The Predictive Relationship Between Oral Reading Fluency and Comprehension As It Relates to Minority Students
Deboy, Sara
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University of Oregon
The prominent use of DIBELS as a screening and placement tool has provided schools and districts the ability to implement interventions and best practices for students, particularly in the primary grades. Although many studies have highlighted the predictive validity of oral reading fluency (ORF) to anticipate reading performance, few have extended that research to examine the performance of ethnic and economic subgroups as compared to non-minority peers. Disaggregating the data to study specific populations can expose whether ORF's relationship with reading comprehension depends on group membership and ultimately improve the quality of the assessment. This study examines the predictive validity of DIBELS ORF for two types of comprehension scores within a racially and ethnically diverse second grade cohort.
Comprehension, Equity, Ethnicity, Oral reading fluency, Predictive validity, Race