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Veneta (Or.)
(Veneta, 2010-12-03)
Veneta (Or.)
(Veneta, 2012-05-18)
The City amen tied its Public Facilities Plan (PFP) with updated information from recently adopted Water and Wasewater Master Plans and updated its Comprehensive Plan to update the public facilites element of the Plan and ...
Veneta (Or.)
(City of Veneta, 2013-03-29)
Veneta (Or.)
(City of Veneta, 2014-09-15)
City of Veneta
(City of Veneta, 2015-09-21)
Dougherty Landscape Architecture; Marketek, Inc.; SERA Architects; Veneta (Or.); Oregon Downtown Development Association
(City of Veneta (Or.), 2006-06)
In 1984, the City of Veneta put together a Taskforce to study the need for, and
potential of, an Urban Renewal District to help eliminate blight and serve as a
catalyst for redevelopment. A planning grant was secured to ...
Veneta (Or.)
(City of Veneta (Or.), 2006-04-24)
The Veneta Transportation System Plan (TSP) is the long-range policy document that guides transportation planning within Veneta’s urban growth boundary (UGB) for the next 20 years. The plan will be updated every five years ...
Vernonia (Or.); KCM, Inc.
(City of Vernonia (Or.), 1999-07)
This Transportation System Plan (TSP) identifies deficiencies of the City of Vernonia's
existing transportation system, assesses current and future demands on the system, and
outlines a coordinated network of transportation ...
Vernonia (Or.)
(Vernonia, 2006-06-09)
Vernonia (Or.)
(Vernonia, 2006-09-12)
Vernonia (Or.)
(Vernonia, 2008-02-28)
Vernonia (Or.)
(Vernonia, 2008-02-28)
Vernonia (Or.)
(Vernonia, 2009-08-14)
Vernonia (Or.)
(Vernonia, 2009-09-24)
Vernonia (Or.)
(Vernonia, 2010-07-28)
Vernonia (Or.)
(Vernonia, 2010-09-23)
Vernonia (Or.)
(Vernonia, 2010-09-23)
Vernonia (Or.)
(Vernonia, 2010-11-22)
Vernonia (Or.)
(Vernonia, 2011-06-27)
Vernonia (Or.)
(City of Vernonia, 2013-04-25)
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