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Browsing Individual city documents by Title
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North Plains (Or.)
(North Plains, 2007-02-16)
North Plains (Or.)
(North Plains, 2007-03-15)
North Plains (Or.)
(North Plains, 2007-05-09)
North Plains (Or.)
(North Plains, 2007-09-06)
North Plains (Or.)
(North Plains, 2007-10-17)
North Plains (Or.)
(North Plains, 2008-01-15)
North Plains (Or.)
(North Plains, 2008-05-21)
North Plains (Or.)
(North Plains, 2012-03-12)
Amendments to the City of North Plains Zoning and Development Code primarily for organizational, procedural and administrative purposes. Includes zone use and setback changes, new definitions, limited land use and other ...
North Plains (Or.)
(North Plains, 2012-05-29)
Comprehensive Plan text amendment to adopt the Community Trails Plan, an appendix of the North Plains Parks Plan (a part o f the Comprehensive Plan).
North Plains (Or.)
(City of North Plains, 2015-07-23)
North Powder
(North Powder, 2012-05-07)
Tax lots 1700 & 2100 in block 35 of the C y of North Powder, Union County, Oregon, tax map #T\vp 6S, Range 39E; Secotion 22BD. have been changed from residential zone to public zone.
Nyssa (Or.)
(City of Nyssa (Or.), 2006-08-22)
Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
Nyssa (Or.); Otak, Inc.; Kittelson & Associates
(City of Nyssa (Or.), 1987-08)
The City of Nyssa will host its
Centennial Celebration in the year 2003. By that date the city intends to
implement the Nyssa 2003 Main Street
Revitalization Plan as an important
step toward creating a downtown
environment ...
Nyssa (Or.); Otak, Inc.
(City of Nyssa (Or.), 1998-07-23)
Key elements of the Nyssa Transportation System Plan include:
a Local Street Network Plan to identify general preference for future road-utility
extensions; an Access Management Plan to protect and preserve the function, ...
Nyssa (Or.)
(Nyssa, 2006-08-28)
Allowing single- family Dwellings as outright permitted uses in multi-family mobile home zone (R-4)
Nyssa (Or.)
(Nyssa, 2006-11-24)
Re-zone approximately 22 acres from R-3 Multi-Family Residential to Industrial.
Nyssa (Or.)
(Nyssa, 2008-10-20)
Changed City of Nyssa's Zoning Code Section 11.08 Inudstrial Zone (I), 11.08.020 Uses Permitted Outright to include" processing, packaging, storage or sale of agricultural crops, food and beverages, including biofuels ...
Nyssa (Or.)
(Nyssa, 2011-01-24)
Rezone a 6.25 acre single family housing subdivision zoned R-4 Multi-Family Mobile Home to R-l Single Family Dwellings. This subdivision was built with infrastructure for single family dwellings and the R-4 Multifamily ...
Nyssa (Or.)
(Nyssa, 2011-09-21)
The City of Nyssa updated their Zoning Code as well as the bicycle and pedestrian components of the Transportation System Plan to enhance bicycle and pedestrian facilities and provisions in Nyssa.
Nyssa (Or.)
(City of Nyssa, 2013-07-11)
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