The Role of Surrogate Family Dynamics in Youth Gang Recruitment and Involvement
Mahoney, Grace-Ellen
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University of Oregon
This work is a compilation of various methods of research in an attempt to gain
a better understanding of youth gangs, and what initially draws young people to enter
the dangerous world of street gangs. I have analyzed autobiographies, current literature,
and have also had the unique opportunity to interview an ex-gang member to study
specific dynamics that exist within gangs that may mimic a family. This thesis serves as
a contribution to literature, as well as offers insight into a specific aspect of gangs
(surrogate family dynamics) that have not been previously studied significantly.
47 pages. A thesis presented to the Department of Family and Human Services and the Clark Honors College of the University of Oregon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Bachelor of Arts, Spring 2014.
Gang, Youth, Social Work, At risk, Family and Human Services