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Browsing Oregon Undergraduate Research Journal: Vol. 1 No. 1 (2011) by Issue Date
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Goodling, William J.
(University of Oregon, 2011-10-18)
The U.S. Congress regulated the railroad industry in 1887, and over the course of the 20th century also granted the industry significant antitrust immunities. Antitrust immunities are laws that expressly exempt an industry ...
Cronkrite, Neil; O'Gorman, Ian
(University of Oregon, 2011-10-18)
From a middle school student’s perspective, the worst part about transferring schools is the need to make new friends. But is that the only negative impact of mobility on students? In this paper, we use a fixed effects ...
Zapf, Tracy
(University of Oregon, 2011-10-18)
Researchers and educators alike have raised concerns over the potential exclusion of children with speech and language disorders in immersion programs. The purpose of this pilot study is to determine whether children with ...
Dickey, Lauren
(University of Oregon, 2011-10-18)
Since 1949, China has gradually increased the scope of its weapons sales overseas to include 40 countries, 23 of which are located in Africa. With Chinese weapons sales in 2009 reaching 946 million U.S. dollars, the global ...
MacQueen, Patricia
(University of Oregon, 2011-10-18)
Scientists have been using campaign gravity surveys to monitor volcanic activity at Kilauea's summit for decades, yet we have a poor understanding of the ability of the existing network to resolve sources of magma accumulation ...
Chavez, Janae
(University of Oregon, 2011-10-18)
Freyd's (1996) betrayal trauma theory posits that evolutionarily important attachment bonds make dissociation in response to trauma more likely when a relationship exists between victim and perpetrator. This dissociation, ...
Johnson, JQ
(University of Oregon, 2011-10-25)
The Oregon Undergraduate Research Journal began as an idea 18 months ago. It has evolved into a student-edited and -managed peer reviewed open access journal that showcases the best University of Oregon undergraduate work.
Gubbins, Lucy
(University of Oregon, 2011-10-25)
It is with great excitement that I welcome you to the inaugural issue of the Oregon Undergraduate Research Journal, the University of Oregon’s student-run, open access, peer-reviewed scholarly publication.
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