction to methods of historical research and writing. Hst 421, 422, 423. Middle Ages. (G) 3 hours each term. History of Europe from the decline of the Western Roman Empire to the Renaissance. Fall: to the Carolingians; winter: to 1100; spring: to 1300. Perrin. Hst 424, 425. Early Modern Europe. (G) 3 hours each term. Rolitical, economic, and cultural history of Europe from the Counter-Re- formation to the French Revolution. Europe overseas, the rise of absolutism, the Age of Reason, and enlightened despotism. Eirn. Hst 430, 431. Renaissance. (G) 3 hours each term, fall and winter. FaIl: the renaissance in Italy; winter: the northern Renaissance. Hst 432. Reformation. (G) 3 hours spring. The Protestant and the Roman Catholic reforms of the sixteenth century. Hst 434, 435, 436. Western Institutions and Ideas. (G) 3 hours each term. Intensive study of selected ideas and institutions that have influenced the his- tory of Western civilization. Prerequisite: a college-level introductory course in European history. Sorenson. Hst 437, 438. History of Germany. (G) 3 hours each term. First term: from the death of Frederick the Great (1786) through World War I; second term: the Weimar Republic, the Nazi era, World War II, and the postwar development of East and West Germany. Hst 439, 440. Cultural and Intellectual History of Modern Europe. (G) 3 hours each term. Major issues in the cultural and inteIlectual life of Europe since 1815. Concen- tration on the interaction between ontological inquiry, aesthetic expression, and social or political experience. Pierson. Hst 441, 442, 443. History of France. (G) 3 hours each term. Hst 441 : Old Regime, revolutionary and Napoleonic era, nineteenth centu,v to 1870; Hst 442: Third Republic, 1870-1940; Hst 443: since 1940. Larwin. 182 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Hst 444, 445. Twentieth-Century Europe. (G) 3 hours each term. The revolutionary consequences of World War I for society, politics, and the economy; the new democratic governments and the challenge of Bolshevism, Fascism, and Nazism; World War II and its aftermath; the Soviet satellites; rebuilding the European economy. Hst 447, 448, 449. History of Russia. (G) 3 hours each term. Fall: the Kievan state and the emergence of Muscovy; winter: creation of the· Russian Empire, political, social and economic developments; spring: revolutionary Russia, 1861 to the present. Alef. Hst 454, 455, 456. Economic History of Modern Europe. (G) 3 hours each term. The economic development and economic institutions of modern Europe. Fall : from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in Britain; winter: late eighteenth century to end of nineteenth century; spring: twentieth century. Lorwin. Hst 457. The Era of American Sectional Conflict. (G) 3 hours. Forces, events, and persons that contributed to unity and particularism in the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century. Maddex. Hst458. The Era of the Civil War. (G) 3 hours. Intensive study of the critical decade before the Civil War and of the course of that conflict. Maddox. Hst 459. The Era of Reconstruction. (G) 3 hours. Maddex. Problems of the tragic era following the Civil War; continuing effects to the end of the nineteenth century. Maddex. Hst 460, 461, 462. History of American Thought and Culture. (G) 3 hours each term. Main currents of American intellectual and cultural life from colonial times to the present. Prerequisite: Hst 201, 202, 203 or consent of instructor. Bingham. Hst 463. History of Canada. (G) 3 hours. A survey of the growth of Canada from colony to nation, emphasizing the period after confederation. Smith. Hst 464. History of Mexico. (G) 3 hours. Political, social, economic and intellectual trends and problems from 1810 to the present. Woodham. Hst 465. British Empire. (g) 3 hours. History of the British Empire since 1815; colonial nationalism and the de- velopment of the Commonwealth. Smith. Hst 466. Tudor 'England. (G) 3 hours. The political, social, economic, and intellectual development of England through the reigns of the Tudor sovereigns, 1485-1603. Lang, Smith. Hst 468. Victorian England. (G) 3 hours. Social, political, economic, and intellectual history of England from 1815 to 1900. Smith. . Hst 469. Twentieth-Century England. (G) 3 hours. Social, political, economic, and intellectual changes in Great Britain in the twentieth century. Smith. Hst 470, 471. Social Factors in American History. (G) 3 hours each term. Effect of the varied character of the population on American history and culture. First term: national and racial-influences; second term: religious factors. Porter. Hst 473,474,475. American Foreign Relations. (G) 3 hours each term. The origins, character, and consequences of American foreign policies from the Revolutionary War to the present. Holbo. HISTORY 183 Hst 476, 477. History of the West. (G) 3 hours each term. The American frontier. First term: the early American frontier; second term: the Great Plains and the Far West. Porter, Pomeroy. Hst 478. History of the Pacific Northwest. (G) 3 hours. Detailed study of the building of civilization in the Pacific Northwest. Pre- requisite: Hst 201, 202 or consent of instructor. Bingham, Porter. Hst 479. Forces and Influences in American History. (G) 3 hours. Geographic irifluences; influence of the frontier; inheritance and tradition; economic forces; nationalism; sectionalism; manifest destiny; democracy. Hst 480,481,482. The United States in the Twentieth Century. (G) 3 hours each term. Fall: to 1921; winter: 1921-41; spring: since 1941. Pomeroy. Hst 484, 485, 486. Early History of the American People. (G) 3 hours each term. From the discovery of America to Washington's administration. Hanna. Hst 487, 488, 489. American Economic History. (G) 3 hours each term. The"economic development of the United States. Hst494, 495, 496. History of China. (G) 3 hours eachterm. Fall: from legendary times through the T'ang Dynasty (618-907); winter: from the Sung Dynasty (960-1276) to the "Second Treaty Settlement" of the Manchus in 1860; spring: 1860 to the present. Dull, Falconeri. IHst 497, 498, 499. History of Japan. (G) 3 hours each term. I History of Japan, from its beginnings to the present. Dull, Falconeri. I GRADUATE COURSES Research. Hours to be arranged. Supervised College Teaching. Hours to be arranged. Hst 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. st 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. st 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Greek and Roman History. Dill. European History. Alef, Birn, S. Hunter, Lorwin, Perrin, Pierson, Shanahan, Sorenson. European Social and Economic History. Lorwin. English History. Lang, Smith. American History. Bingham, Hanna, Holbo, Maddex, Pomeroy, Porter, Stephenson. Latin American History. L. Hunter, Woodham. History of the Far East. Dull, Falconeri. Historical Theory. Sorenson. st 508. Colloquium: Hours to be arranged. Roman History. Dill. Middle Ages. Perrin. English Historians. Smith. Seventeenth-Century England. Lang. Age of Enlightenment. Birn. Interpretations of American History. Hanna, Porter. Southern History. Maddex. American Diplomacy. Holbo. Interpretations of Latin-American History. Woodham. Japanese History. Dull, Falconeri. st 530, 531, 532. European History: Problems and Interpretations. 3 hours each term. Readings, reports, and group discussions of major trends, problems, and inter- * No-grade course. 184 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS pretations in modern European history. Hst 530: Renaissance and Reforma- tion; Hst 531 : the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; Hst 532: 1789 to the present.Birn, Lorwin, Pierson. Hst 59!. Japanese Political Evolution since 1912. 3 hours. . Japanese political institutions and ideologies from 1912 to the present, and their relation to domestic and foreign policies. Prerequisite: Hst 497, 498, 499 or consent of instructor. Dull. COURSES OFFE~EDONLY IN SUMMER SESSIONS Hst418, 419. Studies in Western Civilization. (g) 3 hours each term. Hst 490. Problems of the Pacific. (g) 3 hours. Home Economics Professor: MABEL A. WOOD (emeritus). Assistant Professors: MARGARET]. WIESE (department head), FAITH JOHNSTON, LOIS E. NELSON, ANIELA E. PELCH, FRANCES VAN VOORHIS.* Instructors: SALLY L. HANSEN, MARGARET M. BALDWIN, GRACE E. MILLER. THE UNIVERSITY offers elective courses in three main areas of home eco- nomics: clothing, textiles, and related arts; foods and nutrition; and family life and home administration. The courses are designed to prepare students for better home and community living as a part of their liberal education. The University does not offer major work in home economics; in the Oregon State System of Higher Education, major studies in the field are allocated to the School of Home Economics at Oregon State University. Lower-division instruction in home economics offered at the University of Oregon and at Oregon State University is essentially the same. It is recommended that students intending to major in the field enter the institution where major work is offered at the beginning of their freshman year; they may if they wish, however, spend their freshman and sophomore years at the University of Oregon, and transfer to Oregon State University at the beginning of the junior year, with out loss of credit and with fundamental requirements for upper-division standing fully met. The foods and clothing laboratories of the Department of Home Economics are designed and equipped in accordance with the best modern standards for in- struction in these fields. Secondary-School Teaching of Home Economics. For certification as a teacher of home economics in Oregon high schools, the Oregon State Department of Education requires (I) the satisfaction of certain minimum standards of subj~ct preparation and (2) the recommendation of the institution at which the student completes his subject preparation. The University of Oregon offers an undergraduate program which satisfies the state standard, but does not offer the additional subject preparation required for permanent certification after a fifth year.of study. For further information, the student should consult the member of the home economics faculty who serves as adviser for prospective teachers. LOWER-DIVISION COURSES REc 121, 122, 123. Clothing Construction. 2 hours each term. Principles of clothing construction. HEc l2i: basic skills in use of patterns, fabrics, and equipment. HEc 122: selection, management, and construction, • On sabbatical leave 1966·67. HOME ECONOMICS 185 using silk and manmade fibers. HEc 123: planning and construction of a lined wool suit or coat. It is recommended that the sequence be preceded by HEc 124, 125, 126 or taken concurrently. HEc 124, 125, 126. Clothing Selection. 1 hour any term. Aesthetic and economic factors in the selection of clothing. HEc 124: aesthetic principles of line, color and texture. HEc 125: expression of individuality through clothing. HEc 126: problems of consumer buying of clothing; clothing expenditures of college students and the family. HEc 127. Textiles. 2 hours any term. Designed to develop a basic consumer understanding of the characteristics of fibers and fabrics; selection, purchase, and care of fabrics and household linens. Suggested parallel for HEc 121. HEc 128. Clothing Selection. 3 hours any term. Covers in one term the work of HEc 124, 125, 126. For students who wish to' take three hours of Clothing Selection in one term. A total of three hours of credit can be earned either in HEc 128, or in HEc 124, 125, 126. HEc 222. Family Relationships. 2 hours any term. . Values and goals of modern family life; family roles of men and women; choice of a marriage partner; adjustment to family life. HEc 225. Nutrition. 3 hours any term. Scientific study of foods; choice of foods for the maintenance of health; common nutritional problems; evaluation of nutritional information provided in the mass media. Ec 226, 227,228. Foods. 3 hours each term.. Scientific approach to food preparation; nutritional, managerial, and aesthetic aspects of meal planning. 2 recitations; 2 two-hour laboratory periods. Ec 250. Camp Cookery. 1 hour any term. Fundamental principles of cookery applied to simple meals in home and camp. 1 three-hour laboratory period. Open to men only. UPPER.DIVISION COURSES Ec 325. Child Care. 3 hours any term. Current concepts of growth and development; prenatal care; behavior and development of the preschool child; the needs of the young child in the family; adult-child relationships. Ec 331. Home Planning and Furnishing. 3 hours any term. Principles involved in the planning and furnishing of a home in the con- temporary world; scientific, aesthetic,' and traditional factors. Ec 339. Household Management. 3 hours any term. Management principles applied to home life; work simplification; choice, use, and care of basic household equipment. Ec 340. Consumer Problems. 3 hours any term. The consumer's role in the marketing system; emphasis on decision-making and buying problems, evaluation of information sources and programs for consumer protection. Ec 430. Personal and Family Finance. 3 hours any term. Management of personal and family income, including budgeting, use of con- sumer cerdit, insurance, social security, sivings and investments, taxes, home ownership, and estate planning. 186 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Industrial and Labor Relations THE UNIVERSITY offers an interdisciplinary program of graduate study i industrial and labor relations, leading to the Master of Arts or Master of Scien( degree. The program is administered by the Institute of Industrial and Lab< Relations (see page 130). The student's program must include work in at least three disciplines,wit at least 18 term hours in one of the three disciplines, and must include a minimUl of 15 term hours in 500-level courses. Before advancement to candidacy for degree, a student must submit a satisfactory score on the Miller Analogies Tel or a comparable objective test. The following University courses are especially relevant to the gradua1 program in industrial and labor relations: Economics-Contemporary Economic Problems (Ec 417); Labor Economi( (Ec 444) ; Organized Labor (Ec 445) ; Labor Legislation (Ec 446) ; Collecth Bargaining (Ec 447, 448, 449) ; Comparative Economic Systems (Ec 450, 45 452) ; American Economic History (Ec 487, 488, 489) ; Development of Industri: Economics (Ec 490, 491, 492) ; Seminar: Labor Economics (Ec 507). Education-Seminar: Work Evaluation (Ed 407) ; Educational and Vo<:< tional Guidance (Ed 488). History-American Economic History (Hst 487, 488, 489). Journalism-Seminar: Industrial Editing (J 407) ; The Press and Socie1 (J 450) ; Publicity and Public Relations (J 459); Public Relations Problen (J 483) ; Journalism and Public Opinion (J 494). Law-Agency (L 427); Labor Law (L 476). Political Science-Administrative Organization and Behavior (PS 412, 413) Theory of Democracy (PS 456, 457) ; The Supreme Court in American Goven ment (PS 484, 485, 486) ; Seminar: Constitutional Law (PS 507) ; Seminal Comparative Labor Movements (PS 507). Production and Industrial Management-Personnel Management (PIM 412) Wage and Salary Administration (PIM 413) ; Problems in Personnel Manage ment (PIM 414); Seminar in Collective Bargaining (PIM 507) ; Personnel A( ministration (PIM 534); Personnel Psychology (PIM 535); Organizationl Conflict and Change (PIM 536). Sociology-Seminar: Sociology of Professions (Soc 407) ; Economic Soc ology (Soc 407); Problems of Change in Underdeveloped Areas (Soc 407) Theory of Small Groups (Soc 430) ; Group Dynamics (Soc 431) ; Sociology ~ Work (Soc 446); Industrial Sociology (Soc 447); Sociology of Occupatio~ (Soc 448) ; Theory of Organization (Soc 541). The Institute of Industrial and Labor Relations provides advice and assis ance to doctoral candidates who are interested in work in industrial relations as minor field or as a supplement to their major program. Latin American Studies THE UNIVERSITY offers undergraduate. and graduate programs in Lat American studies. Students enrolled in these programs complete regular maj requirements in a department of the College of Liberal Arts or a profession school, with additional studies providing an emphasis on the Latin American ar An interdisciplinary committee advises students in the planning of their ar studies; Dr. Daniel Goldrich, associate professor of political science, is chairm of the committee. LINGUISTICS 187 The special requirements for a B.A. degree with emphasis on Latin American Idies are: (1) two years of college study of Spanish or Portuguese or equiva- It; (2) a minimum of 27 term hours in Latin American area courses, other In language, of which at least 18 term hours must be outside the student's Ljor field. The special requirements for a M.A. or Ph.D. degree with an emphasis on .tin American studies are: (1) competence in Spanish or Portuguese, to be monstrated by examination; (2) a minimum of 21 term hours in graduate Llfses in Latin American studies, including 9 hours in an interdisciplinary semi- r; (3) a thesis on a Latin American topic, for which a maximum of 9 hours of ldit may be applied toward requirement (2). Linguistics -IE UNIVERSITY offers an undergraduate interdisciplinary curriculum in guistics, leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree. The requirements are as lows: (I) two years of either French or German, and one year of Greek, Latin, Issian, Japanese, or Chinese; (2) 24 term hours of work in general theory of 19uage; (3) Symbolic Logic (Phi 461, 462) or Philosophy of Language (Phi ~) ; (4) linguistic electives, 6-9 term hours. The program is administered by an erdepartmental committee representing the departments of Anthropology and 19lish and the Division of Modern and Classical Languages; Dr. Oliver M. Wil- 'd, associate professor of English, is chairman of the committee. Mathematics fessors: A. F. MOURSUND (department head), F. W. ANDERSON, F. C. AN- DREWS, PAUL CIVIN, C. W. CURTIS, K. S. GHENT, D. K. HARRISON,· I. M. NIVEN, L. E. WARD, JR.,t BERTRAM YDOD. sociate Professors: H. L. LOEB, E. A. MAIER, K. A. Ross, K. R. STROMBERG,; G. W. STRUBLE, R. F. TATE, D. R. TRUAX,; c. R. B. WRIGHT. sistant Professors: B. A. BARNES, C. M. DED, R. M. GILLETTE, L. C. GROVE, J. E. HUMPHREYS, R. M. KOCH, J. V. LEAHY,· GERSON LEVIN, FRANKLIN LoWENTHAL, T. K. MATTHES, J. M. VAN BUSKIRK, H. E. WARREN. ior Instructors: G. T. BEELMAN, MARIE R. MASON, P. R. SHERMAN. tructors: C. B. BRADEN, R. B. BURCKEL, G. J. LOSCALZO, ERNST MERZRATH, LULU MOURSUND. ociate: S. E. DICKSON. lows: R. L. BOHAC, D. S. BROWDER, M. E. CHRISTIE, C. V. COMISKY, R. E. DRESSLER, THERON FRIEDMAN, R. M. GRASSL, M. M. HOLTE, B. ]. JONES, N. C. MEYER, M. L. OSBORNE, F. A. RICHEN,]. E. SCHNEIDER. istants: R. L. BERNHARDT III, T. C. BURROWES, W. CHANG, A. ]. CLEMONS, L. M. COWAN, R. S. CUNNINGHAM, ]. B. EAGLE, C. C. FAST, C. E. FORD, T. V. FOSSUM, J. M. FRANKLIN, K. R. FULLER, H. R. GAGE, G. A. GISLASON, RITA HALL, R. R. HALLETT, R. W. HONERLAH, W. M. HUBBERT, R. F. JOHN- SONBAUGH, D. H. KELKER, M. R. W. KERVIN, R. A. KREISS, ALICE ]. LADuKE, D. G. LAMET, L. C. LEINBACH, G. G. MICHAEL, ]. A. MINSKY, L. K. MOHLER, D. S. NEWPORT, L. E. OCHS, ]R., W. A. PARKER, W. E. PFAFFENBERGER, ]. P. PIER, R. G. POND, P. S. PUTTER, R. W. RYDEN, H. ]. SCHMIDT, ]R., ]. H. SCHULTZ, ]R., G. M. SEITZ, S. M. SIMMONS, ]ONATHAN * On leave of absence 1966·67. tOn sabbatical leave, fall tenn, 1966-67. t On sabbatiealleave 1966-67. 188 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS STAFFORD, MOLLY R. STAFFORD, M.]. STECHER, T. A. SWANSON, L. D. TUC} ER, D. R. TURNIDGE, E. D. TYMCHATYN, R. L. WAGONER; H. D. WARNE C. C. WHITE, D. D. WILLIAMS, M. ]. ZERGER. MATHEMATICS COURSES at the University are designed to provide t1 training in rigorous thinking and analytical processes which is fundamental to liberal education; to provide basic mathematical and statistical training for stl dents in the social, biological, and physical sciences and in the professional school: to prepare prospective teachers of mathematics; and to provide advanced ar graduate work for students specializing in the field. Preparation for Major Work. Students planning to major in mathematics: the University should take high-school courses in algebra (at least one and on, half years) and plane geometry and, if possible, courses covering trigonometl and more advanced topics. Majors usually begin University work in mathematics with IntroductOl College Mathematics (Mth 104, 105, 106), Preparation for Calculus (Mth 115 Calculus with Analytical Geometry (Mth 200, 201, 202, 203), or Analytic Geon etry and Calculus (Mth 204, 205; 206), the latter sequence being reserved f( Honors College and other especially well-prepared freshmen whose high-sch04 program included trigonometry. Students not prepared for one of these sequence must make up their deficiencies in one or both of the following courses: Elemen' of Algebra (Mth 10), Intermediate Algebra (Mth 95). Students normally may enter Mth 200,201,202, 203 upon completion of M1 105 or Mth 115. Science Group Requirement. Correlated sequences which satisfy the scien( group requirements are listed on page 81. Mth 200, 201, 202, 203 (or Mth 204, 205, 206) is the recommended sequenc for all well-prepared students. Mth 104, lOS, 106 is the standard sequence for stl dents who enter with one and one-half years of high-school algebra, and who i tend to major in mathematics, the physical sciences, or architecture, or to ta more than one year's work in college mathematics. Fundamentals of Mathemati (Honors College) (Mth 107, 108, 109) provides a distinctive approach to colle mathematics for students in the Honors College. The department will recomme suitable sequences in the light of the individual student's interests and mathemati placement-test score. Requirements for Bachelor's Degree. To qualify for a bachelor's degr with a major in mathematics, a student must complete 48 term hours of work the field, including Calculu.s with Analytical Geometry (Mth 200, 201, 202, 20 or Analytic Geometry and Calculus (Mth 204, 205, 206), and at least 30 te hours in upper-division mathematics courses exclusive of Mth 425, 426, 427. N more than 15 hours selected from Mth 441, 442, 443, Mth 447, 448, 449 may counted toward the minimum major requirement. Students preparing for graduate work in mathematics should include in th programs: Mth 411, Mth 415, 416, 417; Mth 418, Mth 419; Mth 431, 432, 43 and Mth 447, 448, 449. Students preparing for graduate work in statistics sho follow the same program. Attainment of a reading knowledge of at least one the following languages is highly recommended: French, German, Russian. Secondary-School Teaching of Mathematics. For certification as a teach of mathematics in Oregon high schools, the Oregon State Department of Educ tion requires (l) the satisfaction of certain minimum standards of subject prepar tion and (2) the recommendation of the institution at which the student complet his subject preparation. To meet the state standards in mathematics and the requirements for Wlqu fled recommendation by the University of Oregon, students should satisfy t MATHEMATICS 189 ~quirements for a bachelor's degree with a major in mathematics, and should lc1ude in their programs: Calculus (Mth 313), Fundamentals of Algebra (Mth n, 342, 343), Fundamentals of Geometry (Mth 344, 345), and Fundamentals f Statistics (Mth 346). Regular session cotjrses with similar content and special pper-division and graduate courses offered during summer sessions are acceptable lbstitutes for these courses. Nonmajor students who wish to prepare for the teaching of mathematics as a ~cond field should include Fundamentals of Algebra (Mth 341, 342, 343) and 'undamentals of Geometry (Mth 344, 345) in their programs. For further information, the student should consult the member of the mathe- latics faculty who serves as adviser for prospective teachers. Honors. See HONORS COLLEGE, pages 132 ff. Graduate Work. The Department of Mathematics offers graduate work ~ding to the Master of Arts, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy de- rees. Candidates for the Ph.D. degree are accepted in such fields as number leary, algebra, analysis, topology, topological algebra, and probability and sta- tstics. Students interested in graduate work should consult the head of the de- artment concerning departmental requirements. Statistical Laboratory and Computing Center. A Statistical Laboratory ill Computing Center is operated under the auspices of the Graduate School, in ose cooperation with the Department of Mathematics. IBM 1620 and 360 e1ec- 'onic computers are available for research and teaching. See pages 127-128. LOWER-DIVISION COURSES [th 95. Intermediate Algebra. 4 hours. Fundamentals of algebra. Intended for students entering with less than two years of high-school algebra; not open for credit for students entering with four years of high-school mathematics including trigonometry. th 104, 105, 106. Introductory College Mathematics. 4 hours each term. Elements of mathematical logic and set theory, college algebra, trigonometry, analytic geometry, and elementary calculus. Prerequisite: one and one-half years of high-school algebra or Mth 95. th 107, 108, 109. Fundamentals of Mathematics (Honors College). 4 hours each term. A terminal course. Selected topics from number theory, combinatorics, graph theory, infinite sets and other areas; does not prepare students for Mth 204. Prerequisite: enrollment in the Honors College. th 115. Preparation for Calculus. 4 hours. Selected topics from algebra, trigonometry, and other areas. For entering sttjdents who have had a considerable amount of high-school mathematics and whose placement scores indicate a need for a brief course in precalculus mathe- matics. Prerequisite: placement score just below that required for Mth 200 or consent of department. th 121, 122, 123. Mathematics for Elementary Teachers. 3 hours each term. Basic concepts of arithmetic, elementary algebra, and elementary geometry. Emphasis on the real number system and deductive process within the system. Open only to prospective elementary teachers. th 124. Mathematics of Finance. 4 hours. Simple and compound interest and discount, annuities, periodic-payment plans, bonds, depreciation, mathematics of insurance. and other topics related to busi- ness. Prerequisite: Mth 104. th 200, 201, 202, 203. Calculus with Analytical Geometry. 4 hours each term. Standard sequence for students of physical, biological, and social sciences. 190 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Prerequisite: high-school trigonometry and a high placement score; , Mth 115; or Mth 104, 105, 106; or Mth 104 with a grade of A or B and co sent. Not open to students who have credit for Mth 204, 205, 206. Mth 204, 205, 206. Analytic Geometry and Calculus. 5 hours each term. A unified treatment of analytic geometry and calculus; equivalent of Mth 2( 201,202,203. Special section for Honors College and other superior studenl Prerequisite: high-school trigonometry and a high placement score; or M 115; or Mth 104 with a grade of A or B and consent. Mth 233. Introduction to Numerical Computation. 3 hours. Basic principles of computation; programming a computer in an algebr;; language. Prerequisite: Mth 104 or equivalent. Mth 290. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Selected topics not covered in the regular lower-division courses. For st dents of high ability. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES Mth 313. Calculus. 4 hours. Foundations of the calculus. For prospective high-school teachers. Pr requisite: calculus and consent of instructor. Mth 319. Number Theory. 3 hours. Divisibility, congruences, number theoretic functions, Diophantine equatior Prerequisite: year sequence in calculus or consent of instructor. Mth 341,342,343. Fundamentals of Algebra. 3 hours each term. Algebraic topics, for prospective secondary-school teachers of mathemati< Inequalities, congruences, bases of the number system, foundations of algebr set theory, Boolean algebras, elementary matrix and group theory. Prereql site: year sequence in calculus or consent of instructor. Mth 344, 345. Fundamentals of Geometry. 3 hours each term. Geometric topics, for prospective secondary-school teachers of mathemati< Length, area, volume, and the related limit problem. Ruler and compass co structions, locus problems. Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries. Coon nate and noncoordinate techniques in the plane and in space. Prerequisit, year sequence in calculus or consent of instructor. Mth 346. Fundamentals of Statistics. 3 hours. Topics in probability and statistics, for prospective secondary-school teache of mathematics. Probability and random variables on finite sets. Binomial al hypergeometric distributions. Random number tables. Frequency distributio and histograms. Algebra of elementary statistical distributions. Tests of h potheses and linear estimates. Prerequisite: year sequence in calculus or co sent of instructor. Mth 354. Mathematical Logic and Set Theory. 3 hours. Topics in mathematical logic and set theory. Propositional calculus, algeb of sets, functions and relations, cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers, point se on the real line. Prerequisite: calculus or consent of instructor. Mth 403. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Mth 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Mth 407. Seminar. (g) Hours to be arranged. Mth411. Introductory Linear Algebra. (g) 3 hours. Computational matrix algebra. Vector spaces, systems of linear equatiOl matrices, determinants, characteristic roots, quadratic forms and diagon zation. Prerequisite: Mth 202 or Mth 205, or consent of instructor. Mth 412. Linear Algebra. (g) 3 hours. Proofs of theorems on basis and dimension in abstract vector spaces; MATHEMATICS 191 transformations, the minimal polynomial; determinant of a linear transforma- tion; characteristic roots and vectors; orthogonal, unitary, and symmetric transformations. Prerequisite: Mth 411. fth 413. Geometric Algebra. (G) 3 hours. Introduction to the classical linear groups and geometrics associated with them. Prerequisite: Mth 412. 1:th 414. Introduction to Hilbert Space. (G) 3 hours. Geometry of infinite dimensional Hilbert space; bounded linear operators and their adjoints; spectral theorem for self-adjoint and unitary operators. Pre- requisite: Mth 412. fth 415,416,417. Introduction to Abstract Algebra. (G) 3 hours each term. Sets, relations, mappings; introduction to the theory of groups, rings, fields, polynomial rings; linear algebra and matrix theory. Prerequisite: Mth 411 or consent of instructor. fth 418. DifferentialEquations. (g) 3 hours. Linear differential equations, applications, systems of equations. Prerequisite: Mth 200,201,202,203 or Mth 204, 205, 206, Mth 411. 1:th 419. Functions of Several Variables. (g) 3 hours. Infinite series, power series, partial differentiation, multiple integrals, and other related topics. Prerequisite: Mth 200, 201, 202, 203 or Mth 204, 205, 206. ith 420. Vector Analysis. (g) 3 hours. Vector operations, divergence theorem, Stokes' theorem, applications. Pre- requisite: Mth 419 or equivalent. fth 421. Functions of a Complex Variable. (g) 3" hours. Cauchy's theorem, residues, contour integration. Prerequisite: Mth 419 or consent of instructor ith 422. Fourier Series. (g-) 3 hours. ~ Pointwise and mean convergence, orthogonal functions, applications to par-tial differential 425, 426, 427. Elements of Statistical Methods. (g) 3 hours each term. A basic sequence in statistical analysis; not intended for mathematics majors. Presentation of data; sampling theory; tests of significance; analysis of vari- ance and covariance; regression and correlation; sequential analysis; design of experiments; distribution-free techniques. Prerequisite: Mth 95 or equiva- lent; junior standing. th 428. Scientific and Statistical Computation. (G) 3 hours. Numerical computation, including programming a computer in algebraic language and numerical error control. Prerequisite: Mth 418 or concurrent registration in a 400-level analysis or statistics course. th 429, 430. Numerical Analysis. (G) 3 hours each term. Approximation theory, finite difference calculus, numerical integration, matrix methods, numerical solution of differential equations. Prerequisite: Mth 428 and one term in analysis. th 431,432,433. Advanced Calculus. (G) 3 hours each term. A rigorous treatment of topics introduced in elementary calculus or more- advanced topics basic to the study of real and complex vari,\bles. Prerequisite: calculus and upper-division mathematics sequence. th 438. Introduction to Topology. (G) 3 hours. Elements of set theory, metric and topological spaces, connectedness and compactness; emphasis on those concepts of topology which are fundamental to advanced calculus.Prerequisite : calculus. th 441, 442,443. Introduction to Statistical Theory. (g) 3 hours each term. Designed primarily for nonmajors who have a working knowledge of calculus and for mathematics majors intending to take no further work in statistics. 192 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Topics covered include: elementary theory of probability, sampling theof) estimation, hypothesis testing, sequential and nonparametrie methods, ele mentary decision theory. Prerequisite: calculus. Mth 444. Computing. (g) 4 hours. Introduction of the principles of digital computers; analysis of data-process in; systems; programming languages and techniques; selected advanced topic of current interest. Prerequisite: Mth 233. Mth 445. System Programming. (g) 4 hours. Study of computer operating systems, input and output systems, assemble and compiler construction. Prerequisite: Mth 444. Mth 447, 448, 449. Mathematical Statistics. (G) 3 hours each term. Combinatorial probability; development of distribution theory from the theor: of probability; derivation of sampling distributions; introduction to theory 0 statistical estimation and inference. Prerequisite: calculus and upper-divisiOi mathematics sequence. GRADUATE COURSES *Mth 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. *Mth 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Mth 50S. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Mth 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Algebraic Geometry. Humphreys, Leahy. Applied Mathematics. Lowenthal, Yood. Banach Algebras. Yood. Commutative Algebra. Anderson, Harrison. Complex Variable Theory. Koch, Lowenthal. Computing. Struble. Differential Geometry. Koch, Leahy. Fourier Analysis. Ross. Function Algebras. Civin. Groups and Representations. Curtis, Grove, Wright. Harmonic Analysis. Ross, Stromberg. Homological Algebra. Anderson, Harrison. Knot Theory. Van Buskirk. Lie Algebras and Algebraic Groups. Curtis, Humphreys. Noncommutative Rings. Anderson, Curtis, Harrison. Number Theory. Niven. Numerical Analysis. Loeb, Struble. Selected Topics for Mathematics Teachers. Ghent, Maier, Moursund. Statistics and Stochastic Processes. Andrews, Matthes, Tate, Truax. Topics in Functional Analysis. Civin, Ross, Stromberg, Yood. Topological Semi-Groups. Ward. Topology. Gillette, Van Buskirk, Ward. Mth 541, 542, 543. Abstract Algebra. 3 hours each term. Group theory, fields, Galois theory, algebraic numbers, matrices, rings, alg bras. Mth 544, 545, 546. Structure of Rings and Algebras. 3 hours each term. Topics selected from: rings with minimum condition, algebras over a comm tative ring, rings without finiteness assumptions, and nonassociative rings an algebras. Mth 547, 548, 549. Algebraic Number Theory. 3 hours each term. Algebraic, irrational, transcendental, and normal numbers; approximation algebraic and transcendental numbers by rationals. Mth 551,552,553. Theory of Functions of a Real Variable. 3 hours each term. Measure and integration, Hilbert and Banach spaces, and related topic * No-grade course. MATHEMA TICS 193 Mth 554, 555, 556. Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable. 3 hours each term. The theory of Cauchy, power series, contour integration, analytic continua- tion, entire functions, and related topics. Mth 557, 558, 559. Topics in Classical Analysis. 3 hours each term.· Fourier series, Fourier transforms, integral equations, linear operations In Hilbert space, spectraLtheory. Mth 561, 562, 563. Modern Theories in Analysis. 3 hours each term. Measure theory, Banach spaces and algebras, analysis in topological groups; modern functional analysis, with emphasis on the connections with classical analysis and on applications to harmonic analysis. Mth 571, 572, 573. Topology. 3 hours each term. General and point set topology, introduction to algebraic topology. Mth 581, 582, 583. Theory of Estimation and Testing Hypotheses. 3 hours each term. Classical theory of testing and estimation, BAN estimates, moment estimates, sequential analysis. Mth 584,585,586. Theory of Probability. 3 hours each term. Elements of measure theory, probability in abstract spaces, random variables, independence, cumulative distribution functions, characteristic functions, mo- ments, convergence of distributions, the central limit problem, Infinitely die visible distributions; applications to statistics. Mth 587, 588. Stochastic Processes. 3 hours each term. A non-measure-theoretie introduction to the theory of stochastic processes; processes discrete in space and time, discrete in space and continuous in time, continuous in space and time; applications. Mth 591, 592, 593. Advanced Mathematical Statistics. 3 hours each term. Topics selected from: analysis of variance and design of experiments; multi- variate analysis; sampling from finite populations; nonparametrie methods. th 594. Theory of Games. 3 hours. The theory of games, with special emphasis on zero-sum two-person games. th 595, 596. Statistical Decision Theory. 3 hours each term. Statistical decision theory based on the theory of games; sequential decision theory; comparison of experiments. COURSES OFFERED ONLY IN SUMMER SESSIONS AND EXTENSION th 10. Elements of Algebra. No credit (extension). th 457 458,459. Foundations of Mathematics. (g) 3-4 hours each term (sum- mer sessions). th 468,469. Probability and Statistics. (g) 3-4 hours each term (summer sessions) . th 478, 479. Algebra. (g) 3~4 hours each term (summer sessions). th 487,488,489. Geometry. (g) 3-4 hours each term (summer sessions) th 498, 499. Analysis. (g) 3-4 hours each term (summer sessions). th 578,580. Algebra. 3-4 hours each term (summer sessions). th 589. Geometry. 3-4 hours (summer sessions). th 598, 599. Analysis. 3-4 hours each term (summer sessions). 194 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Medical Technology THE UNIVERSITY offers a four-year program in medical technology, leading to the bachelor's degree. The program includes three years of work on the Eugene campus and one year at the Medical School in Portland. During his three years on the Eugene campus, the student must satisfy (1) all general University degree requirements, for majors in professional schools, that cannot be satisfied with work taken at the Medical School, and (2) the special science requirements for admis- sion to the fourth-year program at the Medical School. The following recommend- ed courses satisfy the science requirements: Ternt Hours Mathematics (above Mth 10)........................... 12 General Biology (Bi 101, 102, 103).................. 12 General Chemistry (Ch 104, 105, 106)........ 9 Inorganic Qualitative Analysis (Ch 108) 2 Intro. Volumetric Analysis (Ch 109) 2 Organic Chemistry (Ch 334, 335, Ch 337, 338).................................... 10 Quantitative Analysis (Ch 320)................ 4 Essentials of Physics (Ph 101, 102, 103) . 9 Intro. to Bacteriology (Bi 381, 382)..................... 6 Upper-division biology _ _........ . _................................ 6 For an outline of the fourth-year program, see the University of Oregon Medical School Catalog. Medicine, Preparatory THE UNIVERSITY offers a premedical program which satisfies the require- ments for admission to American medical schools, including the University oj Oregon Medical School in Portland. The program is supervised by a special advisory committee, of which Dr. Bradley T. Scheer, professor of biology, is chairman. Medical schools have varying admission requirements. The requirements oj the several schools are listed in Admission Reqllil'ements for American .Iv!edical Colleges, an annual volume published by the Association of American Medical Colleges; students planning to seek admission to a particular school should' con- sult this volume, and plan their premedical studies to satisfy any special require- ments of the school. Nearly all medical schools require applicants to take the Medical College Admissions Test. The test is given twice each year, in October and May; stu- dents are advised to take the test in May of the calendar year before they plan to enter medical school. Application for permission to take the test must be made about a month before the scheduled date. Application blanks may be obtained in the Office of Admissions. The University of Oregon Medical School requires that .the student mus1 have earned a B.A. or B.S. degree before entrance or must complete the work for the degree at the University of Oregon, or at the institution at which he received his premedical preparation, before entering upon the work of the third year at the Medical School. Under University of Oregon regulations, a maximum oj 48 term hours of work in medicine may be counted as credit earned in residence toward the bachelor's degree. Students who expect to complete the requirements for a bachelor's degree a1 the Medical School should satisfy, in their premedical program, all requirement! for the degree (including general University requirements and requirements fOl a major in the College of Liberal Arts) that cannot be satisfied with work taker at the Medical School. MODERN AND CLASSICAL LANGUAGES 195 Many students elect a departmental major in the College of Liberal Arts (history, biology, chemistry, physics, etc.) ; these students should consult their departmental adviser at the beginning of their junior year concerning major re- quirements. Students may also elect a more general program leading to a major in general science. The following courses satisfy both the science requirements for admission to the University of Oregon Medieal School and, with additional science instruc- tion at the Medical School, the requirements for a major in general science: 4_ 12 IS 10 7-8 Term Hours 12 9 Mathematics (above level of Mth 10) .. . General Chemistry (Ch 104, lOS, 106) ...._ Inorganic Qualitative Analysis (Ch 108), Introductory Volumetric Analysis (Ch 109) ._ . .___ .._ _. .. __ _ . General Biology (Bi 101, 102, 103) ._ __ _._._ __ . General Physics (Ph 201, 202, 203, Ph 204, 205, 206) _ Organic Chemistry (Ch 334, 335, Ch 337, 338) _._ _. __ ._. .._ _. __ Advanced biology (comparative anatomy, embryology, or genetics) . . Transfer students will be expected to take Quantitative Analysis (Ch 320), 5 term hours. Scholarships. For special scholarships for premedical students, see page 108. Honors. See HONORS COLLEGE, pages 132 ff. Modern and Classical Languages D. M. DOUGHERTY, Executive Officer of the Division Classics, and "Chinese and Japanese Professor: F. M. COMBELLACK.* Associate Professor: C. B. PASCAL (department head). Assistant Professors: C. M. BLACK, EDNA LANDROS (emeritus), HIROSHI MIYAJI, W. E. NAFF, ANGELA PALANDRI.* nstructor : J. L. REAVIS. ecturer: CLARA SUN. ellows: BARBARA BUONO, DAVID GILMOUR, MARGARET LAMBERTI, PRUDY SCHROEDER. Assistants: JANE ·M.ARCHIBALD, F. C. LORISH, YOKO MCCLAIN, M. J. MOFFITT, J. F. POWERS, TSENG-WEN SHEN. German and Russian Professors: W. A. LEPPMANN (department head),* E. P. KREMER ,(emeritus), R. A. NICHOLLS (acting head), H. D. SACKER. ssociate Professors: P. B. GONTRUM, W. L. HAHN, ASTRID M. WILLIAMS. ssistant Professors: CAROL B. BEDWELL, ALBERT LEONG, J. R. MCWILLIAMS, H. R. PLANT,* VLADIMIR TOLSON. nstructor~: NICHOLAS CHICHERIN, PAUL JUSWIGG, ESTHER H. LESER, HOWARD PURVIS, VERA SIMONIN. ellows: W. K. BARROWS, MARY BOWEN, CARL CALENDAR, G. A. FETZ, G. D. FRANKLIN, BRITTA HALVORSEN, OTMAR JONAS, BETH E. MAVEETY, G. M. MOORAD, A. J. ODMARK, JR., J. R. REECE, ANNE C. SCHMIDT, D. L. WILLIAMS, D. S. WOLFE. * On leave of absence 1966·67. 196 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Assistants: A. D. BEHN, D. P. BENSELER, MEREDITH BOGGS, KAREN M. BUHR- MANN, HENRY CROES, VALERIE J. HALL, ROSEMARY IMBERT, HANS KASDORF, R. H. MCCULLOCH, JOSEPHINE E. MAYER, D. A. MILLER, JUDY L. TORVEND, JOHN WALTER. Romance Language Professors: C. B. BEALL, D. M. DOUGHERTY, T. R. HART,* C. L. JOHNSON, L. O. WRIGHT (emeritus). Associate Professors: P. J. POWERS (department head), E. S. HATZANTONIS,* T. E. MARSHALL,* D. G. SIMONIN. Assistant Professors: RANDI M. BIRN, P. W. NOBILE, S. L. ROSE, R. H. DES- ROCHES, T. J. TOMANEK. Senior Instructors: H. F. COOPER, D. J. CURLAND. Instructors: PRISCILLA E. BECK, NOELENE BLOOMFIELD, G. A. CASAGRANDE, HAY CHAN DAM, ADRIANA CORTES-HWANG, PIETRO D'ANGELO, MARIE T. FAVERO, COLETTE FREITAG, ALBERTO DE LA FUENTE, ]. E. HWANG, M. VIRGINIA JONES, ELISABETH K. MARLOW, L. A. OLIVIER, JR. Lecturers: P. M. LEWIS, ARTURO MIRO-CAYUELA. Fellows: STEPHEN ARNOLD, BARBARA A. BOOHAR, CAROLE J. BUBASH, H. KAY CAPRON, VALERIE D. CLARK, MARILYN J. CONLEY, SUSAN M. CULVER, G. S. GIAUQUE, JANET GILLESPIE, ANNEM. HILTON, THOMAS HINES, D. D. Mc- WILLIAMS, D. E. MARSTON, MARGARET MORRIS, BARBARA G. MURPHY, JEAN D. NOLAND, MARY M. NORVAL, J. E. RIVERS, JR. Assistants: GRACIELA G. BATISTA, BENEDICT BEITcISHOO, R. E. BUTLER, JR., GLORIA J. CAHAN, ADRIANA J. CHIODO, R. H. ESTUPINIAN, STEPHANIE FECHNER, MARY D. FROHNMAYER, JANICE F. GERVAIS, KAREN L. HENRY, REITA M. HRIBERNICK, PHYLLIS J. KAFF, ESTHER H. LESER, E. L. LOPEZ, W. 1. LUSETTI, H. D. MANNING, L. B. MARCUS, C. A. MOORE, W. V. NORVAL, C. E. PERRY, LINDA L. PETERSON, JANE W. ROMIG, KAREN S. ROYCE, SANDRA L. SMITH, C. C. STATHATOS, T. G. TEN EYCK, MARY L. WAGNER. THE DIVISION OF MODERN AND CLASSICAL LANGUAGES includes the Department of Classics, and Japanese and Chinese, the Department of German and Russian, and the Department of Romance Languages. The departments offer instruction in Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Norwe- gian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. The undergraduate course offer- ings provide: (1) an introduction to the nature and structure of language as a basic aspect of human culture; (2) an introduction to the principal literatures of the world; (3) major programs in Greek, Latin, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, and Japanese; (4) a reading knowledge of languages required of candi- dates for advanced degrees; and (5) proficiency in the speaking, understanding, and writing of French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish. A fully equipped language laboratory provides practice in speaking and under- standing the modern languages through the use of tapes and of recordings made by native speakers. Major Requirements. Major requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree are as follows: Classics. Twenty-four term hours in Greek or Latin beyond the second-year sequence; History of Greece (Hst 411), History of Rome (Hst 412, 413). Majors in Greek or Latin are normally expected to take work in the other Classical lang- uage or in French or German. Fifteen term housr beyond the second-year sequence; 15 term hours in Chinese; Introduction to Japanese Literature (AL 301, 302, 303) ; History oj • On leave of absence 1966-67. MODERN AND CLASSICAL LANGUAGES 197 apan (Hst 497,498,499). Majors in Japanese are expected to develop a strong econdary field such as English, a European language and literature, or one of the ocial sciences. French, German, Italian, Russian, or Spanish. Thirty term hours beyond the econd-year sequence-normally survey of literature, composition and conversa- ion, and two additional upper-division year sequences (at least one a literature equence) . Romance Languages, Modern Languages, Classical and 1110dern Languages. fhirty term hours beyond the second-year sequence in one language and 15 term lours beyond the second-year sequence in a second language,including two upper- livision literature sequences in the first language and one in the second. Secondary-School Teaching of Foreign Languages. For certification as a eacher of French, German, Spanish, or Latin in Oregon high schools, the Oregon ;tate Department of Education requires (1) the satisfaction of certain minimum tandards of subject preparation and (2) the r~commendationof the institution at vhich the student completes his subject preparation. Completion of 45 term hours of work in anyone of these languages satisfies he state standards for undergraduate preparation and the requirements for rec- lmmendation by the University of Oregon. The Division of Modern and Classical ~anguages will, however, approve enrollment for student teaching only if the stu- lent's course work in the language he plans to teach is of high quality, if he has at- ained reasonable oral and written control of the language, if he has completed ~d 315, and if he has completed or is enrolled in Ed 408. For permanent certification, after a fifth year of preparation, the student must :omplete an additional 15 term hours in linguistics, culture and civilization, and lhonetics (phonetics not required for certification in Latin). The following courses Lre recommended: French, RL 429, 430, RL 331, 332; German, GL 340, 341,342, fhonetics; Spanish, RL 432, 433, RL 350, 351; Latin, Hst 411, Hst 412, 413; all tmguages, AL 450, 451. It is recommended that, if possible, the student complete the five-year program or permanent certification before he begins teaching, and that, during the fifth ear, he satisfy the requirements for the interdisciplinary master's degree in teach- g. For further information, the student should consult a member of the faculty f the Division of Modern and Classical Languages who serves as adviser for rospective teachers. Honors. See HONORS COLLEGE, pages 132 ff. Graduate Study. The Division of Modern and Classical Languages offers rograms of graduate study leading to the degree of Master of Arts in Greek, atin, Classical languages, German, French, Spanish, Romance languages, and omparative Literature, and to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Romance nguages, Germanic languages, and Comparative Literature. For the master's de- ree, courses are offered in the languages and literatures of Greece, Rome, France, ermany, Spain, and Spanish America; preferably, the student's program should clude work in two of these fields. For the doctorate in Romance languages, op- ortunities for advanced study are provided in the French and Spanish fields, pplemented by offerings in Italian, German, Portuguese, Proveni;al, and Classi- al languages. The program for the Germanic languages includes dvanced study of literature and philology, supplemented by courses in English terature and philology and in Romance and Classical languages and literatures. The graduate program in Comparative Literature is administered by a commit- e representing the Department of English and the Division of Modern and Clas- ica1 Languages; it offers opportunity for advanced study of several literatures, 198 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS in their original languages. The doctoral programs are intended primarily to pre pare college te'achers and research scholars. Doctoral studies may center in tho investigation of a single problem, the results of which are embodied in the disserta tion, or may be more broadly cultural, with less emphasis on research. The resources of the University Library for research in Classical languages French, Spanish, and German are adequate for the division's graduate programs in some fields they are outstanding. The Library's holdings of learned periodical: are extensive; the quarterly journal, COMPARATIVE LITERATURE, is edited in thl department. Classics, and Chinese and Japanese GREEK LOWER·DIVISION COURSES CL 50, 51. Beginning Greek. 4 hours each term. The fundamentals of the Attic Greek language. Black, Pascal. CL 52. Introduction to Xenophon. 4 hours. Reading of the first four books of Xenophon's Anabasis. Black, Pascal. CL 101, 102. Introduction to Homer. 4 hours each term. Reading of Books I-VI of the Iliad. The Homeric dialect; practice with th, Homeric meter. Lectures on the Homeric Age. Combellack, Black, Pascal. CL 103. Introduction to Plato. 4 hours. Reading of the Etlthyphro, Crito, and Apology. Combellack, Black, Pascal. CL 231, 232. New Testament Readings. 4 hours each term. Selected readings from the Gospels and Paul's Epistles. May be followed b~ CL 103 or CL 316 to complete ayear sequence. UPPER·DIVISION COURSES. AL 304, 305, 306. Literature of the Ancient World. 3 hours each term. For description, see page 137. Combellack. AL 321, 322, 323. Classic Myths. I hour each term. For description, see page 137. Pascal. CL 314, 315. Introduction to Homer. 4 hours each term. For de~cription, see CL 101, 102. Not open to students who have complete( that sequence. Combellack. CL 316. Introduction to Plato. 4 hours. For description, see CL 103. Not open to students who have completed tha course. Combellack. CL 317. Euripides. 3 hours. Reading of Alcestis and Electra. Lectures on Greek stage antiquities. Combe! lack. CL 318. Herodotus. 3 hours. Reading of selections from Herodotus' HisforJ'. Study of the Ionic dialecl Combellack. CL 319. Aristophanes. 3 hours. Reading of The Frogs and one or two other plays. Aristophanes as a literal': critic. Lectures onGreek comedy. Combellack. CL 320. Sophocles. 3 hours. Reading, in alternate years, of the Trojan and the Theban plays. Combellad CL 321. Demosthenes. 3 hours. Reading of the De corona·. Lectures on the Attic orators. Combellack. MODERN AND CLASSICAL LANGUAGES 199 :L 351,352,353. Greek Prose Composition. 1 hour each term. :L 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT :L 407. Greek Seminar. (G) Hours to be arranged. :L 411. Thucydides. (G) 3 hours. Reading of selections from the History of the Peloponnesian War. Lectures on fifth-century Athens. Combellack. :L412. Aeschylus. (G) 3 hours. Reading of the Oresteia.. Pascal, Combellack. :L 413. Theocritus. (G) 3 hours. Reading of Theocritus and selections from other Greek bucolic poets. Lec- tures on ancient pastoral poetry and its influence. Pascal, Combellack. :L 414. Plato's Republic. (G) 3 hours. Reading of the Republic, with special attention to Plato's literary art and to his attitude toward literature. Pascal, Combellack. :L 415. Aristotle's Ethics. (G) 3 hours. Reading of the Nicomachean Ethics. Lectures on ancient ethical theories and on Aristotle's relationship to Plato. Combellack. :L416. Greek Lyric Poetry. (G) 3hours. Readings from the lyric poets, including some elegiac poets. Combellack. GRADUATE COURSES CL 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. :L 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. :L 507. Greek Seminar. Hours to be arranged. L 517,518,519. Studies in Greek Literature. Hours to be arranged. Introduction to methods and materials for research in the classics; special attention to literary problems. Study of one of the following: Homer's Odyssey, Sophocles, Thucydides, Plato's Republic, Alexandrian poetry. Combellack. LATIN LOWER-DIVISION COURSES L 60, 61, 62. First-Year Latin. 4 hours each term. Fall and winter: fundamentals of Latin grammar; spring: selected readings from Caesar. L 104. Cicero's Orations. 4 hours. Reading of selected orations, with close study of classical Latin forms and constructions as exemplified in Cicero's speeches. L 105. Virgil's Aeneid. 4 hours. Reading of the first six books of the Aeneid. Practice in reading Latin hexa- meter; 106. Terence. 4 hours. Reading of a representative comedy of Terence. Survey of the early Roman theater. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES 301. Livy. 3 hours. Reading of Books I and II, with attention to Livy's prose style and especially his narrative technique. Pascal. 'it No-grade Course. 200 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS CL 302. Virgil's Eclogues and Georgics. 3 hours. Selected readings from the earlier poetic works of Virgil. Pascal. CL 303. Horace's Odes. 3 hours. Selected odes from the four books. Special attention to Horace's empIa) ment of the lyric form to express national ideals as well as personal thougl and emotion. Pascal. AL 304, 305, 306. Literature of the Ancient World. 3 hours each term. For description, see page 137. Combellack. AL 321, 322, 323. Classic Myths. 1 hour each term. For description, see page 137. Pascal. CL 341. Horace's Satires and Epistles. 3 hours. Reading of selections from the Satires and Epistles. Study of the Horatia technique of satire. Pascal. CL 342. Pliny and Martial. 3 hours. Selected letters of Pliny and epigrams of Martial. Development of Silv( Latin as seen in a representative prose writer and poet; the literary and hi~ torical trends in Rome of the first and early second century A.D. Pascal. CL 343. Tacitus' Agricola and Germania. 3 hours. Close study of Tacitean style in the earlier works. Pascal. CL 345. Ovid's Metamorphoses. 3 hours. Reading of some 6f the major myths. Study of Ovid's storytelling techniqu Pascal. . CL 346. Petronius' Cena Trima1chionis. 3 hours. Reading of the entire Cena. Petronius' role in the development of the pical esque novel. Special attention to the colloquial Latin spoken by the chal acters in the CC>la. Pascal. CL 347, 348, 349. Latin Composition. 1 hour each term. Survey of classical Latin syntax; extensive practice III prose compositioJ Designed for majors and prospective teachers. Pascal. CL 361. Cicero's Philosophical Works. 3 hours. Reading of the Tusculan Disputatians and the De officiis. Cicero's role as a eclectic philosopher. Black. CL 362. Lucretius. 3 hours. Reading of Book I and other selections from the De rerum natura. Revie' of ancient atomic theory. Close study of the Lucretian hexameter. Black. CL 363. Catullus. 3 hours. Reading and analysis of both the "personal" and Alexandrian poems. Tl political and social background of Catullus' poetry. Black. CL 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT CL 408. Latin Seminar. (G) Hours to be arranged. CL 447, 448, 449. Latin Prose Composition. (G) I hour each term. Composition of continuous Latin prose based on an intensive study of stylist models from classical literature. Prerequisite: CL 347, 348, 349 or gradua standing. CL 461. Propertius and Tibullus. (G) 3 hours. Reading of works of Propertius and Tibullus. Comparison of the poetic styli of these two Augustan poets. Combellack. CL 462. Juvenal. (G) 3 hours. Reading of the selected satires. Juvena]'s relation to the R,oman tradition I satire. Pascal. MODERN AND CLASSICAL LANGUAGES 201 :L 463. Tacitus' Annals. ( G) 3 hours. Reading of the first six books of the Annals. Analysis of Tacitus' style. His importance as an interpreter of the early empire. Pascal. GRADUATE COURSES CL 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. :L 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. :L 508. Latin Seminar. Hours to be arranged. :L 511, 512, 513. Readings in Mediaeval Latin. Hours to be arranged. :L 514,515,516. Studies in Latin Literature. Hours to be arranged. Intensive study of one of the following, with special attention to literary prob- lems: Latin epic, Augustan elegy. Combellack, Pascal. CHINESE AND JAPANESE LOWER-DIVISION COURSES )L 50, 51,52. First-Year Chinese. 5 hours each term. Colloquial Chinese (Peking); approximately half the year devoted to the oral-aural approach to conversation, and the other half to the reading and writing of materials in Chinese characters. Palandri, Sun. )L 60, 61, 62. First-Year japanese. 5 hours each term. Colloquial Japanese (Tokyo); approximately half the year devoted to the oral-aural approach to conversation, and the other half to the reading and writing of materials in characters and the syllabaries. Miyaj i. )L 101,102, 103. Second-Year Chinese. 5 hours each term. Continuation of OL 50, 51, 52, with the systematic addition of new characters and styles; designed to increase fluency in conversation, reading, and writing. Palandri, Sun. L 104, 105, 106. Second-Year japanese. 5 hours each term. Continuation of OL 60, 61, 62, with the systematic addition of new characters and styles; designed to increase fluency in conversation, reading, and writing. Naff. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES L 301,302,303. Introduction to japanese Literature. 3 hours each term. For description, see page 137. Naff. L 307, 308, 309. Introduction to Chinese Literature. 3 hours each term. For description, see page 137. Palandri, Sun. L 311,312,313. Third-Year Chinese. 3 hours each term. Advanced readings in contemporary Chinese; introduction to classical, docu- mentary, and historical texts. Palandri, Sun. L314, 315, 316. Third-Year japanese. 5 hours each term. Advanced readings in modern documentary and literary Japanese; use of standard reference materials and introduction to the classical language. Miyaji. L 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. UPP'ER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT L 411, 412, 413. Classical japanese. (g) 3 hours each term. Reading from each of the major periods of premodern Japanese (archaic, classical, mediaeval, and early modern) as a preparation for research or lite- rary studies in materials written up to 1900. Naif. '" N a-grade course. 202 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS German and Russian GERMAN LOWER-DIVISION COURSES GL 50, 51, 52. First-Year German. 4 hours each term. Designed to provide a thorough grammatical foundation and an elemental' reading knowledge of German, as well as an understanding of the spoke language. Diller, staff. GL 53, 54. First-Year German. 6 hours each term, winter and spring. A two-term sequence covering the work of GL 50, 51, 52. For students wh wish to begin German in the winter term. GL 101, 102, 103. Second-Year German. 4 hours each term. Review of grammar and composition; reading of selections from representa tive authors; conversation. Special section for" Honors College student~ Bedwell, staff. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES GL 301, 302, 303. Survey of German Literature. 3 hours each term. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present; readings from repre sentative authors. One section conducted in German. Prerequisite: two year of college German. McWilliams, Williams. GL 307, 308, 309. German Literature of the Twentieth Century. 3 hours eac term. Introduction to the prose, poetry, and drama of the modern period. Particula attention to literal-Y trends (naturalism, neoromanticism, expressionism, post world \Var II literature) and experimental forms of the period. Emphasis 0 representative authors including Hauptmann, Thomas Mann, Rilke, Hess( Kafka, Brecht. Bedwell, Diller. AL 314,315,316. Introduction to Germanic Literature. 3 hours each term. For description, see page 137. Gontrum. GL 320,321,322. Scientific German. 3 hours each term. Intensive practice in grammar, followed by the reading of texts in the stu dent's major field. Intended principally for graduate students. Nicholls. GL 334, 335, 336. German Composition and Conversation. 3 hours each term. Extensive practice in speaking and writing. Required of German majors. Con ducted in German. Prerequisite: two years of-college German. Diller, M< Williams. GL 340, 341, 342. German Culture and Civilization." 2 hours each term. Historical and political backgrounds of German literature and art. Prerequ: site: reading knowledge of German. GL 403. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. GL 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT GL 407. Seminar. (g) Hours to be arranged. GL411, 412, 413. The Age of Goethe. (G) 3 hours each term. Readings in the main dramatic works of Lessing, Schiller, Kleist, and Goethe Goethe's lyric poetry and selections from his prose. The spring term is devote to the study of Faust. Prerequisite: Surveyof German Literature. Leppmann GL414, 415, 416. German Literature of the Nineteenth Century. (G) 3 hoUl each term. ' Selections from significant authors from the death of Goethe to the /lowerin of naturalism. Plays of Hebbel and Grillparzer; Heine and the Young Gel MODERN AND CLASSICAL LANGUAGES 203 mans; the novels and N ovellen of Keller; the rise of naturalism and the young Hauptmann. Prerequisite; Survey of German Literature. Hahn. L 424, 425, 426. Advanced German Composition and Conversation. (G) 2 hours each term. Systematic review of grammar; historical survey of the German language; translation of modern literary texts into German; writing of original themes. Conducted in German. Normally required of German majors. Leppmann, Hahn. L 427,428,429. German Romanticism. (G) 3 hours each term. Readings in the works of Tieck, F. Schlegel, Novalis, Hoffmann, Miirike, and Eichendorff. Special emphasis on the romanticists' contributions to literary criticism, to music, and to the study of the German past. Prerequisite: Survey of German Literature. Hahn. L 430,431, 432. The German Lyric. (G) 3 hours each term. Study of German lyric poetry from the Middle Ages to the present, with read- ings from all major authors. Special emphasis on the Lied and the ballad and on the contemporary lyric poetry of George, Hofmannsthal, Rilke. Gontrum. GRADUATE COURSES ;L 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. L 50S. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. L 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Humanism alld the Reformation. The German Baroque. History of the German Language. L 514, SIS, 516. Middle High German. 3 hours each term. Literary and linguistic study of representative texts; the Nibelungenlied, I Minnesang, popular and courtly epics and lyrics, didactic works. Sacker. L 517. Modern German Drama. 3 hours. Analysis of the structural elements of naturalistic and expressionistic drama, I and of the work of Brecht, Borchert, Durrenmatt, and Frisch. Gontrum. L 520. Contemporary German Lyric. 3 hours. Problems of form in the longer poetic works of Rilke and George; Hofmanns- thaI, Trakl, and Benn. Gontrum. L 524,525,526. German Literature 1500-1750. 3 hours each term. The impact of Luther on German literature; seventeenth-century German literature; the German Enlightenment, and its relation to the Enlightenment in England and France. Gontrum. L 527,528, 529. Goethe and Schiller. 3 hours each term. Extensive reading of the works of Goethe and Schiller; special attention to Goethe's scientific, political, and aesthetic views and to Schiller's critical writings. Nicholls. 530,531,532. Germanic Philology. 3 hours each term. Introduction to Gothic; comparative Gothic and Old High German grammar; Old High German literature. Plant. 533, 534, 535. History of the German Language. 3 hours each term. Phonological, morphological, semantic, and syntactic development of German from the oldest records to the present; dialects and dialect geography; loan words from other languages; religious, philosophical, scientific, and other specialized vocabularies. Plant. 536. Lessing. 3 hours. Detailed study of Lessing's dramas, his theoretical and philosophical writings, and his contribution to German classicicism. * No·grade course. 204 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS GL 537. Sturm und Drang. 3 hours. The dramatic works of the Storm and Stress writers, and their contributio to a new understanding of literature. GL 538. Holderlin and Jean Paul. 3 hours. Holderlin's development as a lyrical poet; the main themes and images of h: odes. Jean Paul as a forerunner of romanticism, especially in connection wit the novel and basic concepts of literature. The instruction may cover bot or either of these authors. GL 540,541,542. German Drama of the Nineteenth Century. 3 hours eac term. Analysis of the dramas of Kleist, Buchner, Grabbe, Grillparzer, and Hebbel special emphasis on dramatic technique and on the individual contributior of these writers to the genre. Fall: Kleist; winter: Grillparzer; spring Biichner, Grabbe, Hebbel. Nicholls. GL 543, 544, 545. Contemporary German Lyric. 3 hours each term. Fall: Rilke; winter: George and Hofmannsthal; spring: Benn, Trakl, an contemporaries. Detailed and intensive study of these writers' poetry in term of themes, form, and imager.y. GL 546, 547, 548. Modern German Novel. 3 hours each term. Fall: Thomas Mann; winter: Hermann Hesse; spring: Kafka and Musi Detailed study of these writers or of other novelists of comparable statun with emphasis on the nature of the genre and its gradual transformation V':lOlOgy; each student formll lates a research problem and designs an experiment suitable for the testin of the hypothesis. Prerequisite: elementary statistics. Dubin. Soc 530. Analytical Problems in Social Psychology. 3 hours. Core course providing basic graduate orientation in social psychology. PrE requisite: regular graduate standing; 9 hours in sociology; introductory psy chology and social psychology. Jackson Soc 532. Propaganda and Social Control. 3 hours. Propaganda as a means of social control; the nature of propaganda, the tech niques used and the psychological and sociological conditions of their effe( tiveness; the implications of media of mass communication for stability an change of social systems. Prerequisites: Soc 334 or Psy 219, or consent c instructor. . Soc 537. Sodal Movements. 3 hours. Study. of the endeavors of groups of people to alter the course of events b their joint activities; social and psychological factors which give rise t * No-grade course. SOCIOLOGY 239 social movements and determine their course; the relation of such purposive collective activity to the process of social and cultural change. Prerequisite: Soc 334, 335 or consent of instructor. ;oc 540. Social Structure and Processes. 3 hours. Core course providing basic graduate orientation in problems of social system organization, stability, and change. Prerequisite: regular graduate standing; 9 hours in sociology, including at least one course in social structures or social processes. Pellegrin. ,oc 541. Theory of Organization. 3 hours, The analysis of formal organizations, their functions in social organizations, their operating characteristics, and the person-organization linkage. Dubin.. ;oc 542, Power and Influence in Community and Society. 3 hours. Critical examination and evaluation of studies of power structures and the decision-making process, particularly at the community level, in terms of theoretical and methodological considerations. Pellegrin. ~oc 560. Analytical Problems in Social Institutions. 3 hours. Core course providing basic graduate orientation to conceptual and theoretical problems in the area of social institutions. Prerequisite: regular graduate standing, 9 hours of sociology, including one upper-division course in insti- tutional area. Foskett. loc 561. Values and Social Structure. 3 hours. , Examination of value and belief systems as related to socially patterned be- havior; consideration of major theoretical perspectives, methods of classifi- cation, and selected empirical studies. Prerequisite: 9 hours in sociology. Johnson. oc 570. Analytical Problems in Sociological Theory. 3 hours. Core course. The nature and purpose of scientific theory, with special refer- ence to sociology; critique of existing theoretical models in the field. Pre- requisite: regular graduate standing. Dubin, Johnson. oc 571. History of Social Thought. 3 hours. An historical analysis of Western social thought in terms of its recurrent problems, its basic concepts, and its relation to contemporary sociological theory. Foskett. oc 572. Development of American Sociology. 3 hours. The emergence of American sociology in the nineteenth century; the prob- lems, concepts, and theories of leading American sociologists to 1930. Foskett. oc 573. Contemporary Sociology. 3 hours. Analysis of the work of leading contemporary sociologists, with special em- phasis on the problems, concepts, and methods of sociological inquiry. oc 575. Theory Building in Sociology. 3hours. Analysis in relation to theories in the behavioral sciences: the components of a scientific theory; the relationship between theory and research; the nature of scientific tests of theories. Dubin. COURSE OFFERED ONLY IN SUMMER SESSIONS oc 508. Workshop. Hours to be arranged. Speech rofessors: BOWER ALY, HERMAN COHEN, R. P. FRIEDMAN, H. W. ROBINSON (acting department head), J. R. SHEPHERD, GLENN STARLIN, K. S. WOOD. ssociate Professors: C. A. LEISTNER (department head) * FABER DECHAINE, • On leave of absence 1966·67. 240 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS E. A. KRETSINGER, DOMINIC LARusso, K. E. MONTGOMERY, W. S. NOBLE OTTILIE T. SEYBOLT (emeritus). Assistant Professors: C. W. CARMICHAEL, N. J. CHRISTENSEN, J. V. CUTLE D. G. FIBIGER, A. L. KADLEC, R. P. MERTZ, B. P. RYAN, R. E. SHERRIFFS. Instructors: E. L. COLEMAN, CELIA DORRIS, S. D. ELBERSON,· JANET G. ELSE L. R. HENNINGS, J. D. HERSHBERGER, W. D. HERVEY, W. D. JACOBSON, L. ( JERSTAD, B. O. KJELDAHL, T. C. MEADOR, Lucy A. MELHUISH, D. E. STEINE P. R. WALDO, KENNETH VVILKINS, ALICE L. ZAPELL. Assistants: JEAN C. ARMSTRONG, W. M. BERG, W. R. BRENNEN, C. J. CLAVADE' SCHER, GWEN CLAVADETSCHER, D. C. CUNNINGHAM, A. L. FLOM, D. ] GRIEVE, A. H. HOLT, Jo ANN PATTON, INEZ LARSEN, F. Q. LEVIN, DIANl' F. WROCKLAGE. THE DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH offers major curricula leading to tl Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, Master of Fine Arts (i theater), Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees, with opportuniti4 for study in rhetoric and public address, radio and television broadcasting, spee< pathology and audiology, and theater. Work in speech is also offered for students majoring in other fields. For the~ students, the department directs its efforts toward two principal objectives: (l the development of the ability to communicate thought and feeling; and (2) tl improvement of powers of appreciation and evaluation in listening. Practical experience in the various phases of the departmental program provided through the University Theater, the University Symposium and forens activities, the Division of Broadcast Services, and the Speech and Hearing Clini In the planning of its major undergraduate programs, the Department 4 Speech recognizes three principal objectives: (1) The achievement, by all of its major students, of a broad liberal educ. tion. The following major requirements relate to this objective: (a) To complement work in the department, the student must elect courS4 in other departments which are of substantial value in relation to his major pr< gram, including at least 18 term hours in upper-division courses in related fields. (b) A maximum of 60 term hours of work in speech is recommended in tl: student's program for a bachelor's degree. (2) Sufficient work in the several fields of speech instruction to provide ~ appreciation of the different areas of communication. The following major ri quirements relate to this obj ective : (a) The following basic courses are required of all majors: Fundamentals ( Speech (Sp 121, 122) ; Theory and Literature of Rhetoric (Sp 301) ; Advanc~ Interpretation (Sp 311); Speech Science (Sp 371) ; Radio, Television and tl Public (Sp 448) ; History of the Thea~er (Sp 464). (b) All majors are required to take a minimum of 40 term hours in speec courses, at least 24 of which must be in upper-division courses. (c) A minimum of 9 term hours of work in general psychology or in histol is required of all majors. (3) Concentration in at least one of the four following fields: rhetoric ar. public address, radio and television broadcasting, speech pathology and audiolog theater. The minimum requirements in each of the four fields are as follows: (a) Rhetoric and Public Address: Fundamentals of Speech (Sp 123) ; Pul lie Discussion (Sp 221) or Advanced Public Discussion (Sp 331) ; Argument: tion, Persuasion, and Discussion (Sp 321, 322, 323) ; Theory and Literature 4 Rhetoric (Sp 302, 303) ; Classical Oratory (Sp 421), British Oratory (Sp 422 American Oratory (Sp 423). SPEECH 241 (b) Radio and Television Broadcasting: Fundamentals of Broadcasting (Sp :41) ; Theater Principles (Sp 261, 262, 263) or Play Direction (Sp 364) ; Radio .nd Television Workshop (Sp 341) ; Radio Workshop (Sp 342, 343) or Tele- 'ision Workshop (Sp 344, 345) ; Radio and Television Script Writing (Sp 347, 48,349) . (c) Speech Pathology and Audiolog3': Phonetics (Sp 370) ; Speech Patholo- [y (Sp 481, 482, 483) ; Clinical Speech Therapy (Sp 484, 485, 486) ; Audiology :Sp 487, 488) ; Seminar: Teaching of Lip Reading (Sp 407). (d) Theater: Theater Principles (Sp 261,262,263) ; 6 term hours selected rom Production Workshop (Sp 264, 265, 266), Costume Workshop (Sp 315); ~lements of Acting (Sp 251) ; 3 term hours selected from Technique of Acting 'Sp351, 352) ; Play Direction (Sp 364) ; History of the Theater (Sp 465). Secondary-School Teaching of Speech and Drama. For certification as a eacher of speech and drama in Oregon high schools, the Oregon State Department ,f Education requires (l) the satisfaction of certain minimum standards of subject 'reparation and (2) the recommendation of the institution at which the student ompletes his subject preparation. For information concerning subject preparation required to meet state stand- .rds in speech and drama and to obtain the recommendation of the University of )regon, the student should consult the member of the faculty of the Department of 'peech who serves as adviSer for prospective teachers. Honors. See HONORS COLLEGE, pages 132 ff. Committee on Discussion and Debate. The national office of the Com- ittee on Discussion and Debate of the National University Extension Associa- on is located on the campus of the University of Oregon. The committee pro- ides services to high-school debate leagues throughout the United States, inc1ud- g publication of The Forensic Q2tarterly and related books, distribution of dis- ssion and debate materials, and maintenance of a forensics library. Rhetoric and Public Address LOWER-DIVISION COURSES p 121, 122, 123. Fundamentals of Speech. 3 hours each term. Proj ects in extempore speaking. Sp 121, 122: emphasis on content, organi- zation, performance, audience motivation, language, discussion, and parlia- mentary procedures. Sp 123: emphasis on voice and diction, bodily action and reading from the printed page; attention to style in the preparation and presen- tation of speeches. Special section for Honors College students. p 221. Public Discussion. 2 hours any term. Preparation of speeches for delivery before public audiences in conjunction with the University's forensic program. Nobles. 235. Public Speaking. 5 hours any term. Theory and practice of public speaking, with constructive cntlclsm of per- formance. Particular attention to individual problems in speechmaking. Not offered 1967-68. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES 301, 302, 303. Theory and Literature of Rhetoric. 3 hours each term. Selected readings on the principles of rhetoric and public address from Plato to modern times. Cohen, Carmichael. 242 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Sp 321, 322, 323. Argumentation, Persuasion, and Discussion. 3 hours eac' tenn. Fall: argumentation; winter: audience motivation and audience response spring: principles and practice in various discussion forms. Leistner, N oble~ Sp 331, 332. Advanced Public Discussion. 2 hours each term, winter and spring Preparation of speeches to be delivered before public audiences in conjunc tion with the University's forensic pr9gram. Prerequisite: consent of instruc tor. Nobles. Sp 407. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Sp 416. Speech Composition. 3 hours any term. Speech forms, types, and techniques; emphasis on application of basi rhetorical elements. Designed for prospective high-school teachers and othe nomnajors. Prerequisite: upper-division standing. Montgomery. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Sp 421. Classical Oratory. (G) 3 hours. Rhetorical criticism of masterpieces of Greek and Roman oratory. Prerequi site: Sp 301 or equivalent. Aly, Nobles. Sp 422. British Oratory. (G) 3 hours. British Oratory from Chatham to 1867. Prerequisite: Sp 301 or equivalen Aly, Cohen. Sp423. American Oratory. (G) 3 hours. Study of American oratory to 1840. Prerequisite: Sp 301 or equivalent. AI] Leistner. GRADUATE COURSES *Sp 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. *Sp 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Sp 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Sp 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Introduction to Graduate Study. Communication Research Methods. Studies of Attitude Changes. American Oratory, 1840-1912. American Oratory, 1912 to the Present. British Oratory from 1867. Classical Rhetorical Theory. Sp 511. Eighteenth-Century Rhetorical Theory. 3 hours. The neoclassical interpretation of the canons of ancient rhetorical theory; il relation to the literary criticism, aesthetics, and logic of the period. Cohel Sp 512. American Public Address. 3 hours. The history of public speaking in the United States, with emphasis on the reI; tion of historical development to current problems in criticism. Aly, Leistner Sp 513. Recent E.hetorical Criticism. 3 hours. The revival of the Aristotle-Cicero canon; the impact of contemporary lite: ary critiCIsm on rhetoric; the relevance of content analysis to rhetorical crit cism. Nobles. COURSES OFFERED ONLY IN SUMMER SESSIONS AND EXTENSION Sp225,226. Public Speaking for Business and Professional Men and Womel 2 hours each term. Sp 424. Speech Forms and Techniques of Group Control. (g) 3 hours. * No-grade course. SPEECH Radio and Television Broadcasting 243 LOWER-DIVISION COURSE ;p 241. Fundamentals of Broadcasting. 2 hours any term. General survey of broadcasting, including history, growth, social aspects, laws and policies, station and network organization, programming, the advertiser, the listener, public interest, standards of criticism, comparison of broadcast systems, international broadcasting and propaganda. Kretsinger, Starlin, Sherriffs. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES ;p 341. Radio and Television Workshop. 2 hours. Broadcast performance technique; physical, acoustic, and mechanical theory and its application; interpretative theory and its application. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Hershberger, Kretsinger, Sherriffs. ;p 342, 343. Radio Workshop. 2 hours each term. Theory and practice of radio broadcasting. Prerequisite: Sp 341. Shepherd. ;p 344, 345. Television Workshop. 2 hours each term. Theory and practice of television broadcasting. Prerequisite: Sp 341. Hersh- berger, Kretsinger, Sherriffs. ip 347, 348, 349. Radio and Television Script Writing. 2 hours each term. Radio and television writing techniques; theory and practice in the writing of all major continuity types. Prerequisite: junior standing. Kretsinger, Starlin. 407. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Television problems. Radio-television station policies. p 407. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. 431. Radio-Television News I. 3 hours. For description see SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT 432. Radio-Television News II. (G) 3 hours. For description see SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM. p 444. Radio-Television Direction. (G) 3 hours. Theory and technique involved in the broadcasting directional assignment. Practice in directing typical formats developed for radio and television. Pre- requisite: Sp 445, consent of instructor. Shepherd. . p 445. Radio-Television Production. (G) 3 hours. Problems and procedures in the synthesis of talent, material, sponsorship, etc. in broadcast production. Preparation and production of live broadcasts. Pre- requisite: consent of instructor. Shepherd. p 446. Radio-Television Programming. (G) 3 hours. Analysis of values, trends, and procedures in programming broadcast sched- ules; problems in planning program structure to meet community and public service needs. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Starlin, Sherriffs. p 448. Radio and Television and the Public. (G) 3 hours spring. The influence and importance of broadcasting as a social, political, and cul- tural force; the development of broadcasting; public-service broadcasting; the rights and duties of listeners; public opinion and propaganda influence. Kretsinger, Shepherd, Starlin. 469. Lighting for Television. (G) 2 hours. Functions of light in the television studio; theories, methods, and special equipment for lighting television productions. Prerequisite: Sp 263 or consent of instructor. Hershberger. 244 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Sp 470. Methods in the Production of Educational Television. (G) 3 hours. Intensive study of distinctive characteristics of instruction hy televisiOI through both open an dclosed circuit. Studio exercises built around regula projects and demonstrations of television teaching for critical evaluation ane analysis. Prerequisite: consent of instructoL Sherriffs. GRADUATE COURSES *Sp 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. *Sp 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Sp 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Sp 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Introduction to Graduate Study. Problems of Education by Television. British Broadcasting. Research in Broadcasting. Sp 541. Theory and Criticism of Broadcasting. 3 hours. A comparative study of systems of hroadcasting; the development of ethical artistic, and critical standards in radio and television. Starlin. Sp 544. Radio-Television Program Evaluation. 3 hours. Background and development of broadcast measurements; experimental ane survey procedures applicable to the testing of hypotheses in these media. Pre requisite: Mth 425 or equivalent. Kretsinger, Mertz. Speech Pathology and Audiology LOWER-DIVISION COURSE Sp 97, 98. Spoken English for the Foreign Student. 3 hours each term. A phonetic approach to English conversation, vocabulary building, perceptiOl and practice for those whose native tongue is not English. Two hours 0 language lab each week in addition to the regular class meetings. Admissiol to Sp 98 by pennission of instruetoL Montgomery. Sp130. Voice and Articulation. 3 hours any term. Study and practice in the perception and production of the elements of Amer ican speech. Limited to students seeking articulatory or vocal improvemenl Ryan. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES Sp 370. Phonetics. 3 hours. Study of sounds used in speech. Determination of sounds; their symbolic na ture; their production ; physical and psychological problems involved in thei perception; sectional differences. Ryan. . Sp 371. Speech Science. 3 hours. A study of the anatomy, psychology, and physics of speech. Wood. Sp 407. Seminar. Hours to he arranged. Teaching of Lip Reading. Public School Speech Correction. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Sp 472. Experimental Phonetics. (G) 3 hours. Experimental methods in voice and phonetics; analysis and measurement ( variables in the production of speech. I hour of laboratory work require, Prerequisite: Sp 370, Sp 371 or consent of instructor. Wood. .. No-grade course. SPEECH 245 p 481, 482, 483. Speech Pathology. (G) 3 hours each term. Symptoms, causes, and treatment of speech abnormalities. Fall: functional articulatory defects, delayed speech, emotional speech disorders; winter: organic speech disorders, including deviations due to congenital malformation, injury,' deafness, and neurological impairment; spring: public school speech correction, specific techniques in the diagnosis and treatment of major speech problems. Prerequisite: Sp 370, Sp 371 or consent of instructor. Christensen, Ryan, Wood. p 484,485,486. Clinical Speech Therapy. (G) 2 hours each term. Supervised clinical work with speech-defective children and adults, enrolled for counseling, testing, and treatment in the Speech and Hearing Clinic; group discussion of case histories and techniques. Prerequisite: Sp 481, 482 or con- sent of instructor. Christensen, Ryan, Wood. p 487, 488, 489. Audiology. (G) 3 hours each term. The auditory function, hearing impairment, and the speech education or re- education of persons with hearing loss. Fall: anatomy of the ear, psychophy- sics of hearing, physical attributes of speech sounds, types and causes of hear- ing loss, speech involvements of deafness; winter: auditory tests and their clinical interpretation, selection and use of hearing aids; spring: speech and auditory training, psychology of deafness, school and vocational problems. Prerequisite: Sp 370, Sp 371 or consent of instructor. Christensen, Ryan, Wood. GRADUATE COURSES Sp 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. p 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. p 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. p 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Introduction to Graduate Study. Psychology of Speech. Auditory Disorders. Stuttering. Articulation. Speech and Language Development in Children. Voice Problems .. Cleft Palate. Aphasia. Behavior Modifitations in Speech Therapy. Advanced Slleec!t Science. COURSES OFFERED ONLY IN SUMMER SESSIONS AND EXTENSION 392. Principles and Techniques of Speech Correction. 3 hours (extension and summer sessions). 490. Lip Reading for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing. (G) 3 hours (exten- sion). 491. Advanced Language Development for the Deaf. (G) 3 hours (exten- sion) . 492. Voice and Speech for the Deaf. (G) 3 hours (extension). Theater LOWER-DIVISION COURSES 229. Interpretation. 2 hours. The application of the principles of oral reading to literature. * No-grade course. 246 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS II Sp 251. Elements of Acting. 3 hours. Elementary principles of acting technique. Sp252. Make-Up. 1 hour. The history, purpose, and techniques of application of theatrical make-up; tl use of make-up in the various theatrical media, with emphasis on stage at television performers. Fibiger. Sp 261, 262, 263. Theater Principles. 1 hour each term. Development of the physical theater; the mechanics of its stage and shop~ planning and construction of stage setttings and properties; basic principii of stage lighting. Kadlec. Sp 264, 265, 266. Production Workshop. 2 or 3 hours each term. Practical experience in the construction, painting, and handling of scener and in the lighting of plays. Prerequisite: Sp 261, 262, 263, or concurrel registration. Kadlec.. Sp 267, 268. Appreciation of Drama. 2 hours each term. Study of design, acting, and playwriting, for the purpose of achieving a bettl appreciation of the drama. Robinson. Sp 269. Appreciation of the Motion Picture. 2 hours. Study of the motion picture as a dramatic art form. Robinson. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES Sp 311. Advanced Interpretation. 3 hours. Instruction in the discovery and oral expression of meaning and feeling prose, poetry, and dramatic literature. DeChaine. Sp 315. Costume Workshop. 3 hours. Instruction in the art and craft of stage costuming; practical experience the design, construction, and maintenance of theatrical costumes. Fibiger. Wr 321, 322, 323. Play Writing. 3 hours each term. For description, see page 166. Sp 351. Technique of Acting: Voice. 3 hours. Problems in the use of voice in dramatic roles. Cutler, DeChaine. Sp 352. Technique of Acting: Characterization. 3 hours. Problems in the analysis and presentation of characters. Cutler, DeChaine. Sp 353. Advanced Acting. 3 hours. Advanced problems in acting technique: study, rehearsal, and performanc Prerequisite: Sp 251, Sp 351, Sp 352; consent of instructor. Cutler, DeChain Robinson. Sp 364. Play Direction. 3 hours. Sources of dramatic material, choice of plays, casting and rehearsal of player production organization. DeChaiue, Robinson, Cutler. Sp 365. Direction of Children's Theater. 3 hours. History and objectives of theater for the child audience; survey of existir professional and community children's theater programs; techniques of actin directing, and producing plays for and by children. DeChaine. Sp 407. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Eng 411,412,413. English Drama. (G) 3 hours each term. For description, see page 166. Eng 420, 421, 422. Modern Drama. (G) 3 hours each term. For description, see page 166. SPEECH 247 )460. Advanced Play Direction. (G) 3 hours. Advanced theory and practice in direction of plays for public performance. Prerequisite: Sp 364 or consent of instructor. Cutler, Robinson. ) 461. Introduction to Scene Design. (G) 3 hours. Basic principles and techniques of theatrical design for the school and com- munity theater. Prerequisite: Sp 261, 262, 263 or consent of instructor. Kadlec. ) 462. Styles in Scene Design. (G) 3 hours. History of scene design; historical styles and their use in the design of produc- tions of theater classics; twentieth-century approaches to production design; the designer's analysis of the play script. Prerequisite: Sp 461. Kadlec. ) 463. Advanced Problems in Scene Design. (G) 3 hours. Selected problems in the design of dramatic productions. Prerequisite: Sp 461, Sp 462; consent of instructor. Kadlec. ) 464, 465, 466. History of the Theater. (G) 3 hours each term. An historical study of the theatre from ancient to modern times. Cutler, DeChaine. ) 467, 468. Lighting for the Stage. (G) 2 hours each term. The functions of lighting on the stage. Fall: the qualities of light, lighting instruments, control systems; winter: theories and methods of lighting stage productions. Prerequisite: Sp 263 or consent of instructor. Kadlec. GRADUATE COURSES p 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. p 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Introduction to Graduate Study. Interpretation. Cinematography. Theater Structure. Theater Management. . History of the American Theater. Producing the New Play. Advanced Technical P,actice. Avant Garde Theatre. Scandinavian Drama. 551, 552, 553. Theory of Dramatic Production. 3 hours each term. Fall: theory of acting; winter: theory of dramatic direction; spring: theory of dramatic structure. Cutler, Robinson. ureau of Municipal Research and Service MAN KEHRLI, M.A . N C. DOYLE, M.A . NOLD M. WESTLING, B.S. __ NETH C. TOLLENAAR, M.A. _ RGE N. PLATT, B.S., LL.B... ALD C. ASHMANSKAS, B.A., LL.B. ALD E. CARLSON, M.P.A... * N a-grade course. tan sabbatical leave, fall term, 1966-67. ______ .Directol" _____ . ....Assistant Director .. __ ._.Planning and Public Works Consultant _ .Research Associate _ . .Research Attorney ____ ..Research Assistant ..Research Assistant in Charge of Portland Office 248 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS W. LANCE TIBDLES, LL.B ..... JAMES R. BELL, M.R.P.... ....-..Research Assist: ________ .Associate Director and Coordinat U Tban Planning Assistance Progr DONALD N. JOHNSON, B.A.. . Associate Director, Urban Planning Assistance Progr ROBERT E. KEITH, M.Arch....... . Associate Director, Urban Planning Assistance Progr ROBERT S. PARKER, :U,A .... .. .Assistant Coordinator, Urhan Planning Assistant Progr Planning Consultants: .wIARVIN E. GLOEGE, lVI.A.; RICHARD B. HAYWARD, M.e.p.; ]. DA' ROWE, B.A.; GEORGE J. BRENNER, B.S.. (Medford); CYRUS R. NIMS, B.Arch (Portlan Associate Planners: TONY N. KOM, l\f.L.A.; II. K. BEALS (PQlrtland); BRIAN AI. MATTSON, B (Klamath Falls); KENNETH W. SWEENEY, B.S. (Pendleton); E. G. WATSON, M.A. ( bany). Assistant Planners: HOWARD C. LOVERING) M.D.P.; KAREN :M. SEIDE.L, B.A.; J. FRANK TH BEAU', :M.A.; GARY L. HOLLOWAY, M.D.P. (Albany). Planning Technicians: LYNN D. STEIGER, B.B.A.; W. A. FRAZIER, JR., B.S. (Medford); KEI L. LAY, B.S. (Tillamook); G. A. SCOTT, M.A (Medford). THE BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH AND SERVICE cc ducts research in the fields ofpublic administration, public finance, public law, a public planning related generally to problems of state and local government. also provides consultation and information service to local officials and provic technical service and liaisoll in areas of intergovernmental relations. The bure has been designated by the Oregon legislature to administer the Federal progr; of urban planning assistance to city, county, and regional planning agencies Oregon. It provides an information and liaison service in regard to Federal aid pI grams for counties, cities, and special districts. The bureau cooperates with 101 government agellcies in the development of programs. It works with local offici in sponsoring institutes, conferences, and regional in-service training prograr An extensive library of periodicals, pamphlets, and reference materials maintained for use by students, faculty members, state and local officials and e ployes, and civic groups. Reference files are maintained on subjects relating state and local government. The bureau answers inquiries from individual pub officials and employes and civic groups. The bureau works in close cooperation with such organizations of public ' ficials as the Association of Oregon Counties, the League of Oregon Cities, 1 Oregon Finance Officers Association, the Oregon Chapter, International C Managers Association, the Oregon Chapter, American Public Works Associati, the Oregon Association of City Police Officers, and others. School of Architecture and Allied Arts 'ALTER L. CREESE, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Architecture and Allied Arts. mRGE M. HODGE, JR., M.S., Assistant to the Dean. :ANCES S. NEWSOM, M.A., Architecture and Allied Arts Librarian. Architecture 'ofessors: G. F. ANDREWS, J. L. BRISCOE, R. R. FERENS, F. T. HANNAFORD, W. S. HAYDEN, G. M. HODGE, JR. ,sociate Professors: DONLYN LYNDON (department head), S. W. BRYAN, PHIL- IP DOLE, W. L. FASH, BROWNELL FRASIER, L. T. JOHNSON, E. E. MOURSUND. ,sistant Professors: P. C. GILMORE, H. E. HUDSON, T. W. KLEINSASSER, J. L. NIELSON, M. R. PEASE, D. L. PETING,* D. N. RINEHART, J. M. SAN JOSE, C. J. SAYERS, R. A. SMITH, J. E. STAFFORD, N. W. THOMPSON, R. L. UNRUH. structors: DENISON COOK, ERNEST MUSTER. :cturers: EUGENIO BATISTA, M. B. CAMPBELL, O. P. POTICHA, J. H. QUINER, H. DE NORVAL UNTHANK. 5sistants: D. B. DRISCOLL, J. H. EVANS, J. G. GUNTZEL, N. J. HAUN, JEFFREY OLLSWANG, M. A. SHARKAWAY. Landscape Architecture ofessors: F .A. CUTHBERT (department head), H. W. BUFORD, G. S. JETTE, W. M. RUFF. sociate Professors: S. F. BOCHKER,*A.M. SOURDRY. sistant Professors: T. N. KOM, R. J. LOVINGER, E. J. NIELSEN. sistants: H. C. KERR, ]. J. WARNER. Urban Planning sociate Professor: W. R. DALE (department head). Ftine and Applied Arts ofessors: JACK WILKINSON (department head), D. J. MCCOSH, A. M. Vin- CENT, JAN ZACH. sociate Professors: D. G. FOSTER, R. C. JAMES, C. M. NIXON, V. A. Ross (emeritus), C. B. RYAN. sistant Professors: P. E. BUCKNER, LAVERNE KRAUSE, J. V. SOEDER, D. R. STANNARD, MORRIS YAROWSKY, tructors: L. J. BECK, J. U. STARCK. istants: DAVID COTTER, J. J. CRUSON, J. L. DODD, D. L. DUNCAN, F. T. JONES, M. V. KRISHNAN, L. T. LAO, HOW-CHING LEE, J. H. LEHMAN, J. R. Mc- DONALD, R. B. MURROW, D. J. POTTER, J. L. STEELE, J. L. STEWART, S. M. YUNUS, B. D. WILD. *On leave of absence 1966-67. [249 J 250 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS Art History Professors: M. D. Ross (department head), W. S. BALDINGER. Associate Professor: A. D. McKENZIE. Assistant Professors: MARIAN C. DONNELLY, PATRICIA LAWRENCE. Lecturers: ELLEN BALDINGER, ESTHER.]. LEONG. Assistants: L. E. RENDER, K. R. WEEKS. Art Education Professors: T. O. BALLINGER (department head), VINCENT LANIER. Associate Professors: J. vV. BURGNER, G. L. KENSLER. JUNE K. McFEE. Assistant Professor: ] ANl!. GEHRING. Assistants: R. F. BADHAM, MARGARET GOULDING, E. K. HEATHERSHAW, H. LOCKARD. THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND ALLIED ARTS offers instil tion leading to baccalaureate and advanced degrees in the fields of architectu interior architecture, landscape architecture. urban planning, drawing and pai ing, sculpture, ceramics, weaving, jewelry and metalsmithing, art history, < art education. Most art studio courses and all courses in art history may be elec by nonmajors. Admission. The major curricula in the fields listed above are organized on upper-division and graduate basis. Freshman students intending to major in < of these fields are enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts and pursue, for t years, a program combining liberal arts courses with introductory preprofessiol courses in the School of Architecture and Allied Arts. The lower-division preprofessional courses are planned to provide continu of training and experience in the several major fields throughout the studer undergraduate years. Educational continuity is further insured through the assil ment of members of the faculty of the School of Architecture and Allied Arts advisers to preprofessional students. Before admission as professional majors, students are expected to satisfy lower-division requirements of the University. Students transferring to the University from other collegiate institutions. work in the School of Architecture and Allied Arts must satisfy the regular low division requirements, including both liberal arts and preprofessional requiremer before admission as professional majors. Students transferring from instituti< outside the Oregon State System of Higher Education must have earned a 2 grade-point average for all courses for which credit is transferred. Credit may ·,transferred for courses that are the equivalent of University offerings; but trans students wishing credit toward major requirements for upper-division prof sional work completed at another institution must first submit evidence of abil for performance at an advanced "level. Facilities. The school is housed in Lawrence Hall, named in memory of E F. Lawrence, first dean of the School of Architecture and Allied Arts. The bui ing contains drafting rooms, exhibition rooms, studios, classrooms, a library, < staff offices. The school provides desks, easels, and certain materials that are not read available for individual purchase. Students supply their own instruments and dra ing materials; these materials are obtainable from the University Cooperat Store. The Architecture and Allied Arts Library is a reference colIection of abc 6,000 books, administered as a branch of the University Library. ARCHITECTURE AND ALLIED ARTS 251 All work done by students is the pr appropriate for the primary- and intermediate-school child; lectures, groUI discussions, evaluations, studio work. Second term: continuation of art ex- periences for the elementary-school child, with emphasis on three-dimensional form. Art 311 prerequisite to Art 312. Ballinger, Burgner, Gehring, Kensler Lanier, McFee. ArE 313. Art in the Elementary School. 3 hours. Critical examination of individual and group activities currently offered ir the elementary-school art program; lectures, curriculum design, evaluatior of process and technique; literature in the field. Satisfies the Oregon State Department of Education methods-course requirement. Prerequisite: Art 311 312 or consent of the instructor. Ballinger, Burgner, Gehring, Kensler, Lanier McFee. ArE 314. Children's Art Laboratory. 3 hours. Work with children in a supervised art laboratory; designed for students pre· paring for art teaching at both the elementary and secondary levels. Requirec of all Art Education majors. Burgner. ArE 315. Introduction to Art Education. 3 hours fall. A lecture-laboratory-seminar study'r 500 COMses, 110' to [lradllate sPl/de>lts, see pa[les 303-304) PIM 412. Personnel Management. (g) 3 hours. Personnel management in the ·modern business organization; personnel poli· cies and practices conducive to good relations with employees; personne: problems of small organizations. Shaffer. PIM 413. Wage and Salary Administration. (G) 3 hours. Systematic administration of wages and salaries as a means of motivatiOl and control in the business enterprise. Job analysis, description, and specifica· BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 291 tions; job evaluation methods; community wage arid salary surveys; estab- lishing wage structures by job evaluation and wage levels by collective bargaining and other methods; principles and administration of wage incen- tive plans; evaluating the results of wage incentives; compensating clerical, supervisory, and management personnel. Prerequisite: PIM 412 or consent of the instructor. Shaffer: PIM 414. Problems in Personnel Management. (g) 3 hours. Major areas of personnel policy determination, with special emphasis on relations with organized employees at the enterprise level and within the en- terprise. The impact of union practices on personnel policy and procedures in both unionized and nonunion enterprises. Prerequisite: PIM 412 or consent of the instructor: Seubert. PIM 429. Production Planning and Control. (G) 3 hours. . Techniques for planning and control of the flow of materials iuto, through, and out of the industrial concern. PIM 480. Business History. (G) 3 hours. Evolving business systems in the changing American business environment since the colonial period; study of individual business firms and businessmert that illustrate these systems at critical times in their development; the results of decisions made at such junctures examined for their significance for busi- ness management. Jones. Business Education and Secretarial Science THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION offers major options in business teacher education and in office administration and service courses in secretarial science. Business Teacher Education. The option in business teacher education pro- vides a thorough background in business administration and professional courses in education to prepare students for the teaching of business and economic sub- jects in the secondary schools. Two programs have been arranged, one empha- sizing the teaching of secretarial subj ects, the other emphasizing the teaching of bookkeeping and basic business; both programs offer preparation for the teaching of typing. Secretarial. The requirements are as follows: (1) completion of the core program of the School of Business Administration (except Production Manage- ment) , (2) the specialized courses listed below, (3) competence in the skill sub- jects prerequisite to Applied Stenography (SS 223), demonstrated by examina- tion or by college-level courses, and (4) completion of the general requirements for secondary teacher certification. Term Hours Principles of Business Education (BEd 421) Business Education & the Community (BEd 422) . Typewriting for Business Teachers (BEd 371) ..... Shorthand for Business Teachers (BEd 3v3) Business & Professional Correspondence (Wr 224) Applied Stenography (SS 223) . Office Practice (SS 324, 325) ... Office Organization & Management (PIM 333) Personnel :Management (PIAl 412) __ 3 3 3 3 4 2 27 Bookkeeping and Basic Business. The requirements are as follows: (1) com- pletion of the core program of the School of Business Administration (except 292 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS Production Management), (2) the specialized courses listed below, (3) comple- tion of the general requirements for secondary teacher certification. Principles of Business Education (BEd 421) . Business Education & the Community (BEd 422) Typewriting for Business Teachers (BEd 371) Bookkeeping for Business Teachers (BEd 372) . Office Organization & Management (PIM 333) . Business Machines (SS 323) . . Taxation and Business Policy (Ac 311) . Financial Accounting Analysis (Ac 314) . Personnel Management (PIM 412) . Minimum of 3 term hours selected from electives listed below _ ELECTIVES Marketing Communications (MIT 442) Risk & Insurance (MIT 354) . Public Finance (Ee 319) . Term Hours 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 27 3 3 3 For certification as a teacher of business education in Oregon high schools, the Oregon State Department of Education requires (1) the satisfaction of certain minimum standards of subject preparation and (2) the recommendation of the institution at which the student completes his subject preparation. The programs outlined above satisfy the state standards and the requirements for recommenda- tion by the University of Oregon. For further information, the student should consult a member of the business education faculty who serves as adviserto pros- pective teachers. Office Administration. The option in office administration is intended to develop in the student an understanding of scientific management systems as they apply to business problems, with particular emphasis on office systems and on the role of automatic data processing. The major requirements, in addition to the core program of the School of Business Administration, are as follows: Term Hours Office Organization & Management (PHI 333) 2 Personnel Management (PIM 412) 3 Seminar: Computers in Business (PIM 407) 3 Advanced Typing (SS 122, 123 or equivalent) 2-4 Business & Professional Correspondence nVr 224) 3 Business Machines (PIM 323) 2 Office Practice (PIM 324, 325) . 4 . Taxation & Business Policy (Ae 311) 3 '1Hnimum of 6 term hours selected from electives listed below __ 6 28-30 ELECTIVES Wage & Salary Administration (PIM 413) . Problems in Personnel Management (PIM 414) Management Information Systems (Ae 420, 421) Risk & Insurance (MIT 354) . 3 3 6 3 Business Education UPPER-DIVISION COURSES BEd 371. Typewriting for Business Teachers. 3 hours. Principles underlying development of typing skill; standards of achieve- ment; methods and materials of. instruction ; selection of equipment; analysis of research studies in the field; individual technique improvement; labora.- tory. Prerequisite: consent of.instructor. Jones. BEd 372. Bookkeeping for Business Teachers. 3 hours. Methods and materials of instruction; handling student differences; trends affecting teaching of bookkeeping. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Jones. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 293 BEd 373. Shorthand for Business Teachers. 3 hours. Problems in the development of occupational proficiency in shorthand; stand- ards of achievement; transcription problems; integration of shorthand, typ- ing, and English; comparison and evaluation of methods; instructionalma- terials; individual technique improvement. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Jones. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT BEd 407. Seminar. (g) Hours to be arranged. BEd 421. Foundations of Business Education. (g) 3 hours. Objectives of business education; history, trends, issues; professional organi- zations; contribution of business education to general education; curriculum construction at the junior and senior high-school and junior-college levels; measurement in business education; administrative problems of supervision; significant related research. Prerequisite: senior standing, consent of instruc- tor. Jones. BEd 422. Business Education and the Community. (g) 3 hours. Types of institutions offering business education; current educational attitudes of business and labor; community surveys and analysis of local needs; guid- ance programs; placement and followup; school and business standards; work experience programs; distributive-education programs on local, state, and national levels ; effects of automation on business education. Prerequisites: senior standing, consent of instructor. Jones. COURSE OFFERED ONLY IN SUMMER SESSIONS AND EXTENSION Ed 508. Workshop. Hours to be arranged. Secretarial Science LOWER-DIVISION COURSES S 10. Beginning Typing. No credit. Principles of touch typing; emphasis on development of speed and accur- acy. 5 hours laboratory. S 122, 123. Advanced Typing. 2 hours each term. Typing of business letters, manuscripts, and various kinds of business forms; development of speed and accuracy in production. 5 hours laboratory. S 126, 127, 128. Stenography. 3 hours each term. Gregg shorthand. SS 126, 127 devoted to the study of basic shorthand theory; SS 128 devoted to the development of speed in business letter dictation and transcription. Students must also take SS 122, 123, unless they have had equivalent training. Students who have had one year of high-school short- hand may not take SS 126 for credit. Section of SS 126 also offered in Brief- hand, a system of abbreviating longhand, using only alphabetical characters. 4 recitations. S 221, 222, 223. Applied Stenography. 3 hours each term. Combination of shorthand, typewriting, and English into an employable skill ; emphasis on speed development in dictation and transcription; phrasing tech- niques, vocabulary development; efficient and correct procedures for the prep- aration of business letters, forms, manuscripts, and reports. Prerequisite: SS 128, SS 122, or equivalent. 4 hours recitation. . Division of Graduate Studies HE DIVISION OF GRADUATE STUDIES provides: (1) basic profes- ional business education for entering graduate students who have had little or o undergraduate work in business administration; (2) advanced work in general 294 PROFESSIO,\J AL SCHOOLS management and in business specialties for students who have completed an under· graduate major in business administration; and (3) preparation for careers in col· lege teaching and research. Instruction is offered through the Division of Graduate Studies in the field! listed below. In all fields, instruction in the School of Business Administration i: supported by courses in cognate fields offered by other divisions of the University The graduate program is accredited by the American Association of Collegiatt Schools in Business. . Accounting-public, industrial, and governmental accounting. Business Statistics-quantitative analysis for business decisions. Finance-banking, investments, real estate, finance management. Forest Industries Management-management of forest products industrie! (lumber, plywood, pulp and paper, construction and housing). Managerial Economics-economic principles of business management, busi ness planning, forecasting, business fluctuations. International Business-finance, trade, management, foreign commercial law Risk and Insurance-risk management, personal and property insurance pensions and group insurance, social insurance. Marketing-m;rketing policies, marketing research, market communicaitons price and product policy, consumer behavior, industrial marketing. Business Organization Theory-management functions, organizational con flict and change, leadership, group behavior. Transportation-industrial traffic management, highway, rail, air, and oceal transportation, public utilities. Production-operations research, production programming, industrial man agement, industrial structure and policy. Personnel-selection, training, wage and salary administration, labor rela· tions. Information concerning financial aid available to graduate students is avail· able on request at the School of Business Administration. Research and Consultation. Faculty research interests include: impact 0: computerization, marketing forest products, labor benefit programs, the commer cial code, bank reserves, accounting theory, forecasting technique, role of the boar< of directors, consumer behavior, regional growth patterns, cybernetics, investmen patterns,'commodity flow trends, transportation pricing, and the impact of taxatiol on foreign trade. Faculty members are consultants to firms in a great many in dustries, to civic planning groups, and to Federal, state, and local governmenta agencies. Master's Program' THE DIVISION OF GRADUATE STUDIES offers a one- or two-year pro gram leading to the Master of Business Administration, Master of Science, 0 Master of Arts degree, depending on the prior background of the student. For stu dents entering with little or no undergraduate work in business, a total of 75 tern hours of work is required, including a 30-hour first-year core program, all or par of which may be waived for students who have had equivalent work as under graduates. Admission. For admission to the master's program, the student must sat isfy the general requirements for admission to the Graduate School (see page 116-1l7), and must submit an acceptable score on the Admission Test for Gradu BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 295 tate Study in Business, a letter of purpose, and three letters of recommendation. Graduate work taken in summer sessions before a student is admitted for- nally to a graduate program in business must have prior approval of the dean in >rder to be counted as credit toward an advanced degree. Core Pr9grams. The first year of the master's program includes a series of :ore courses and two terms of work in Principles of Economics, planned espe- :ially for students whose undergraduate studies have been in fields other than >usiness administration. For these students, the first-year core program is re- lui red ; all or part of the requirement may be waived for students who have lad equivalent instruction as undergraduates at the University of Oregon or an- >ther institution. The first-year core requirement is as follows: Term Hours Accounting in Administration (Ac 511, 512) _.. _............ 6 Statistics for Business Decisions (BS 511) _. __ .___ _ __ 3 Financial Environment (FBE 514) _ _ _ _._. __ .. _. 3 Financial Management (FBE 516) ._._ . ._ 3 Legal Environment of Business (FBE 517) , _ __ 3 Industrial Administration (PIM 511) . _ __ . _._ __ 3 Administration of Marketing Function (MIT 511) ._ _. .__ .__ _ _ . 3 Principles of Economics (Ec 201, 202)._._.._ .._ __ _ _._ _. 6 30 Master of Business Administration. The program leading to the M.RA. legree emphasizes the development of breadth of understanding of business prob- I ms and of general management skills; the program is well adapted to the eeds of students who have earned their bachelor's degree in the social sciences, umanities, sciences, or engineering. The requirements are: (1) completion of the first-year core program or quivalent; (2) a minimum of 30 term hours of graduate courses in the School of usiness Administration, including not more than 18 hours in a field of specializa- 'on; (3) 15 term hours of graduate credit in business courses or related areas utside the school. A thesis is not required; if the .student elects to submit a thesis, esis credit (9 term hours) is counted as part of the 18-hour maximum in his e1d of specialization. All candidates for the M.B.A. degree are required to take a final written omprehensive examination, covering the field of specialization and a final oral amination. Master of-Science or Master of Arts. The program leading to the M.S. or .A. degree allows more specialization than the M.B.A. program, and is especially apted to the needs of students interested in careers in accounting, business sta- sties and research, and industrial management. The requirements are: (l) completion of the first-year core program or uivalent; (2) a minimum of 4S term hours, including completion of a major in a ecialized area of business, normally 15 hours; (3) a thesis, 9 term hours, in the ea of specialization; (4) completion of a minor in the school or in a cognate eld (minimum, 12 term hours) ; (5) for the M.A. degree, competence in a foreign nguage. Candidates for the M.S. or M.A. degree are required to take a final written mprehensive examination covering the major field of specialization and an oral amination on the thesis. Minor in Business Administration. A master's candidate with a major in other field may elect a minor in business administration. The minor may consist 15 term hours in one general field of specialization. The adequacy of the candi- ta's preparation is reviewed by the school before admission to work for a minor. 296 PROFESSION AL SCHOOLS Foreign Students. The work of foreign graduate students (other tha Canadians) during their first year of residence is considered probational. A fOl eign student will be admitted to candidacy for a master's degree only after th faculty has had an opportunity to judge the adequacy of his background in busi ness education, his facility in the English language, and his ability to adjust t an unfamiliar educational environment. In the program of the Division of Grad uate Studies, considerable attention is given. to individual student problems, an especially to the problems of foreign students. Forest Industries Management. The School of Business Administratiol through the Forest Industries Management Center, offers graduate work leadin to the Master of Business Administration degree with a major in forest industrie management. This program, which· supplements the regular graduate cote currie ulum in business administration, is designed to train students for managemer careers in the forest products industries~lumber, plywood, pulp, and paper~a well as for government careers in this field. The program is interdisciplinary in nature. It includes course work in all d{ partments within the School of Business Administration as well as courses in othe divisions of the University. The program is administered by an interdepartment~ committee. The option in forest industries management is normally open only to student with undergraduate degrees in forestry. It emphasizes general management issue of forest products companies, as well as problems in the particular functional area of marketing, transportation, production, accounting and statistics, and financ. Attention is also given to the development of skills in the application of quantitativ techniques to the solution of forest management and business management prot lems. The major requirements, in addition to the regular M.B.A. core program (se page 290), are listed below. Term HoUl Inlroduclion 10 Numerical Compulalion (Mlh 233) (no credil)' . Computer Management (PIM 507) _.... 3 Seminar: Operalions Research or Produclion Control (PIM 507) 3 Seminar in Industrial Marketing (MIT 530) . 3 Problems in Foresl Industries Management (MIT 540) 3 Problems in Business Planning & Forecasting (FBE 530) or Foreign Business Operations (FBE 476) or Problems in Business Finance (FBE 545) . . Adminislrative Control (Ac 540) or Cost Analysis and Interpretation (Ac 562) 18 The student takes 27 term hours in addition to the 18 hours listed above. The courses may be either within or outside of the School of Business Administratio The particular courses selected vary depending upon the student's undergradua maj or within the general field of forestry. Courses are chosen with the guidan and approval of the interdepartmental committee. Following is a list of suggest courses: Computing (Mth 444) Production Programming (PIM 530) Personnel Administration (PIM 534) Marketing Research (MIT 507)' Pricing Policies (MIT 521) Physical Distribution Management (M IT 507) Transportation Theory and Practice (MIT 549) Quantitative Analysis for Business Decisions (BS 432) Industrial Dynamics (BS 435) Building Materials & Construction (AA 420) .. Students who can ct'emonstrate a proficiency in computer programming may be excus from this course. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 297 Regional Economics (Ec 414, 415, 416) Economy of the Pacific Northwest (Ec 418) International Economics (Ec 440, 441, 442) For students who have not already had courses in these areas as undergradu- ates, the following additional courses are also suggested (to be taken at the School of Forestry, Oregon State University in Corvallis, through joint campus registra- tion): Forest Economics (F 412) Forest Management (F 425) Industrial Forestry (F 427) Multiple-Use Management (F 522) In the courses listed above, the students are required to write major term papers or case reports relating the contents of the courses to problems and issues of the forest industries. Copies of these papers are to be furnished to the Director of the Forest Industries Management Center at the time of submission .to the par- ticular course instructors. Business Education. The School of Business Administration offers graduate work leading to the Master of Science degree with a special field: Business Edu- cation. The program provides the opportunity for a student to take work in Business Education, some in Business Administration, and some in Education or in an elective field. A thesis based on an area of interest to the student in Business Education is also a part of the program. The student's specific program will depend to a great extent upon his back- ground and needs. Careful advising will prepare the individual for the program best suited to his teaching goals. Doctoral Program HE DIVISION OF GRADUATE STUDIES offers a program of advanced raduate study and research leading to the degree of Doctor of Business Admin- stration, to careers in college. teaching and administration, and to responsible esearch positions in business and government. Admission. For admission to the doctoral program, the student must (1) atisfy the admission requirements of the Graduate School, (2) have the back- round of graduate work required for a master's degree in business administration, nd (3) show evidence of exceptional academic promise. Degree Requirements. The requirements for the D.B.A. degree are as fo1- ows: (1) completion of a minimum of 63 term hours of work above the level ex- )ected for a master's degree in business administration; (2) completion of a mini- lUm of 9 term hours of work in each of the following areas: business organization heory and policy; a major functional area of business (accounting, finance, mar- eting, production); statistics and quantitative control; Advanced Economic heory (Ec 458, 459, 460) ; a field of study other than business; (3) submission f a thesis presenting an original and major contribution to an understanding of he thesis subject, for a minimum of 18 term hours of credit (the student must nroll for 3 term hours of thesis in each term the thesis is uncompleted after he has assed his comprehensive examinations, up to a maximum of 36 term hours) ; 4) examinations, including (a) a qualifying examination., normally taken during he student's second term of doctoral studies, (b) written comprehensive examina- ions taken not less than one academic year before the student expects to comDlete ork for the degree, and (c) a final oral defense of the thesis. Reading knowledge of foreign languages is not required. PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS Research. Doctoral candidates are expected to become actively engaged il ·the research program of the school. Opportunities for research experience aI" provided in connection with projects of individual faculty members and in th comprehensive program of the Bureau of Business Research. Graduate Courses Accounting and Business Statistics *Ac SOL Research. Hours to be arranged. *Ac 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Ac 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Development of Accounting Thought. Caplan. Managerial Cost and Budget Analysis. Thomas, Caplan, Soha. BS 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Industrial Dynamics. Mace. Quantitative Analysis for Business Decisions. Baerncopf. Ac 511,512. Accounting in Administration. (p) 3 hours each term. Accelerated introduction to principles and procedures of accounting and th< use of accounting data as a basis for business decisions; intensive survey a the data-creating process followed by study of asset valuation, incOIIl< measurement, cost analysis and control, and budgeting. Open only to graduatl students who have not completed a college-level course in accounting. BS 511. Statistics for Business Decisions. (p) 3 hours. Accelerated study of business statistics; decision theory applications in busi ness; probability, estimation, hypothesis testing, uses of subj ective probability introduction to regression analysis. Open only to graduate students who hav' not completed BS 232, BS 333 or equivalent. Prerequisite: one year of colleg, mathematics. Ac 540. Administrative Control. 3 hours. Descriptive cybernetics and the concept of c';lI1trol as a property of a)l organ· ized behavior; control attitudes and practices in human organizations; tra· ditional and emerging views of the role of control in administration; problem: of performance measurement; military command and control systems; rudi· ments of information and communication theory; computer abuses; role 0 man in a controlled system; student papers usually theoretical and related t< major fields. Harwood. Ac 542. Accounting Verification. 3 hours. Analysis of the· problems encountered in exammmg and reporting on th, financial statements of a business enterprise, verification standards, theorJ and application of sampling techniques, problems posed by data-processinl machine systems, innovations in auditing concepts; selection, scope, an< application of auditing procedures in the continued examination approach Prerequisite: Ac 440, 441. Soha. Ac 552. Accounting Theory. 3 hours. Examination of some of the elements of the conceptual framework underlyinl financial accounting reports, viewed in part as a postulate structure, in par' as a series of decisions as to how and when changes in assets and liabilitie shall be recognized. Readings in accounting literature, study of some curren controversial areas in financial accounting theory. Course content varies some what from year to year with changing interests of participants. Prerequisite Ac 450. Thomas. Ac 562. Cost Analysis and Interpretation. 3 hours. Theory of cost analysis and the problem of determining cost for various de * No·grade course. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 299 cision-makingpurposes; the function of the comptroller in management plan- ning and .control, marginal and differential costs, the joint-cost problem, direct costing, budgetmg, intrafirm pricing and pricing policy. Readings in cost ac- counting literature and case studies. Prerequisite: Ac 361. Harwood, LuneskL COURSE OFFERED ONLY IN SUMMER SESSIONS AND EXTENSION .c 508. Workshop. Hours to be arranged. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT (Fordescriptiol1S, see pages 276·277) .c 411, 412, 413. Income-Tax Procedures. (G) 2 hours each term. .c 420, 421. Management Information Systems. (G) 3 hours each term. .c 430. Fund Accounting. (G) 3 hours. ,S 432. Quantitative Analysis for Business Decisions. (G) 3 hours. S 433. Special Topics in Business Statistics. (G) 3 hours. ;S 434. Applied Regression Analysis. (g) 3 hours. S 435. Industrial Dynamics. (G) 3 hours. .c 440, 441. Accounting Verification. (G) 3 hours each term. .c 450,451. Special Topics in Accounting. (G) 3 hours each term. .c 480, 481. Advanced Accounting Problems. (G) Hours to be arranged. Finance and Business Environment FBE SOL Research. Hours to be arranged. BE 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. BE 507.· Seminar. Hours to be arranged. BE 514. Financial Environment. (p) 3 hours. The financial system as an external environment affecting business and financial decisions. Characteristics of the overall financial system of an enter- prise economy; nature and functions of money and credit, and their influence on product demand and the supply of finance from the standpoint of the individual business; roles of monetary and fiscal policy, debt management, and the money and capital markets. Reed, Bauman, Parks. E 516. Financial Management. (p) 3 hours. Objectives, tools, methods, and problems of financial management from the viewpoint of the firm; special problems, including funds acquisition, dividend policy, capital acquisitions, taxes, mergers, forecasting, and investment bank- ing. Anderson, Parks. E 517. Legal Environment of Business. (p) 3 hours. Designed to provide a basic legal background for the study of business ad- ministration; contracts, agency, business organization, and fields within the framework of the Uniform Commercial Code; international aspects of law and business. Robert. E 519. Business Ethics. 3 hours. Ethical and social obligations which businessmen are expected to assume; critical consideration of presuppositions, opinions, and practices manifest in business enterprise and in business education. Richins. E 520. Methods in Business Research. 3 hours. Research techniques iu business; project design, analysis of data. Watsou. * No-grade course. 300 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS FBE 525. Managerial Economics. 3 hours. The varied forms in which economic concepts appear in the operation of indi vidual business units; emphasis on the approach to problems of managemer decision making and forward planning through formulation of problems in conceptually quantitative manner capable of numerical solution. Integratio of economic principles with various areas of business administration: the rol of uncertainty given particular attention. Ballaine, Richins. FBE 530. Problems in Business Planning and Forecasting. 3 hours. Establishment of business plans for expansion and development on the basi of economic and market data; planning fundamentals, forecasting procedure~ interrelations of marketing, financial and personnel planning, organization ( the planping and forecasting process; theories of business cycles and econ omie growth. Lindholm. FBE 540. Problems in Finance. 3 hours. Finance function and its relationship to the firm's objectives; asset valuation profit analysis; choice of capital acquisitions under uncertainty; the influenc of the capital structure, dividend policy, and growth on the cost of capital maximization of stock value; cash flow models of the firm; decision rules fo controlling investment in receivables and inventories. Anderson. FBE 545. Theory of Finance. 3 hours. Application of financial principles to business problems such as: evaluation c financial obj ectives; dividend policies; analysis of capital acquisitions; spe ciaIized financing media; problems of valuation, merger, and reorganization role and behavior of capital markets; analysis of cases. Anderson, Park~ Bauman. FBE 550. Foreign Commercial Law. 3 hours. Basic legal concepts applicable to. commercial transactions in foreign trade comparison of commercial law and legal institutions of foreign countries an the United States; major legal systems, including civil law, Islamic law, an common law; legal documents involved in foreign-trade transactions; anti trust problems in international trade. Robert. FBE 565. Security Analysis. 3 hours. Comprehensive analysis of specific industries; critical evaluation of firm within these industries; comparative analysis of these firms' securities an their potential contribution to stipulated investment objectives. Prerequisite FBE 464 or equivalent. Bauman. FBE 566. Investment Problems. 3 hours. Development of sound principles of investment management: relation ( investment policy to money and capit,al markets and business fluctuations selection of securities for investment portfolios in the light of long- an short-range objectives of the investor. Prerequisite: FBE 464 or equivalen Bauman. FBE 570. Commercial Banking. 3 hours. The role of commercial banks in the economy as suppliers of credit to cor sumers, business firms, and governments; emphasis on factors involved .i managing the sources and use of funds, b~nk liquidity, and efficacy of t~ banking structure; analysis of loan and investment policies, capital structUl and adequacy, supervision and regulation, and profitability. Reed. FBE 571. International Finance and Investment. 3 hours. The international monetary system; balartce of payments; liquidity; foreigl exchange market; foreign investment; international and regional financi institutions. Not open to students who have taken FBE 474. FBE 572. International Commercial Relations. 3 hours. Commercial documents; United States trade patterns, composition, and stru, ture; United States commercial policy; international trade organization~ regional trade groupings; trade of emerging nations. Not open to students wi have taken FBE 475. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 301 FBE 573. International Business Operations. 3 hours. Functional management within multinational corporations; case studies of operations abroad; focus on managerial decision making. Not open to students who have taken FBE 476. FBE 575. The Money Market. 3 hours. Money-market instruments and institutions, and the part they play in the money market of the nation; analysis of the factors that influence the cost and availability of credit and money, including the influence of the Federal Re- serve System and the Treasury. The aim is to develop an ability to analyze and appraise money-market trends and developments. Reed, Lindholm. FBE 580. Goverrunent and Private Financial Institutions. 3 hours. The place and functions of government and private financial institutions in a business economy; emphasis on their influence in the saving-investment process and on the implications of their lending and investing policies on the level of employment and allocation of resources; current problems and pros- pective developments. COURSE OFFERED ONLY IN SUMMER SESSIONS AND EXTENSION .BE 508. Workshop. Hours to be arranged. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT (For descriptions, see pages 281-282) .BE 460. Commercial Bank Management. (g) 3 hours. •BE 474. Foreign Exchange and Internation"l Finance Management. (G) 3 hours. . .BE 475. Foreign-Trade Marketing. (G) 3 hours. • BE476. Foreign Business Operations. (G) 3 hours. Marketing, Insurance, and Transportation 'MIT 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. 'MIT 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. I'fIT 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Marketing Theory. Remington. Consumer Behavior. Smith. Marketing Communication. Smith. Risk Management. Greene. Transportation Problems. Sampson. Physical Distribution Management. Strom. Marketing Research. Remington, Andrus. Product Innovation. Andrus. Entrepreneurship. Smith. tflT 511. Administration of the Marketing Function. (p) 3 hours. Environment of marketing decisions; design of a marketing program; nature and behavior of markets; marketing planning ; product, channel, pricing, and promotion decisions; marketing and the law; evaluating marketing efficiency. {IT 520. Marketing Problems and Policies. 3 hours. Marketing and formal planning; uncertainty and decision making'; marketing position analysis; problems in the management of the marketing mix; design of marketing campaigns, facilities, organization, and systems; evaluation of marketing performance. HT 521. Pricing Policies. 3 hours. The development of individual company pricing policies; intra-industry pric- * No-grade course. 302 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS ing policies and their competitive aspects; influence of trade associations ir price determination; legislation and pricing; effect of specific court rulings or price policy. Remington. MIT 530. Problems in Industrial Marketing. 3 hours. The marketing of industrial goods; environmental effects on marketing major issues of product policy, pricing, marketing programs, and marketin~ organization. MIT 540. Problems in Forest Industries Management. 3 hours. Historical, economic, social, and technological factors affecting the currenl and future operations of the forest products industry. MIT 549. Transportation Theory and Practice. 3 hours. For graduate students with little or no undergraduate background in trans' portation. Two hours of lecture-discussion weekly, plus individual consulta· tions. Extensive reading. Sampson, Strom. MIT 555. Risk and Insurance Theory. 3 hours. Major problems of insurance theory; mathematical, psychological, economic statistical, and legal aspects; relation of business organization to theory ir risk and insurance; application of theory to practical problems of insuren and the insured. Greene. MIT 556. Pensions and Group Insurance. 3 hours. Economic and business conditions giving rise to the pension movement. Thl role of private pension plans and group life and disability insurance in overal employee benefit plans. Funding, tax, actuarial, and legal problems in pension! and group insurance. Profit-sharing and labor-negotiated plans. Case studie! of industrial retirement plans. Greene. MIT 557. Analysis of Business Risk. 3 hours. The risk-management concept; corporate organization for insurance and ris~ management; analysis of exposure to loss; self-insurance versus commercia insurance; control of commercial insurance costs; use of captive insurers. MIT 561. Analysis of Consumer Behavior. 3 hours. Behavioral-science concepts utilized in the analysis of life-style patterns of th, ultimate consumer; values and behavioral patterns of consumer segments, an( their significance for marketing. Not open to students who have taken MrI 341. Smith. MIT 562. Marketing Communications. 3 hours. Analysis of the environmental conditions that enhance or inhibit the firms' at. tempt to design and use the most effective commul1lcatlon for demand cultiva tion. Prerequisite: MIT 561. Not open to students who have taken MIT 341 Smith. MIT 563. Marketing Concepts and Theory. 3 hours. Application of theoretical concepts in the social sciences to the development 0 a theory of marketing. Prerequisite: 9 hours of graduate work in marketing consent of instructor. Smith. COURSE OFFERED ONLY IN SUMMER SESSIONS AND EXTENSION MIT 508. Workshop. Hours to be arranged. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT (For descriptions, see pages 287-288) MIT 418. Commercial and Industrial Site Location.. (G) 3 hours. MIT 430. Advanced Real Estate and Urban Land Use. (G) 3 hours. MIT 431. Residential Property Development. (G) 3 hours. MIT 451. Transportation Regulatory Laws and Procedures. (G) 3 hours. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 303 ,fIT 452. Special Problems in Transportation and Traffic Management (G) 3 hours. I'lIT 455. Business Insurance and Risk Management. (G) 3 hours. I'lIT 456. Life and Health Insurance. (G) 3 hours. I'lIT 457. Special Topics in Risk and Insuranc.e. (G) 3 hours. I'lIT 458. Social Insurance. (G) 3 hours. I'lIT 467. Public Utility Management. (G) 3 hours. Personnel and Industrial Management PIM 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. PIM 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. )IM 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Research Design. Shaffer. Computer in Business. Ramsing. Industrial Management Concepts. Vance. Comparative Management Systems. Seubert. )IM 511. Industrial Administration. (p) 3 hours. Concepts and techniques basic to sound industrial administration; scientific management, technological change, organization structure and dynamics, de- cision making; techniques of production control, work measurement, sta- tistical quality control, newer quantitative tools such as linear programming. Case studies. Vance. rIM 528. Concepts in Industrial Management. 3 hours. Analysis of such organization parameters as capacity, control, authority, pro- ductivity, etc.; impact of managerial policies and practices on these concepts. '1M 530. Production Programming. 3 hours. Analysis of schematic and mathematical models in the allocation of produc- tive resources in the manufacturing process; linear programming, statistical techniques, and other quantitative norms applied in production control, equip- ment replacement analysis, economic lot size determination, and quality con- trol. Not open to studeilts who have taken PIM 429. Vallce. '1M 531. Theory of Business Organization. 3 hours. The role of theory in the social sciences; research and theory dealing with or- ganizational structure, leadership, communication, evaluation, decision mak- ing, control; an attempt to integrate traditional and behavioral-science ap- proaches to organization and organizational behavior. Miner, Seubert. '1M 532. Problems in Business Policies. 3 hours. Business policy formulation considered as a derivative of corporate objectives and philosophy; emphasis on the effects of intra- and extra-organizational forces which require periodic policy modifications. Analysis of specific case illustrations on a company and an industry basis. Research into the conceptual and operational ramifications of a current problem. Seubert, Vance. '1M 533. Theory of the Industrial Work Group. 3 hours. Major theories of group formation and behavior considered in terms of their implications for business management; analysis of the literature concerning supervisory behavior and leadership, characteristics of managers, group co- hesiveness, conformity, productivity standards, problem-solving efficiency, and morale. Miner, Shaffer. .IM 534. Personnel Administration. 3 hours. Mobilizing and deploying the human resources of the enterprise, from the standpoint of the personnel-administration specialist; employment, training, * N a-grade course, 304 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS evaluation, wage and salary administration; labor relations from the stand point of the firm; specialist contributions to personnel programs. Shaffer. PIM 535. Personnel Psychology. 3 hours. Analysis of studies in psychological literature concerning techniques of per sonnel selection and screening, methods of evaluating employee and mana gerial performance, training and management development, effects of workin conditions on performance, job and equipment design in relation to employe characteristics, and attitude and morale measures. Miner. PIM 536. Organizational Conflict and Change. 3 hours. Factors contributing to internal conflict and to changed patterns of behavia within organizations, from the viewpoint of business management; manager ial decision making and conflict; implications of cultural values for the ad ministration of scientific research groups; labor-management conflict; cc ercion and manipulation; planned change. Miner, Shaffer. UPPIER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT (F(}r descriptilJ1ts, see PQ.[jcs 290·291) PIM 412. Personnel Management. (g) 3 hours. PIM 413. Wage and Salary Administration. (G) 3 hours. PIM 414. Problems in Personnel Management. (g) 3 hours. PIM 429. Production Planning and Control. (G) 3 hours. PIM 480. Business History. (G) 3 hours. Dental School HAROLD ]. NOYES, D.D.S., M.D., Dean of the Dental School. LOUIS G. TERKLA, D.M.D. Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs. EUGENE W. BAUER, B.S., Assistant Dean for Business Affairs. ERNEST A. HURLEY, D.M.D., Registrar. ROBERT M. DONNELL, M.A., Librarian. THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON DENTAL SCHOOL, located in Port- land, was established through an act of the 1945 Oregon Legislature; the act ac- cepted the gift of the property of the North Pacific College of Oregon, and incor- porated the college into the Oregon State System of Higher Education as a school of the University. The North Pacific College was the outgrowth of the merger In 1900 of the Tacoma Dental College (founded in 1893) and the Oregon College of Dentistry (founded in 1898). The Dental School offers a professional curriculum in dentistry, leading to the degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine, graduate programs leading to the Mas- ter of Science degree with majors in the fields of anatomy, bacteriology, biochem- istry, dental materials, operative dentistry and dental materials, oral pathology, orthodontics, pedodontics, pharmacology, and physiology, and two-year program for the training of dental hygienists. The professional curriculum is organized to provide the basic ·scientific knowledge, the mechanical skills, and the clinical experience essential for com- petence and success in dentistry. The curriculum requires four years of didactic and clinical training, following two or more academic years of preprofessional work in liberal arts in an accredited college or university. The University offers, on the. Eugene campus, a three-year predental curriculum which satisfies the ad- mission requirements of the Dental School (see page 157). Students completing the two-year dental-hygiene program may, by taking two additional years of work on the Eugene campus, satisfy the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in health education (see SCHOOL OF . HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND RECREATION). Detailed information concerning the Dental School is published in a separate atalog ; copies will be furnished on request. [ 305 ] II I I School of Education PAUL B. JACOBSON, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Education. CLARENCE HINES, D.Ed., Associate Dean of the School of Education. KEITH GOLDHAMMER, Ph.D., Associate Dean of the School of Education. Professors: MAX ABBOTT, HAROLD ABEL, C. E. AVERY, 1. B. BERKSON, F. L. BRIS- SEY, R. O. CARLSON, W. W. CHARTERS, FRANK FARNER, KEITH GOLDHAM· MER,* GRACE GRAHAM, N. R. HAWK, A. C. HEARN, CLARENCE HINES, C. L. HUFFAKER (emeritus), P. B. JACOBSON, P. E. KAMBLY,t R. N. LOWE, GEORGE MARTIN, HOSHANG MEHTA, ARTHUR MITTMAN, R. E. NYE, ARTHUR PEARL, J. F. RUMMEL, A. A. SANDiN, GUY SHELLENBARGER, V. S. SPRAGUE, F. L, STETSON (emeritus), HAROLD STOKE, ]. B. STROUD, D. E. TOPE,:j: W. L. VAN LOAN, H. B. WOOD. Associate Professors: M. H. ACKER, BARBARA BATEMAN, DOROTHY N. CAND- LAND,§ ]. E. DE JUNG, E. VV. DILS, L. D. FISK,§ JOHN HANSEN, RICHARI HILLS, JOHN LALLAS, JOHN LOUGHARY, L. L. LOVELL, ESTHER MATTHEWS, R. C. MATTSON, FRANCIS NICKERSON, VERNICE T. NYE,t HENRY OSIBOV, HER. BERT PREHM, JESSIE PUCKETT, RICHARD RANKIN, O. F. SCHAAF, CLARENCE SCHMINKE, FRANCES G. SCOTT, J. E. SUTTLE,~ JORDAN UTSEY, RUTH WIL- LARD,:j: MILDRED WILLIAMS. Assistant Professors: F. A. BENSON, M. B. BERRYHILL, G. K. BOGEN, ROBER1 BOWLIN, HAZEL BRESLIN, C. S. BUMBARGER, O. C. CHRISTENSEN, BARTON CLEMENTS, ROBERT FUCHIGAMI, JANE GEHRING, SUSAN GILMORE, L. A, HAMERLYNCK, RONALD HENDERSON, JAMES HOTCHKISS, EDNA KEHL, GREG- ORY MALTBY, M. C. MARTINSON, VICTOR PERKES, GEORGE PETEIlSEN, GAYLORI RYBOLT, GEORGE SHEPERD, D. P. TEN BRINKE, ANDREW THOMPSON, SAUL TOOBERT, H. F. WOLCOTT. Senior Instructors: JAMES BOOTH, HAZEL E. HOLBOKE, SUSAN MILLER, RUTH WAUGH. Instructors: JACQUELINE BROCKWAY, KARL HARDIN, DONALD JACOBS, J. A. KEITH, JOANNE LAMBETH, MELVIN MEAD, W. L. MILLER, MARGARET NIELSEN, EVA M. O'NEIL, HOWARD RICHARDSON, MONTANA H. RICKARDS, E. ]. SKINNER NONDA STONE. Fellows: W. R. ARNOLD, C. C. BOMONT, L. G. BREEN, D. E. CRUIKSHANK, JOHN EDMUNDSON, SILVIA HAGE, J. L. HOLMES, JOHN JENSEN, C. W. KNIGHT II P. R. LUNDY, PAUL LUTZ, R. M. NEUFER, ]ENS ROBINSON, J. C. WHITE. Assistants : WILLIAM ALDRIDGE, DUANE ANDERS, MURL ANDERSON, BOB ARCHI- BALD, G. L. BECKER, P. E. BELL, NANCY BUCKLEY, RONALD COLLINS, RICHARI COWGER, J. R. FISHER, VINCENT GALLO, RODERICK GROSHONG, MERLYN Gun, SER, R. E. HAMILL, F. L. HEESACKER, E. H. HEUSSER, GERALD HOLLINGS' WORTH, G. O. HORTON, ROBERT HOSTETTER, DIANE JOHNSTON, ]. C. JONES ROGER KERSHNER, JOHN KOELLING, JAMES LAURENT, JOSEPH MALIK, JACE MARTIN, H. E. MAY, W. T. MAYNARD, DIANE MCCOLL, G. H. McINTYRE J. D. MILLER, GERARD MURPHY, W. A. NELSON, LOVELLA NOLL, MICHAEL NORTHAM, P. K. PIELE, G. \V. ROBERTSON, ]. S. ROSE, EUGENE SAPAKOFF A. D. SELINGER, KENNETH SLADE, T. M. STIPEK, FRANCIS THIEMANN, BEV· ERLY TIMMONS, PAUL TUCKER, CARROLL TYLER, CHRISTINE WALKEN, H. M WALKER, DENNIS WARNER, Roy YASUI. * On leave of absence, fall and winter terms, 1966·67. t On sabhatical leave, winter and spring terms, 1966-67. t On sabbatical leave, fall term, 1966-67. § On leave of ahsence 1966-67. " On sabbatical leave 1966-67. [ .306 J EDUCATION 307 THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION offers undergraduate and graduate .work ,n teacher education at the elementary and secondary levels. Instruction is' also )ffered, principally at the graduate level, in the fields of school administration, ;chool psychological services, and higher education. The University of Oregon is accredited by the National Council for Accred- tation of Teacher Education for the preparation of elementary and secondary :eachers, school administrators, and specialists in school personnel services. The :ouncil has also approved the graduate programs in these fields leading to the naster's and doctor's degree. Admission to Teacher Education. Students may enroll in methods courses n the School of Education only after they have been admitted to the teacher educa- :ion program. Admission requirements include. (I) at least sophomore standing, (2) a cumulative GPA of at least 2.25, (3) speech Clearance, (4) writing clearance, md (5) recommendation by the Office of Student Affairs. Further information and ldmission application forms may he ohtained in the Teacher Education Office in :he School of Education. Undergraduate Program. In planning its teacher education program, the :Jniversity recognizes three qualifications for a good teacher; (1) a broad and iberal education; (2) a mastery of suhject matter; (3) a knowledge of child and ldolescentpsychology and an understanding of professional problems and tech- liques. . Students preparing for secondary-school teaching are usually required to :omplete their work for a bachelor's degree with a major in a subject field- :aking as electives the professional courses in education required for teacher certi- ication. An undergraduate major program in education is, however, available lrincipally for students preparing for elementary-school teaching. The program eads to the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of Education egree. Honors. See HONORS COLLEGE, pages 132 ff. Graduate Program. Professional work in education beyond the undergradu- te courses required for certification is offered principally at the graduate level. pecialized graduate work is offered in school administration, curriculum and upervision, school psychological services, curriculum and instruction, elementary ducation, secondary education, higher education, educational foundations, and usic education. Graduate work in education leads to the following degrees: Mas- r of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor f Education. Special programs of graduate study are also offered toward the satisfaction of e Oregon state requirement of a fifth year of college work for the standard sec- ndary-school certificate. The student may qualify, 0\1 the completion of the fifth ear, for an interdisciplinary M.A. or M.S. in a program planned especially for achers or for a departmental degree with a major in a subject field or in educa- on. Bureau of Educational Research. The Bureau of Educational Research nducts basic research in the field of education and provides consultant and eld services to the schools of the state for the solution of problems related to e administration, organization, and operation of educational programs. Affiliated with the Bureau is the Oregon School Study Council, a research and rvice agency sponsored by the Oregon State Department of Education, the Ore- on School Boards Association, and the University of Oregon. Its program is pported by dues paid by participating school districts. Curriculum Library. The Curriculum Library, located in the University ibrary, provides facilities for sp'ecialized study of the public school curriculum 308 PROFESSION AL SCHOOLS ", and for practical research on curriculum problems. The materials of the librar) include: (I) recent and important courses of study, units, and other curriculurr materials available in the United States; (2) a comprehensive collection of ele· mentary- and secondary-school textbooks; (3) an extensive file of standardizer texts and other instruments of pupil evaluation; (4) a large collection of free anr inexpensive pamphlets, maps, exhibits, and other material suitable for use in th( classroom; (5) bibliographies on various phases of the public school curriculum Placement Service. The University maintains a central Placement Servicl which provides assistance to graduating students and alumni who are seeking new or-better teaching and administrative positions at the elementary, secondary and college levels. See page 90. Teacher Education Foundations of Education Broad fundamental courses offered by the School of Education for students preparing for teaching and administration at all levels of education are listed below. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES Ed 310. The School in American Life. 3 hours. The school as a social institution; the impact of dominant characteristics of American society on the school; historical developments of elementary and secondary education; patterns of curriculum development; school organiza- tion; school law; current issues in education. Wolcott. Ed 315. Human Development and Learning. 5 hours. The understanding of children's behavior at various developmental levels during the school years; learning theories and principles, and application to classroom situations; individual differences as they effect developmental and learning patterns; methods of evaluating changes in children's behavior. Rummel. Ed 317, 318. Social Foundations of Teaching. 3 hours each term. First term: the nature and influence of such social determinants of child be havior as family, class structure, peer groups, mass media of communication etc.; the social status oJ childhood, emerging rights, agencies concerned wit children. Second term: the social role of the school, including a study 0 community-analysis techniques as an approach to the school environment community resources for teaching, and ways of utilizing these resources; edu cational implication of children's out-of-school activities and problems; com munity beliefs and practices, and their relation to the curriculum. Graham Ed 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Ed 407. Seminar. (G) Hours to be arranged. Logic and Learning. Ed 435. Audio-Visual Aids. (G) 4 hours. The development and use of audio-visual aids in education. Emphasis on actua learning situations in which radio, recordings, films, slides, pictures, map charts, etc. are utilized. Sources of materials and equipment; administratio of audio-visual programs. Anderson. Ed 440. History of Education. (G) 3 hours. A general review of the growth and development ofeducation in relation t the civilization of the times; emphasis on development of educational philoso phies. EDUCATION 309 ~d 441. History of American Education. (G) 3 hours. The intellectual development of the United States, with special reference to the development of the school system. Prerequisite: knowledge of American history. ~d 445. Modern Philosophies of Education. (G) 3 hours. An examination of educational philosophies proposed by recent leaders and critics of American educational theory and practice. ~d 476. School Law and Organization. (G) 2 hours any term. Oregon laws applying to schools and teachers; teacher personnel policies and practices; professional organizations; means for continued professional growth. ~d 491. Social Education. (G) 3 hours. Structure and functioning of society, as a background for the study and evalu- ation of education in its varied forms; the contribution of sociological princi- ples and findings to the improvement of educational practices. Graham. GRADUATE COURSES 'Ed 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. 'Ed 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. ~d 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. ~d 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Ed 508. Workshop. Hours to be arranged. Opportunity for group work on special problems. d 542. Urbanization, the Pupil, and the School. 3 hours. Prevailing social patterns in urban society that are pertinent to an under- standing of what pupils learn and study, pupil behavior in general, and school problems; impact of urbanization on the changing American family, teenage culture, population migrations, and the school. Emphasis on effects on children. Graham. d 545. School and Society in the Recent Past. 3 hours. Theliberal evolution in modern education; the state and education; freedom in teaching; education and social ends; the place of religion in secular education. d 598. Comparative Education. 3 hours. Educational systems, philosophies, curricula, and recent developments in European, Asian, African, Pan-American, and other countries of the world; origins; factors underlying common and unique characteristics of various educational systems. Wood. COURSES OFFERED ONLY IN SUMMER SESSIONS AND EXTENSION d475. Parent-Teacher Organizations. 2 hours (extension and summer ses- sions) . d 478. Improvement of Instruction in Reading. (G) 3 hours (extension). Elementar:y Education In the field of elementary education the University offers (1) a four-year rogram leading 'to a bachelor's degree and (2) a full program of graduate work ading to advanced degrees. Undergraduate Program. The undergraduate program in elementary edu- tion is planned to meet the requirements of the Oregon State Board of Education t a basic certificate. Theprogram includes: (l) a broad distribution of studies * No..grade courSe. 310 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS in subject fields, (2) three integrated blocks of professional courses, and (3) a additional group of professional courses. The three blocks must be taken in se quence, and the instruction included in each block must be taken concurrently. .................................. 12-15 Professional Courses General Education Courses* Arts and Letters: English Composition (Wr 121, 122, 123) . Fundamentals of Speech (SI' 121) Literature (Eng 101, 102, 103, Eng 104, 105, 106, or Eng 107,108,109) .. Art in the Elementary School (Art 311, 312) Music Fundamentals (Mus 321, 322) Electives (language, literature, literary criticism, speech) Social Science: History of the United States (one term) Introduction to Geography (one term) Sequence in social science-completion of history or geography sequence or any year seqnence 'which satisfies the social science group requirement ..... Social science electives (total of 27 term honTs in social science required) Science: General Biology _ Physical Science Sequence in science~conlpletionof hiology or physical science sequence or any year sequence, except psychology J which satisfies the science group requirement _ _ . t1\Iathematics for Elementary Teachers (l\Ith 121, 122) Science eleetives (total of 26 term hours in science required) """ Health and Physical Education: Physical Education (PE 180) . . Games for the Elementary School (PE 221), Rhythms for the Elementary School (PE 222), Fund. Body Movement, Posture, Tumbling (PE 223) Elementary·School Health Education (HE 450) Block I: Human Development & Learning (Ed 315) Intra. to Basic Classroom Procedures (Ed 33 I) Block II: Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School (Ed 332) Teaching Reading in the Elementary School (Ed 335) . Student Teac1)ing (Ed 415) Block III: Teaching Social Studies & Science in the Element. School (Eel 334) Student Teaching (Ed 415) Additional Professional Courses: Social Foundations of Teaching (Ed 317) Teaching :Mathematics in the Elementary School (Ed 333) Art in the Elementary School (ArE 313) lVlusic .Methods for Elementary Teachers (::.'lInE 383) Methods in Elementary·School Phys. Ed. (PE 420) Chilchen's Literatme (Lib 451) Term HOUl 9 3 9 4 4 6 6-9 4 4 8-12 6 0-4 .2 3 3 3 4 5 II 3 3 3 3 3 The University also has an elementary teacher education program that in cludes a period of internship: For information concerning this program, consu: the Teacher Education Office, School of Education. Graduate Program. The graduate program in the field of elementary educa tion is designed to provide continued study opportunities for professional personm in the field and, with the cooperation of other divisions of the University, to pn pare master elementary-school teachers, elementary-school principals, supervisor: and directors, college teachers in the field of elementary education, and othe specialists with responsibilities for the education of children. A brochure describin the gradnate program in elementary education will be furnished on request to til School of Education . ..- Honors College courses may he taken in place of the courses in literature, social scienc and science listed below as req uirements. t Stndents who have had equivalent work in mathematies are exempt from this requiremen EDUCATION 311 UPPER·DIVISION COURSES Ed 330. Field Experience. 1-2 hours. Direct experience with children of all ages, with selection of setting deter- mined by student needs; work with hospitalized, mentally retarded, or delin- quent children; September experience in a regular classroom during the first two weeks of the school year; leadership in recreational activities. Holboke. Ed 331. Introduction to Basic Classroom Procedures. 2 hours. The elementary teacher's role in the organization of time, space, and materials. To accompany directed observation and participation in elementary-school classroom activities, one-half day a week. Ed 332. Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School. 3 hours. Language development from kindergarten through elementary school; em- phasis on language as a means of thinking and communication. Curriculum, methods, materials, and evaluation in the teaching of speaking, listening, hand- writing, spelling, correct language usage, etc. Carlson. Ed 333. Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School. 3 hours. Arithmetic in the elementary-school program. Types of instruction, criteria for selection, placement, and organization of content. Prerequisite: Ed 315. Schminke. Ed .~U 'T'eaching Social Studies and Science in the Elementary SchooLS hours. ;:'oual studies and science in the elementary-school curriculum. Ways of devel- oping basic concepts in human relationships and community living. Emphasis on the effective use of instructional media and on related problems of indiviCl- ual differences, cultivation of critical thinking, provision for growth and re- tention, and methods of evaluating results of instruction. Prerequisite: Ed 315. d 335. Teaching Reading in the Elementary School. 3 hours. The nature of the reading process; development of reading readiness, word recognition, study skills, vocabulary, comprehension, and reading interest. Methods of diagnosing difficulties; evaluation of programs; selection of materials. Utsey. Ed 404. Seminar: Elementary Student Teaching. 2 hours. d 405. Reading and .Conference. Hours to be arranged. Ed 414. Student Teaching: Kindergarten. 3-15 hours (IS hours maximum credit) . Ed 415. Student Teaching: Grades 1-6. 3-15 hours (15 hours maximum credit). UPPER-DIVISION COURSE CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT d 407. Seminar. (G) Hours to be arranged. d 451. Early Childhood Education. (G) 3 hours. Relationship of the development of young children to the educational pro- grams provided for them. Program planning; group behavior; individual behavior; the place of the teacher; equipment; activities; books and music for young children. GRADUATE COURSES Ed 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. Ed 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. d 50S. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Independent study for graduate students interested in special problems or topics in elementary education. d 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. * No-grade course. 312 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS *Ed 508. Workshop. Hours to be arranged. Opportunity for group work on special problems. Ed 534. Science in the Elementary School. 3 hours. The place of science in the elementary school, with particular reference to th value of science in the lives of children. Selecting and organizing content; co ordinating science with elementary-school activities; methods and materials rooms and equipment. Suttle. Ed 535. Social Studies in the Elementary School. 3 hours. Social-education objectives; children's social problems; unit development work-study skills : organization of the program; materials; research finding basic to the social education of children. Willard. Ed 536. Language Arts in the Elementary School. 3 hours. The role of language arts in the elementary-school program; objectives; re search findings on language development; the teaching of spelling, writin~ and speaking-listening skills; newer instructional materials; testing and eval uation. Carlson. Ed 537. Reading in the Elementary School. 3 hours. Nature of the reading process, objectives, organization of a desirable readinl program; reading readiness, reading skills; procedures and materials for de veloping children's reading abilities; methods of diagnosing difficulties am evaluating progress; research findings concerning the teaching of children t, read. Willard. , ' Ed 538. Mathematics in the Elementary School. 3 hours. Number abilities needed by children; research findings in mathematics educa tion; designing number experiences; theories of teaching, desirable teachini procedures, selection and use of materials. Schminke. Secondary Education Under Oregon school law, five years of collegiate preparation, includinl specified work in education and in subject fields, is required for a standard teach er's certificate. However, graduates of accredited colleges and universities wh have completed a four-year teacher-education program may, on graduation, b granted a basic certificate, which is valid for three years. For renewal of th basic certificate after three years, 24 term hours of work toward the completio of the fifth-year program are required. Junior High-School Teaching. The following education courses are recom mended as part of the preparation of junior high-school teachers: Term HOUIJunior Year Human Development & Learning (Ed 315) ,,_______ __ . Reading in High School & College (Ed 469) : . " Senior Year The Junior High School (Ed 484) Special Methods (Ed 408) _ Student Teaching: Junior High School (Ed 416) Electives in education _ Graduate Year Junior High School Curriculum (Ed 571) _ Principles & Practices of Guidance Services (Ed 485) _, Diagnostic Techniques in the Basic Skills (Ed 465) Electives in education _ 5 3 3 3 10 6 3 3 6 A special program, leading to the bachelor's degree, for prospective j unio high-school language arts-social studies teachers is offered through the School u Education. The requirements are as follows: * No·grade course. EDUCATION Language arts: English Composition {or Teachers (Wr 411) Modern English Grammar (Eng 492) _ American literature .... _ English literature Literary Analysis for Teachers (Eng 488) _ History of the English Language (Eng 491) English electives Speech elective 313 Term Hours 3 3 9 9 3 3 6 3 Social studies: Introductory geography . __ . Geography of North America (Geog 302, 303) Atlantic and Mediterranean Europe_ (Geog 471) _ Central and Eastern Europe (Geog 472) _ Soviet Union (Geog 473) _ _ Geography electives . __ .. American history ._ .. .__ __ . European or world history _ _._ .. History electives ._ _............ . Electives in other social-science fields Professional education _ Including courses recommended above for junior high-school teachers and. in addition: Seminar: September Experience (Ed 407); Principles of Re- medial Education (Ed 429); History of American Education (Ed 441)_ 9 6 3 3 3 12 9 9 12 15 38 Senior High-School Teaching. The following education courses are recom- mended as part of the preparation of secondary teachers: Junior Year Human Development-& Learning (Ed 315) _ Reading in High School & College (Ed 46,}) _ Term Hours Senior Year *Special Secondary Methods (Ed 408)__________ 3 *Stndent Teaching: Junior High (Ed 416) or Senior High (Ed 417) 10 Graduate Year Philosophy or history of education __ Courses in two of more of the {allowing fields of education: curriculum, evalu· ation of learning, guidance & counseling, teaching of reading, social foundations of education, education of the exceptional child, educational teaching media _............ 12 A student who has completed the courses listed under "junior year" and "senior year," has attained adequate preparation in a subject field, has earned a bachelor's degree, and has been recommended to the Oregon State Department of Education by the University, is eligible for a basic certificate. A student who has taken part of his preparatory work at another institution, especially an out-of-state institution, should consult the School of Education concerning allowed equivalents for the satisfaction of Oregon requirements_ Before assignment to student teaching, a student must obtain the recommen- dation of his major school or department. Subject Preparation. Under regulations adopted by the Oregon State Board of Education, new teachers employed in approved high schools may be assigned to teach only in those subject fields in which they have been recommended by the University as having adequate preparation. One of the student's subject fields l11ust be a field in which the University offers supervised teaching: art, biology, business, chemistry, English, French, general science, German, health education, journalism, Latin, librarianship, mathe- matics, music, physical education, physics, social studies, Spanish, or speech and .. This work may be taken in the graduate year, but may not be .applied toward a graduate degree; Ed 416 or Ed 417 is required for the basic eertificate. 314 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS drama. For specific requirements in these fields the student should consult the special advisers for prospective teachers in each field. Names of advisers are avail- able upon inquiry at the Certification Office in the School of Education. The University also has a secondary teacher education program that includes a period of internship. For details of this program, consult the School of Education. Graduate Wark. Most students, while meeting the fifth-year requirements for standard secondary teacher certification, find it possible to satisfy, at the same time, the requirements for an interdisciplinary master's degree or for a depart- mental master's degree in a subject field or in education. UPPER.DIVISION COURSES Ed 314. Principles of Secondary Teaching. 3 hours. Study of the actual classroom teaching process, including classroom organiza- tion and management, planning teaching units, evaluating pupil learning, and similar problems. Prerequisite: Ed 315. Kambly. Ed 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Ed 408. Special Secondary Methods. 1 to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Ed 315. *Ed 416. Student Teaching: Junior High School. 3-15 hours. 15 hours maximum credit for Ed 416 or Ed 417 or any combination of these courses. . *Ed 417. Student Teaching: Senior High School. 3-15 hours. 15 hours maximum credit for Ed 416 or Ed 417 or any combination of these courses. UPPER·DIVISION COURSES' CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Ed 407. Seminar. (G) Hours to be arranged. Ed 427. School Activities. (G) 3 hours. Principles and purposes of school activities; pupil participation in school gov- ernment; assemblies; clubs, social activities; athletics, speech activities, drama, music, publications; evaluation of the school activity program. Hearn. Ed 484. The Junior High School. (G) 3 hours. Origin and functions of the junior high school; characteristics and needs of the early adolescent; administration of the junior high school; curriculum and instruction; guidance; school activities; evaluation. Hansen. GRADUATE COURSES *Ed 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. *Ed 503. Thesis. Hoursto be arranged. Ed 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Ed 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. *Ed 508. Workshop. Hours to be a,rranged. Opportunity for group work on special problems. Ed 593. M'ethods in Secondary-School Language Arts. 3 hours. Review of research in the problems of teaching language arts in the second- ary schools; observation and participation in demonstration teaching of litera- ture, grammar, and composition. Designed for administrators and supervisors, as well as classroom teachers. Prerequisite: teaching experience or consent of instructor. • No·grade course. EDUCATION 315 Ed 594. Methods in Secondary-School Mathematics. 3 hours. Development of proficiency in the use of the problem-solving approach to the teaching of topics in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and advanced high-school mathematics. Consideration of the strengths, inadequacies, and needed revi- sions of the present-day mathematics curriculum. Prerequisite; teaching ex- perience or consent of instructor. Schaaf. Ed 595. Methods in Secondary-School Science. 3 hours. Selection of materials for secondary-school science teaching, demonstrations, science test construction, instructional devices; use and care of microscopes, meters, and other equipment. Prerequisite; teaching experience or consent of instructor. Ten Brinke. Ed 596. Methods in Secondary-School Social Studies. 3 hours. Trends in the social-studies curriculum; the unit method of teaching; the core curriculum; social-studies materials and teaching techniques; teaching reflective thinking; teaching current affairs. Students may work on problems of individual interest, and prepare materials for use in junior and senior high- school classes. Prerequisite: teaching experience or consent of instructor. Williams. School Psychological Services , THE DIVISION OF SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES embraces the broad fields of educational and psychological services as they relate to both school and certain nonschool settings. The division offers programs leading to master's and doctor's degrees in the following fields: counseling, educational psy- chology, remedial education, and special education. The division also offers service instruction in these fields as a part of the general teacher education program. Prac- ticum experiences are provided through the DeBusk Memorial Center, public and private schools, and a variety of other community agencies. The program, in all of its phases, is interdisciplinary in character, involving cooperation of the faculties of the School of Education and of several departments of the College of Liberal Arts. The courses listed below are those for which the School of Education has the principal responsibility; students working in the several fields also take selected courses offered in the college. A doctoral program in counseling psychology and two-year programs in rehabilitation counseling and in school psychology, leading to the master's degree, are offered by the School of Education. Graduate programs in speech pathology and audiology are offered through the School of Education in collaboration with the Department of Speech and the University of Oregon Medical School. Programs of students in the Division of School Psychological Services are planned according to the student's academic background, experience, and profes- sional obj ectives. Courses offered satisfy needs of students completing degree or certification requirements in elementary education. secondary education, and school administration. In all fields, supervised practical experience is provided in schools, hospitals, mental health agencies, juvenile departments, rehabilitation centers, ami other agencies concerned with learning and adjustment problems of children and adults. Practicum instruction is organized on two levels. Students who are receiving their first experience in a field and require relatively close supervision are enrolled in Ed 409; advanced students who are able to work more independently are en- rolled in Ed 509. The programs in rehabilitation counseling and in juvenile correction are ad- ministered through the Center for Social Service Training and Research. Both programs lead to the master's degree, and normally require two years for com- pletion. For further information see CENTER FOR SOCIAL SERVICE TRAINING AND RESEARCH, page 128. 316 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS Admission to specialization programs requires a formal application procedure. For information on admission to specific programs contact: Personnel Director, Graduate Personnel Office. School of Education. Counseling UPPER·DIVISION COURSE Ed 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be -arranged. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Ed 407. Seminar. (G) Hours to be arranged. Introduction to Rehabilitation. Acker. Research in Counseling. Loughary. Elementary Counseling. Christensen. Counseling Issues. Group Counseling. Clements. Occupational Information. Matthews. Ed 409. Practicum. Hours to be arranged. Secondary-School Counseling. Acker, Christensen, Clements, Dunn, Toobert, Thomas. Elementary-School Counseling. Christensen. Family Counseling. Lowe, Christensen. Group Counseling. Clements, Toobert. Rehabilitation Counseling. Acker, Dunn, Rybolt. Introduction to Counseling. Clements. College Counseling. Gilmore, Thompson. Ed 485. Principles and Practices of Guidance Services. (G) 3 hours. The need for guidance services in the schools; tests, inventories, question- naires, and records; the role of the home and the community in guidance; counseling the individual student. Clements. Ed 488. Educational and Vocational Guidance. (G) 3 hours. Designed primarily for advanced students preparing for positions as counsel- ors. A study of current materials and trends in educational and vocational op- portunities. Prerequisite: Ed 424, Ed 485. Matthews. Ed 492. Functional Aspects of Physical Disability. (G) 3 hours. Designed to familiarize the student with the impact of physical disability and chronic illness on vocational capacity; review of basic anatomy and physiology of several major medical conditions which frequently result in impairment of physical function. Dunn. GRADUATE COURSES *Ed 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. Problems in Rehabilitation Counseling. Problems in School Counseling. Counseling Function. *Ed 503. Thesis.. Hours to be arranged. Ed 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Ed 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Elementary School Guidance. Christensen. Counseling Supervision. Acker. Research in Counseling. Loughary, staff. Evaluation of Work Potential. Acker, staff. Ethical and Moral Issues. Gilmore. Advanced Counseling Theory. Vocational Development Theory. Matthews. Professional Practicum. Acker, staff. * No-grade course. EDUCATION 317 *Ed 508. Workshop. Hours to be arranged. Ed 509. Practicum. Hours to be arranged. Secondary-School Counseling-. Acker, Christensen, Clements, Dunn, Mat- thews. Elementary-School Counseling. Christensen. Family Counseling. Lowe, Christensen. Group Counseling. Clements, Toobert. Rehabilitation Counseling. Acker, Dunn, Rybolt. Field Instruction. Dunn, Rybolt. Counseling Supervision. Acker. College Counseling. Gilmore, Thompson, Toobert. Ed 526. Counseling Theories. 3 hours. Designed primarily for students preparing for positions in counseling in both school and nonschool settings; maj or emphasis placed upon counseling points of view; consideration given to purposes, techniques, and processes of counsel- ing. Prerequisites: Ed 424, Ed 485, and Psy 527. Gilmore. Ed 528. Group Testing in Schools and Colleges. 3 hours. An intensive study of the purposes, uses, administration, scoring, and interpre- tation of group tests commonly used in public schools and colleges. Testing in 1·1 the areas of achievement, aptitudes, interests, and personality. Designed pri- marily for advanced students in educational psychology, human development, psychometrics, and counseling. Prerequisite: Ed 424. Christensen, Hamer- lynck. Ed 570. Advanced Functional Aspects of Physical Disability. 3 hours. Review of the historical and contemporary structures of medical practice, and of the influence of these structures on patient-physician and physician- counselor relationships; principles of consultation, with special reference to medical consultation in counseling; application of the principles of vocational evaluation, with specific emphasis on the most effective incorporation of medi- cal data. Thomas. Ed 589. Organization and Administration of Guidance Services. 3 hours. Principles and functions of guidance; organizing the guidance program; guidance personnel; evaluation of the school's guidance services. Educational Psychology UPPER-DIVISION COURSE Ed 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Ed 407. Seminar. (G) Hours to be arranged. Developmental Psychology-Child. Abel. Developmental Psychology-Adolescent. A bel. Developmental Psychology-Adult. Abel. Somato Psychology. Measurement and Nature of Intelligence. Rankin. Introduction to Design and Analysis of Experiments. Projective Techniques. Toobert. Ed 409. Practicum. (G) Hours to be arranged. Individual Interests Test. Ed 424. Measurement in Education. (G) 3 hours. Use and interpretation of informal and standardized tests as supervisory and guidance instruments for the diagnosis, analysis, evaluation, and improvement of instruction in the elementary and secondary schools. Test planning, item writing, essay testing, administration and scoring, analysis of scores and grade assignment. The course includes simple statistics of test interpretation. Mitt- man. • No·grade course. 318 PROFESSION AL SCHOOLS GRADUATE COURSES *Ed 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. School Psychology. Lovell. Problems in Learning. Lovell, Mittman. *Ed 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Ed 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Ed 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Abnormal Psychology. Learning. Theories of Personality. Advanced Statistics. Thesis. Advanced Research Procedures. *Ed 508. Workshop. Hours to be arranged. Ed 509. Practicum. Hours to be arranged. Ed 512. Research Procedures in Education. 3 hours. The nature and procedures of research in education. Open to graduate students majoring in other fields. Does not take the place of individual supervision of the student's thesis. An introductory course in statistics is desirable prepara- tion. Mittman. Ed 515,516,517. Educational Statistics. 3 hours each term. Technique in quantitative and experimental methods. Calculus not required. Admission after fall term only with consent of instructor. Ed 525. Theory and Technique of Educational Measurement. 3 hours. The theoretical bases and principles of educational measurement test theory; item selection techniques; nature of measurement; units and norms; reliability and validity; batteries and profiles. Designed primarily for advanced students in educational psychology and human development. Prerequisite: Ed 424, Ed 515, or equivalent. Lovell, Mittman. Ed 529, 530, 531. Advanced Educational Psychology. 2 hours each term. Review of some modern viewpoints in educational psychology, with particular attention to theories of learning and their application to problems of school learning. Must be completed in sequence; students who have had a course in the psychology of learning may be permitted to enter in the winter term. Prerequisites: courses in educational or general psychology; statistics. Lovell. Ed 564. Mental Tests. 4 hours. Selection, administration, and interpretation of individual tests utilized in testing exceptional and extremely deviate children. Prerequisite: Ed 424, Psy 524 or Psy 525. Remedial Education UPPER-DIVISION COURSE Ed 4{)5. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. UPPER·DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Ed 407. Seminar. (G) Hours to be arranged. Social-Emotional Problems. Hotchkiss. Careers in a Changing World. Pearl. Alienation of Youth from Education. Pearl. Working with Marginal Youth. Pearl. *No·grade course. EDUCATION 319 Ed 409. Practicum. (G) Hours to be arranged. Diagnostic-Remedial Clinic. O'Neil. Diagnostic-Remedial Clinic. Bateman. Social-Emotional Problems. Hotchkiss. Ed 428. Psychology of Reading Instruction. (G) 3 hours. Nature of the reading process; factors of learning and development related to reading achievement; psychological foundations of methods and materials of reading instruction; nature and treatment of reading disability. Ed 429. Principles of Remedial Education. (G) 3 hours. Survey of remedial education; factors associated with underachievement; general principles of diagnosis and remediation; diagnostic instruments and remedial resources. A first course in remedial education, with application to both elementary and secondary education. O'Neil. Ed 465. Diagnostic Techniques in the Basic Skills. (G) 3 hours. Analysis of difficulty in the skills of reading, and related skills; selection, administration, and interpretation of group and individual diagnostic achieve- ment tests; diagnostic procedures; development of the diagnostic report. Con- current enrollment in Practicum: Remedial Clinic-Diagnosis (Ed 409) re- quired. O'Neil. Ed 468. Remedial Techniques in the Basic Skills. (G) 3 hours. Organization and implementation of the remedial program; specific pro- cedures in the diagnosis and remediation of difficulty in the skills of reading, and related subjects. Concurrent enrollment in Practicum: Remedial Clinic- Remediation (Ed 409) required. O'Neil. d 469. Reading in High School and College. (G) 3 hours. Nature and scope of the developmental and corrective reading program in all the content areas (e.g., English, social studies, science, and mathematics) with an emphasis on methods, materials, and organization. GRADUATE COURSES Research. Hours to be arranged. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. d 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. d 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Advanced Problems in Theory of Learning Disorders. Advanced Problems in Research in Learning Disorders. Advanced Problems in Diagnosis.Remediation of Learning Disorders. Ed 508. Workshop. Hours to be arranged. d 509. Practicum. Hours to be arranged. Diagnosis and Treatment of Extreme Learning Problems. O'Neil. Extreme Learning Problems. d 549. Principles and Practices in School Psychology. 2 hours. Primarily for students majoring in school pyschology. Applications of psycho- logical knowledge to the educational process; roles of the school psychologist; relationships to other professional personnel in school and community. Bate- man. d 562. Issues in Extreme Learning Difficulty. 3 hours. Theory and research concerning extreme learning problems in the basic skills; analysis of differential learning capacity; reading-listening relation- ships; sensory-motor modes of remediations; social-emotional correlates of skills disability; therapeutic elements of remediation. * No-grade course. 320 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS Special Education UPPER-DIVISION COURSE Ed 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Ed 407. Seminar. (G) Hours to be arranged. Teaching-Mental Retardation. Espeseth. Teaching-Gifted. Stroud. Teaching-Physical Disability. Sheperd. Education of Exceptional Children. Stone. Research-Exceptional Children. de Jung. Physical Disability. Sheperd. Behavior Modification. Crossen. Behavior Problems' in the Classroom. Christensen. Ed 409. Practicum. (G) Hours to be arranged. Exceptional Children-Mental Retardation. Espeseth. Exceptional Children-Physical Disability. Sheperd. Administration of Programs for Exceptional Children. Martinson. Supervision of Special Educational Personnel. Martinson. Ed 439. The Gifted Child. (G) 3 hours. The psychology, education, and guidance of the mentally superior and thl extraordinarily gifted child. Stroud. Ed 462. Psychology of Exceptional Children. (G) 3 hours. Characteristics and problems of all types of exceptional children, with specia emphasis on those with sensory handicaps; consideration of essential educa· tional adaptations. Mattson. Ed 463. The Maladjusted Child. (G) 3 hours. The discovery and treatment of the emotionally and socially maladjusted child the home, school, and community in relation to the child's mental health. Op portunities for the observation of family counseling techniques. Christensen. Ed 464. The Mentally Retarded Child. (G) 3 hours; The psychology, education, and guidance of the mentally retarded child Espeseth. Ed 471. Administration of Special Education. (G) 3 hours. Organizing, financing, housing, equipping, staffing, and superVlsmg tht special-education program; desirable educational provisions for each type o' handicapped child; legal provisions for special education. Martinson. Ed 489. Curriculum for the Mentally Retarded. (G) 3 hours. Curriculum, methods, and materials for special classes, developed on the basi! of the diagnosed characteristics of mentally retarded children. Prerequisite Ed 464. Espeseth, Sheperd. GRADUATE COURSES Ed 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Intensive study of problems relating to educating the handicapped. Areas 0 study are selected in light of the student's interests and professional plans Mattson. Ed 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Teaching-Mental Retardation. Espeseth, Sheperd. Teaching-Physical Disability. Sheperd. Counseling-Education of Exceptional Children. Hamerlynck. Problems in Education of Exceptional Children. Stone. Research-Exceptional Children. de Jung. Neurological Impairment. Myers. Physical Disability. Sheperd. EDUCATION 321 Administration of Pupil Personnel Services. Martinson. Bio-medical Aspects of Mental Retardation. Prehm. Psychological Aspects of Mental Retardation. Prehm. Sociological Aspects of Mental Retardation. Prehm. Utilization of Community Resources. Richardson. Advanced Curriculum for Mental Retardation. Sheperd. *Ed 508. Workshop. Hours to be arranged. Role-play Techniques. Christensen. Ed 509. Practicum. Hours to be arranged. Exceptional Children·-Mental Retardation. Espeseth. Exceptional Children-Physical Disability. Sheperd. Administration of Programs for Exceptional Children. Martinson. Supervision of Special Educational Personnel. Martinson. Field Research for Administrators. Martinson. Ed 563. Diagnosis in Mental Retardation. 3 hours. Critical evaluation of instruments and techniques used in the identification and diagnosis of mentally retarded children; practice in the solution of prob- lems involving the mentally retarded. Prerequisite: Ed 424, Ed 464, Ed 489 ; or consent of instructor. Educational Administration, Curriculum, and Supervision THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION offers a comprehensive graduate program in educational administration. The program, which is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, includes two-year programs, which satisfy requirements for administrative certificates issued by the Oregon State Department of Education and the membership requirements of the American Association of School Administrators, and work leading to the Ph.D. and D.Ed. degrees. By act of the Oregon Legislature, all persons employed in the Oregon public schools in administrative positions must hold an Oregoll administrative certificate. Supervisors must meet the basic or standard norm. To be admitted to the Uni- versity's programs for administrators and supervisors the student must: (l) hold a master's degree, or the equivalent, from a standard college or university; (2) file formal application for admission on a form provided by the School ofEduca- tion; (J) achieve a satisfactory score on the Miller Analogies Test, or approved substitute; (4) provide recommendations from at least three persons capable of evaluating the candidate's teaching and administrative experience; (5) present a complete program of studies for either' (a) the two-year graduate program in edu- cational administration or (b) the doctoral program in educational administration, with the approval of his adviser; (6) be recommended for admission by the Com- mittee on Advanced Administrative Programs of the School of Education. , Basic Administrative Certificate, To qualify for an Oregon basic adminis- trative certificate, the applicant must : (I) hold a valid Oregon teaching certificate; (2) have completed a five-year general teaching norm at the level to be adminis- tered; (3) have had three years of successful teaching experience at the' level to be administered; (4) have completed 9 term hours of graduate study in a college or university approved by the State Board of Education for the preparation, of school administrators, this preparation to be applicable to a planned sixth-year program for the preparation of administrators. Standard Administrative Certificate. To qualify for an Oregon standard administrative certificate, the applicant must: (1) hold a valid Oregon standard .:11- No-grade course. ! 1_,- 322 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS Seminar: Problems of Government Finance (Ed 507) Seminar: School Business Administration (Ed 507) Seminar: School Surveys (Ed 507) teacher's certificate; (2) have had five years of successful teaching and adminis- trative experience, including at least two years in some supervisory or administra- tive capacity; (3) have completed, for a principal's certificate, 33 term hours or, for a superintendent's certificate, 45 term hours of upper-division or graduate study in educational administration subsequent to the master's degree, in a college or uni- versity approved by the State Board of Education; (4) be recommended by the col- lege or university in which he has completed his graduate program as having the qualifications for school administration; (5) have completed specialization require- ments set by the State Board of Education. At least two-thirds of the work in the University's programs in educational administration must be completed on the Eugene campus. The two-year programs outlined below meet the Oregon State Department of Education requiremelits for superintendent's and principal's certificates. Ap- proximately two-thirds of the candidate's program must be completed after he has received formal notification of admission. Candidates must have an adequate back- ground in the foundation areas of philosophy, psychology (learning), and sociol- ogy. Deficiencies in these areas must be remedied prior to or concurrent with ad- vanced work. Superintendent's Certificate. The following program satisfies the require- ments for the superintendent's certificate: (1) Nine term hours in the following introductory courses: Publit School Administration (Ed 572), Public School Organization (Ed 573), Secondary School Administration (Ed 527), or Elementary School Administration (Ed 554). (2) Not less than 9 term hours in fields of specialization, selected from the following courses: School Finance (Ed 575) School Buildings (Ed 576) Seminar: Advanced School Law (Ed 507) Seminar: Change & Organization (Ed 507) Seminar: Problems of Staff Organization (Ed 507) (3) Not less than 12 term hours in the field of curriculum and supervision, including the following: Secondary School Curriculum (Ed 522), Elementary School Curriculum (Ed 553), and School Supervision (Ed 574). The remainder may be selected from the following courses: Elementary-School Problems (Ed 552) Seminar: Evaluaticn of the Elementary-School Evaluation of Secondary-School Programs Program (Ed 507) (Ed 559) Seminar: Pupil Personnel Policies & Services Secondary-Scha,,1 Problems (Ed 560) in thc Elementary School (Ed 507) Curriculum Materials (Ed 567) Seminar: The Community College (Ed 507) Junior High-School Curriculum (Ed 571) Seminar: Procedures of Classroom Observa- tion & Analysis of Teaching (Ed 507) (4) Fifteen term hours in advanced graduate seminars. Courses may be se- lected fr0111 the graduate seminars listed under Educational Administration, below. (5) Six term hours in research methods and field services, selected from the following (3 term hours must be in field services) : . Seminar: Advanced Research Design Educational Statistics (Ed 515, 516,517) (Ed" 507) Research: Field Studies (Ed 501) Research Procedures in Education (Ed 512) (6) Nine term hours in behavioral sciences and humanities, including Group Dynamics (Soc 431), and Seminar: The Humanities and Education (Ed 507) or approved substitutes. Principal's Certificate. The following program satisfies the requirements for the principal's certificate. EDUCATION 323 (I) Nine term hours in the following introductory courses: Public School \dministration (Ed 572), Public School Organization (Ed 573), Secondary ;chool Administration (Ed 527) or Elementary School Administration (Ed 554). (2) Twelve term hours in Curriculum and Supervision, including: Secondary ;chool Curriculum (Ed 522) or Elementary School Curriculum (Ed 553) or ·unior High School Curriculum (Ed 571) ; Evaluation of the Secondary School ~rogram (Ed 559) or Evaluation of the Elementary School Program (Ed 507) ; ~rocedures of Classroom Observation and Analysis of Teaching (Ed 507); ;chool Supervision (Ed 574). . (3) Three term hours in research methods and field services, including ~esearch Procedures in Education (Ed 512) or an approved substitute. (4) Six term hours in the behavioral sciences and humanities. (5) Three term hours in other administrative courses selected with approval ~f the student's adviser. Educational Administration GRADUATE COURSES 'Ed 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. 'Ed 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. C<:d 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. !:d 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Administrative Problems. Jacobson, Tope, Carlson. Advanced School Law. Farner. Change in Organizations. Carlson. Education and the Humanities. Goldhammer. Nature and Problems of Administrative Behavior. Jacobson, staff. Problems of Government Finance. Research Design. Farner. I Scope and Method of the Social Sciences. Tope, staff. School Business Administration. Hines. 'Ed 508. Workshop. Hours to be a,rranged. d 580. School Personnel Administration. 3 hours. School personnel relationships in their organizational and societal context; factors in upgrading personnel, salary scheduling, work load, tenure; staff negotiations. d 572. Public School Administration.. 3 hours. Interpersonal relationships in administration; school-board powers, duties, roles, relationships; the superintendency-roles, responsibilities, issues, prob- lems; problems of staff personnel; student personnel problems at the local district level; problems and issues relating to the development of effective school-community relationships. Tope. d 573. Public School Organization. 3 hours. The schools in relation to state and Federal agencies; the intermediate unit, its purposes, organization, trends; local school districts-problems of organ- ization, plant planning and management, school business administration, transportation, school finance, textbooks and supplies; extralegal agencies affecting education. Tope. d 575. School Finance. 3 hours. The problems of school finance and business management; sources of school income: relationship to the state financial structure; expenditure analysis; budgeting and accounting. Includes the construction of a school budget. Prere- * N a-grade course. 324 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS quisite: work in administration and organization; or consent of instructor Farner. Ed 576. School Buildings. 3 hours. Study of the problems involved in planning, financing, and construction 0 school buildings; care and maintenance of buildings; problems of equipment - Includes analysis of the problems of a specific district. Prerequisite: work it administration and organization; or consent of instructor. Hines. See also under School Psychological Services, Ed 471, Ed 485, Ed 589; undel Higher Education, Ed 592; under Librarianship, Lib 484: Curriculum and Supervision GRADUATE COURSES *Ed 501. Research. Hours to be ar~anged. *Ed 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Ed 50S. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Ed 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. *Ed 508. Workshop. Hours to be arranged. Ed 522. Secondary-School Curriculum. 3 hours. Overview of the secondary-school curriculum, with emphasis on the varioU! subject fields; organization of the school for curriculum development; educa- tional objectives; the course of study; evaluation of the secondary-school curriculum. Hearn. Ed 527. Secondary-School Administration and Supervision. 3 hours. The secondary-school principalship; principles of administration, staff rela, tionships, public relations, and professional growth; business administration; administration of guidance services, curriculum, and school activities; evalua- tion of the secondary school. Hearn. Ed 552. Elementary-School Problems. 4 hours. A study of current problems, issues, significant research, and theories in tht field of elementary education. Sandin. Ed 553. Elementary-School Curriculum. 4 hours. A systematic study of the elementary-school curriculum, including pupil need~ in everyday life situations, objectives, essentials of a good program, varying curriculum designs, OI'ganization of learning experiences, evaluation of learn- ing, and appraisal of newer curriculum practices. Sandin. Ed 554. Elementary-School Supervision and Administration. 4 hours. For mature students of elementary education who are preparing for adminis· trative or supervisory positions. Characteristics of good elementary schools leadership responsibilities and processes, school organiiation patterns, pupi personnel policies, school-community relationships. Sandin. Ed 559. Evaluation of Secondary-School Programs. 3 hours. Appraisal of secondary schools on the basis of evaluative criteria, wit special attention to the work of the National Study of Secondary Schoo Evaluation. Hearn. Ed 560. Secondary-School Problems. 3 hours. Current problems in the field of secondary education. Hearn. Ed 565. Curriculum Foundations. 4 hours. Implications of basic social, philosophical, and psychological factors in cur riculum planning and organization; historical background; techniques of cur riculum planning. Wood. * N o·grade course. EDUCATION 325 ~d 566. Curriculum Construction. 4 hours. Survey and appraisal of curricular patterns; state and city programs; courses of study in major subject areas; techniques of course-of-study planning. Wood. ~d 567. Curriculum Materials. 4 hours. Effective use and organization of curriculum materials; text and reference books, supplementary pamphlet materials, films and slides, records and re- cordings, pictures, radio, etc.; programmed learning; techniques of unit con- struction. Wood. <:d 571. Junior High-School Curriculum. 3 hours. Instructional programs appropriate for the early adolescent years, with emphasis upon the various subject fields. Hearn. <:d 574. School Supervision. 3 hours. The role of the supervisor in keeping education geared to the changing de- mands of society; theories of leadership; group processes and individual con- ference techniques; action research and related approaches to curriculum change; analysis of concrete supervisory problems. Prerequisite: Teaching or.administrative experience or consent of instructor. Higher Education The program in higher education, offered at the graduate level, includes the 'ollowing courses, together with seminars, individual study, and research. GRADUATE COURSES 'Ed 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. 'Ed 502. Supervised College Teaching. Hours to be arranged. Lovell, Tope. ~Ed 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Ed 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Ed 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. I Administration of the Community College. Van Loan. Adult Education. Dahl. CoIlege Student Personnel. Hawk. Education in Developing Countries. Wood. Programs in the Community College. Van Loan. Ed 508. Workshop. Hours to be arranged. ~d 509. Practicum. Hours to be arranged. Ed 590. Higher-Education Survey. 3 hours. I Problems of higher education. Organization, administration, finance; philoso- .ph)', purposes, curricula; student and faculty personnel; extension and special ·services. Wood. ~d 591. Teacher-Education Survey. 3 hours. I Purposes, needs, and objectives of teacher education; present facilities and types of organization; student-selection procedures; staff; curriculum. Re1a- l tionships of preservice undergraduate, pre.service graduate, in-service campus,and in-service field training. Kambly.d 592. Administration of Colleges and Universities. 3 hours. The administration of liberal arts colleges and of complex institutions, such as universities; business affairs; administration of schools and departments. Stoke. d 593. Methods of College Teaching. 3 hours. Psychology of learning, methods and techniques of college teaching, prepara- tion for teaching, evaluation of teaching. Wood. r"h"'OO School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation ARTHUR A. ESSLINGER, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. Health Education Professor: F. B. HAAR (department head). Associate Professors: E. D. FURRER, D. K. GILLESPIE, W. E. SMITH, MIRIAM L. TUCK. Assistant Professors: L. D. JACOBSON, THOMAS KERNS, R. E. KIME. Instructor: B. C. SMITH. Physical Education Professors: FLORENCE D. ALDEN (emeritus), W. J. BOWERMAN, L. J. CASANOVA, H. H. CLARKE,* M. FRANCES DOUGHERTY,t A. A. ESSLINGER, L. A. HARRIS, D. H. KIRSCH, E. R. KNOLLIN (emeritus), W. P. RHODA, P. O. SIGERSETH, V. S. SPRAGUE, HARRIET W. THOMSON (emeritus), P. R. W ASHKE, JANET G, WOODRUFF. Associate Professors: STEPHEN BELKO, W. B. BRUMBACH, JESSIE PUCKETT,1 EDNA WOOTEN. Assistant Professors: J. W. BORCHARDT, M. B. COLEY, K. WRIGHT DUNKLEY, G. L. FREI, JOAN HARiuSTHAL, THERESA M. MALUMPHY, PATRICIA MONT- GOMERy,:j: CORLEE MUNSON, E. R. REUTER, J. J. ROCHE, J. S. SCHENDEL, D. P. VAN ROSSEN, LOIS J. YOUNGEI'. Instructors: JACK ADLER, L. A. BELLISIMO, JOHN BLOOMFIELD, JAN BROEKHOFF, CLIFFORD BRUBAKER, LEONIDE MAE GAINES, ELIZABETH GLOVER, LINDA HEARN, P. 1. McHUGH, R. O. OFFICER, MARILYN PARRISH, SUE PRINCE, J. A. ROBINSON, SONDRA SEKERES, R.]. SMITH, ELBA STAFFORD. Lecturers: R. O. RANKIN, D. B. SLOCUM. Assistants: HEMMING ATTERBOM, D. C. BAILEY, D. P. BRISTOW, H. F. BROCKBERG, JOYCE DALTON, JAMES DENUCCI, ROSE MARIE JOHNSON, J. J. JOSEPH, BRIAN KELLY, NOELINE KELLY, KATHLEEN KNOWLES, S. J. KURTH, CLAUDE LARCH- ER, JEANETTE C. LARCHER, MORLAN LEWIS, ALEXANDER McNEILL, JEFFERY MILLER, ALAN MORTON, G. 1. NEIL, D. A. PHILLIPS, DONNA PICKEL, BARBARA ROLANDO, PERCY Russo, E. R. SANDSTROM, LAINE SANTA MARIA, DAVID SEKERES, L. H. TEGHTMEYER, H. E. VENABLES, B. D. WOODS, DEBORAH WRIGHT. Recreation and Park M'anagement Professors: L. S. RODNEY (department head), F. B. NICKERSON. Associate Professors: A, L. ELLINGSON, PHYLLIS M. FORD. Assistant Professor: ADELL McMILLAN. Instructor: L. L. NEAL. Lecturers: R. M. ARTZ, P. R. BEISTEL, JEWEL GODDARD, GERALD JACOBSON, DON- ALD LINDLEY, JESSALEE MALLALIEU, W. R.MATSLER, Lou SIMMONS, WIL- LIAM SPARKS. * On sabbatical leave, spring term. 1967. tOn sabbatical leave, winter and spring terms, 1967. t On leave of absence 1966-67. [ 326 ] HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECREATION 327 HE SCHOOL OF HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND REG .EATION is responsible for three programs: (1) service courses in health. lucation and physical education for men and women; (2) intramural sports for len and women; (3) professional study, both undergraduate and graduate, iil ~alth education, physical education, dance, and recreation and park managemenL Service Courses. Courses providing instruction in recreational skills and in Ie principles of physical conditioning and health are offered for all students. The University graduation requirements for all students include five term;; f physical education and a course in health education, unless the student is ex- lsed by the dean of the schooL* Students may be exempted from one or more ~rms of the physical-education requirement and from the health-education require· lent on the basis of proficiency examinations. Courses which satisfy the physical-education requirement are: PE 180 fOl 'omen, PE 190 for men; not more than 1 hour of credit may be earned in theSe lurses in anyone term. The student's program in physical education is adjusted ) his needs and abilities; whenever possible, the work is adapted to remedy phys- :al disabilities. Majors and other students preparing for the teaching of physical iucation in the schools satisfy the requirement with a series of professional ac- vity courses. A student may not take a service course and a professional activity lurse for credit at the same time. Both men and women students satisfy the health-education requirement with IE 150 or HE 250. Students are urged to satisfy this requil'ement during their 'eshman year. Elective service courses (regularly scheduled classes) in physical activities re offered for juniors and seniors. A total of not more than 12 term hours may be lrned toward graduation in lower-division and upper-division service courses in hysical education. Not more than 1 hour of credit may be earned in anyone term. Intramural Sports. The School of Health, Physical Education, and Recrea- on sponsors a comprehensive program of intramural sports. A primary purpose f the program is to encourage sportsmanship and friendly relations among the fudents of the University through athletic competition. Individual and group com- etitive sports for men are organized under the guidance of the department for men. 'he department for women provides a wide variety of sports for women students. Itudel!t ~eadership for women's athletics is furnished by the Women's Recreational ~ssoclatlOn. ~ Undergraduate Study. Undergraduate major programs are offered in theelds of health education, physical education, dance, and recreation and park man-ement. Graduates of the school hold positions as: high-school teachers of physi- 1 education and health education; athletic coaches; directors of high-school hletics; supervisors of health and physical education; community recreation and ayg-round directors; leaders in YM.CA., Y.W.CA., and other youth-organiza- on work; directors of restricted and corrective physical education; workers in e field of physical therapy; college and university teachers and research workers child growth, health education, physical education, and dance. Graduate Study. The School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation ers graduate work leading to the Master of Arts, Master of Science, Doctor of ducation, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Candidates for the master's degree may major in one of the following seven eas or in a combination of related areas: (1) administration of programs, build- gs and grounds; (2) school health education; (3) corrective activities and ysical therapy; (4) recreation and park management; (5) anatomy, kinesiol- * Students who have completed six months of active military service in the Armed Forces the United S1ates are exempt from three terms of the ]lhysical·education requirement. 328 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS ogy, and physiological training and conditioning factors; (6) morphologica physiological, and motor aspects of child growth; (7) measurement and evalu; tion in physical education. Ph.D. and D.Ed. candidates are expected to concentrate in one of the follov ing fields of specialization: (l) administration; (2) health education; (3) chil growth and development; (4) corrective physical education; (5) scientific bas. of physical education; (6) recreation and park management. The Ph.D. dissert, tion must be an original contribution to knowledge. Advance study in dance may be arranged under the interdisciplinary master program (see page 120). Fees. Payment of regular University registration fees entitles every studel to the use of gymnasiums, pools, and showers, to the use of gymnasium and swin trting suits and towels, and to laundry service, whether or not they are registerc for physical-education courses. Students are urged to make full use of the gyn nasium facilities for exercise and recreation. Facilities. The University's buildings and playfields devoted to physica education instruction and recreation occupy a 42cacretract at the southeast cornl of the campus. The Physical Education Building provides offices, classrooms, stuc halls, and research laboratories for the school and gymnasium facilities for me The building is planned especially for professional preparation in physical educ; tion, as well as for the recreational needs of students. The men's swimming po is adjacent to the Physical Education Building. The women's gymnasium and the women's swimming pool are in Gerling. Hall, west of the Physical Education Building across University Street. There al playing fields for women south and west of Gerlinger. Adjoining the Physical Education Building to the south is McArthur COllI basketball pavilion and athletic center of the Associated Students. McArthl Court seats more than 10,000 spectators. Playing fields located east and south of the Physical Education Building pro vide excellent facilities for outdoor 'class instruction and for intramural and inte collegiate sports. Hayward Stadium, the Associated Students' athletic field, h; seats for 23,000 spectators. North of Hayward Stadium are six standard COl crete tennis courts. Eight additional courts are located south of the Educatic Building. Institute of Recreation Research and Service. The Institute of Recreatic Research and Service, maintained by the School of Health, Physical Educatio and Recreation in conjunction with its instructional program in recreation ar park management, assists communities in the development of recreation, park, ar youth-service resources, conducts research in various aspects of recreation deve opment, and provides information on research findings and nation-wide comml nity experience as a basis for the solution of recreation problems. The Institu' sponsors conferences and workshops, and welcomes requests for information ar assistance from public and private recreation agencies. Secondary-School Teaching of Health and Physical Education. For ce) fication asa teacher of health and physical education in Oregon high schools, t~ Oregon State Department of Education requires (I). the satisfaction of certa minimum standards of subject preparation and (2) the recommendation of t institution at which the student completes his subject preparation. The followi programs meet state standards and the requirements for recommendation by t University of Oregon. Physical Education. The program includes required undergraduate courses a additional courses required for permanent certification after a fifth year of prepar tion: H-EALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECREATION 329 UNDERGRADUATE Principles & Practices of Physical Education (PE 341) Class Techniques in Physical Education (PE 342) Organization & Admin. of Physical Educ. (PK 343) . The School Program (PE 445) Human Anatomy (Bi 391, 392) Human Physiology (Bi 312, 313) . PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (MEN) Fundamentals of Body Movement & Games, Track and Field (PE 195) Elementary Apparatus (PE 295) . Folk, Social & Square Dance (PE 395) . Team Sports, Badminton, Tennis (PE 395) . Wrestling & Wcight Training (PE 495) PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (WOMEN) Tumbling) Apparatus, Track & Field, Individual & Dual Sports, Swimming (PE 294) Basic Physical Education, Field Sports, Track, Square & Ballroom Dancmg, Softball, Swimming (PE 394) Contemporary Dance, Basketball, Volleyball (PE 494) FIFTH YEAR Corrective Physical Education (PE 444) Tests & Measurements in Physical Education (PE 446) Kinesiology (PE 472) , . Physiology of Exercise (PE 473) Term Hours 3 3 3 3 6 6 4 2 2 4 2 4 6 4 3 3 3 3 H eatth Education. The program includes required undergraduate courses and dditional courses required for permanent certification after a fifth year of prepara- ion: UNDERGRADU ..\TE General Biology (Bi 101, 102, 103) School Health Services (HE 465) Human Anatomy (Bi 391, 392) Human Physiology (Bi 312, 313) Nutrition (HEe 225) ... Safety Education (HE 359) First Aid (HE 252) Personal Health Problems (HE 361) Community Health Problems (HE 362) Communicable & Noncommunicable Diseases (HE 363) Health Instruction (HE 464) FIFTH YF..-AR Advanced Health Instruction (HE 543) . Mental Health (HE 540) Administration of School Health Education (HE 552) . 12 3 6 6 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Health and Physical Educotion. The Oregon State Department of Education as set special subject-preparation requirements for positions involving the teach- g of both health and physical education. A program for the satisfaction of these equirements may be arranged with advisers ill the School of Health, Physical Edu- ation, and Recreation. Physical Education HE BASIC UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM in physical education, ading to the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Physical Education degree, pro- ides a strong program of professional work. During his freshman and sophomore ears, the student obtains a sound foundation ill the liberal arts and in the sciences asic to professional studies, supplemented by introductory instruction in physical- ducation theory and activities. The upper-division program is devoted principally professional studies. The basic program is planned to satisfy the usual needs of the student planning teach physical education in the public schools; it includes sufficient work in 330 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS health education to enable him to qualify for positions which require the tead ing of both physical education and health education. Modifications of this progral may be arranged for students with special interests in such fields as the danci social studies, and physical therapy. Students who elect a minor in a field othe than health education are required to complete an approved program in the secon field, including 21 term hours of work beyond the introductory sequence in th field. Superior students who are interested in preparing for careers in the scientifi and research aspects of physical education may arrange a program in whic greater concentration in biology, physiology, chemistry, and mathematics is suI:: stituted for certain courses directly related to preparation for secondary-schoc teaching. Term ROUlLower Division General Biology (Hi 101, 102, 103) . Elementary Chemistry (Ch 101, 102, 103).. . . Nutrition (HEc 225) "" Psychology . Introduction to Health & Physical Education (PE 131) . First Aid (HE 252) . Professional activities __ .__ _ __ 12 12 2 9 2 3 12 Upper Division Human Anatomy (Bi 391, 392) ).'..... 6 Human Physiology (Hi 312, 313)................................................................................ 6 Princ. & Practices of Physical Education (PE 341) ...........•.................................... 3 Class Techniques in Physical Education (PE 342) »................. 3 Organ. & Admin. of Physical Education (PE 343).............. 3 Tests & Measurements in Physical Educ. (PE 446).......................................... 3 School Program (PE 445) 3 Corrective Physical Education (PE 444) 3 Kinesiology (PE 472), Physiology of Exercise (PE 473)........................................ 6 Personal Health Problems (HE 361), Community Health Problems (HE 362), Communicable & Noncommunicable Diseases (HE 363)........................ 9 Health .Instructi.o~ .(HE 464), School Health Service (HE 465) 6 ProfeSSIOnal actrvltres ;............... 12 Social Science Option. Majors in physical education who wish to place a emphasis on the social sciences in their studies in the liberal arts may, with th approval of the dean of the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreatior substitute selected social science courses for a portion of the science requiremen in the basic undergraduate curriculum. Dance Option. The dance option combines professional work in physical edu cation with special instruction in dance and related arts. There are excellent voca tional. opportunities in the fields of physical education and recreation for person whose professional training includes this instruction. In addition to the danc option, the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation offers a majo curriculum in the dance as a contemporary art form (see pages 336-338). - Pre-Physical-Therapy Option. Standard schools of physical therapy, whic are usually operated in conjunction with medical schools, have admission require ments with strong emphasis on foundation work in the basic sciences. The science included in the basic curriculum in physical education, together with the under standing of body movement and exercise activities gained in professional physical education courses, provide excellent preparation for physical-therapy trainin! Students interested in this work may arrange a special program, within the geneT< framework of the physical-education major, but excluding courses especially de signed to meet the requirement for a teacher's certificate. Minor for Elementary Teachers. Majors in elementary education may, i consultation with advisers in the School of Health, Physical Education, an Recreation, arrange a minor in physical education, including selected theory an activities courses in addition to work required for elementary teacher certificatiOl HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECREATION 331 Service Courses for Men LOWER-DIVISION COURSES E 190. Physical Education (Mim). 1 hour each term, six terms. A variety of activities taught for physiological and recreational values. Spe- cial sections for restricted and corrective work. A total of five terms required for all lower-division men students. 3 hours a week. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES E 390. Physical Education for Junior and Senior Men. 1 hour each term, six terms. 3 hours a week. Service Courses for Women LOWER-DIVISION COURSES E 180. Physical Education (Women). 1 hour each term, six terms. A variety of activities taught for physiological and recreational values. Spe- cial sections for restricted and corrective work. A total of five terms required for all lower-division women students. 3 hours a week. UPPER.DIVISION COURSES IE 380. Physical Education for Junior and Senior Women. 1 hour each term, six terms. 3 hours a week. Professional Courses LOWER-DIVISION COURSES 131. Introduction to Health and Physical Education. 2 hours fall or spring. Professional orientation; basic philosophy and obj ectives; professional oppor- tWlities and qualifications. Puckett, Schendel. 194. Professional Activities (Women). 1-2 hours each term, three terms. For professional students. Instruction and practice. Fall: field sports, basic physical education. Winter: tumbling, basketball. Spring: elementary con- temporary dance, tennis. 195. Professional Activities (Men). 2 hours each term, three terms. For professional students. Methods, teaching techniques, and basic skills. Fall: fundamentals of body movement, games. Winter: elementary aquatics. Spring: track and field. 221. Games for the Elementary School. 1 hour. Creative games, games or low organization, and fundamental sport skills suit- able for elementary children. Munson. 223. Fundamental Body Movement, Posture, and Tumbling. 1 hour. The mechanics of movement, posture, conditioning exercises, stunts, tumbling, self-testing, apparatus, and evaluation for the elementary-school child. Mun- son. 291. Life Saving in Aquatic Programs. 2 hours. Basic skills of life saving in aquatic programs; leads to American Red Cross certification in senior life saving. Open to men and women students who pass qualifying tests in swimming. 292. Swimming and Water Safety Instruction. 2 hours. Analysis, methods of instruction, and evaluation at all age levels; leads to American Red Cross certification in water safety instruction. Open to men and women students who pass qualifying tests in swimming and life saving. 332 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS I PE 294. Professional Activities (Women). 1-2 hours each term, three terms. For professional students. Instruction and practice. Fall: swimming, badmil ton. Winter: tumbling, trampoline, and apparatus. Spring: track and fiel golf. PE 295. Professional Activities (Men). 2 hours each term, three terms. For professional students. Methods, teaching techniques, and basic skills. Fal baseball, basketball. Winter: elementary apparatus. Spring: football ar touch football. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES PE 341. Principles and Practices of Physical Education. 3 hours faU. An interpretative study and analysis of the principles and practices of physic education, through their historical development and in their present applic ti6n and significance. Sprague. PE 342. Class Techniques in Physical Education. 3 hours winter. Organizing and conducting physical-education classes in secondary schoo: Sprague, Puckett. PE 343. Organization and Administration of Physical Education. 3 hou spring. Planning and organizing the use of buildings, grounds, and recreational are: for the physical-education program; purchase and care of equipment; budge ing equipment and operating costs. Sprague. PE 344. Administration of Aquatic Programs. 3 hours spring. Organization and administration of aquatic programs. Open to men ar women majors, and to others with consent of instructor. PE 361. Care and Prevention of Injuries. 3 hours winter. Bandaging, massage, and other specialized mechanical aids for the prevel tion of injuries. Analysis of types of injuries; emergency procedures. Prer quisite: Bi 391, 392. Rhoda, Sigerseth. PE 394. Professional Activities (Women). 1-2 hours each term, three terms. For professional students. Advanced practice and teaching techniques. Fal fundamental activities, field sports, or· dance composition. Winter: fol square, and ballroom dance. Spring: softball, swimming. PE 395. Professional Activities (Men). 2 hours each term, three terms. For professional students. Methods, teaching techniques and basic skills. Fal tennis and soccer. Winter: dance. Spring: badminton and volleybal1. PE 403. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. Thesis based on student's own investigation. Subject chosen after consult tion with adviser. Credit determined by quality of work done. PE 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Reading and assignments in connection with other courses for extra cred Honors readings. Prerequisite: consent of instructor; approval of the dea PE 406. Special Problems. Hours to be arranged. Prerequisite: approval of the dean. PE 420. Methods in Elementary-School Physical Education. 3 hours. Program development; methods of instruction in elementary-school physic education. The purposes and requirements of the elementary physical-educ tion program, with emphasis on program planning, methods, and materials instruction. Munson. PE 444. Corrective Physical Education. 3 hours spring. Survey of common deviations of posture and feet, functional disturbances, ar crippling conditions found in school children. Consideration of the extent al limitations of the teacher's responsibility for their amelioration or improv ment. Prerequisite: Bi 391, 392; PE 472. HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECREATION 333 445. The School Program. 3 hours winter. Construction of physical-education and intramural programs, on the basis of accepted principles, criteria, functions, and evaluations; emphasis on integra- tion with the total school program. Prerequisite: PE 341, PE 342. Sprague. 465. Football Coaching. 3 hours winter. Systems of play, strategy, responsibilities of the coach, public relations, con- ference organization. Casanova. 466. Basketball Coaching. 2 hours winter. Coaching methods and problems. Fundamentals of team play; comparison of systems; strategy; training, conditioning; selection of men for positions. Belko. 467. Baseball Coaching. 2 hours spring. Review of fundamentals, with emphasis on methods of instruction; problems and duties of the baseball coach, including baseball ,strategy, baseball psy- chology, training, conditioning. Kirsch. .468. Track Coaching. 2 hours spring. Principles of training; development of performance for each track event; selection of men for different events; conducting meets. Laboratory experi- ence in PE 195. Bowerman. . 472. Kinesiology. 3 hours spring Action of muscles involved in fundamental movements, calisthenics, gymnas- tics, and athletics. Prerequisite: Bi 391, 392. Sigerseth. ; 473. Physiology of Exercise. 3 hours spring. Physiological effects of muscular exercise, physical conditioning, and train- ing; significance of these effects for health .and for performance in activity programs. Prerequisite: Bi 312, 313. Sigerseth. : 494. Professional Activities (Women). 1-2 hours each term, three terms. I For professional students. Advanced practice and teaching techniques. Fall: basketball-volleyball officiating, intermediate contemporary dance. Winter: contemporary dance. Spring: archery, bowling, tennis. 1495. Professional Activities (Men). 2 hours each term, three terms. For professional students. Methods, teaching techniques, and basic skills. Fall: wrestling and weight training. Winter: advanced apparatus. Spring: ad- I vanced aquatics or golf, handball, archery. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT ,408. Workshop. '(g) Hours to be arranged. 1421, 422, 423. Foundations of Elementary-School Physical Education. (g) 3 hours each term. I Anatomical and physiological factors basic to physical, education in the ele- mentary schools; motor-skill development in children. 424. Administration of ElementarYcSchool Physical Education. (g) 3 hours. Modern trends in elementary-school physical education; duties of the physical- education specialist; organizatiol1 and admil1istration at the primary, inter- mediate, and upper-grade levels; evaluative procedures and techniques; the role of elementary physical,'education in outdoor education. Prerequisite: PE 221, PE 223, PE 420, or consent of instructor. Munson. 446. Tests and Measurements in Physical Education. (G) 3 hours. Use of tests and measurement in physical education; evaluation of objectives, programs, and student achievement through measurement techniques. Reuter. GRADUATE COURSES 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. * No-grade conrse. 334 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS PE 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Prerequisite: approval of the dean. PE 506. Special Problems. Hours to be arranged. Study of selected problems in the field of physical education. Prerequisi approval of the dean. PE 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Anatomical. Physiological, and Kinesiological Bases of Physical Educati Body Growth and Development through Physical Education. Administration of Physical Education Service Programs. Philosophy of Physical Education. Advanced Study in Motor Learning. Current Literature in Physical Education. i?E 508. Workshop. Hours to be arranged. ?E 509. Practicum. Hours to be arranged. Practical experience in handling corrective cases; to be taken in conj unct with PE 521, PE 522, PE 523. PE SIS. History and Theories of Physical Education. 3 hours fall. The history of physical education from the Greeks to modern times; ~ phasis on modern development. Washke. PE 518. Current Movements in Physical Education. 3 hours. The different schools of thought and practice which determine the purpo and procedures in the professional field of physical education. Analysis of Oregon and other regional public school physical-education progral Washke. PE 520. Developmental Program in Physical Education. 3 hours. Programs to meet individual physical-fitness and social needs through ph) cal-education activities; case-study techniques, developmental programs, ' velopment of social traits; administrative problems. Prerequisite: PE ~ PE 446. Clarke. PE 521. Basic Procedures in Corrective Physical Education. 3 hours. Common postural deviations; causes; basic principles underlying the p scription of exercise for those conditions which may be handled safely the physical-education teacher; methods of referral when advisable. P requisite: Bi 391, 392; PE 472. PE 522. Advanced Corrective Procedures. 3 hours. Survey of the orthopaedic conditions which fall in the province of the c, rective physical-education specialist; recommended therapeutic procedur the orthopaedic examination; organization of the corrective physical-edu, tion program in schools and colleges. Prerequisite: PE 521 or consent instructor. PE 523. Physical Education of the Handicapped. 3 hours. The major crippling conditions, such as cerebral palsy and poliomyelitis, < functional disturbances, such as cardiac ami respiratory conditions; plann the physical-education program for these conditions. PE 527. Techniques of Relaxation. 3 hours. The common causes of fatigue and neuromuscular hypertension; methods combating them. Theories underlying techniques of relaxation; application these techniques in daily living and in activities. PE 531. Muscle Testing and Therapeutic Exercise. 3 hours. Fundamentals of muscle re-education. Methods of determining specific mm weaknesses; restoration of. l1ormal function following injury. PE 532. Heat Therapy and Massage. 3 hours. The theory and technique of the use of heat and colc! as first-aid measures < as adj uncts to rehabilitative procedures practiced by physical educators. 1 HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION. RECREATION 335 commonly used techniques of massage, their physiological and mechanical effect, and their application by physical educators. ~ 533. Motor Skill Learning. 3 hours. Review of the psychology of learning as it pertains to motor skills; research bearing upon the teaching and learning of gross motor skills. Prerequisites; PE 517, PE 540, at least one year's teaching experience. Brumbach. ~ 540. Statistical Methods in P4ysical Education. 3 hours fall. Elementary statistics applied to research, including central tendency, variabili- ty, normal probability curve, reliability and correlation. Prerequisite: gradu- ate standing. Clarke. ~541. Statistical Methods in Physical Education. 3 hours winter. Advanced statistics applied to research, including variance analysis, co-vari- ailce analysis, partial and multiple correhJ.tion, regression equations, chi- square, special correlational techniques, and non-parametric processes. Pre- requisite; PE 540. Clarke. ~ 544. Methods of Research. 3 hours. Study of the methods and techniques of research in health, physical education, and recreation; practice in application to problems of current interest. Clarke. ~ 545. Experimental Design in Physical-Education Research. 4 hours. Techniques and pr-ocedures of laboratory research in physical education; con- struction of tests; technical laboratory tests and their use; design of experi- ments; application of advanced quantitative methods. Prerequisite: PE 446, PE 540, 541. Clarke. ~ 551. Administration of Physical Education. 3 hours winter. Organization and administration of the physical-education program at the college level. Esslinger, Rhoda. : 552. Administration of Athletics. 3 hours. Historical development of athletics and their control. Place of athletics in education; purposes, administrative control, management, operational poli- cies, care of equipment and facilities. Sprague. : 553. Intramural Organization and Management. 3 hours. Nature and purposes of intramural programs; history of their development. Departmental organization. Relationship of the program to physical-educa- tion instruction. Administrative problems. Washke. : 556. Administration of Buildings and Facilities. 3 hours. Building layout and equipment; the relationship of the various functional units-equipment service, dressing facilities, activity spaces, administrative units, permanent and dismant1eable equipment. Rhoda. : 557. Supervision of Physical Education for City Supervisors. 3 hours. The purpose of supervision; supervision of staff, facilities, and areas; de- partmental organization, regulations, and policies. Sprague.' :558. Curriculum Construction in Physical Education. 3 hours. Basic elements and procedures of curriculum construction in physical educa- tion; special application at the city, county, and state' levels. For supervisors and administrators of physical-education programs. Sprague. : 559. Professional Preparation in Physical Education. 3 hours. Historical development of professional preparation in the field of physical education;' curriculum, evaluation, and recruitment in the development and conduct of teacher-education programs in physical education. Sprague. .561. Foundations of Physical Growth. 3 hours. Concept of growth, objectives in studying growth, procedures in collection and analysis of growth data. Physical growth from the beginning of prenatal life to the close of infancy. Prerequisite: Bi 391, 392, PE 472, PE 540. 336 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS Term HI PE 562. Changes in Body Size and Form During Childhood and Adolescel1 3 hours. Growth in external dimensions and proportions from late infancy to e, adulthood. Differences associated with sex, puberty, socio-economic sta' race, secular periods, health regimen. Prerequisite: PE 561. PE 563. Growth of Body Tissues and Organs. 3 hours. Study of materials important to teachers and others concerned with c1 growth. Ossification of the child's skeleton, calcification and eruption of tel morphologic development of heart and voluntary musculature, age change~ subcutaneous adipose tissue. Prerequisite: PE 561. PE 564. Morphologic and Physiologic Appraisement of School Childrel1 hours. Critical examination of various proposals for evaluating individual status: progress; emphasis on measurement proposals suitable for use in school he, and physical-education prograll)s. Prerequisi):e: PE 446 or HE 465. PE 566. Research Methodology for Child Growth. 3 hours. Anthropometric instruments, landmarks, and methods; reliability of meast ments and ratings; application of biom~tric procedures. PE 567. Motor Development in Infancy and Childhood. 3 hours. Study of the acquisition of motor skills during the first decade of life. F requisite: PE 446 or Psy 460, or consent of instructor. PE 572, 573. Gross Anatomy. 3 hours each term. Principles and facts in the fields of myology, osteology, arthrology, neurc gy, and angiology of importance to college teachers of physical education v give instruction in anatomy, kinesiology, and physiology of exercise. Appli tion to body movement and performance. Prerequisite: Bi 391, 392, or equi' lent. Sigerseth. PE 574. Physiological Principles of Advanced Conditioning. 3 hours. Physiological principles and facts upon which conditioning for competitior athletic activities and physical performances should be based. Direct appli tion to training for competition in major sports and individual activit Prerequisite: Bi 312, 313: PE 473. Sigerseth. PE 575. Mechanical Analysis of Motor Skills. 3 hours. Analysis of various physical-education activities to determine their re1at to laws of physics concerning motion, force, inertia, levers, etc. Prerequisi Bi 391, 392, PE 472, or equivalent. Sigerseth. Dance A MAJOR CURRICULUM IN THE DANCE as a contemporary art form: a major option combining work in physical education and the dance (see page 3: are offered by the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. ~ major curriculum provides a broad cultural education and instruction in rela arts; the requirements are: Lower Division General Biology (Bi 101, 102, 103) 01" foreign language. 12 Personal Health (HE 250) 3 Introdu~tion to ~,:s.ic & Its Literature (Mus 201, 202, 203)............................ 9 ProfessIonal acbvltles .. _. __ . ._._ .. __ 4 Electives in supporting fields. 6 Intro. to Cultural Anthropology (Anth 207, 208, 209).................. 9 PsychQlogy . 9 *Psychology Lahoratory . 3 Survey af Visual Arts (ArH 201, 202,203) or foreign language.. .. 9~12 Introduction to Dance (PE 25 1) 2 -II- Required for satisfaction of science group requirement for candidate for B.A. deg HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECREATION 337 Term Hours Fundamentals of Rhythm (PE 252)_ Rhythms for the Elementary School Professional activities Electives in supporting fields. (PE 222) 2 I 6 6 Upper Division History of Philosophy (Phi 301, 302, 303) _ Peoples of the World (Anth 314, 315, 316) Elementary Dance Composition (PE 351) __ Advance,1 Dance Composition (PE 352) __ Dance Accompaniment (PE 353) _ Dance & P.E. Lab_ (PE 354, 355, 356) _ Aestheties (Phi 441, 442, 443)___________ _ _ Techniques of Teaching Contemporary Danee (PE 494) _ Dance Programs and Production (PE 451) _ History of Dance to 1900 (PE 452) _.______ _ _ History of Dance since 1900 (PE 453) ... _. _ Human Anatomy (Bi 391,392), Kinesiology (PE 472), or year sequence in art, music, or literature ....._ Dance & P.E. Lab. (PE 454, 455, 456) Electives in supporting fields ..... 9 9 3 3 3 6 9 2 3 3 3 9 6 31 LOWER-DIVISION COURSES ?E 222. Rhythms for the Elementary School. 1 hour spring. The dance program for children in the elementary school, grades one through six. Locomotor and nonlocomotor movement; dramatization and creative dance studies; singing games; traditional dance skills and folk dances for children of the intermediate grades. Offered alternate years. Munson. )N 251. Introduction to the Dance. 2 hours fall. An overview of the dance. Introduction to dance history and to the significance of dance as an art form. Dougherty. )N 252. Fundamentals of Rhythm. 2 hours spring. I Rhythm as a basic factor for movement. Rhythmic devices used in the dance. Notation and rhythmic analysis. Offered alternate years. N 254,255,256. Dance and Physical Education Laboratories,- 2 hours each cterm. Instruction and practice. Fall: contemporary dance; winter: folk and square dance; spring: contemporary d LAW 355 w school has satisfied the 2.00 grade-point-average requirement for the J.D. ~gree, only grades earned at the University of Oregon will be considered. Oregon Law Review. The OREGON LAW REVIEW is published quarterly under Ie editorship of the faculty of the School of Law, with the assistance of a udent editorial staff, as a service to the members of the Oregon bar and as a imulus to legal research and productive scholarship on the part of students. The AW REVIEW has been published continuously since 1921. Legal Aid. Members of the third-year law class each year have the oppor- lI1ity to participate on a voluntary, noncredit basis in the legal-aid program )erated by the Lane County Bar Association. For several years the voluntary loperation of third-year students has been 100 per cent. Oral Case Analysis Contest. Law students entering the Lane County Bar ssociation Oral Case Analysis Contest are afforded the unique opportunity of scussing a recent case or legal topic of interest with an audience composed ltirely of lawyers. Any registered law student may enter the contest. The Lane ounty Bar Association offers each year cash prizes of $65, $40, and $25 to the ree students judged to have made the best presentations at the weekly luncheon eetings of the bar association. Order of the Coif. The Order of the Coif, national law-school honor society, aintains a chapter in the University of Oregon School of Law. The Order of the if was founded to encourage high scholarship and to advance the ethical stand- ds of the legal profession. Members are selected by the faculty during the spring rm each year from the ten per cent of the third-year class who rank highest in holarship. Character, as well as scholarship, is considered in selecting members. Scholarships and Awards. For scholarships and fellowships established ecifically for students ill the School of Law, see pages 106-108. For prizes and ards for law students, see pages 113-114. Placement. The School of Law maintains its own placement service for its aduates, under the personal direction of the dean of the school. Individual atten- n is given to the wishes of each graduate concerning his placement. No substan- problem in finding suitable opportunities to practice law has been experienced ce the depression days of the 1930s. During the last few years, graduates of the .001 going into law offices and government positions have received starting laries ranging from $500 to $600 a month. A very large proportion of the school's aduates enter the private practice of law. UPPER-DIVISION SERVICE COURSE 30. Law, Its Processes and Functions. (g) 3 hours. 'Introduction to the legal system for nonlaw students. Law presented not as a body of rules but as man's chief means of political and social control; judicial opinions and other primary source materials used to show how the legal system operates and what its main social functions are. Not open to lower- division students. Summers. FIRST-YEAR COURSES 11, 412.413. Contracts. 3 hours fall, 2 hours winter, 3 hours spring. Formation of simple contracts; consideration; third-party beneficiaries; as- signments; the Statute of Frauds; performance and breach; illegality; dis- charge. Platt, Summers. 14,415,416. Property. 3 hours each term. Possession as a concept in acquisition, retention, transfer, and loss of chattels. Requisites of valid acquisition and transfer of nonderivative and derivative 356 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS titles to land; descriptions; covenants of title; fixtures. Landowners' inco poreal interests; easements; licenses, covenants. Creation and characteristi of common-law estates. Classification and protection of nonpossessory futu interests. Class gifts; construction problems; rule against perpetuities; powe of appointment; restraints on alienation. Clark, Weatherford. L 417, 418. Legal Bibliography and Writing. 1 hour each term. Legal reference materials: legislative enactments; judieial precedents; class of law books; training in their use. Preparation of an original manuscri dealing with a legal subj ect. L 419. Civil Procedure. 4 hours fall. Introductory study of procedure in actions at law. The court system; metho- of trial and appellate review; detailed study of common-law actions and plea ings. Hollis, Lacy. L 420, 421. Criminal Law and Procedure. 3 hours fall, 2 hours winter. Source and function of criminal law; elements of specific crimes and facto limiting culpability; criminal law and its administration as a technique social order; procedure in criminal cases; protection of individual rights 1 constitutional and other legal limitations on criminal law enforcement. Hunt( Lin,je, Titus. L 422, 423, 424. Torts. 3 hours fall, 2 hours winter, 3 hours spring. Intentional invasion of interests of personality and property; negligilHce at causation; pla,intiff's colK1uet as a bar to recovery; liability without leg fault; fraud and deceit; defamation; malicious proseclAtion; interference wi advantageous relations. Lacy, Titus. L 427. Agency. 3 hours spring. Nature of agency; creation; agent's duty to principal; rights of agent again principal; claims of third persons; ratification; undisclosed principal; te mination. Platt. L 429. Equity. 4 hours spring. General nature and availability of equitable remedies; historical backgrouIll specific performance of contracts; inj unctions; interests typically protectl by courts of equity. Summers. SECOND-YEAR COURSES L 434. Secured Land Transactions. 4 hours spring. Vendor-purchaser and mortgage law; emphasis on functional comparison land sale contracts, mortgages, and deeds of trust as real property securi devices in the market place. Clark. L 435. Commercial Transactions. 4 hours fall. Secured transactions, sales, documents of title, and introduction to commerc paper under the Uniform Commercial Code. Summers. *L 436. Commercial Paper. 3 hours. Analysis of rights and liabilities of parties to negotiable instruments un the Uniform Commercial Code. Some comparisons with foreign law will made. Titus. *L 440. Insurance. 3 hours. The insurance business; insurable interest; coverage of contract as to ev and insured; subrogation; warranties, representations, and concealme Mapp. -' *L 441. Land and Water Resources. 3 hours. The legal aspects of problems arising in land, timber, minerals, and wa utilization, with special attention to the effect of Federal, state, and 10 legislation on such problems. Clark. *L 444. Restitution. 3 hours. Historical background; availability and operation of quasi contracts a * Elective courses. LAW 357 other remedies for unjust enrichment; restitution of benefits tortiously ac- quired or conferred upon unenforceable contracts or because of mistake or duress. Titus. L 446. Family Law. 3 hours. Nature of marriage; annulment; divorce; adoption; legal incidents of status of husband and wife and parent and child. vVeatherford. ,447,448. Partnerships and Corporations. 4 hours fall, 3 hours winter. A comparative study of partnerships, corporations, and other business asso- ciations in lannching the enterprise and in transactions prior to formation; management, control, and transfer of control in a going concern; managers' benefits and hazards; asset distributions to members; reorganization of a solvent enterprise; solvent dissolution. Basye. ,449,450. Constitutional Law. 3 hours tOach term. The Federal system under the Constitution of the United States; judicial review in constitutional cases; national and state control over the economy under the commerce clause; the power to tax and spend and other powers of Congress; national power in international relations; guarantees of individual liberty by limitations on governmental power; constitutional issues in state courts. Linde. ,453. Code Pleading. 4 hours spting. Pleading under the codes and the Federal rules of civil procedure; parties; joinder of causes; the pleadings; objections to pleadings; amendments. Hollis. ,454,455. Trusts a,nd Estates. 3 h~urswinter, 4 hours spring. First term: execution and construction of testamentary and trust instruments; resulting and constructive trusts. Second term: administration of decedents' and fiduciary estates; law of intestate succession. Mapp. THIRD-YEAR COURSES .458,459. Conflict of Laws. 3 hours each term, fall and winter. Theoretical basis of decision; jurisdiction; foreign judgments; right under foreign law in torts, contracts, sales, security transactions, busiRess organiza- tions, family law. Hollis. . 460,461. Trial Practice. 3 hours each term, winter and spring. Jurisdiction; venue; process; judgments; juries; introduction of evidence; exceptions; findings; verdicts; motions after verdict. Moot court jury trial spring term. Hollis. 462. Creditors' Rights. 4 hours. Remedies of and priorities between unsecured creditors; exemptions, fraudu- lent conveyances; general assignments and creditors' agreements; bankruptcy. L 471. Legislation. 3 hours spring. The legislative process; the lawyer's role in policy formulation and law mak- ing in contrast to litigation; drafting; presentations before legislative com- ! ,mittees and other law-making bodies; lobbying and its regulation; legislative . 'history and the interpretation of statutes. Linde. :.. 476. Labor Law. 3 hours. The law of labor-management relations; common-law background and mod- ern development; Federal and state regulation ofcollective bargaining, strikes, and picketing, and of specific employment conditions and practices; the N.L.R.. B. and other agencies of Iflbor-law administration. 477. The Legal Profession. 2 hours . .Organization of bench and bar; functions of the legal profession in the ad- ministration of justice; canons and other standards of professional ethics. Mapp. 478,479. Evidence. 3 hours each term, fall and wiliter. Presumptions; burden of proof; judicial notice; hearsay, opinion, and char- * Elective courses. 358 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS acter evidence; admissions; real evidence; best-evidence rule; parole-evidenc rule; witnesses. Lacy. *L 481. Trade Regulation. 4 hours. Survey of the effect of the major Federal legislation (Sherman, Claytol Robinson-Patman, Federal Trade Commission Acts) in the anti-trust an unfair-competition areas. Hunter. L 482, 483. Federal Taxation. 3 hours each term. What is income and whose income is it under the Federal income tax; dedu< tions and credits; when is it income or deductible-accounting problems capital gains and losses; income-tax problems in corporate distributions an reorganization; the Federal estate tax--concepts of gross estate, valuatiOi deductions, credits, and computation of tax; the Federal gift tax; collectio of Federal taxes, transferee liability, and criminal penalties. Basye. *L 484. Administrative Law. 4 hours. The administrative process; delegation of administrative functions and legil lative and executive control of agency action; formulation and enforcemer of the administrative program; procedural standards of administrati'Ve action the nature and scope of judicial review. Linde. *L 485. Future Interests and Estate Planning. 4 hours. Recognition and solution of practical problems in lifetime and testamentar disposition of property; development of the law of future interests withi the overall framework of estate planning. Individual student assignment ( a practical problem in preparing a family estate plan, including the draftin of necessary legal instruments. Basye. *L 486. Securities Regulation. 3 hours. Analysis ot Federal legislation administered by the Securities and Exchang Commission and of. state legislation, popnlarly designed as "blue sky laws. based on the policy of investor protection, *L 487. Local Government Law. 3 hours spring. The nature, constitution, powers, and liabilities of municipal corporation Harms. L 488. Legal Writing. I hour. Preparation, under the supervision of a member of the faculty, of a mam script in the form of a UNote and Comment" suitable for submission to t1 Board of Editors of the OREGON LAW REVIEW. *L 501. Research. Hours to be arranged, Open to third-year students, by special arrangement only. The student worl under the supervision of the instructor in whose field the problem is selecte Not more than 3 hours per term or a total of 9 term hours of credit may I earned. *L 503, Thesis. Hours to be arranged. A maximum total of 3 hours of credit may be earned. *L 507, Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Seminars offered in the following subjects as student interest and other COl ditions may make the instruction feasible: Administration of Criminal Justice, Lacy. Compensation for Personal Injuries. Lacy. Copyright, Trade Mark,and Patent Law. Current Constitutional Problems. Linde. International Law. Linde. Jurisprudence. Linde or Summers. Legal Problems of Business Planning. Social Legislation, * Elective CourseS. School of Librarianship LERoy C. MERRITT, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Librarianship. Professors: ELIZABETH FINDLY, C. W. HINTZ, L. C. MERRITT. Associate Professors: HOLWAY JONES, R. R. MCCOLLOUGH, lONE PIERRON. Assistant Professors: CAROLINE FELLER, R. E. KEMPER, CORINNE McNEIR, E. P. THATCHER. THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON School of Librarianship was established in the faIl of 1966. The University offered undergraduate courses for school librarians in summer sessions as early as 1920; a regular-session program was established in the Department of English in 1934. In 1948 the program was transferred to the School of Education. In 1960-the University was authorized to offer graduate work in librarianship leading to the Master of Arts or Master of Science degrees. In- struction in the School of Librarianship is offered primarily at the graduate level, and leads to the professional degree of Master of Library Science. ' The offices, classrooms, and laboratories of the school are located in the Uni- versity Library building; the facilities and resources of the Library itself provide the basic laboratory for students in the school. The program of the School of Librarianship is designed to provide: (1) grad- uate instruction in the basic principles and practices of library'service and admin- .stration; (2) opportunities for in-service training; (3) leadership in the develop- lent of new and improved concepts and practices in librarianship; (4) training for chool librarians. Admission. Requirements for admission to the professional graduate program f the school include: (I) graduation from an institution of higher education whose equirements for the bachelor's degree are substantiaIly equivalent to the I'equire- ents of the University of Oregon; (2) a grade-point average of 3.00 for the ast two years of the student's academic preparation; (3) a satisfactory score on he Graduate Record Examination Aptitude Test or on the MiIler Analogies Test; (4) two years of coIlege-level study of one modern foreign language, or one year f college-Ievel study of each of two modern foreign languages; (5) for foreign tudents, proof of proficiency in the English language as measured by the Univer- ity of Michigan English Language Institute Test or the Princeton University est of English as a Foreign Language, in lieu of the Aptitude Test or the Miller nalogies Test. For application procedures for-admission to graduate standing ill the Univer- ity, see page 116. Students applying for admission to the School of Librarianship ust also: (1) have three letters of recommendation (one preferably from a ibrarian) sent to the dean of the School of Librarianship; (2) arrange for an nterview with the dean or member of the faculty of the school or \vith a representa- ive of the school designated by the dean. AIl application procedures must be ompleted early in the term preceding the term in which the student wishes to enter he school. Degree Requirements. The requirements for the M.L.S. degree are as fo1- ows; (I) 45 term hours of graduate work, including not less than 39 hours in lie rarianship and at least two graduate courses in another school or department tota1- ng not less than 4 term hours; (2) completion of a 24-hour core curriculum, ncluding Lib 411, Lib 421, Lib 431, Lib 442, Lib 512, Lib 521, Lib 571, Lib 572; [ 359] 360 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS (3) a 3.00 CPA covering all upper-division and graduate courses taken after admis- sion to the school. 1\ maximum of 15 term hours of graduate work completed at another accred- ited institution or through the Division of Continuing Education of the Oregor State System of Higher Education may be accepted for transferred credit. Candi- dates who hold advanced degrees in another field may be considered to have satis- fied the requirement for work outside the school, and may take additional course~ in librarianship. Program for School Librarians. For certification as a school librariar in Oregon schools, the Oregon State Department of Education requires (1) the satisfaction of certain minimum standards of preparation in librarianshiI: and (2) the recommendation of the institution at which the student complete~ his work in librarianship. The School of Librarianship admits undergraduate students to its course~ for the satisfaction of the Oregon basic norm requirement (18 term hours) and admits graduate students for the satisfaction of the standard nann re- quirement (an additional 12 term hours). Students preparing for certification as school librarians are not required to meet the admission requirements fOI the professional program leading to the M.L.S. degree. LOWER-DIVISION SERVICE COURSE Lib 127. Use of the Library. 1 hour any term. Training in the use of the card catalog, periodical indexes, and referencE books; experience in the preparation of bibliographies. As far as possible problems are coordinated with the individual student's stuoyprogram. Poole UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT Lib 411. Cataloging and Classification. (G) 3 hours. Instruction and practice in simplified procedures for the classification anC cataloging of books, films, filmstrips. phonorecords, and maps. Procedure for ordering and using Library of Congress amI \"/i1son cards. Kemper. Lib 421. Bibliography and Reference. l G) 3 hours. Introduction to reference services; evaluation and use of reference materials; correct bibliographical form; practical problems in the use of reference book~ in schools and other small libraries. KempeL Lib 431. The Library in Society. (G) 3 hours. The development of American libraries; their present-day functions as educa- tional and cultural institutions; legal structure; interlibrary cooperation; relations with the mass media; Jibrarianship as a profession. Kemper. Lib 432. The School Library. (G) 3 hours. Administrative and service problems of school libraries, including coIlecti01' building and maintenance, staffing, public relations with clientele and support- ing institutions. Prerequisite: Lib 431. KempeL Lib 442. Selection and Acquisition of Materials. (G) J hours. Reviewing media, selection aids, and other means of evaluating and selecting books and other materials in the light of library objectives. Merritt, Pierron Lib 445. The Library and Audio-Visual Materials. (G) J hours. Types, costs, utility, and characteristics of modern sensory aids employed il communicating ideas; experience in operating various types of equipment techniques for the extension of the use of audio-visual materials by communit) groups; sources of information about materials and equipment. Kemper. Lib 451. Children's Literature. (G) 3 hours. Survey of children's literature, with emphasis on selection and evaluation 01 books suitable for public and school libraries; reading guidance in relation t< both personal and curricular needs. Feller. ---_ ..._---- LIBRARIANSHIP 361 G'RADUATE COURSES Lib 50S. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Lib 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Lib 509. Practicum. 3-5 hours. Supervised practical experience under the guidance of a professional librarian. Lib 512. Advanced Cataloging and Classification. 3 hours. MOI-e-difficult problems in the cataloging and classification of books and other library materials; survey of theories and experiments in cataloging and classi- fication, and of their implications for the future. Prerequisite: Lib 411. Kemper. Lib 523. Government Publications. 3 hours. The acquisition, organization. and use of government publications of the United States, selected foreign countries, and international organizations, with special attention to United States government docmnents. Prerequisite: Lib 421. McNeir. . Lib 533 The Public Library. 3 hours. Administrative and service problems of public libraries, including collection building and maintenance, staffing, public relations with clientele and govern- ing authority. Prerequisite: Lib 431. Merritt. Lib 534. The Academic Library. 3 homs. Administrative and service problems of co]]ege, university, and research li- braries, including collection building and maintenance, staffing, public relations with clientele and supporting institution. Prerequisite: Lib 431. Lib 538. Library Administration. .3 hours. Principles of administration as applied to the government, organization, staff- ing, financing, housing, interpretation, and evaluation of libraries. Student projects relate the principles to specific types of libraries. Prerequisite: 9 hours in librarianship. Pierron. Lib 541. History of the Book. 3 homs. Development of the book in its various forms from earliest times to the pres- ent: origin and evolution of the alphabet and scripts; history of manuscript' books; invention and spread of printing; production and distribution of printed books. Emphasis on the relation of books to social conditions in the various periods studied. Hintz. Lib 543. Instructional Materials: Resources and Services. 3 hours. Organization and administration of the school library as an institutional mate- . rials center. Prerequisite: Lib 432. Kemper. ib 555. Young Adult Services. 3 hours. Survey of books and nonbook materials suitable for students of junior and senior high-school age; emphasis on selection and evaluation of books, ado- lescent reading interest, and reading guidance for curricular and personal needs. Feller. ib 558. Storytelling. 3 hours. Fundamental principles of the art of storytelling, including the planning of a story hour, location of suitable materials for use, and the techniques of learn- ing and presenting the story; study and selection of literature appropriate for oral presentation to children of all ages. Feller. ib 56L Literature of the Humanities. 3 hours. The role of the humanities in contemporary society; survey of the develop- ment of the literature associated with the humanistic disciplines, with emphasis on key men, books, and terminology; acquisition and handling of specialized resources. McCollough. ib 562. Literature of the Sciences. 3 homs. Survey and evaluation of library materials in the fields of science and technol- ogy; problems of scientific documentation; literature searching methods; compilation, classification, and reporting of information. Thatcher. 362 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS Lib 563. Literature of the Social Sciences. 3 hours. Survey of key men and ideas in the social sciences, with emphasis on past development and present tendencies; source materials for research; selection of books, maps, periodicals, etc. for school and college libraries and for personal reading; introduction to the bibliography of each of the social sci- ences. Designed for all interested students as well as library majors. Jones. Lib 571. Research in Librarianship. 3 hours. Survey of library literature, with attention to significant research in librarian- ship; selection and definition of a project, collection of data, historical, experi- mental, and descriptive methods, evaluation of data, statistical concepts; values of research in librarianship. Merritt, Kemper. Lib 572. Library Automation. 3 hours. Flow of recorded information in library development and use, with emphasis on mechanical aids and systems of contl'OJ. Data-processing techniques from punched cards to computers. Basics of systems analysis and evaluation as applied to library procedures. Prerequisite: Lib 411. Kemper. COURSE OFFERED ONLY IN SUMMER SESSIONS Lib 508. Workshop. Hours to be arranged. Medical School DAVID W. E. BAIRD, M.D., LL.D., Dean of the Medical School. CHARLES N. HOLMAN, M.D., Associate Dean of the Medical School: Medical Director of Hospitals and Clinics. WILLIAM A. ZIMMERMAN, B.S., Associate Dean for Business Affairs. JOSEPH J. ADAMS, B.B.A., Assistant Dean. CAROLINE H. POMMARANE, B.S., Registrar. MARGARET HUGHES, B.S., Librarian. THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON 'MEDICAL SCHOOL, located in Port- land, was chartered in 1887, as Oregon's second medical school. The first, the medical department of Willamette University, was merged with the Univer- sity of Oregon Medical School in 1913. The campus is a IOI-acre tract in Sam JackSon Park overlooking the city. Located on the same campus are the University of Oregon Dental School and the University of Oregon School of Nursing. The Medical School offers a standard curriculum in medicine, leading to the M.D. degree, a special five-year combined medical and graduate program, leading to the M.S. and M.D. degrees, graduate studies in the basic sciences leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, programs in medical technology leading , to the B.S. and M.S. degrees, a two-year program in radiologic technology, an internship in hospital dietetics, and training in cytotechnology and orthoptic tech- nique. The school's internship and residency programs provide more than 180 ap- pointments to qualified physicians. Extensive continuing education programs are conducted for physicians and medical technologists. The Medical School's hospitals and clinics, located on the campus, pro- vide teaching laboratories for clinical studies: 13,000 patients receive medical services and treatment annually in the school's hospitals: recorded visits to the school's outpatient clinics total more than 220.000 each year. The Medical School's research program is supported through funds provided by the state and Federal govemments and by foundations and private donors: research grant expenditures total approximately $6,000,000 annually. Curriculum in Medicine. The curriculum in medicine leading to the M.D. degree requires a minimum of three years of premedical studies, followed by four years of work at the Medical School. A student entering the Medical School without a Bachelor of Arts or Bach- elor of Science degree must complete the work required for one of these degrees at the University of Oregon or at the institution at which he received his premedical preparation, before entering upon the work of the third year in the }ledical School. The University of Oregon and most of the colleges and universities of the Pacific f\orthwest recognize credit earned by a student during his first two years at the Medical School as credit earned in residence toward the bachelor's degree. A suggested premedical curriculum for students planning to enter the Medical School is presented on pages 194-195 of this Catalog. Curriculum in Medical Technology. The curriculum in medical technology leading to the bachelor's degree is a four-year program, including three years of work on the Eugene campus of the University, fol1owed by one year at the Medical School. See page 194 of this Catalog. Medical School Catalogs. Separate catalogs describing the curriculum in medicine and the graduate programs in the basic sciences may be obtained from the Medical School. [ 363 j F- School of Music ROBERT M. TROTTER, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Music. Professors: EXINE A. BAILEY, E. A. CYKLER, MILTON DIETERICH (emeritus), GEORGE HOPKINS, HOMER KELLER, R. E. NYE,* JANE THACHER (emeritus), R. M. TROTTER, R. S. V AGNER. Associate Professors: F. W. BITTNER. GEORGE BOUGHTON, FLOYD ELLEFSON, J. M. GUSTAFSON, JOHN HAMILTON,t J. R. HLADKY, 1. D. LEE,:!: M. D. RISINGER, ROYCE SALTZMAN, VIRGINIA WHITFIELD, N. E. WILSON, W. c. WOODS.t Assistant Professors: PETER BERGQUIST, DORIS CALKINS, GABIUEL CHODOS,R. G. CUNNINGHAM, GARY MARTIN, LAWRENCE MAVES, JAMES MILLER, HAROLD OWEN, RICHARD TROMBLEY, MONTE TUBB. Instructors: CHARLES FARMER, MARCIA FARMER, ROBERT HURWITZ. Assistants: D. W. AEBISCHER, ELIZABETH 1. BERRY, W. P. BUEHNING, D. E. CUMMINGS, D. S. GOEDECKE, MAYNARD HEDEGAARD, P. E. HILLSTROM, W. W. HUFFMAN, BILLIE W. KEAN, J. A. KEMPSTER, D. L. KESLER, D. M. LITWIN, PATRICIA A. MYERS, EARL NORWOOD, D. L. SHRADER,LASZLO VERES, ]. A. WYCKOFF. IN THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, students learn by performing and by listening to music, by analyzing musical style, and by examining the historical contexts- artistic, philosophical, social, political, technological-in which our musical heri- tage has developed. Courses and curricula are planned to provide a vital unity of musical education and technical training, emphasizing the juncture where ideas and understanding meet direct experience of musical-beauty. The school recognizes two basic obligations: (1) the preparation of profes- sional musicians for careers as performers, teachers, composers, scholars, and critics; (2) as a part of the University's program of liberal education, instruction in the history and understanding of music for ail students and instruction in musical performance for students interested in performance as an a vocation. A department of music was established at the University of Oregon in 1886. The School of Music was organized in 1902, and was admitted to membership in the National Association of Schools of Music in 1928; the standards of the school are in accordance with the standards set by the association. Instruction for Nonmajors. The following courses offered by the School of Music an; planned especially fornonmajor students who have had little or no previous musical instruction: Introduction to Music and Its Literature (Mus 201, 202, 203) ; Music Fundamentals (Mus 321, 322) ; Listening with Understanding (Mus 450) ; The Music of Bach and Handel (Mus 451) ; The Classic Symphony and Sonata (Mus 452); -Introduction to Opera (Mus 453); Introduction to Twentieth-Century Music (Mus 454). Nonmajor students who meet proficiency requirements may also enroll for private performance instruction and for work in several ensemble groups, includ- ing band, orchestra, chorus, chamber ensemble, and opera workshop. Admission to Major Curricula. The major curricula in music are organized on an upper-division and graduate basis. Preparation for the major consists of two years of work in the College of Liberal Arts, under the guidance of a faculty * On sahhaticalleave, winter and spring terms, 1966-67. tOn sabbatical leave 1966-67. t On sabbatical leave, fall term, 1966-67. [ 364] MUSIC 365 adviser from the School of Music. The lower-division program includes intro- ductory work in music history, theory, and performance, in addition to studies in the arts and sciences providing a broad intellectual basis for advanced work in the music major. It is important that high-school students planning to major in music acquire, before entering the University, a thorough knowledge of standard musical sym- bols and terminology, some knowledge of the piano keyboard, considerable pro- ficiency in performance, and as wide an acquaintance as possible with great ·music. During registration week, all new students are given auditions to determine their eligibility for private performance studies and examinations in basic musical grammar and keyboard knowledge to test their aptitude and readiness for intro- ductory theoretical studies (information concerning these examinations may be obtained from the School of Music office). Exceptionally well-prepared and gifted students may be granted advanced placement or exemption from certain introduc- tory studies on the basis of the examinations. Because the upper-division program is pl~nned in continuity with basic courses taken during the first two years, students planning to major in music at the Uni- versity of Oregon are strongly advised to enter the University as freshmen. Stu- dents transferring from other institutions with preprofessional preparation differ- ing from the University pattern may, however, be admitted to the professional curriculum if they show satisfactory proficiency by examination. The proficiency examinations are required of all students, including transfers and students who have taken their lower-division work at the University, before admission to upper-division major programs (information concerning these exami- nations may be obtained from the School of Music office). All degree candidates in music are required to attend campus musical events each year of residence as follows: 12 or more credits, 10 events per term; 8-11 credits, 8 events per term; 1-7 credits, 5 events per term. Facilities. The School of Music is housed in a building complex designed for instruction, practice, and performance-including an auditorium seating 600 per- sons, rehearsal rooms, studio-offices, classrooms. and more than fifty practice rooms. The school's equipment includes William Dowd and Wittmayer concert harpsichords, a two-manual Schlicker organ, a four-manual Reuter organ, and a number of Steinway grand pianos. The University Theater in Villard Hall pro- vides facilities for operas and other stage productions. The music holdings of the University Library include a large collection of scores, complete critical editions of the works of the great composers, standard reference works, and extensive collections of periodicals, recordings, and books on music. The music collection is supported by gifts from Phi Beta and Mu Phi Epsilon and a bequest from the late Matthew H. Douglas, former University librarian. Through acquisitions under the Farmington Plan. the Library has Q particularly strong and growing collection of contemporary foreign books on music. Musical Organizations. The University Symphony and String Orchestras, the University Singers, the University Chorale, University bands, and the Opera Workshop offer membcrship and performance opportunities to all qualified stu- dents. Collegium Musicum, a vocal-instrumental group. provides opportunity for the study of mediaeval, Renaissance, and baroque music. The work of these or- ganizations is. planned to complement the theoretical and historical courses offered by the school. A Male Glee Club is available as an extra-curricular activity. Concerts and Recitals. Frequent concerts and recitals are presented on the campus throughout the year, by visiting artists, members of the faculty of the School of Music, and advanced music students. Regularly scheduled concerts include performances by artists of international fame ·sponsored by the Eugene- University Civic Music Association and the Little Concert Series. 366 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS Music Fees. Music students pay special fees, in addition to regular registra- tion fees, for private performance instruction. These fees are due at the time of registration each term. Fees for private instruction in piano, voice, violin, cello, organ, and harpsi- chord are: ten half-hour lessons, $30:00 per term; twenty half-hour lessons, $50.00 per term. Fees for private instruction in wind and percussion instruments are: ten half-hour lessons, $20.00 per term; twenty half-hour lessons, $40.00 per term. Fees for the use of practice rooms, paid by all students enrolled for private instruction, are: $5.00 per term for one hour a day ($3.00 for rooms without a piano) ; $9.00 per term for two hours ($6.00 without a piano) ; $12.00 per term for three hours; $15.00 per term for four hours. The organ practice fee is $12.00 per term for one hour a day. Curricula in Music THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC offers undergraduate curricula leading to the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music degrees and graduate work leading to the Master of Arts, Master of Music, and Doctor of Musical Arts, degrees. In the undergraduate program, the candidate for the B.A. degree takes ap- proximately one-third of his work in music and two-thirds in fields outside the school. B.A. candidates are advised to plan their programs to broaden their under- standing of music in its relations to other humanistic fields; studies in art, philoso- phy, history, languages and literature, speech and drama, and the dance are especially recommended. The candidate for the B.Mus. degree takes approximately two-thirds of his work in the School of Music and one-third in fields outside the schooL The programs outlined below show only the minimum requirements; addi- tional studies may be required in the light of individual needs. Lower-Division Major Requirements. Completion of the following lower- division work in music is required for admission to all upper-division degree pro- grams: First Year Term Hours Music Theory I (Mus 121, 122, 123)................................... 12 Ensemble (selected from Mus 195, Mus 196, Mus 197) :............... .1 Performance Studies (Private Instruction) (Mus 190) 3 Second Year Music Thee>ry II (Mus 221, 222, 223)..... 12 History of Music (Mus 204,205,206).......................... 9 Ensemble (selected from Mus 195, Mus 196,. Mus 197)....... 3 Performance Studies (Private Instruction) (Mus 190) 3 All entering students are required to pass a test in piano proficiency or enroll in Basic Piano (Mus 50) until they have attained the required proficiency. The test must be passed before enrollment in Music Theory II. History of Western Civilization (Hst 101, 102, 103) or Problems of Philoso- phy (Phi 201, 202, 203) is recommended for the satisfaction of the social science group requirement ; psychology with laboratory is recommended for the satisfac- tion of the science group requirement. Candidates for the B.A. degree and voice majors working toward the RMus. degree must acquire proficiency in French, German, or Italian equivalent to that expected after two years of college study of the language. Elementary Aesthetics (Phi 222) and either History of Western Art (ArH 204,205,206) or World Literature (Eng 107, 108, 109) are required for all candi- dates for the B.A. degree. MUSIC 367 All candidates for the B.Mus. degree specializing in performance must, dur- ing their lower-division years, attain performance proficiency equivalent to that required for the completion of Mus 290. Definitions of competencies at all levels are available in the School of Music office. Upper-Division Major Requirements. Completion of the following upper- division work is required of all candidates for a bachelor's degree with a major in music: Music before 1600 (Mus 360), Music from 1600 to 1750 (Mus 361), Avant-garde Music in the 20th Century (Mus 362).", Music Literature (400 leve!)''' """',""""',' Upper-division music.._ __ __ . Term Hours 9 3 12 All candidates for the B.A. degree must, in addition, complete a senior project demonstrating a satisfactory level of achievement as performer, scholar, or com- poser. During their upper-division years, candidates for the B.Mus. degree in all specialties must, in addition: (1) complete a minimum of 12 term hours in private performance study on a major instrument or in voice and achieve a proficiency equivalent to that required for the completion of Mus 290; (2) complete a mini- mum of 3 term hours of work with an ensemble group chosen from Mus 395, Mus I , 396, Mus 397, and Mus 398. Additional requirements in the several specialties are as follows: Performance. (1) Achievement of proficiency on a major instrument or in voice equivalent to that required for the completion of Mus 490; (2) senior recital; (3) for students specializing in voice, proficiency in piano equivalent to that re- quired for completion of Mus 190. MtlSic Theory. (1) Counterpoint I (Mus 333, 334, 335), Counterpoint II (Mus 433, 434) ; (2) Composition (Mus 340, 341, 342) ; (3) Instrumentation and Orchestration (Mus 336, 337, 338); (4) upper-division theory or history courses, 6 term hours; (5) senior lecture-recital. Co11lpositioll. (1) Counterpoint I (Mus 333, 334, 335), Counterpoint II (Mus 433,434); (2) Composition (Mus 340, 341, 342), Composition (Mus 440, 441, 442); (3) Instrumentation and Orchestration (Mus 336, 337, 338); (4) senior presentation of an original work. Music Education, All Fields. (1) Satisfaction of education requirements for an Oregon secondary-teaching certificate (see page 312); (2) 6 term hours se- lected from Choral Conducting (Mus 385, 386), Instrumental Conducting (Mus 387,388) ; (3) class instruction in techniques (voice, 3 termhours; instrumental, 3 term hours) (Mus 392); (4)-Orielltationto Music Education (Mu£ 316); (5) Special Teaching Methods (MuE 408),4c6terIflhburs; '(6) Colloquium in School Music (MuE 418) ; (7) ensemble (Mus 395, Mus 396, Mus 397), 3 term hours;* (8) additional requirements as stated below. Music Education, Choral-General. (1) Choral Arranging (Mus 439); (2) Choral Materials for Schools (MuE 444). Music Education.lnstru11li'lltal, (1) Instrumentation and Orchestration (Mus 36, 337); (2) Instrumental Techniques (Class Instruction) (Mus 392), 6 term ours; (3) of the 12 term hours in private performance studies required of all B. Ius. candidates, a minimum of 9 hours in Mus 390, Mus 391, or Mus 490: Secondary-School Teaching of Music. For certification as a teacher of music n Oregon high schools, the Oregon State Department of Education requires (1) • In addition to ensemble requirement for all B.Mus. candidates. 368 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS the satisfaction of certain minimum standards of subject preparation and (2) the recommendation of the institution at which the student completes his subject preparation. To meet the state standards in music and the requirements for recommendation by the University of Oregon, the student should complete the general requirements for a majos in music and the requirements for a music education option, listed above. For further information, the student should consult a member of the music faculty who serves as adviser for prospective teachers. Honors. See HONORS COLLEGE. pages 132 ff. Minor for Elementary Teachers and Others. Music theory or fundamentals (Mus 121, 122, 123 or Mus 321,322, MuE 383); music history or literature (Mus 201, 202, 203 or Mus 204, 205, 206) ; performance study, 3 hours; ensemble, 3 hours; and electives to complete 36 hours. Graduate Work. The School of Music offers graduate work leading to the M.A., M.Mus., and D.M.A. degrees. Master of Arts-n1l!sic history, music theory, music education. Master of Music-composition, music education, performance and music lit- erature, church music. Doctor of Musical Arts-college teaching in the field of performance or of music education. Requirements include work in music history and literature, music theory, music pedagogy and curriculum planning; performance, composition, con- ducting, or arranging; relevant studies outside music. For fmther information, see the Graduate School Catalog and consult the School of Music. Candidates for the Doctor of Education degree or the Doctor of Philosophy degree in the School of Education may choose music education as a field of major specialization. During fall-term registration week and the first week of summer session, all entering candidates for graduate degrees in music, including graduates of the Uni- versity of Oregon, are required to take a series of examinations to test the adequacy of their preparation for graduate study. Deficiencies shown by the exami- nations' must be remedied before the student is formally admitted to candidacy for a graduate degree. Information concerning the examinations and guides for study are available in the School of Music office. Music LOWER-DIVISION COURSES *Mus 50. Basic Piano. 1 hour any term (3 hours maximum credit.) Classroom instruction for music majors who receive a low rating on a test oj keyboard proficiency, and for other students ineligible for piano instruction at the level of Mus 190. Prerequisite: audition. Kean. *Mus 51. Basic Voice. 1 hour any term (3 hours maximum credit). Classroom instruction for students ineligible for voice instruction at the level of Mus 190. Prerequisite: audition. Risinger, staff. *Mus 52. Basic Music. 1 hour. Remedial instruction for music majors who are deficient in preparation fOI work in music theory. To be taken concurrently with Mus 121. Mus 121, 122, 123. Music Theory 1. 4 hours each term. Study of diatonic functional triadic harmony, including modulation to relate< keys, secondary dominants, two-part counterpoint. Written work correlate< with sight singing, analysis, aural comprehension, and keyboard application Bergquist, Hurwitz, Owen, Tubb. .,. No-grade course. MUSIC 369 Mus 190. Performance Studies (Private Instruction). 1-4 hours any term. Individual instruction in the technical and stylistic aspects of artistic solo performance. Students specializing in performance normally enroll for two half-hour lessons a week (2 term hours of credit) in their major instrument each term during their undergraduate years. Maximum credit in performance studies for nonmajors, 12 term hours; for candidates for B.A. degree with a major in music, 24 term hours, including not more than 12 hours during freshman and sophomore years. Information concerning required levels of proficiency at each level (Mus 190 through Mus 590) may be obtained in the School of Music office. Prerequisite: audition. Piano---Bittner, Chodos, Farmer, Cello-Hladky. Hopkins, Woods. String Bass-Hladky. Voice-Bailey, Miller, vVilson Woodwind Instruments-Bergquist. Organ--M. Farmer, Hamilton. Cunningham, Trombley, Vagner. Harpsichord-Hamilton. Brass Instruments-Lee, Lewis. Violin-Boughton, Maves. Percussion Instruments-Schrader. Viola-Boughton. Harp-Calkins. Mus 195. Band. 1 hour each term (6 hours maximum credit). Fall: marching band, laboratory band; winter and spring: concert band, sym- phoni': band. No prerequisites for marching band; audition required for laboratory, concert, and symphonic band. Upper-division students enroll in Mus 395. Lee, Vagner, Lewis. Mus 196. Orchestra. 1 hour each term (6 hours maximum credit) . Prerequisite: audition; consent of instructor. Upper-division studellts enroll in Mus 396. Boughton, Maves. Mus 197. Chorus. 1 hour each term (6 hours maximum credit). Prerequisite: audition; consent of instructor. Upper-division students enroll in Mus 397. Risinger, Saltzman, vVilson. Mus 201, 202, 203. Introduction to Music and Its Literature. 3 hours each term. Cultivation of understanding and intelligent enjoyment of music through a study of its elements, forms, and historical styles. For nonmajors; music majors enroll in Mus 204, 205, 206. Chodos. C. Farmer. Mus 204, 205, 206. History of Music. 3 hours each term. Fall: basic stylistic concepts; the classical period through Beethoven. Winter: the romantic period through Brahms and Mahler. Spring: conservative trends in the twentieth century. Primarily for music majors. Not open to students who have had Mus 201, 202, 203. Prerequisite: Mus 121, 122, 123. C. Farmer, Bergquist. Mus 221, 222, 223. Music Theory II. 4 hours each term. Harmonic, melodic, rhythmic, and basic formal practices since 1700. Written work correlated with sight singing, analysis, keyboard, and aural compre- hension. Prerequisite: Mus 123 or equivalent; satisfactory rating in test of keyboard proficiency. Bergquist, Hurwitz, Owen, Tubb. us 290. Performance (Private Instruction). 1-4 hours any term. Prerequisite: proficiency required for satisfactory 'completion of Mus 190. For further information, see Mus 190. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES us 321, 322. Music Fundamentals. 2 hours each term. Study of musical notation and terminology; rudiments of sight singing and ear training; introduction to simple melodic and rhythmic instruments. De- signed to provide students without previous musical training with some insight into musical language and basic performance skills. Not open to music majors. Required in the elementary education program and for majors in recreation leadership and in camping and outdoor education. 1 recitatioll; 1 two-hour laboratory. Gustafson, Martin, Nye, \"Ihitfield, staff. us 330, 331, 332. Form and Analysis. 2 hours each term. Stylistic analytical technique, including formal structures and harmonic, 370 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS melodic, and rhythmic practices, applied to compositions from representative periods and media. Prercquisite: Mus 223. Bergquist, Farmer. Mus 333, 334, 335. Counterpoint 1. 2 hours each term. Techniques of two- and three-voice contrapuntal writing as exemplified in sixteenth-, eighteenth-, and twentieth-century practice. Prerequisite: Mus 223. Hurwitz, Owen. Mus 336, 337, 338. Instrumentation and Orchestration. 2 hours each term. Study of the instruments of the orchestra and band; the practical art of scoring for various instrumental choirs and large ensembles. Prerequisite: Mus 223. Keller, Owen. Mus 340, 341,342. Composition 1. 2 hours each term. Composition in the smaller forms for piano, voice, and small ensembles. Pre- requisite: Mus 223. Keller. Mus 360. Music Before 1600. 3 hours. Plainsong; sacred and secular monody and polyphony through Lassus, the GabrieIis, Dowland, and Gibbons; instrumental music of the sixteenth cen- tury; music of the Reformation. Primarily for music majors. Prerequisite: Mus 206. Hamilton, Trombley. Mus 361. Music from 1600 to 1750. 3 hours. Analysis of representative works from Monteverdi to Domenico Scarlatti. Differentiation of musical styles; various national schools; performance practices and musical thought; development of forms and procedures that continue into the twentieth century, such as opera, concerto, fugue, sonata, etc. Primarily for music majors. Prerequisite: Mus 360. Hamilton, Trombley. Mus 362. Avant-garde Music in the Twentieth Century. 3 hours. The concept of newness in music viewed historicaIIy and in the styles of rep- resentative composers from Satie and Debussy to Stockhausen and Cage. Primarily for music majors. Prerequisite: Mus 361. Hamilton, staff. Mus 385, 386. Choral Conducting. 2 hours each term. Study of conducting techniques, with emphasis Oll practical application to choral organizations; score reading; analysis and interpretation of choral literature. Conducting experience with laboratory chorus. Prerequisite: Mus 223; consent of instructor. Risinger, Saltzman. 0 Mus 387, 388. Instrumental Conducting. 2 hours each term. Baton techniques, with emphasis on practical application to instrumental organizations; score reading; general problems of the conductor of larger instrumental ensembles. Conducting experience with laboratory ensembles. Prerequisite: Mus 223; consent of instructor. Lee, Vagner. Mus 390. Performance Studies (Private Instruction). 2-4 hours any tenn. Prerequisite: proficiency required for satisfactory completion of Mus 290; jury audition. For further information, see Mus 190. Mus 391. Performance Studies (Private Instruction). 2 hours any term. Prerequisite: successful completion of Mus 290. For instructors, see Mus. 190. Mus 392. Instrumental Techniques (Class Instruction). 1 hour any term. Elementary instruction in orchestral instruments and voice. Primarily for majors in school music, instrumental option. 2 recitations. Violin and Viola-Boughton. Oboe and Bassoon-Cunningham. Clarinet and Saxophone-Vagner, Flute-Trombley. .Cunningham. French Horn-Lee. Trumpet and Trombone-Lee, Lewis. Percussion Instruments-Schrader. Celio and String Bass-Hladky. Voice-Risinger. Mus 394. Chamber Ensemble. 1 hour each term (6 hours maximum credit). Study of masterpieces of music through small group rehearsal. For stringed· instrument and wind-instrument players, pianists, and singers. Prerequisite audition. Mus 395. Band. 1 hour each term (6 hours maximum credit). Fall: marching band, laboratory band; winter and spring: concert band, sym- MUSIC 371 phonic band. Prerequisite: marching band, upper-division standing; labora- tory, concert, and symphonic band, upper-div'ision standing and audition. Lee, Vagner. i[us 396. Orchestra. 1 hour each term (6 hours maximum credit). Prerequisite: upper-division standing: audition. Boughton. i[us 397. Chorus. 1 hour each term (6 hours maximum credit). Prerequisite: upper-division standing; audition. Risinger, Saltzman, Wilson. {us 398. Opera Workshop. I hour each term (6 hours maximum credit). Study of traditional and contemporary operatic literature through analysis, rehearsal, and performance of complete operas and excerpts; training in stage movement, diction, and rehearsal techniques. Prerequisite: upper-division standing; consent of instructor. Miller. i[us 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Prerequisite: consent of dean. {us 419. Senior Colloquium in Music. 3 hours. Exploration of interrelationships among the various areas in music. i[us 490. Performance Studies (Private Instruction). 2-4 hours any term. Prerequisite: proficiency required for satisfactory completion of Mus 390; consent of instructor. For further information, see Mus 190. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT us 407. Seminar. (G) Hours to be arranged. us 425. Advanced Keyboard Harmony. (G) 2 hours. Realization of figured bass notation in the light of baroque performance prac- tices; extempore playing, with analysis and improvised application of diminu- tion and modulatory technique over chromatic bass lines. Prerequisite: Mus 223, Mus 335, consent of instructor. us 426, 427. Score Reading. (G) 2 hours. Analysis of musical scores of compositions for small and large ensembles in- volving transposition of parts; use of the piano as a means of studying en- semble scores. Prerequisite: Mus 424 or equivalent. us 433, 434. Counterpoint II. (G) 2 hours each term. \Vriting of instrumental polyphony, based on the style of ]. S. Bach; study of invertible counterpoint and other contrapuntal techniques, with applica- tion in the canon, two- and three-part invention, and fugue. Prerequisite: Mus 335. Keller. us 436, 437. Advanced Orchestration. (G) 2 hours each term. Continuation of Mus 338. Emphasis on the scoring of original work and on the arranging of maj or works from other media; study of various styles of scoring by master composers. Prerequisite: Mus 338. Keller. us 438. Band Arranging. (G) 3 hours. Scoring for larger combinations of wind instruments, including the concert band, the marching band, and the stage band. Prerequisite: Mus 337. Lewis, Vagner. us 439. Choral Arranging. (G) 3 hours. Techniques of arranging for various types of choral groups, both accompanied and a cappella. Prerequisite: Mus 223. Keller. us 440, 441, 442. Composition n. (G) 2 hours each term. Composition in larger forms for large instrumental combinations. Prerequi- site: Mus 342. Keller. us 450. Listening with Understanding. (g) 3 hours, fall or winter. Designed for undergraduate and graduate students with limited musical back- ground. Introduction to perceptive listening through analysis of various types 372 PROFESSION AL SCHOOLS of music (Gregorian chant through jazz) ; collateral reading, class discu: sion, and individual presentation. Not open to music majors or students wit credit in Mus 201,202,203. Martin, Trombley. Mus 451. The Music of Bach and Handel. (g-) 3 hours, winter. Theatrical, churchly, and chamber styles in Germany, France, and Italy, c represented by selected masterpieces of Bach and Handel; concerto gross( dance suite, organ chorale, cantata, oratorio, and mass. Primarily for nor majors. Prerequisite: Mus 203 or Mus 450. Offered alternate years. Martin Mus 452. The Classic Symphony and Sonata. (g) 3 hours spring. The classic symphony and sonata as developed by Haydn, Mozart, and Beet!- oven; elements of style in the Viennese classic period, and its legacy in tl, nineteenth century. Primarily for llonmajors. Prerequisite: Mus 203 or Ml 450. Offered alternate years. Mus 453. Introduction to Opera. (g) 3 hours winter. The fusion of theatrical and musical modes of dramatic expression; cla~ study of such masterpieces as Le nozse di Figaro, Carmen, Otello, Trista u.nd Isolde, T,Vozseck, Felleas et Melisande. The Rake's Pro.qress. Primaril for nonmajors. Prerequisite: Mus 203 or Mus 450. Offered alternate year Maves. Mus 454. Introduction to Twentieth-Century Music. (g) 3 hours spring. Evolution and revolution in musical style since Debussy and Mahler; stud of selected masterpieces by such composers as Stravinsky, Bartok, Schoer berg, Copland, and Varese. Primarily for nonmaj ors. Prerequisite: Mus ZC or Mus 450. Offered alternate years. Maves. Mus 455,456,457. Orchestral Literature. (G) 2 hours each term. Major types of orchestral music, f.rom the eighteenth to the twentieth cer tury; dance suite, symphpny, tone poem, descriptive suite; pieces for strin orchestra. Prerequisite: Mus 361. Offered alternate years. Hladky. Mus 458. Organ Literature. (G) 3 hours. The organ in church and concert; organ repertoire from the fifteenth centur to the present. Prerequisite: Mus 361. Hamilton. Mus 459. Wind-Instrument Literature. (G) 3 hours. Survey of literature for brass instruments and woodwinds from the sixteen1 century to post-World War II; emphasis on style as it affects performan( and on the development of bases for critical judgment. Prerequisite: Mus 36 Vagner. Mus 460. Song Literature. (G) 3 hours. Solo songs with accompaniment; the lute air and Purcell; the nineteentl century art song in Germany and France; twentieth-century British, Amer can, and continental song literature; development of bases for artistic pe formance and sound critical judgment through study of text, voice, and accor paniment. Prerequisite: Mus 361. MiIler, Wilson. Mus 461, 462, 463. Chamber-Music Literature. (G) 2 hours each term. Basic literature of the string quartet and other ensembles using piano ar stringE.; emphasis on style as it affects performance and on the developme of bases for artistic performance and critical judgment. Prerequisite: M 361. Hladky. Mus 464. 465. 466. Piano Literature. (G) 2 hours each term. Solo sonatas, character pieces, the dance suite, theme and variations, frc Bach to the present; original works for four hands and for two pianos; ke board idioms and musical styles; development of bases for artistic pedon ance and sound critical judgment. Prerequisite: Mus 361. Woods. Mus 467. Hymnology. (G) 3 hours. History and interpretation of the Christian hymn, both as literature a music; criteria for the selection of hymn texts and tunes; various denon national hymnals; the use of hymns in worship. Saltzman. MUSIC 373 Mus 468. Liturgics. (G) 3 hours. Study of formal rituals of worship in Eastern and Western churches from the pre-Christian era to the present, with particular reference to the forms and styles of their associated music. Saltzman. Mus 469. Sacred Choral Music. (G) 3 hours. Survey of choral music for church and concert use based on liturgical and non liturgical sacred themes; performance practices of various styles; develop- ment of criteria for judging aesthetic quality of the music and its performance. Saltzman. Mus 470,471. Administration of Church Music. (G) 2 hours each term. Developing the music program of the church; relation of the ministry of music to the music cOlllmittee, pastor, and parish; volunteer choir organization; music in the church school. Saltzman. Mus 472. Music in Worship. (G) 2 hours. Theory and practice of music in the corporate worship of nonliturgical churches, with attention to the functions of the congregation, organ, and choir. Saltzman. Mus 485, 486. Advanced Conducting. (G) 3 hours each term. First term: choral; second term; instrumental. Prerequisite; Mus 386 or Mus 388; consent of instructor. Risinger, Vagner. Mus 493. Collegium M usicum. (G) 1 hour each term. Stud.I' of music literature of the mediaeval, Renaissance, and baroque periods through rehearsals and extensive sight reading; vocal and il1strumental reper- toire. Owen. GRADUATE COURSES ,Mus 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. Mus 503.. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. us 505. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. us 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. Composition. Music History. Music Theory. Church Music. us 511, 512, 513. Research Methods in Music. 3 hours each tenn. Mus 511; use of gel1eral bibliographical sources and reference materials in music. Prerequisite to either Mus 512, a consideration of rescarch methods in music history and theory, or Mus 513, a consideration of methodological prob- lems in studies of music il1 relation to acoustics, psychology, aesthetics, and pedagogy. Ivlartin, Trombley. us 533, 534. Twentieth-Century Counterpoint. 2 hours each term. Techniques of present-day contrapuntal practice; application in larger con- trapuntal forms. Prerequisite; Mus 434. Keller. us 540. 541, 542. Composition for Electronic Media. 3 hours each term. Electronic-music instruments and techniques; creative use of sound generators and tape-recording equipment. Prerequisite: graduate standing; consent of instructor. Keller, Hunter. us 560. Music in the Middle Ages. 3 hours fall. Music in the quadrivium; the writings of Boethius; varieties of liturgical music, particularly Gregorian; performance theories. Pitch notation, rhythmic theory and early polyphony at Notre Dame; poetic influences on musical form; French and Italian Ars 110,'(1. Bergquist, Hamilton. us 561. Music in the Renaissance. 3 hours winter. The influence of Italian humanism on continental and English styles. Poetic *No·grade course. 374 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS and musical practice in mass, motet, and secular choral song. Notational developments; music printing. Luther and music; neo-Aristotelian rhetorical theory; Counter-Reformation in Rome and Venice. Bergquist, Hamilton. Mus 562. Music in the Baroque Era. 3 hours spring. Musica poetica and humanistic traditions; florid gesture and large statement in the arts. Monody, concertato, Affektenlehre, fugal .textures; growth, transfer, and fusion of national and generic styles; performance practices; the rococo in France and Italy. Bergquist, Hamilton. Mus 563. Music in the Classical Period. 3 hours fall. Philosophical sources of classic style in Kant and Rousseau; sensibility, Sturm und Drang, the gallant style ; dramatic forms and procedures in opera, sonata, and concerto. Bergquist. Mus 564. Music in the Romantic Era. 3 hours winter. The heritage of Beethoven; virtuosic and lyric extremes in instrumental and vocal styles. Literary.romanticism, descriptive music and the Lied; opera in France and Italy; Wagner's music drama as Geso111tlmnstwerk; the com- poser as philosopher, critic and political figure; the rise of music nationalism; Wagnerism in France; symbolism and Debussy. Bergquist. Mus 565. Music in the-Twentieth Century. 3 hours spring. The continuation of romantic ideals; Freud and musical expressionism; political, sociological, and scholarly influences on composing and performing style; eclecticism and Stravinsky. Implicationsof recent developments. Berg- quist. Mus 590. Performance Studies (Private Instruction). 2-4 hours any term. Prere(1uisite: proficiency required for satisfactory completion of Mus 490; sufficient talent to justify the undertaking of graduate studies in performance; jury audition. For instructors, see Mus 190. Mus 591. Performance Studies (Private Instruction). 1 hour any term (3 hours maximum credit). For graduate students not specializing in performance. Prerequisite: profi- ciency requil'ed to complete Mus 290; jury audition. Mus 592. Performance Studies (Private Instruction). (p) 1 hour any term (3 hours maximum credit). For graduate students who need instruction in a supplementary performance area. Prerequisite: proficiency in another instrument or voice required for admission to Mus 390 or Mus 391 ; jury audition. Mus 594. Chamber Ensemble. 1 hour any term. Mus 595. Symphonic Band. 1 hour any term. Mus 596. Orchestra. I hour any term. Mus 597. Chorus. 1 hour any term. Mus 598. Opera Workshop. 1 hour any term. Music Education UPPER·DIVISION COURSES MuE 316. Orientation to Music Education. 3 hours. Theory, administration, and effective teaching of school music. Gustafson, staff. MuE 383. Music Methods for Elementary Teachers. 3 hours. Methods of teaching music activities in elementary schools. Required for students preparing for elementary-school teaching. Prerequisite: Mus 321, 322 or consent of instructor. Gustafson, Martin, Nye, Whitfield. MUSIC 375 fuE 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Prerequisite: consent of dean. fuE 408. Special Teaching Methods. 1-3 hours any term. Parallels student teaching in the elementary and secondary schools. Observa- tion, reports, and conferences on materials and procedures used in music teaching. Instrumental: Cunningham, staff; vocal: Ellefson, Gustafson, staff. ruE 418. Colloquium in School Music. 3 hours. An analysis of the interrelationships among the various areas of the field of music, to be taken ill the last term of the senior year. Whitfield. 1uE 426, 427. The General Music Program. 3 hours each term. Organization, content. and teaching procedures in the teaching of general music. Elementary (MuE 426) ; Secondary (MuE 427). Gustafson. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES CARRYING GRADUATE CREDIT ruE 407. Seminar. (G) Hours to be arranged. ruE 444. Chora,l Materials for Schools.' (G) 2 hours. Repertoire for choral groups in secondary schools; problems of leadership, presentation, organization, and program planning. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Risinger. uE 445. String Materials for Schools. (G) 2 hours. Repertoire for orchestra and other stringed-instrument groups in elementary and secondary schools; problems of leadership, presentation, organization, and program planning. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Hladky. uE 446. Wind-Instrument Materials for Schools. (G) 2 hours. Repertoire for bands and other wind-instrument groups in elementary and secondary schools; problems of leadership, presentation, and organization. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Cunningham, Lee, Vagner. GRADUATE COURSES uE 501. Research. Hours to be arranged. Prerequisite: consent of dean. uE 503. Thesis. Hours to be arranged. uE 50S. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Prerequisite: consent of dean. uE 507. Seminar. Hours to be arranged. uE 532. Basic Concepts in the Teaching of Music. 3 hours. Principles and issues in the teaching of music. Gustafson, N ye, vVhitfield. uE 533. Music in the Elementary School. 3 hours. Theory, supervision, curriculum, materials, and procedures of vocal-music teaching in the elementary schooL Nye. uE 534. Music in the Junio.: High School. 3 hours. Continuation ofMuE 533. \Vhitfield. uE 535. Music in the Senior High School. 3 hours. Curricula, organization, methods, and materials in senior high-school music, both vocal and instrumental. Gustafson. uE 536. Administration of School Music. 3 hours. Principles underlying a sound policy in the administration of school music programs; budgets, personnel, curriculum, facilities. Ellefson. Gustafson, Nye. uE 537. Comparative Music Pedagogy. 3 hours. Comparative study of the teaching of school music in different cultures; crit- ical judgment of curricula and methods. Cykler. uE 591. Advanced Pedagogy. 3 hours any term (9 hours maximum credit). * No-gTade course. School of Nursing JEAN E. BOYLE, M.N., Director of the School of Nursing. THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON has offered professional instruction nursing in Portland since 1919; a degree curriculum was established in 192 Until 1932 the program in nursing was administered through the Portland Di< sion of the School of Sociology and the Portland School of Social Work. Wh, the social-work program was discontinued in 1932, instruction in nursing w transferred to the University of Oregon Medical School, where it was offen through the Department of Nursing Education. A graduate program, leading the Master of Science degree, was established in 1955. In the fall of 1960, t] department was reorganized as the University of Oregon School of Nursing. The School of Nursing offers two curricula which lead to the Bachelor Science degree-one for basic student~ with no previous preparation in nursiI and one for registered nurses from diploma schools of nursing. These prograr include preparation for beginning positions in public health nursing. An advanc. curriculum leading to the Master of Science degree provides graduate study aI advanced professional education. The first year of the basic degree program is offered on the Eugene camp' of the University of Oregon (see pages 210-211) and by other accredited colleg and universities. The following three years of the basic program and ail oth nursing programs of the School of Nursing are offered on the campus of the Dr versity of Oregon Medical School in Portland. The School of Nursing utilizes tl teaching resources of the hospitals and clinics of the Medical School, the Divisi< of Continuing Education of the Oregon State System of Higher Education al Portland State College. Upper-division courses in public health nursing are offered on the Eugel campus for senior students in the School of Nursing who are assigned to heal agencies in Eugene for clinical experience. The baccalaureate program of the School of Nursing is accredited by t National Accreditation Service and the Oregon State Board of Nursing; t school is a member of the Department of Baccalaureate and Higher Degree Pr grams of the National League for Nursing. Detailed information concerning the School of Nursing is published in separate catalog, copies of which will be furnished by writing to: Director, UI versity of Oregon School of Nursing, 3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Road, POI land, Oregon 97201. [376 ] Department of Military Science and Aerospace Studies MBERT A. FOSSUM, B.A., Colonel, U.S. Army; Head of Department; In Charge of Army R.O.T.e. Program. )HN W. KREITZ, M.S., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force; In Charge of Air Force R.O.T.e. Program. . HE DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY SCIENCE AND AEROSPACE rUDIES is organized as a regular instructional division of the University. The ~partment includes a U.S. Army Instructor Group, Senior Division Reserve fficers' Training Corps, offering instruction in military science, and a unit of the ir Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps, offering instruction in aerospace dies. The mission of the department is to select and prepare students to serve as mmissioned officers in the United States Army and the United States Air Force, d to promote understanding of problems and policies of national security. The truction includes a two-year lower-division program and a two-year upper- isioll program. Lower-Division Program. The lower-division program is elective for men dents who are under 23 years of age on first eurol1ment in the University, who e citizens of the United States, and who meet prescribed physical standards. Stu- nts who are members of any of the reserve forces of the armed services or who ve served 011 active duty in any of the armed services should consult the depart- nt concerning eligibility for advanced standing. Upper-Division Program. The upper-division program includes two years of truction on the University campus, plus a summer training period. Completion the upper-division program and academic requirements for a bachelor's degree lifies the student for appointment as a commissioned reserve officer. The summer training period, normal1y in the summer between the student's ior and senior years, is conducted at one of the regular installations of the Army Air Force. It provides application of theory and familiarization with weapons, rations, organizational methods, and instal1ational activities. Students enrolled in the upper-division program receive retainer pay for a al period of not to exceed twenty months (the current rate is $40 a month). dents are issued all required textbooks and uniforms. During the summer inillg period, students are rationed and quartered, are paid at the rate for service demy cadets. and receive a travel allowance of 6 cents a mile to and from the ining instal1ation. Admission to Upper-Division Program. To be admitted to the upper- ision program, a student must have completed either (1) the lower-division gram offered by the University or (2) a six-week field training course at an y or Air Force installation during the summer between his sophomore and ior years. Other qualifications for eligibility are as follows: (1) Acceptance by the University of Oregon as a regnlarly enrolled stndent. [ 3771 378 MILITARY AND AEROSPACE STUDIES (2) Selection for advanced training- by R.O. T.e. and University officials, witb the c currence of the President of the University of Oregon. (3) Ability to complete all requirements for appointment as a second lieutenant bef reaching 28 years of age (if scheduled for Air Force flight training, the student must be abl< complete all requirements for appointment as a reserve officer before reaching the age of years, 6 months). (4) Successful completion of such surveyor general screening tests as may l~e prescrib (5) United States citizenship. (6) Physical qualification- for appointment as a commissioner} officer. (7) Execution of a written agreement with the United States government to complete two-year upper~d_ivision program, including attendance at the summer training period, and satisfy the service obligation after graduation. Relation of R.O.T.C. to Selective Service. Enrollment in the RO.T .program does not waive the requirement for registration under the Universal M: tary Training and Service Act of 1951 ; all students who are 18 years of age ml register with their local draft boards. - Students accepted for enrollment in the lower-division program may granted draft deferment. Students enrolled in the upper-division program are ( listed in the armed services reserves until completion of the program. Studel receiving RO.T.C deferment are required to satisfy their service obtigations commissioned officers after graduation and appointment. Military Science Professor: COLONEL E. A. FOSSUM. Assistant Professors: CAPTAIN K. W. CHAMPION, MAJOR D. K. WELLS, CAPTA J. A. ZUMBRUNNEN, CAPTAIN K. L. BEACH. - Administrative Specialist: SERGEANT MAJOR J. J. FREITAG. TechnicalSpecialists: MASTER SERGEANT J. N. BARNETT, STAFF SERGEANT A. AMENT, STAFF SERGEANT C G. McHENDRY. THE MILITARY SCIENCE PROGRAM has as its principal objective 1 production of junior officers who, by their education, training, and inherent qm ties, are capable of filling positions of leadership in the active and reserve co ponents of the United States Army. For students who take only the lower-divisi program, a second objective is to provide a broad concept of the role and probk of the United States Army and the part it plays in national defense. Students who complete the upper-division program, receive a baccalaure: degree from the University, and qualify for designation as distinguished milit2 graduates may apply for appointment as commissioned officers in the regular Arn Flight Training. A program of flight training is offered, without charge, selected students who are enrolled in Military Science IV (Mil 411, 412, 413) have completed Military Science IV and are still enrolled in the University undergraduates. Information concerning eligibility requirements may be obtair: in the Army RO.T.C office. LOWER·DIVISION COURSES Mil 121, 122, 123. Military Science 1. 1 hour each term. Organization of the Army and the Army R.O.T.C; individual weapons marksmanship; United States Army and national security; counterins gency; leadership laboratory. Students enrolled must also take a course wit the general academic area of effective communications, general psycholo science comprehension, or political institutions and political developm which carries 2 or more term hours of credit and satisfies the Univer group requirement. AEROSPACE STUDIES 379 [ 221, 222, 223. Military Science II. 1 hour each term. Map and aerial photograph reading; American military history; introduc- tion to basic tactics and techniques; counterinsurgency; leadership laboratory. UPPER-DIVISION COURSES 1311,312,313. Military Science III. 4 hours each term. Leadership; military teaching principles; branches of the Army; small-unit tactics and communications; counterinsurgency; precamp orientation; lead- ership laboratory. l411, 412, 413. Military Science IV. 4 hours each term. Operations: logistics; Army administration; military law; the role of th{ United States in world affairs; counterinsurgency; service orientation; lead·· ership laboratory. Aerospace Studies Jfessor :LIEUTENANT COLONEL J. W. KREITZ. 3istant Professors: MAJOR P. E. GUSHWA, MAJOR M. S. NICHOLSON, CAPTAIN W. E. CUNLIFFE. ministrative Specialists: TECHNICAL SERGEANT L. BELCHER, JR., STAFF SER- : GEANT K. W. BASTION,STAFF SERGEANT C. B. WOOD. E AEROSPACE STUDIES CURRICULUM is designed to provide educa- that will develop skills andattitudes vital to the career of the professional Air ce officer, and to qualify college men for commissions in the United States Air ceo It includes two major activities. University and aerospace instruction and ership laboratory. . Students qualify for appointment as commissioned reserve officers upon com- ion of the upper-division program and the award of the baccalaureate degree. dents designated as distinguished military graduates may apply for commis- s in the regular Air Force. Flight Training. The Air Force offers a flight instruction program to senior ts who will enter pilot training after commissioning. The flight training, con- ed at a local F.A.A.-approved civilian flying school, provides flight instruction ufficient scope to qualify the student in the basic principles of flying in aircraft 5-200 horsepower. Students who successfully complete the flight instruction ram may qualify for a private pilot's license. LOWER-DIVISION COURSES 121,122,123. Aerospace Studies I. 1 hour each term. Causes of the present world conflict, the role of military power in that conflict, and the responsibilities of an Air Force officer. Study of the interrelationship of national power factors; a comparative analysis of the democratic, Fascist, and Communist theories of government; patterns of conflict relative to the confrontation of opposing systems; the role of military power in national pol- icy. A study of world military forces, the U. S. Department of Defense, and the doctrine, mission, and functions of the U. S. Air Force. I, 222, 223. Aerospace Studies II. 1 hour each term. Study of world military forces and related political-military issues. The U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy, their doctrines, missions, and employment con- cepts; the military forces of NATO, CENTO, and SEATO, and their role in free world security; the military forces of the U.S.S.R., the Soviet satellite armies, and the Chinese Communist army. Analysis of the trends and implica- tions ofworld military power. 380 MILITARY AND AEROSPACE STUDIES UPPER-DIVISION COURSES AS 311, 312, 313. Aerospace Studies III. 3 hours each term. The nature of war; development 'of air power in the United States; mis~ and organization of the Defense Department; Air Force concepts, doctr and employment; astronautics and space operations; the future developn: of aerospace power. AS 405. Reading and Conference. Hours to be arranged. Supervised individual studies, covering portions of the material of AS 311, . 313 and AS 411, 412, 413. Total credit earned in these sequences and in AS may not exceed 18 hours. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. AS 411, 412, 413. Aerospace Studies IV. 3 hours each term. Study of professionalism, leadership, and management; the meaning of I fessionalism, professional responsibilities, the military justice system, lear ship theory, functions, and practices, management principles and functi< problem solving, and management tools, practices, and controls. Summary of Enrollment and Degrees Granted 1965-66 ENROLLMENT BY CLASS AND MAJOR, REGULAR SESSIONS, 1965-66 isioll Sp Fr So Jr Sr Gr Total ege of Liheral Arts: ower Di\"isioll . ~O6 2,568 2,688 5,462 nthrupology 26 20 83 129 sian Stll(l!es 8 3 11 iologr 49 35 138 222 hemistry 18 21 116 155 cunomies 71 43 109 223 .nglish 150 104 215 469 elleral Arts & Lette-rs . 10 1 11 enend Science 27 28 55 -('neral Social Scicllce 72 59 131 eography 11 12 33 56 eology 21 12 34 67 listol"Y ...._, 102 104 144 350 [athematics (in 52 156 268 [edical TechllOlog) 2~ ,'J 10 2 ~ 76 ~oderll & Classical T.angttages 57 67 106 230 :hilosoP~lY 10 10 35 55 hysics 13 14 74 101 olitical SCIence 61 50 100 211 redentistry 85 58 28 10 185 "elaw 166 150 ,),) 7 358 remedicine 160 ]32 36 24 360 'ellursing 77 24 2 15 119 ychology 79 68 119 266· ciology lOb 75 94 275 )eech 41 26 75 142 ('ollege of Liberal Arts. __ 215 3.084 3,085 1,101 862 1,640 9,987 wI of An.:hitectnre & Allied Arts.. 1(li 262 143 572 01 of Business Administration 236 200 298 734 JO) of Edllcatioll _0. 165 136 602 903 01 of Health, Physical Educaticll, d Recreation ~ 118 147 74 7,) 152 572 01 of Journalism 84 48 43 175 01 of Law 21 180 201 01 of JHusic ~8 48 57 133 rrlisciplinary Stnrlies 137 137 Total Eugellc cn1l1lJus 223 3,20] ... ) ... ") 1,855 1,650 3,~52 13,414,l,_,l_ al School (Portland) *393 ieal School (Portlaod) *454 01 of I\ursing ( Portland) -'409 Total, lTni versity of Oregon 14,670 .. Enrollmel1t at the Dent .. l School. the .Medical School, and the School of Nursing is for nIl school year, all sessions. [381 I 382 ENROLLMENT AND DEGREES ENROLLMENT BY PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE, EUGENE CAMPUS, REGULAR SESSIONS, 1965-66 Field Liberal arts & interdisciplinary studies ... Architecture & allied arts _ Business administration Dentistry Education Health, physical edl1cat~on & recreation Journalism La-w 1\Iedicine & medical technolog)' Music Nursing Total 1\fen 3,914 828 1,308 174 416 311 238 535 328 132 1 8,185 \Vomen 2,832 390 161 11 1,006 ~61 168 24 108 150 118 5,229 1 6 1 1 ENROLLMENT BY SEX, ALL SESSIONS, 1965-66 Sessi011 SUfllme1" session at Eugene, 1965 . Fall term at Engene, 1965-66 Winter term at Eugene, 1965-66 Spring term at Eugene, 1965~66 Net total, regular sessions at Eugene 1965-66 Net all sessions, Portland schools, 1965-66 _ Net total, all sessions, Ul1iversity- of Oregon 1965-66 _ Men 2,817 7,510 7,092 6,747 8,185 713 _ 10,557 \Vomen 2,189 4,738 4,482 4,333 5,229 543 7,200 1 5 12 11 11 13 1 17 SUMMARY OF DEGREES GRANTED, 1965-66 Advanced degrees: Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Business Admillistration .. Ho.ctor of Dental 1\1edicine .. Doctor of Education Doctor of l\fedicine Master of Arts M.aster of Science l\-1aster of Architecture :Master of Business Adrninistration . Nlaster of Education l\Iaster of Fine Arts Alaster of Landscape Architecture 1\iaster of M tlsic Total, advanced degrees Bachelor's Degrees: Bachelor of Arts __ Bachelor of Science Bachelor of A rchitectnre Bachelor of Business Administration BaChelor of Education Bachelor of Interior Architecture _ _ , _ __.. Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of 1\1usic _'. Total, bachelor's degrees Total, degrees granted ~ademie Regulations, 74 :cotlnting, 275, 298 {mission, 74 lmission, Graduate, 116 imission, Special Students, 76 lmission" Transfer Students, 75 Ivanced Placement Program, 75, 135 lvertising, 346 lvising, 83 ~rospace Studies, 379 lthropology, 139 "chitecture,251 ·chitecture and Allied Arts, School of, 249 't, 260 ·t Education, 267 ~'L History, 265 ·~s and Letters, General, 137, 170 lian Studies, 144 :t"ronomy, 215 .I'lioIog)', 244 .Iditol's, 87 "\"aTds, 109 l:~heI01-'s Degree, Requirements, 7, ~nking, 278 blogy, 145 !!siness Administration, 270 siness and Construction, 252, 284 siness and Economic Research, Bureau of, 130 siness Economics, 279 siness Education: 291 siness Statistics, 277, 298 lendar, 8 mping and Outdoor Education, 342 lpuses, 66 misll'y, 151 1ese, 137, :201 ege Teaching, Institute for, 131 mmutlity Art Studies, Institute for, 269 mmunity Studies, Institute for, 129 mparative Literature, 138, 157 mpnting Center, 127 opeFative Houses, 93 ssic5, 198 unseling, 316 Esel ing Center, 90 urse Numhering System, 83 dit hy Examination, 84 rriculum, 321 rriculu111 Lihrary, 307 nce, 330, 336 Busk n1emorial Center, 315 rees, 77, 11 5 grees, Application for, 79 grees Granted, 1965-66, 382 nta1 Hygiene, 305, 338 ntal School, 125, 157,305 ntistry, Preparatory, 157 posits, 86, 92, 118 'igll, Applied, 263 ctor's Degl~ee. Requirements, 122 rmitories, 91 ma,245 "",ing,260 nomics, 158 lcation, Foundations of, 308 Index Education, School of, 306 Educational Administration, 321 Educational Administration, Center for Advanced Study of, 129 Educational Psychology, 317 Educational Research, Bureau of, 307 Elementary Education, 309 English, 162 English, Written Requirement, 78, 168 Enrollment, 1965-66, 382 ETh l\[e111orial Union, 114 Exceptional Children, Education of, 320 Examinations, Entrance. 76 Faclllty, 10 Fees, 85, 118 Fees, Music, 366 FelJO\yships," 98, 124 Finance and Business Environment, 278,299 Finance-l\Ianagement, 278 Foreign Students, 90 Forest Industries :Management Center, 272 Frafernities, 92 F\"ench, ~06 Geography, 172 Geology, 175 Geophysics-Geochemistry, 17.5 German, 137,202 Grading System, 84 Graduate Assistantships, 124 Graduate School, 115 Graphic Arts, 260 Greek, 198 Group Requirement, 79 Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, School of, 326 Health Edueatioll, 338 Health Education Requirement, 7.8 Higher Education, 325 History, 179 Home Economics, 184 Honors, 81,132 Honors College, 132, 137 Housing, Campus, 91 Housing, Off-Campus, 93 Housing for Marricd Students, 93 Housing ;Regulations, 94 Industrial and Labor Relations, lnstitllte of, 130, 186 11lsnrance, :?8:?, 301 Interclisciplinary Studies, 120 Interior Architecture, 254 International Business, 279 11lterllatiollal Studies and Overseas Administration, Institute of, 12-8 Investments, 278 Ttalian, 138, :207 Japanese, 137,201 Jallanese Stu~lies, Centel" f01", 144 Journalism, School-of, 345 Lahur Relations, 130, 186 T.andscape Architecture, 257 1."tin, 199 Latin American Studies, 186 Law, School of, 352 Law Library, 352 [383 ] 384 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Liberal Arts, College of, 136 Librarianship, School of, 359 Libraries, 67 Library Curriculum, 307 Library, Law, 352 I::ibrary Fines, 70 Linguistics,. 187 Loan Funds, 96, 125 .l\[agazine Jol1rllalism, 350 l\-fallag-ement, 289, 303 l\Iarine Biology, Institute of, 146 Marketing, Insurance, and Transportation, 282, 301 l\Iarried Students, Housing, 93 Master's Degree, Hequirements, 119 Mathematics, 187 Medical School, 125, 194, 363 Medical Technology, 189,354 Medicine, Prellaratory. 194 Military Science and Aerospace Studies, .3 77 l\1odern and Classical Languages, 195 l\Ialeclllar Biology, Institute p£, 146 Municipal Hesearch and Service, Bureau of, 247 11 useum of Art, 7a Museum, l\1iniature Wagon, 72 l\tluseum of' Natural History, 71 Music, School of, 364 l\:Iusic Education, 367,374 New Student \Vee].;:, 90 Newspaper Management, 346 Nonresident Students, 74, 86, 88 Norwegian, 205 Nursing, Preparatory, 210 Nursing, School of, 125,210,376 Office Administration, 290 Oregon State System of Higher Education, 5 Painting, 260 Paleontology, 177 Park lVlanagement, 341 Personnel and Industrial Management, 288, 303 Pharmacy, Preparatory, 211 Ph ilosophy, 211 Physical Education, 329 Placement Service, 90 Physical Education Requirement, 78 Physical Examination, 95 Physical Therapy, 330 Physics, 214 Political Science, 218 Portuguese, 208 Prizes, 109 Production, 288 Psychology, 223 Psychology, Educational, 317 Public Relations, 346 Publications, Official, 72 Radio and Television Broadcasting, 243 llaclio-Television Journalism, 243, 349 Reading-Study Laboratory, 90 Real Estate, 284 Recreation and Park lVlanagement, 341 U.ecreation Research and Service, Iustitute of, 328 Registration Procedure, 82 H.eligious Studies, 230 H.emedial Education, 318 H.esearch, 126 Rhetoric and Public i\ddress, 241 Romance Languages, 206 llomance Philology, 210 Russian, 137, 204 Scandinavian, 138,205 Scholarship Regulations, 85 Scholarships, 124 School Psychological Services, 315 School Supervision, 321 Science, General, 138, 171 Sculpture, 263 Secondary Education', 312 Secretarial Science, 293 Social Service Training and Hesearch, Center for, 128 Social Science, General, 139, 171 Spciology, 231 Sororities, 92 Spanish,208 Speech, 239 Speech and IIearing Clinic, 90 Speech Pathology and Audiology, 244 Sports, Intramural, 327 Statistical Laboratory and Computing Center, 127 Statistics, Business, 277, 298 Student Employment, 96 ~ Student Expenses, 94 t Student Health Service, 95 \\ Student Life and \Velfare, 89 Student Living, 91 Student Union, 114 Swedish, 205 Teacher Education, 308 Teachers, Graduate Program for, 120 Television Broadcasting, 243 Theater, 245 Theoretical Science, Institute of, 127 Transportation, 284, 301 Gniversity, History of, 65 Gni'\'ersity, Income, 66 'University of Oregon Development Fund, U rhan Planning, 259 Visual Communication, 346 Volcanology, Center for, 176 Writing, 168 Youth Agencies, 341 F UNIVERSITY OF .OREGON BULLETIN NO. 140 385 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CHANGES IN FEES AND DORMITORY CHARGES. 1967-68 Since the printing of the 1967-68 U1Iiversity of Oregon Catalog, the Oregon State Board of Higher Education has revised the schedule of fees and dormitory charges. The following changes, effective fall term. 1967-68, should be noted : REGULAR FEES (PAGE 86) • Undergraduate students who are residents of Oregon: $12.3 a term or $369 for the three-term acac.lemic year. Undergraduate students who are not residents of Oregon: $333 a term or $999 for the three- term academic year. • Graduate students (resident and nonresident) : $143 a term or $429 for the three-term academic year. Teaching and research assist- ants: $35 a term. • Part-time students (resident and nonresident) : $31 to $108.50 a term. ENTRANCE DEPOSIT (PAGE 74) I Advance payment oC $25 deposit at time of admission discontinued. All students must, however, continue to make a $25 general deposit once each year at the time of first registration (see page 86) . DORMtTORY BOARD AND ROOM CHARGES (PAGE 92) Multiple occupancy: fall term, $.154; wintel' tel'm, $236; spring term, $197. Total for three-term academic year, $787. I If a student cancels a fall-term dormitory reservation before Au- gust I, or winter- or spring-term reservations fourteen calendar days before the opening of the term, $40 of the $50 reservation deposit will be refunded; $10 will be retained to cover the c()St of processing the reservation and the refund. Thc full deposit will, however. be refunded if the student fails to qualify for admission to the U niveI'Sity. SPECIAL EXAMINATION FEE (PAGE 87) , For the privilege of taking a special examination for credit a fee of $3 per credit hour. TESTING AND COUNSELlNG FEE (PAGE 90) For full educational and vocat ional testing service of the Counsel- ing Center, a fee of $7.50. MUSIC FEES (PAGE 366) Special fees for private performance instruction discontinued for majors in music and for students preparing for the teaching of music. Fees for private instruction ill wind and percussion instruments: ten half-hour lessons, $30; twenty half-hour lessons, $50.