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Hood River (Or.)
(City of Hood River, 2013-07-19)
City of Hood River
(City of Hood River, 2014-08-15)
City of Hood River
(City of Hood River, 2014-10-21)
City of Hood River
(City of Hood River, 2014-12-29)
City of Hood River
(City of Hood River, 2015-05-05)
Hubbard (Or.)
(City of Hubbard (Or.), 2006)
Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
Hubbard (Or.); Oregon Downtown Development Association; VanderZanden, Mark; Bernhardt, Magnus; Bosch, Mary; Dugger, Vicki
(City of Hubbard (Or.), 2003-06-26)
This report is a summary of information collected and synthesized by the ODDA
Resource Team while working in Hubbard May 24-26, 2003. It is based on the
information presented at the May 26th final presentation. The ...
Hubbard (Or.); Mid Willamette Valley Council of Governments
(City of Hubbard (Or.), 1999-06-29)
The Hubbard TSP was developed by a Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC)
composed of interested citizens, elected and appointed city officials, and transportation
planning specialists from state agencies and Marion ...
Hubbard (Or.)
(Hubbard, 2006-01-13)
This amendment would amend the local street standards in the by: Hubbard Transportation Plan. The amendments also amend the Hubbard Development Code (1) revising standards for caretaker residences in will the Industrial ...
Hubbard (Or.)
(Hubbard, 2006-03-22)
Hubbard (Or.)
(Hubbard, 2008-08-14)
This amendment included adoption of a revised Economics Section of the Hubbard Comprehensive Plan and a 19-acre urban growth boundary expansion for future commercial and industrial use. --
Hubbard (Or.)
(Hubbard, 2008-08-14)
The request as approved includes the annexation of property approximately 12.7 acres in size, a concurrent Comprehensive Plan Map change from Public to Low Density Residential, and a zone change from Marion County UTF ...
Hubbard (Or.)
(Hubbard, 2008-10-16)
The proposal includes the annexation of property approximately 11.7 acres in size with a concurrcnt request to change the zoning from Marion County UT-5 (Urban Transitional 5 acres) to IC (Industrial Commercial).
Hubbard (Or.)
(Hubbard, 2009-02-17)
Hubbard (Or.)
(Hubbard, 2010-09-21)
The proposed amendments: allow longer land use approval periods; clarify property line adjustment procedures; reconcile conflicting vision clearance area requirements; clarify setback requirements and expand the list of ...
Hubbard (Or.)
(Hubbard, 2012-06-19)
The proposed amendments include the adoption of a new Transportation System Plan and related policy and code amendments. The TSP includes the adoption of revised transportation goals and policies, updated transportation ...
Hubbard (Or.)
(Hubbard, 2012-08-20)
Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Medium Density Residential to Commercial and a zone change from Medium Density Residential (R-2) to Residential Commercial (RD) for a 0.23 acre parcel located at 2732 D Street in Hubbard, OR.
Hubbard (Or.)
(City of Hubbard, 2013-05-21)
Hubbard (Or.)
(City of Hubbard, 2014-09-23)
Huntington (Or.); H. Lee & Associates; David Evans and Associates
(City of Huntington (Or.), 2001-06)
The Huntington Transportation System Plan (TSP) guides the management of existing transportation facilities and the design and implementation of future facilities for the next 20 years. This Transportation System Plan ...
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