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Megert, Brian R.
(University of Oregon, 2010-06)
In recent years, state and national policy created the need for higher accountability standards for student academic performance. This increased accountability creates an imperative to have a formative assessment system ...
Standifird, Stephen Scott
(University of Oregon, 1999-08)
During 1989, East Central Europe witnessed one of the most remarkable
transformations in socio-political history. The economic transformation that followed
represents one the most remarkable economic transitions in modern ...
Sane, Sudhanshu
(University of Oregon, 2020-09-24)
Exploratory visualization and analysis of time-dependent vector fields or flow fields generated by scientific simulations is increasingly challenging on modern supercomputers. One possible solution is the use of a ...
Estacada (Or.); MorganCPS Group
(City of Estacada (Or.), 2004-08)
This document is an update of the 1980 Estacada Comprehensive Plan and its 1993 Periodic
Review. Upon adoption it will supplement the Economics and Housing elements of the Plan
with new information and analysis. It will ...
Estacada (Or.)
(City of Estacada (Or.), 2006-08-01)
Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government's comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
Cascade Economic Planning; SERA Architects; Estacada (Or.); Tashman Johnson LLC
(City of Estacada (Or.), 2007-01-11)
The Estacada Downtown Urban Renewal Plan (the â Planâ ) contains goals, objectives and
projects for the revitalization of the Estacada Downtown Urban Renewal Area.... The purpose of the Plan is to use the tools provided ...
Estacada (Or.); Kittelson & Associates
(City of Estacada (Or.), 1999-05)
This study was prepared as part of a Transportation Growth Management Grant. Although the population
of Estacada does not meet the threshold level identified by State of Oregon legislation requiring local
jurisdictions ...
Estacada (Or.)
(Estacada, 2006-02-17)
Annex to the City of Exstacada property described as 34E, 20, tax lot 500.
Estacada (Or.)
(Estacada, 2006-02-17)
Annex to the City of Exstacada property described as 34E, 21 CD, tax lot 8700.
Estacada (Or.)
(Estacada, 2006-02-17)
Amends the City code dealing with planned developments - clarifies the requirements and procedures and reduces open space to 20%
Estacada (Or.)
(Estacada, 2006-02-17)
Comp plan and zone change amendment from Commercial (C-1) to multi-family residential (R-3)
Estacada (Or.)
(Estacada, 2006-02-17)
Annex to the City of Estacada property described as 34E, 17, tl 1900; 34E, 17D, tl 400, 500, 600. 700, 800, 900,1000, 402,1400. 1500, 1501. Zone change map amendment from RRFF-5 (county designation) to M1 (light industrial) ...
Estacada (Or.)
(Estacada, 2006-02-17)
1. Adds definition for apartment, hotel, motel & private road. 2. Amending roadway guidelines and street widths. 3. Adding exemption to off street parking requirements. 4. Repealing non-conforming use section for annexations.
Estacada (Or.)
(Estacada, 2006-02-17)
nnex to the City of Estacada property described as 34E> 21C tax lots 1302 & 1402. Zone change map amendment from KRFF5 (County designation) to R-1 (low density residential) consistent with City -Comprehensive Plan.
Estacada (Or.)
(Estacada, 2006-02-17)
Annex to the City of Estacada property described as 34E, 28B, tax iots 1800, 2000 & 2100. Zone change map amendment from RRFF-5 (county designation) to R-1 (low density residential) consistent with City Comprehensive Plan.
Estacada (Or.)
(Estacada, 2006-02-17)
Estacada (Or.)
(Estacada, 2006-02-17)
Annex to the City of Estacada property described as 34E, 21 CD tax lot 8690. Zone change map amendment from RRFF-5 (county designation) to R-1 (low density residential), consistent with City comprehensive plan.
Estacada (Or.)
(Estacada, 2006-02-17)
Annex to the City of Estacada property described as 34E, 21CB tax lots 2900, 2903, and 34E, 21C, tax lot 1501. Zone change map amendment from RRFF-5 (county designation) to R-1 (iow density residential), consistent with ...
Estacada (Or.)
(Estacada, 2006-12-15)
Annex to the City of Estacada property described as 34E, 28A, tax lot 1101. Zone change map amendment from RRFF-5 (County designation) to R-1 (low density residential) consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan.
Estacada (Or.)
(Estacada, 2006-12-15)
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