The Rotational Vibrational Spectrum of Monochloroacetylene




Willemsen, Connor Fitzpatrick


ISSN der Zeitschrift



University of Oregon


The 2v1 bands for HCC35CI and HCC37CI, the v,+v2+2v4 band for HCC35CI, and the (v1+v4l-v41 hot band for HCC35Ct have been measured between 6370 and 6660 cm-1 using a custom spectrometer based around an external cavity diode laser. Upper and lower state J-values have been assigned to each spectral line measured and confirmed via mathematical modeling of the spectra. A double perturbation was identified and characterized in 2v1 band of HCC37CI and /-type doubling was identified and characterized in the ( v,+v4) 1-v41 hot band of HCC35CI. Rotational and centrifugal distortion coefficients were calculated for all bands, along with additional constants to characterize the perturbed states and the /-type doubling. Modeling using a Voigt line shape was used to subtract the peaks of the HCC35CI main band to allow more complete analysis of the HCC37CI main band and a novel fast-Fourier transform-based method was used for baseline correction. Assignment accuracy of unblended lines for the various bands ranges from 2.5x 104 cm-1 to I.Bx 10-3 cm-1.


38 pages. A thesis presented to the Department of Chemistry and the Clark Honors College of the University of Oregon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Bachelor of Science, Spring 2016.


Chemistry, Monochloroacetylene, Rotational vibrational, Spectroscopy, Infrared, External Cavity Diode Laser, Physical chemistry
