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Cannon Beach (Or.)
(City of Cannon Beach (Or.), 2005-06)
Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
Cannon Beach (Or.); Clatsop County (Or.)
(City of Cannon Beach (Or.), 2008-09)
The City of Cannon Beach developed this addendum to the Clatsop
County multi-jurisdictional Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan in an effort to
increase the community's resilience to natural hazards. The addendum
focuses ...
LeDuc, Andre; Mitchell, Krista M.
The purpose of this report is to document the community post-disaster recovery planning forum outcomes in Cannon Beach as a case study. This report can be used by the City to guide the implementation of long term post-disaster ...
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2006-04-07)
Where the City Council determines to "waive" existing land use regulations to satisfy a valid Measure 37 claim, these amendments will make uses permitted pursuant to that waiver outright uses in the zone in which they are located.
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2006-04-07)
Amend the Comprehensive Plan and zoning map designation of Tax Lots 100, 105, 110, 500, 502 & 503. Map 51020BC from Residential Very Low (RVL) density to Residential Lower (RL) density. Amend the zoning designation of Tax ...
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2006-08-07)
Amend the Zoning Ordinance, Comprehensive Plan and Comprehensive Plan Background Report in association with the City's review of the existing urban growth boundary; Revise the City's UGB Management Agreement with Clatsop County
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2006-08-07)
Amend the Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.26, Manufactured Dwelling and Recreation Vehicle Park (MP) Zone to make existing Conditional uses permitted as Uses permitted outright.
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2006-12-07)
Amend Municipal Code, Section 17.77.030C - Vacation Home Rental Occupancy Requirement for clarification regarding the definition of vacation home rental occupancy and regulatory requirements as noted in Section 17.77.030.
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2007-05-03)
Amend Chapter 17.04, Definitions, by adding a new definition of maintenance foredune grading; Amend Section 17.04.252 adding new definition of foredune breaching; Amend Section 17,42.030, Oceanfront Management Overlav(OM) ...
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2007-05-03)
Amend the Comprehensive Plan Background Report, Cannon Beach. An Integrated approach to Sand Management, Part IV, Sand Management Strategies for the Cannon Beach Area .
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2008-02-11)
Miscellaneous zoning amendments regarding geological hazard overlay standards, wetland overlay standards, off-street parking standards, various conditional use and non-conforming use standards, residential uses and standards ...
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2008-02-11)
Amend the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning designation and map of Tax Lot 300, Map 51032BC and Tax Lots 200, 300 and 306, Map 51032CB from Residential Very Low Density (RVL) to Residential Medium Density (R2)
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2008-03-12)
Amendment regarding the flood hazard overlay zone standards
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2008-09-26)
Miscellaneous revisions to stream crossing standards.
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2008-12-05)
Amendment to tree removal standards to require the applicant to obtain an certified arborist report.
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2009-04-13)
Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, Short Term Rentals, to clarify change in ownership among spouses
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2009-07-15)
The amendment was to remove language that a duplex shall not be converted to condominium ownership with individual dwelling units owned separately.
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2009-07-15)
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2009-10-13)
Cannon Beach (Or.)
(Cannon Beach, 2009-10-13)
Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to prohibit the placement of wireless commun ication facilities in the Open Space (OS) Zone and other miscellaneous wireless communications amendments.
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