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  • Rudy, Paul Jr.; Rudy, Lynn Hay; Shanks, Alan; Butler, Barbara A. (2013-03-11)
  • Metro (Or.); Yee, Dennis (Metro (Or.), 1999-04-06)
    [T]he Employment Density Study: update[s] and determine[s] current job density parameters; provide[s] current observed findings of FARs and building densities which could be used to populate ZELDA; offer[s] a basis or ...
  • Metro (Or.); Conder, Sandy; Lawton, Keith (Metro (Or.), 2001-07)
    Our primary objective in this paper is to illustrate the differences in policy sensitive output between existing "Trend-Delphi" methods of land use and transportation modeling and integrated land use and transportation ...
  • Metro (Or.) (Metro (Or.), 2002-09)
    The basis for future land need and demand is derived from a regional forecast of employment and household change. The regional forecast is, in part, the supporting evidence for Metro's UGB decision which is due to be ...
  • Metro (Or.) (Metro (Or.), 2004-11-03)
    The Highway 217 Corridor Study is being completed in two phases. The first phase developed and analyzed a wide range of multi-modal alternatives. Based on this evaluation, the alternatives will be refined to a smaller ...
  • Metro (Or.) (Metro (Or.), 2007-06-15)
    BRT Alternative: faster and more reliable bus service through the use of transit priority treatments; signal priority and queue jumps at critical signalized intersections to minimize delay; high-level station amenities ...
  • Metro (Or.); Nelson, Arthur C. (Metro (Or.), 2008-10-08)
    Challenge Ahead: business-as-usual rooted in the past; different realities: demographic, housing preference, increasing demand for "urbanity" especially in suburbs; energy constraints; global shifts in financial ...
  • Metro (Or.); Yee, Dennis (Metro (Or.), 1998-05)
    This paper describes Metro’s regional model and presents the empirical estimates and some results from our study. It is shown that the Metro model contains reasonable parameter estimates and produces forecast estimates ...
  • Metro (Or.) (Metro (Or.), 2005-11-17)
    The 2040 Growth Concept reflects the things the people who live here value most: access to nature; protecting habitats for wildlife and people; safe and stable neighborhoods; transportation choices; resources for ...
  • Metro (Or.); North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District; Metro (Or.). Regional Parks and Greenspaces Dept.; Adolfson Associates; JD White (Firm) (Metro (Or.), 2004-01)
    The proposed Trolley Trail will run along a historic corridor once used by a streetcar line that operated between Portland and Oregon City.... acquired a 6-mile stretch of the historic rail corridor between downtown ...
  • Metro (Metro, 2006-02-28)
    Titie 11 of Metro's Urban Growth Management Functional Plan establishes temporary limitations on land divisions in territory newly added to the UGB. This ordinance authorizes counties to allow creation of parcels smaller ...
  • Metro (Metro, 2006-03-20)
  • Metro (Metro, 2007-02-16)
    Deletion of the requirements for local governments to consider and adopt selected land use strategies in their comprehensive plans and implementing ordinances. Ensuring that local government plans include policies and ...
  • Metro (Metro, 2007-03-08)
    Title 4 of Metro's Urban Growth Management Functional Plan prescribes limitations on certain uses in industrial and employment areas ana references a map which depicts boundaries for regulatory purposes. Ordinance No. ...
  • Metro (Metro, 2007-04-02)
    A minor amendment to the UGB where the UGB is intended to be coterminous with the 100-year floodplain based on a recent delineation of the floodplain by a profrssional engineer registered by the State of Oregon.
  • Metro (Metro, 2007-05-23)
    A minor adjustment to the UGB to make the UGB coterminous with a built structure. The previous UGB line ran trhough a house. Adoption of this amendment allows the existing house to be wholly on the parcel that remains rural ...
  • Metro (Metro, 2008-02-06)
  • Metro (Metro, 2008-05-27)
    The addition of 0.6 acres to the UGB makes the UGB coterminous with the property line for 20303 S Highway 213 in Oregon City
  • Metro (Metro, 2008-10-10)
    A minor adjustment of the UGB to site two public facility lines to provide sanitary sewer and water to the Metro Parks & Greenspaces owned Graham Oaks Nature Park.
  • Metro (Metro, 2008-12-05)
    The adopted amendment add 1.54 acres to the UGB in order to make the UGB coterminous with property lines.

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