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Browsing by Author "Farkas Group"
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Gresham (Or.); ECO Northwest, Ltd.; Gresham Redevelopment Commission; Gleason Group; Farkas Group; SERA Architects; Whitlow, Dave; Johnson Gardner; Communitas LLC
(City of Gresham (Or.), 2006-03)
This plan summarizes the physical and market conditions related to the newly acquired property
and reviews the previous planning work done. It recommends minimal refinements and suggests
five action steps to begin ...
StastnyBrun Architects; Portland (Or.); Portland Development Commission; Parametrix, Inc.; Ferrarini & Associates; Farkas Group
(City of Portland (Or.), 2007-07)
The Central Gateway Redevelopment Strategy
was initiated by the Portland Development
Commission (PDC) to create a vision and
implementation strategy to guide the area's growth
and development for the next 15 years.... ...
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