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Gearhart (Or.)
(City of Gearhart, 2015-06-04)
(Gervais, 2006-06-29)
This amendment would add the following new sections to the Gervais General Plan: Population and Housing Element. Economics Element, and Land Use Element. The amendment also includes goal exception findings to be adopted ...
(Gervais, 2007-02-20)
The proposed amendments clarify lot line adjustment standards for lots included in the original Gervais Town Plat..
(Gervais, 2007-06-27)
Change the general plan map from Residential to Public and change the zone designation from Residential to Public Facility for two parcels: Map 52W26DB lot 4600 from Residential (R-l) to Public Facility (PF) and Map 52W26DB ...
(Gervais, 2008-05-09)
City of Gervais
(City of Gervais, 2015-08-17)
Gladstone (Or.); Picco, Thomas J.
(City of Gladstone (Or.), 1995-06)
In Gladstone, the TSP provides the city the opportunity to address transportation
issues of local concern within the context of regional transportation systems.
Particular issues that have been examined, and proposed ...
Gladstone (Or.)
(Gladstone, 2006-05-12)
Gladstone (Or.)
(Gladstone, 2006-06-15)
Gladstone (Or.)
(Gladstone, 2007-06-14)
Gladstone (Or.)
(Gladstone, 2007-09-13)
Amendment to Design Review standards to essentially prohibit metal sided buildings (or the appearance of them) in commercial and industrial districts.
Gladstone (Or.)
(Gladstone, 2008-03-13)
Gladstone (Or.)
(Gladstone, 2008-04-10)
Gladstone (Or.)
(Gladstone, 2008-04-14)
Gladstone (Or.)
(Gladstone, 2009-07-24)
Amendment to the Transportation System Plan element of the Comprehensive Plan. As part of the Portland Avenue Streetscape Plan, the City of Gladstone has amended their TSP as follows: Chapter VII, Street Standards and ...
Gladstone (Or.)
(Gladstone, 2009-10-20)
Amendments to the Drainage provisions in municipal code Chapter 17.56. Amendment of development standards as required by State Department of Environmental Quality, to help ensure waters drained from new or redeveloped sites ...
Gladstone (Or.)
(Gladstone, 2009-12-11)
Designates Habitat Conservation Areas and adopts regulations in order to comply with Metro's Title 13. New Chaplcf,added to the Zoning Ordinance (17.25) along with conforming amendments to Natural Resources sect ion;pf ...
Gladstone (Or.)
(Gladstone, 2011-04-15)
Amendments to both the Gladstone Municipal Code (GMC) and Gladstone Comprehensive Plan, as follows: Chapter 17.26.040, OS Open Space District, Conditional Uses allowed - add "Public Utility Facilities within a Habitat ...
Gladstone (Or.)
(City of Gladstone, 2013-02-21)
Gladstone (Or.)
(City of Gladstone, 2015-04-21)
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