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Browsing by Author "MacGregor, Donald G."
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Slovic, Paul; Peters, Ellen; Finucane, Melissa; MacGregor, Donald G.
Risk is perceived and acted on in 2 fundamental ways. Risk as feelings refers to individuals' fast, instinctive, and intuitive reactions to danger. Risk as analysis brings logic, reason, and scientific deliberation to bear ...
Fischhoff, Baruch; MacGregor, Donald G.; Lichtenstein, Sarah
(Decision Research, 1983-04)
People tend to be inadequately sensitive to the extent of their own
knowledge. This insensitivity typically emerges as overconfidence. That is,
people's assessments of the probability of having answered questions ...
Lichtenstein, Sarah; MacGregor, Donald G.; Slovic, Paul
(Decision Research, 1989)
A critical task often performed by decision makers is to make estimates of important
points of fact. Previous research has suggested that decomposition of numerical estimation
problems can result in improved estimation ...
Slovic, Paul; MacGregor, Donald G.; Peters, Ellen
(Decision Research, 1998-03-11)
Traditionally, the principal focus of research on judgment and decision making has been
largely cognitive and rationalistic. More recently, however, decision-making researchers have
acknowledged the role of non-cognitive ...
MacGregor, Donald G.; Slovic, Paul; Race, Margaret
(Decision Research, 1998)
As space scientists and engineers plan new
missions to Mars and other planets in our solar
system, they will face critical questions about
the potential for biological contamination of
planetary surfaces. In a society ...
MacGregor, Donald G.; Race, Margaret
(Decision Research, 2001-02)
As society enters the 21st century, NASA and its international partners are planning to
conduct numerous new and exciting missions within the solar system. Many of these missions are
motivated by scientific questions in ...
Slovic, Paul; Nair, Indira; Giesler, Dan; Morgan, M. Granger; MacGregor, Donald G.; Fischhoff, Baruch; Lincoln, David; Florig, Keith
Perception of the potential risk arising from human exposure to 50/60 Hz electric and magnetic fields was studied with a quasi-random sample of 116 well educated opinion leaders using the risk perception framework previously ...
MacGregor, Donald G.; Slovic, Paul
(Decision Research, 2000-11-15)
“Baby boomers” comprise a significant portion of the U.S. population, and the
leading-edge of this group will begin retirement within a decade. These individuals, in
the age range of 45 to 55 years, are currently at or ...
Slovic, Paul; Kunreuther, Howard; MacGregor, Donald G.
The challenges associated with siting new waste facilities revolve around perceptions of the health, safety and environmental risks by the different interested parties. This paper stresses the importance of establishing ...
MacGregor, Donald G.
(Decision Research, 1994-07)
Over the past two decades one of the most dramatic phenomenon on the
social scene has been the rise of broad, public involvement in decision
maldng about complex technologies, including those that protect society
from ...
Lichtenstein, Sarah; MacGregor, Donald G.
(Decision Research, 1984)
Four groups of college students were each given two base-rate
problems. Three of the groups were given an aid with the first
problem: (a) An instruction to list factors or aspects that were
relevant to solving the ...
MacGregor, Donald G.
(Decision Research, 1984-12)
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