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  • Ringer, Greg (Elsevier, 1996)
    International tourism is now the dominant force in the world economy and consequently, is heavily promoted as a source of funding sustainable community development. Developing and marketing communities as tourist destinations ...
  • Ringer, Greg (1998-06)
    Perhaps more than any other region of the world, Africa’s dependence on natural resources makes it especially vulnerable to environmental change. To confront the growing social and natural problems, many sub-Saharan ...
  • Ringer, Greg; Robinson, Alan (World Wide Fund (WWF) for Nature-Indochina Programme & Viet Nam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, 1999-11)
    This management proposal is intended to establish guidelines for the design, development, management, and marketing of ecotourism and environmental education activities, attractions, and facilities in Con Dao National Park ...
  • Ringer, Greg; Hall, C. Michael (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000)
    The emerging Southeast Asian nations of Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar (Burma) are undergoing substantial change. Desperately seeking economic growth, these impoverished nations have been ravaged by decades of civil war from ...
  • Hibbard, Michael (Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2001)
    The Ecosystem Workforce Program (EWP) at the University of Oregon is conducting a three year demonstration project to test the possibilities of collaborative stewardship for community development. Key to this is a monitoring ...
  • Hibbard, Michael; Karle, Kristen M., 1975- (Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2001)
    This paper is an assessment of a three year demonstration project to test the possibilities of community forestry for community development. The demonstration actively promotes community forestry in four rural Oregon ...
  • Beltram, James; Evans, Rock; Hibbard, Michael; Luzzi, James (Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2001)
    Reports the findings of a joint study by the Organization for Economic Initiatives, Inc. (OEI) and the Ecosystem Workforce Program (EWP) at the University of Oregon (UO). OEI is an Oregon 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation ...
  • Bonner, Kristin; Hibbard, Michael (Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2002)
    This report examines some of the issues involved in setting up a system for monitoring the socio-economic effects of Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (O-WEB) grants on an on-going basis. We conducted telephone interviews ...
  • Ringer, Greg (Environmental Studies Association of Canada, 2002)
    Only a few years after the murder of eight foreign tourists in 1999, kidnaped while on an Abercrombie & Kent tour of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in southwest Uganda, the country is finally, albeit slowly and rather ...
  • Ringer, Greg (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002)
    The phenomenal growth of tourism experienced by the East Asia-Pacific region in the 1990s, nearly double the world average, has played a formative role in reuniting and empowering countries long fragmented by conflict and ...
  • Bonner, Kristin; Hibbard, Michael (Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2002-07-15)
    Cooperative, community-level approaches to environmental management are emerging in a variety of contexts, in Oregon and elsewhere. The rise of these approaches has led to a new appreciation of the possibility of watershed ...
  • Schlossberg, Marc; Shuford, Elliot (2003-07)
    PPGIS is often presented as a people-centered alternative to the use of GIS compared to a more technocratic,expert-driven methodology. Yet, the umbrella of PPGIS is quite broad. Within such a broad context, it may be ...
  • Ringer, Greg (University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, 2004-04)
    Tourism has grown to become the dominant service industry in the world in the 21st Century and a common prescription for funding sustainable community development throughout the East Asia-Pacific region. Certainly, there ...
  • Irvin, Renee A.; Carr, Patrick Joseph, 1978- (2004-06)
    Nonprofit organizations thrive on the altruism of citizens, and actively court donors for major gifts. Yet individual gifts to government agencies are often unexpected, sporadic, and initiated by the donor. This article ...
  • Gray, Jo Anna; Stockard, Jean; Stone, Joe A. (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2004-06-11)
    We develop a model of fertility and marriage that implies a magnified effect of marriage rates on the share of births to unmarried women. For U.S. data, plots and regression estimates support the prediction that the share ...
  • Ringer, Greg (Institute for Strategic Studies and Prognoses & Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, 2004-10)
    This report briefly outlines the concerns and recommendations of a rapid assessment project undertaken in April 2004, with the support of the Montenegro Business Alliance and the U.S. Consulate in Podgorica. While admittedly ...
  • Gray, Jo Anna; Stockard, Jean; Stone, Joe A. (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2004-11-01)
    Much of the sharp rise in the share of nonmarital births in the United States has been attributed to changes in the fertility choices of unmarried and married women - in response, it is often argued, to various public ...
  • Schlossberg, Marc; Shuford, Elliot (Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, 2005)
    PPGIS is often presented and promoted as a more people-centered GIS compared to a more traditional technocratic,expert-driven tool or methodology. Yet, the umbrella of PPGIS is quite broad. Within such a broad context, it ...
  • Gray, Jo Anna; Stone, Joe A.; Stockard, Jean (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2006-02)
    This paper proposes and tests a simple joint explanation for i) increases in marital and nonmarital birth rates in the United States over recent decades, ii) the dramatic rise in the share of nonmarital births, and iii) ...
  • Bania, Neil; Gray, Jo Anna (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2006-06)
    Barro’s (1990) model of endogenous growth implies that economic growth will initially rise with an increase in taxes directed toward “productive” expenditures (e.g., education, highways, and streets), but will subsequently ...

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