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  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2009-10-01)
    Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, to change the development category from High Density Residential, Medium Density Residential and Planned Industrial - to General Commercial (3.54 acres) and Open Space (14.62 acres). Zoning ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2009-12-01)
    Amendments to Title 15 (Buildings and Construction), Chapter 15.16 Flood Damage Prevention, of the _ _ Lincoln City Municipal Code. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to enable adoption of the 2009 Flood Insurance ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2010-05-19)
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2010-07-26)
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2010-07-26)
    The ordinance contains a variety of miscellaneous code amendments to reflect a 2008 recodification of the municipal code. The amendments include corrections of scrivener's errors, missed cross-references and omissions from ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2010-09-14)
    The ordinance amends Chapter 17.52.220 - Tree Protection and Removal, of the Municipal Code. Substantive amendments reorganize the 2008 ordinance to clarify and simplify it and to adjust notice procedures. Other changes ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2011-04-06)
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2010-10-25)
    Amends exceptions for yard setbacks for certain architectural features and accessory structures, including bay windows, eaves, accessory buildings, fences, handicapped access facilities, bridges, and uncovered/unenclosed ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2011-03-10)
    Amended Title 16, Subdivisions. Substantive amendments included deleting the distinction between "major" and "minor" partitions. Added definitions for "property line adjustment", "replat" and "minor replat". Formalized ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2011-03-10)
    Codified limitations on electronic message signs, and defined flashing signs. Defined the interval of change between messages and allowable transitions between messages. Allowed variable message or video-type signs without ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2011-04-25)
    Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map amendment - change from Medium Density Residential to Taft Village Core; change from Single-Family Residential (R-l-7.5) to Taft Village Core (TVC). Site is developed with a commercial ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2011-04-25)
    The ordinance amends Lincoln C'ty Municipal Code. Chapter 17.52.220 - Tree Protection and Removal, most recently amended by Ordinance 2010-03 n August 2010. The additional amendments revise replacement requirements for ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2011-05-19)
    equest for Comprehensive Plan Map and Zun int; Map e hange for property on the cast side of Highway 101 in Lincoln City - Lincoln County Assessor's Map 07-11-27-11B, 11. I til, 102 and &00 and Map 07-1 1-Z7-DC.TL 400, ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2011-09-07)
    Amend Chapter 17.16 of the Lincoln City Municipal Code (R-l Single-Family Residential Zone) to allow attached single-family dwellings, with specific development standards. Amendment specifies lot width and limits attached ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2011-09-07)
    Amend Chapter 17.76.020 of the Lincoln City Municipal Code. The amendment will allow staff to manually change ownership and mailing address information throughout the year, for purpose of public notice mailings. The ordinance ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2011-09-30)
    The ordinance changes the comprehensive plan map and zoning map designations for thirty-two (32) tax lots. The project is primarily intended to accurately designate properties that are publicly owned open space or parks. ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2011-09-30)
    The amendment also deletes the definition of "height" from Section 17.34.005 (Nelscott Plan District). This definition was inadvertently retained in the 2008 adoption of the Nelscott District.
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2011-09-30)
    Amend Chapter 17.74 of the Lincoln City Municipal Code, which governs Commercial Design Standards in the General Commercial and Recreation Commercial zones. Tnese provisions were originally adopted in 2007, and this ordinance ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2011-11-28)
    Amending the text of the Lincoln City Comprehensive Plan. The amendment adds a policy to the Transportation chapter of the Plan. The amendment will enable continued development of the U.S. 101 SE 16 11 - SE 36th Street ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (Lincoln City, 2011-12-16)
    Amend Chapter 17.47 of the Lincoln City Municipal Code. The ordinance adopts a supplemental map for coastal erosion hazard zones along dune and bluff backed shorelines. The ordinance also codifies a requirement that ...

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