Implementing the Economic Stimulus on National Forests: Using Hazardous Fuels Reduction to Create Local Jobs

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Charnley, Susan
Moseley, Cassandra
Donoghue, Ellen M. (Ellen Mary)

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Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon


How can hazardous fuels reduction on national forests best contribute to local job creation? Many rural counties where national forests are located have higher unemployment rates than the nation as a whole. Hazardous fuels reduction funded through the economic stimulus package can help alleviate unemployment while reducing the risk of uncharacteristic fire and the cost of suppression. Previous research suggests, however, that the economic benefits of forest restoration often do not reach rural communities near national forests.i Thus, success will require the Forest Service to focus attention on strategies that are most likely to create economic opportunity in these communities. This briefing paper draws on research findings to offer insights about how the Forest Service might maximize the economic stimulus effects of hazardous fuels reduction funds.


2 p.


Hazardous fuels reduction
