Browsing by Subject "Consumer Behavior"


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  • Wang, Cecilia A. (University of Oregon, 2018-06)
    Abstract: In-app purchases have been more common due to the accessibility of them in our digital age. In the gaming community, a spectrum of online spenders have been identified, ranging from free to play players who spend ...
  • Jalili, Monire (University of Oregon, 2017-09-06)
    My dissertation is a collection of three essays with analytical models at the interface of marketing and operations with a focus on pricing. The common theme in this dissertation is studying the effect of the consumer-driven ...
  • Chinn, Emily Rose (University of Oregon, 2017)
    Branded events are becoming an increasingly important part of the marketing toolbox, as traditional advertising is increasingly ineffectual on modern consumers. Unfortunately for marketers, it is also an understudied area ...
  • Courey, Alycia Kathryn (University of Oregon, 2019)
    In September 2016, former quarterback of the 49ers Colin Kaepernick decided to kneel for the National Anthem to protest the police brutality of African Americans. NFL viewers and the media immediately reacted and took sides ...

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