Operating and Capital Funding Proposal
Deiters, MaryBeth
Lewis, Rebecca
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University of Oregon
There are a total of 36 city parks in Albany and the city aims to build a community where everyone within the city limits lives within two miles of
a park. Albany’s Parks and Recrea on (P&R) Department is responsible for
the maintenance of these parks as well as maintaining a pool, senior center, veteran’s memorial, eight trails, and an urban forestry program (Hodney, 2016). The P&R Department further coordinates sports and recrea on programs, and promotes several fes vals and a concert series drawing signi cant tourism
into the city (City of Albany, 2016). Through these parks, programs, and center, Albany’s P&R Department increases the quality of life for its residents, as well as the city’s recrea onal opportuni es. In collabora on with Ed Hodney, P&R Director, and P&R sta , graduate students in the Public Budget Administra on class were tasked with researching, evalua ng, and recommending new funding strategies. Opera ng and
capital budget needs were considered separately by student groups. Three groups focused on opera ng needs and four focused on capital needs. While addressing the deferred maintenance de cit was not a part of the project, several funding strategies include ways to cover these expenses as well.
259 pages