Browsing by Subject "Freshwater mussels"


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  • Davis, Emily A.; David, Aaron T.; Norgaard, Karie Marie; Parker, Timothy H.; McKay, Kara; Tennant, Christine; Soto, Toz; Rowe, Kate; Reed, Ron (Northwest Scientific Association, 2013)
    Freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida) are an integral component of freshwater ecosystems. Historically, they were an important part of the diet and material culture of indigenous peoples, including until recently the ...
  • Walton, Dean; Miller, Shelly (Society for Conservation GIS, 2013-07)
    There are 3 genera of freshwater mussels in Oregon. Two are represented by a single species each in Oregon (Gonidea angulata & Margaritifera falcata). Previous taxonomic classification of the third genus, Anodonta, included ...

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