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City of La Grande
(City of La Grande, 2015-06-01)
La Pine (Or.)
(City of La Pine (Or.), 2008)
La Pine is located along a major state highway with high traffic
volumes and experiences heavy winter snowfalls. The City needs to focus on
planning, maintenance, and developing standards for city roads.... The City needs ...
La Pine (Or.)
(City of La Pine, 2013-11-12)
Lafayette (Or.)
(City of Lafayette (Or.), 2001)
The development of the Comprehensive Plan occurred in several stages. The systems
that make up the community were separated into elements under three main categories:
Natural Resources, Community Resources and ...
Yamhill County (Or.); Lafayette (Or.)
(City of Lafayette (Or.), 1979-05)
This Plan is divided into four sections. The first three
sections present the goals and policies concerning Natural
Resources, Community Resources and Community Development
of Lafayette. The fourth section discusses ...
Lafayette (Or.)
(City of Lafayette (Or.), 2003-10)
Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
Yamhill County (Or.); Lafayette (Or.)
(City of Lafayette (Or.), 1979-05)
The material in this Planning Atlas is a synthesis of the information
gathered and discussed during the development of the Lafayette Comprehensive
Land Use Plan. The City's land use goals and policies, derived
from this ...
Lafayette (Or.)
(Lafayette, 2006-01-06)
Amend Plan Map from low density residential to medium density Residential. Amend Zone Map from Low Density Residential (R -1) to Medium Density Residential (R-2).
Lafayette (Or.)
(Lafayette, 2006-01-18)
Amend Plan map from Medium Density Residential to Commercial. Amend Zone Map from Medium Density Residential (R-2) to Commercial (C-1)
Lafayette (Or.)
(Lafayette, 2007-08-20)
Replaces Lafayette Zoning & Development Ordinance; Sect. 2.206, Adopting New Sign Regulations
Lafayette (Or.)
(Lafayette, 2007-08-20)
Amend Lafayette Transportation System Plan (an element of the comprehensive Plan and Planning Atlas) Updating Capital Project Costs Improvment
Lafayette (Or.)
(Lafayette, 2010-01-26)
Lafayette floodplain regulations were amended to state the Flood Insurance Study for Yamhill County and Incorporated Cities, March 2, 20 I 0, and to add language from the State Model Floodplain Ordinance and State Building Code.
Lafayette (Or.)
(Lafayette, 2011-01-18)
The Lafayette Comprehensive Plan was amended with housekeeping updates to the findings, goals, policies and implementation statements. The amendments were minor in nature and no substantive changes were made.
Lafayette (Or.)
(City of Lafayette, 2013-05-07)
Lafayette (Or.)
(City of Lafayette, 2014-06-06)
City of Lafayette
(City of Lafayette, 2015-12-22)
Lake Oswego (Or.)
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2005-03-15)
The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) forecasts the City's capital needs over a five-year period based on various City-adopted long-range plans, goals and policies. Capital projects are generally large-scale endeavors in terms ...
Lake Oswego (Or.)
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2009-06-01)
The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is intended to be a 5 year forecast which identifies major projects
requiring the expenditure of public funds over and above routine annual operating expenses. The
City identifies ...
Lake Oswego (Or.)
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2006-03-09)
Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
Lake Oswego (Or.); Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2004-05-18)
This urban renewal plan update, hereinafter called â The Plan,â has been prepared by the Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency â The Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Lake Oswego, pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) ...
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