Harrisburg Notice of Adopted Amendment (2010-01-15)
Harrisburg (Or.)
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Complete review/amendment of the zoning ordinance. Minor alterations oflanguage & fOlmat used throughout. Moderate changes as follows: Duplex's, min lot size increased from 7,000 sq ft to 8,000 sq ft for duplex on a single lot. Townhomes added, with min. lot size at 3,500 sq ft for dwellings attached to one other dwelling, and 2,500 sq ft if attached to more than one dwelling. Bed & Breakfasts added, with 6 adults allowed as guests at any time. Removed group home notifications process as per state law. Alteration of parking allowances in hi storic zones, and amendments to other parking requirements to match. Alteration of MD removal/replacement requirements. (Removed 1,000 sq ft requirement). Revision of all "famil y" references replaced by "households". Removed residential uses allowed outright in a Col zone, unless part of a mixed use development. Changed schools from being allowed as outright uses in an M-l zone, to a conditional use instead. Site Plan Review modification, and elim ination of site plan review if a CUP (Conditional Use Permit) also applies to a land use project. Modification ofnonconfomling uses & structures; establi shed and defined modifications and alterations of non-confomling uses. Conullercial zone uses were also updated.
70 pp. Adopted 2010-01-15. Department of Land Conservation and Development Notice of Adopted Amendment
Land Use