WHAT ARE KIDS’ COMFORTABLE OPTIONS WHEN BICYCLING TO SCHOOL? A look at comfortable bicycle infrastructure connectivity for 5 schools in Springfield, Oregon

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Black, Kendal

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Department of Planning, Public Policy & Management, University of Oregon


For children to use bicycles as their mode of transportation to school, they and their parents must feel a certain degree of comfort. Many things can affect that comfort, reducing the probability of children using this mode of transportation. The City of Springfield, Oregon has been making great strides to improve their bicycle transportation infrastructure. This study looks at 5 of the public schools in Springfield to see if the current or recently updated bicycle infrastructure is enough to encourage bicycling by children. A comfortability measure based on the Champine metric (2014) was created to help grade road segments. The resulting grades were then analyzed to determine network connectivity of comfortable bicycle infrastructure. Case studies will be shared of areas across the country that have had similar results and what they did to remedy the issues.


62 pages


Bicycles, Networks, Connectivity, School-aged, Elementary school, Middle school, Comfortable, Comfortability, Metrics, Bicycling, Students, Springfield (Or.), Oregon, Guy Lee, Douglas Gardens, Hamlin, Mt. Vernon, Mount Vernon, Thurston, Harlow Road, Jasper Road, Thurston Road, Centennial Boulevard
